set style data points set style function lines set key box left set tics in set ticslevel 0.5 set tics scale 1,0.5 set mxtics default set mytics default set mx2tics default set my2tics default set xtics border mirror norotate set ytics border nomirror norotate set nox2tics set y2tics border nomirror norotate set timestamp "" bottom norotate offset 0.0,0.0 font "" FACTOR = 10.0 set term unknown plot "2.4_surface_tension.gdt" using 1:2 set yrange [FACTOR*GPVAL_Y_MIN : FACTOR*GPVAL_Y_MAX] set term png set output '2.4_surface_tension.png' set title "Surface Tension versus Time" set timestamp "" bottom norotate offset 0.0,0.0 font "" set xlabel "Time (ns)" set ylabel "Surface Tension (mN/m)" set y2label "Surface Tension (mN/m)" plot "2.4_surface_tension.gdt" using 1:2 title "Instantaneous (left axis)" with lines lc 1,\ "2.4_surface_tension.gdt" using 1:3 title "Average (right axis)" with lines lc 3 lw 2 axis x1y2 set style line 99 linetype 1 linecolor rgb "#CCCCCC" lw 1 set grid ls 99 rgb(r,g,b) = int(r)*65536 + int(g)*256 + int(b) set term gif set output '2.4_surface_tension.gif' replot