# Stage 2.5: NVT integration for 5 ns with a timestep of 1 fs
#             Temperature 298.2 K

# Fix shake is needed for water in pcff+
fix			shaken all shake .0001 20 50000 a 2 b 2
       0 = # of size 2 clusters
       0 = # of size 3 clusters
       0 = # of size 4 clusters
    2812 = # of frozen angles
  find clusters CPU = 0.001 seconds

reset_timestep		0
thermo_style		custom step v_time press vol v_sysdensity temp ebond eangle edihed eimp evdwl ecoul etail elong pe ke
thermo			${Nthermo}
thermo			0
fix			1 movable nvt temp 298.2 298.2 100 drag 0.0
fix			2 movable ave/time 1 500000 500000 v_time c_thermo_temp c_thermo_press v_sysvol v_sysdensity v_etotal v_pe v_ke v_evdwl v_coulomb v_sxx v_syy v_szz v_syz v_sxz v_sxy file 2.5_averages.txt off 1
fix			3 movable ave/time 500  1     500 v_time  c_thermo_temp c_thermo_press v_sysvol v_sysdensity v_etotal v_pe v_ke v_evdwl v_coulomb v_sxx v_syy v_szz v_syz v_sxz v_sxy file 2.5_instantaneous.txt
restart 		5000000 2.5.restart
dump 			trj all custom 50000 2.5.Trajectory.xyz id mol type q xs ys zs
fix  			trjE all ave/time 50000 1 50000 v_etotal v_pe v_ke file 2.5.energies.txt
dump 			sci all custom 500000 2.5.xyz id mol type q xs ys zs
group  			rdfgroup_2 union subset_Li subset_Li
7 atoms in group rdfgroup_2
compute  		rdf_2 rdfgroup_2 rdf 200 4 4
fix      		rdf_2 rdfgroup_2 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_2[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_2.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_3 union subset_Li subset_Cl
350 atoms in group rdfgroup_3
compute  		rdf_3 rdfgroup_3 rdf 200 4 1
fix      		rdf_3 rdfgroup_3 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_3[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_3.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_4 union subset_Li subset_S(SO4)
38 atoms in group rdfgroup_4
compute  		rdf_4 rdfgroup_4 rdf 200 4 9
fix      		rdf_4 rdfgroup_4 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_4[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_4.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_5 union subset_Li subset_O(H2O)
2819 atoms in group rdfgroup_5
compute  		rdf_5 rdfgroup_5 rdf 200 4 7
fix      		rdf_5 rdfgroup_5 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_5[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_5.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_6 union subset_Na subset_Na
56 atoms in group rdfgroup_6
compute  		rdf_6 rdfgroup_6 rdf 200 6 6
fix      		rdf_6 rdfgroup_6 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_6[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_6.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_7 union subset_Na subset_Cl
399 atoms in group rdfgroup_7
compute  		rdf_7 rdfgroup_7 rdf 200 6 1
fix      		rdf_7 rdfgroup_7 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_7[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_7.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_8 union subset_Na subset_S(SO4)
87 atoms in group rdfgroup_8
compute  		rdf_8 rdfgroup_8 rdf 200 6 9
fix      		rdf_8 rdfgroup_8 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_8[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_8.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_9 union subset_Na subset_O(H2O)
2868 atoms in group rdfgroup_9
compute  		rdf_9 rdfgroup_9 rdf 200 6 7
fix      		rdf_9 rdfgroup_9 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_9[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_9.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_10 union subset_K subset_K
40 atoms in group rdfgroup_10
compute  		rdf_10 rdfgroup_10 rdf 200 3 3
fix      		rdf_10 rdfgroup_10 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_10[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_10.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_11 union subset_K subset_Cl
383 atoms in group rdfgroup_11
compute  		rdf_11 rdfgroup_11 rdf 200 3 1
fix      		rdf_11 rdfgroup_11 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_11[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_11.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_12 union subset_K subset_S(SO4)
71 atoms in group rdfgroup_12
compute  		rdf_12 rdfgroup_12 rdf 200 3 9
fix      		rdf_12 rdfgroup_12 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_12[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_12.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_13 union subset_K subset_O(H2O)
2852 atoms in group rdfgroup_13
compute  		rdf_13 rdfgroup_13 rdf 200 3 7
fix      		rdf_13 rdfgroup_13 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_13[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_13.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_14 union subset_Mg subset_Mg
151 atoms in group rdfgroup_14
compute  		rdf_14 rdfgroup_14 rdf 200 5 5
fix      		rdf_14 rdfgroup_14 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_14[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_14.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_15 union subset_Mg subset_Cl
494 atoms in group rdfgroup_15
compute  		rdf_15 rdfgroup_15 rdf 200 5 1
fix      		rdf_15 rdfgroup_15 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_15[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_15.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_16 union subset_Mg subset_S(SO4)
182 atoms in group rdfgroup_16
compute  		rdf_16 rdfgroup_16 rdf 200 5 9
fix      		rdf_16 rdfgroup_16 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_16[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_16.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_17 union subset_Mg subset_O(H2O)
2963 atoms in group rdfgroup_17
compute  		rdf_17 rdfgroup_17 rdf 200 5 7
fix      		rdf_17 rdfgroup_17 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_17[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_17.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_18 union subset_Cl subset_Cl
343 atoms in group rdfgroup_18
compute  		rdf_18 rdfgroup_18 rdf 200 1 1
fix      		rdf_18 rdfgroup_18 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_18[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_18.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_19 union subset_Cl subset_O(H2O)
3155 atoms in group rdfgroup_19
compute  		rdf_19 rdfgroup_19 rdf 200 1 7
fix      		rdf_19 rdfgroup_19 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_19[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_19.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_20 union subset_S(SO4) subset_S(SO4)
31 atoms in group rdfgroup_20
compute  		rdf_20 rdfgroup_20 rdf 200 9 9
fix      		rdf_20 rdfgroup_20 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_20[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_20.out mode vector
group  			rdfgroup_21 union subset_S(SO4) subset_O(H2O)
2843 atoms in group rdfgroup_21
compute  		rdf_21 rdfgroup_21 rdf 200 9 7
fix      		rdf_21 rdfgroup_21 ave/time 1 5000000 5000000 c_rdf_21[*] file 2.5_PairCorrelation_all_21.out mode vector
timestep		1
run			5000000
PPPM initialization ...
  using 12-bit tables for long-range coulomb (../kspace.cpp:340)
  G vector (1/distance) = 0.2557377
  grid = 27 27 54
  stencil order = 5
  estimated absolute RMS force accuracy = 0.0032430487
  estimated relative force accuracy = 9.7663448e-06
  using double precision KISS FFT
  3d grid and FFT values/proc = 8000 2916
  generated 0 of 36 mixed pair_coeff terms from sixthpower mixing rule
Neighbor list info ...
  update every 1 steps, delay 0 steps, check yes
  max neighbors/atom: 2000, page size: 100000
  master list distance cutoff = 14
  ghost atom cutoff = 14
  binsize = 7, bins = 5 5 13
  21 neighbor lists, perpetual/occasional/extra = 1 20 0
  (1) pair lj/class2/coul/long, perpetual
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: half/bin/newton
      stencil: half/bin/3d
      bin: standard
  (2) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (3) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (4) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (5) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (6) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (7) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (8) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (9) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (10) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (11) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (12) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (13) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (14) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (15) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (16) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (17) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (18) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (19) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (20) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
  (21) compute rdf, occasional, copy from (1)
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: copy
      stencil: none
      bin: none
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 0
     2   0.97      1.03384e-12     8436
     2   103.7     9.44738e-11     2812
Per MPI rank memory allocation (min/avg/max) = 15.23 | 15.42 | 15.46 Mbytes
Step v_time Press Volume v_sysdensity Temp E_bond E_angle E_dihed E_impro E_vdwl E_coul E_tail E_long PotEng KinEng 
       0        1e-06     2129.488    93962.523    1.2789064    296.95398    52.106796    83.455533            0            0    19559.569    46218.787   -220.49494   -206915.39   -141001.47    5642.9167 
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 50000
     2   0.97      1.29517e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000100968     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 100000
     2   0.97      1.53507e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000104029     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 150000
     2   0.97      1.35046e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000104306     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 200000
     2   0.97      1.53641e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000160964     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 250000
     2   0.97      1.7076e-06      8436
     2   103.7     0.000105553     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 300000
     2   0.97      1.28852e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000109918     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 350000
     2   0.97      1.53402e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000106037     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 400000
     2   0.97      1.31626e-06     8436
     2   103.7     9.72722e-05     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 450000
     2   0.97      1.27027e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000101218     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 500000
     2   0.97      1.40076e-06     8436
     2   103.7     9.56102e-05     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 550000
     2   0.97      1.17412e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000101923     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 600000
     2   0.97      1.35457e-06     8436
     2   103.7     9.72659e-05     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 650000
     2   0.97      1.48646e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000111628     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 700000
     2   0.97      1.6597e-06      8436
     2   103.7     0.000126348     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 750000
     2   0.97      1.27398e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000100643     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 800000
     2   0.97      1.27505e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000107337     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 850000
     2   0.97      1.30165e-06     8436
     2   103.7     9.76959e-05     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 900000
     2   0.97      1.37659e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000108514     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 950000
     2   0.97      1.215e-06       8436
     2   103.7     9.27253e-05     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1000000
     2   0.97      1.54702e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000115877     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1050000
     2   0.97      1.45375e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000104895     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1100000
     2   0.97      1.35939e-06     8436
     2   103.7     9.64629e-05     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1150000
     2   0.97      1.24119e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000103714     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1200000
     2   0.97      1.56878e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000109578     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1250000
     2   0.97      1.13153e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000136606     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1300000
     2   0.97      1.328e-06       8436
     2   103.7     0.000109485     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1350000
     2   0.97      1.65069e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000118425     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1400000
     2   0.97      1.18505e-06     8436
     2   103.7     8.83569e-05     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1450000
     2   0.97      1.45115e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000109048     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1500000
     2   0.97      1.08567e-06     8436
     2   103.7     9.00434e-05     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1550000
     2   0.97      1.59139e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000105805     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1600000
     2   0.97      1.70142e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000134608     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1650000
     2   0.97      1.48436e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000107357     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1700000
     2   0.97      1.76203e-06     8436
     2   103.7     9.57011e-05     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1750000
     2   0.97      1.41109e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000122305     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1800000
     2   0.97      1.48312e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000105555     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1850000
     2   0.97      1.26382e-06     8436
     2   103.7     9.26735e-05     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1900000
     2   0.97      1.39877e-06     8436
     2   103.7     9.64839e-05     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 1950000
     2   0.97      1.69972e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000104587     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 2000000
     2   0.97      1.26394e-06     8436
     2   103.7     9.79506e-05     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 2050000
     2   0.97      1.82637e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000126949     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 2100000
     2   0.97      1.69976e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000132643     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 2150000
     2   0.97      1.20768e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000102938     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 2200000
     2   0.97      1.36278e-06     8436
     2   103.7     9.834e-05       2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 2250000
     2   0.97      1.6027e-06      8436
     2   103.7     0.000108645     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 2300000
     2   0.97      1.23445e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.000117979     2812
SHAKE stats (type/ave/delta/count) on step 2350000
     2   0.97      1.89862e-06     8436
     2   103.7     0.