# Stage 2.2: Minimization

min_style		cg
min_modify		dmax 0.05 line fast
reset_timestep		0
thermo_style		custom step fmax fnorm press vol v_sysdensity v_sxx v_syy v_szz v_syz v_sxz v_sxy pe v_cella v_cellb v_cellc v_cellalpha v_cellbeta v_cellgamma v_sum_fx v_sum_fy v_sum_fz
WARNING: New thermo_style command, previous thermo_modify settings will be lost (../output.cpp:888)
dump			sci all custom 3000 2.2.xyz id mol type q xs ys zs
thermo			100
fix  			2_2_fixed fixed setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0
minimize		0.0 1.0 3000 10000
PPPM initialization ...
WARNING: System is not charge neutral, net charge = 0.0151 (../kspace.cpp:325)
  using 12-bit tables for long-range coulomb (../kspace.cpp:340)
  G vector (1/distance) = 0.25537807
  grid = 30 30 64
  stencil order = 5
  estimated absolute RMS force accuracy = 0.0034433421
  estimated relative force accuracy = 1.0369522e-05
  using double precision KISS FFT
  3d grid and FFT values/proc = 7260 1800
  generated 0 of 36 mixed pair_coeff terms from sixthpower mixing rule
Neighbor list info ...
  update every 1 steps, delay 0 steps, check yes
  max neighbors/atom: 2000, page size: 100000
  master list distance cutoff = 14
  ghost atom cutoff = 14
  binsize = 7, bins = 6 6 15
  1 neighbor lists, perpetual/occasional/extra = 1 0 0
  (1) pair lj/class2/coul/long, perpetual
      attributes: half, newton on
      pair build: half/bin/newton
      stencil: half/bin/3d
      bin: standard
Per MPI rank memory allocation (min/avg/max) = 12.71 | 13.41 | 14.05 Mbytes
Step Fmax Fnorm Press Volume v_sysdensity v_sxx v_syy v_szz v_syz v_sxz v_sxy PotEng v_cella v_cellb v_cellc v_cellalpha v_cellbeta v_cellgamma v_sum_fx v_sum_fy v_sum_fz 
       0    86.314748    3129.1433    16949.236    141184.09    1.4079299   -16640.115   -16344.415   -17863.177    158.83301    32.070002   -293.55833   -286872.89      36.8271      36.8271        104.1    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963 -2.3328416e-05 -1.7555582e-06 0.00079723053 
     100     30.14586     100.8977   -7433.9541    141184.09    1.4079299    7397.1402    7543.2811    7361.4408   -153.25636     84.37736   -96.191162   -298063.42      36.8271      36.8271        104.1    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963    8.9061564   -17.480394    31.603851 
     200    11.241133    49.791892    -7221.386    141184.09    1.4079299    7216.4736    7249.1131    7198.5713   -133.54741    115.60654   -35.077623      -298445      36.8271      36.8271        104.1    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963    6.8144682   -18.604316    46.023797 
     300    5.1117738    40.786288   -6989.0949    141184.09    1.4079299    6984.0233    6970.1817    7013.0798   -25.303882    105.54756   -71.926168   -298587.96      36.8271      36.8271        104.1    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963    8.5400418   0.25609264    46.360958 
     400    4.8007429    25.224979   -6913.7553    141184.09    1.4079299    6899.1286    6894.0843    6948.0531    49.110079    201.01376   -22.134736   -298687.77      36.8271      36.8271        104.1    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963    4.2833063  -0.94576777    39.216473 
     500    2.7166707    19.584483   -6828.0091    141184.09    1.4079299    6798.7946    6776.2933    6908.9394    33.107474    169.00355     12.19481   -298739.74      36.8271      36.8271        104.1    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963    9.9835596   -2.5635106    38.226283 
     600    1.5306757    12.251012   -6818.6135    141184.09    1.4079299     6757.897    6793.5602    6904.3833    44.736874    195.74415     19.29594    -298758.2      36.8271      36.8271        104.1    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963     8.353417   -1.0848829     36.05994 
     700    2.4920311    14.285052   -6798.1306    141184.09    1.4079299     6724.836    6765.3587     6904.197    49.459587    161.45237    32.410122    -298774.6      36.8271      36.8271        104.1    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.5707963    1.9681686    2.11