Listing of Directory /Files/780/Stage_2/

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2.1_Initialize.out       79967 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:31
2.2.sci                 668352 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:33                 608421 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:31
2.2_Minimization.out     10819 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:31
2.3_Velocities.out         301 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:31
2.4.restart.2000000    1231779 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:32
2.4.sci                 668242 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:34                 304162 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:32
2.4_averages.txt          2098 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:31
2.4_instantaneous.txt  1854378 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:32
2.4_NPT.out              11376 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:31
2.5.restart.2000000    1232809 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:33
2.5.sci                 668422 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:35                 304347 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:33
2.5_averages.txt          1570 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:32
2.5_instantaneous.txt  1409983 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:33
2.5_NVT.out              11183 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:32
input.dat                58674 bytes  May  4, 2024 11:53:16
Job.xml                    349 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:35
LAMMPS.log                 144 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:31
LAMMPS.out              114237 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:31
mpi                        546 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:31
parameters.dat            1317 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:31
script                     883 bytes  May  4, 2024 11:53:16
stdout                    1563 bytes  May  5, 2024 13:24:31
structure.dat           623785 bytes  May  4, 2024 11:53:16