# Stage 2.2: Minimization

min_style		cg
min_modify		dmax 0.05 line fast
reset_timestep		0
thermo_style		custom step fmax fnorm press vol v_sysdensity v_sxx v_syy v_szz v_syz v_sxz v_sxy pe v_cella v_cellb v_cellc v_cellalpha v_cellbeta v_cellgamma v_sum_fx v_sum_fy v_sum_fz
WARNING: New thermo_style command, previous thermo_modify settings will be lost (../output.cpp:888)
dump			sci all custom 1000 2.2.xyz id mol type q xs ys zs
thermo			100
minimize		0.0 1.0 1000 10000
PPPM initialization ...
WARNING: System is not charge neutral, net charge = 0.0366 (../kspace.cpp:325)
  using 12-bit tables for long-range coulomb (../kspace.cpp:340)
  G vector (1/distance) = 0.25483338
  grid = 32 36 50
  stencil order = 5
  estimated absolute RMS force accuracy = 0.0038877486
  estimated relative force accuracy = 1.170784e-05
  using double precision KISS FFT
  3d grid and FFT values/proc = 6992 2304
  generated 0 of 36 mixed pair_coeff terms from sixthpower mixing rule
Neighbor list info ...
  update every 1 steps, delay 0 steps, check yes
  max neighbors/atom: 2000, page size: 100000
  master list distance cutoff = 14
  ghost atom cutoff = 14
  binsize = 7, bins = 6 7 11
  1 neighbor lists, perpetual/occasional/extra = 1 0 0
  (1) pair lj/class2/coul/long, perpetual
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: half/bin/newton
      stencil: half/bin/3d
      bin: standard
Per MPI rank memory allocation (min/avg/max) = 13.22 | 13.61 | 14.05 Mbytes
Step Fmax Fnorm Press Volume v_sysdensity v_sxx v_syy v_szz v_syz v_sxz v_sxy PotEng v_cella v_cellb v_cellc v_cellalpha v_cellbeta v_cellgamma v_sum_fx v_sum_fy v_sum_fz 
       0     3278.362    13252.361   -45053.468     144621.2     1.259175    44425.827    45547.901    45186.677   -2688.1593    -1830.156    -2252.822   -264373.97     39.00424       48.916         75.8    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963 -7.1622708e-12 1.3642421e-12 2.7284841e-12 
     100     36.59553    137.83344   -6131.2166     144621.2     1.259175    8294.8387    4898.8873    5199.9237    48.915287   -63.093303   -767.28967   -298497.25     39.00424       48.916         75.8    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963 -3.126388e-12 -4.0509818e-12 -6.8922645e-13 
     200    32.453382     73.36845   -5169.8914     144621.2     1.259175    7529.5341    4078.7029    3901.4372    137.11374   -28.725698   -785.17726   -299054.97     39.00424       48.916         75.8    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963 2.827516e-12 -1.3171686e-12 5.3468341e-13 
     300    19.957902    47.788256   -4482.4906     144621.2     1.259175    6886.0177    3543.2031    3018.2512    148.05606   -3.6474483   -871.95672   -299268.49     39.00424       48.916         75.8    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963 -1.1666224e-12 1.9184654e-13 -1.7017499e-12 
     400    12.142469    34.737669    -3934.207     144621.2     1.259175    6520.5851    3014.7477    2267.2883    134.04237   -13.768169   -905.69629   -299373.21     39.00424       48.916         75.8    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963 2.2728486e-12 7.4327211e-12 -2.8395064e-12 
     500    7.3223154    22.033078   -3618.9908     144621.2     1.259175    6336.1681    2742.7853     1778.019    110.90352    -41.02675   -933.80081    -299440.7     39.00424       48.916         75.8    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963 4.6203041e-12 3.5904613e-12 9.1437968e-13 
     600    3.5882452    17.052467    -3488.549     144621.2     1.259175    6250.5503    2641.9915    1573.1054    66.140498    -31.92278   -920.70357   -299471.49     39.00424       48.916         75.8    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963 1.2922996e-12 -2.9363179e-12 -1.5267787e-12 
     700    2.8585363    15.792801   -3396.8455     144621.2     1.259175    6196.4651    2540.3793    1453.6922    53.035543   -15.364309     -932.937   -299499.89     39.00424       48.916         75.8    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963 -1.8937074e-12 -2.2666313e-12 2.5028868e-12 
     800    2.2410154    17.444925   -3407.8886     144621.2     1.259175    6198.6592    2565.0527    1459.9537    45.800682   -10.062718   -906.22276   -299531.02     39.00424       48.916         75.8    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963 1.8609558e-12 2.1103119e-12 -2.6716407e-12 
     900    2.1743102    14.539417   -3416.4723     144621.2     1.259175     6219.722    2582.3546    1447.3404    22.078889  -0.35493512   -928.17135   -299562.41     39.00424       48.916         75.8    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963 -9.0660812e-13 -8.6802787e-13 -1.1475265e-12 
    1000    1.2639432    13.254634   -3479.5046     144621.2     1.259175    6267.3786    2648.8333    1522.3019    16.631303   -1.4678249   -924.67467   -299580.56     39.00424       48.916         75.8    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963 1.2241319e-12 -3.2196468e-12 3.4194869e-13 
Loop time of 16.5354 on 32 procs for 1000 steps with 12941 atoms

98.9% CPU use with 32 MPI tasks x 1 OpenMP threads

Minimization stats:
  Stopping criterion = max iterations
  Energy initial, next-to-last, final = 
     -264373.968108593  -299580.426535566  -299580.560670646
  Force two-norm initial, final = 13252.361 13.254634
  Force max component initial, final = 3278.362 1.2639432
  Final line search alpha, max atom move = 0.0018883228 0.0023867326
  Iterations, force evaluations = 1000 1714

MPI task timing breakdown:
Section |  min time  |  avg time  |  max time  |%varavg| %total
Pair    | 6.7612     | 9.9657     | 12.49      |  55.9 | 60.27
Bond    | 0.028474   | 0.040479   | 0.06047    |   5.6 |  0.24
Kspace  | 2.7273     | 5.278      | 8.4963     |  77.2 | 31.92
Neigh   | 0.21488    | 0.21562    | 0.21631    |   0.1 |  1.30
Comm    | 0.8576     | 0.88893    | 0.9254     |   2.2 |  5.38
Output  | 0.0071944  | 0.0072029  | 0.0073493  |   0.0 |  0.04
Modify  | 0          | 0          | 0          |   0.0 |  0.00
Other   |            | 0.1395     |            |       |  0.84

Nlocal:        404.406 ave         478 max         321 min
Histogram: 1 7 6 2 0 0 2 3 3 8
Nghost:        7855.31 ave        8411 max        7015 min
Histogram: 8 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 8 8
Neighs:         211236 ave      264260 max      134942 min
Histogram: 2 4 2 1 3 3 2 4 6 5

Total # of neighbors = 6759536
Ave neighs/atom = 522.3349
Ave special neighs/atom = 2.0236458
Neighbor list builds = 29
Dangerous builds = 0

undump			sci

log		    	2.3_Velocities.out