./Job.out output for 778: H2O-compress layer 1ns

Status: finished
[Sat May 04 11:41:38 CST 2024] [MD] [warn] 'Starting MedeA Core 3.6.0'

Forcefield set to:   pcff+
  File: Local::/home/medea/MD/Jobs/dir500/778/pcff+.frc 	 md5 sum: 271FB553B535FE0449E31A6F8A0898D3

MedeA version 3.6.0

#                This calculation has 2 stages

Stage 1: Variables
	   tstep = 1 fs
	       T = 298.2 K

Stage 2: This LAMMPS calculation has 2 stages:

	Stage 2.1: Initialize LAMMPS for a Class 2 type of forcefield 'pcff+' (from Local::/home/medea/MD/Jobs/dir500/778/pcff+.frc)
		Current system formula: O2200H4400 (OH2)
		The nonbond terms are handled with a simple cutoff at 9.5 Angstrom.
		The long-range van der Waals interactions are included via tail corrections.
		LAMMPS initialized for layer perpendicular to Z.
	Stage 2.2: Compress Layer using conjugate gradients and linesearch fast
	                           Target thickness: To final density of 0.997047
	                Relative energy convergence: 0.0
	                          Force convergence: 1.0
	                      Maximum atomic motion: 0.1
	               Maximum number of iterations: 5000
	        Maximum number of force evaluations: 10000
	         Equilibration for 1 ns with a timestep of 1 fs at temperature 298.2 K

#                Running the calculation

Stage 1: Variables
	   tstep = 1 fs
	       T = 298.2 K

Stage 2: This LAMMPS calculation has 2 stages:

	Stage 2.1: Initialize LAMMPS for a Class 2 type of forcefield 'pcff+' (from Local::/home/medea/MD/Jobs/dir500/778/pcff+.frc)
		Current system formula: O2200H4400 (OH2)
		The nonbond terms are handled with a simple cutoff at 9.5 Angstrom.
		The long-range van der Waals interactions are included via tail corrections.
		LAMMPS initialized for layer perpendicular to Z.
	Stage 2.2: Compress Layer using conjugate gradients and linesearch fast
	                           Target thickness: To final density of 0.997047
	                Relative energy convergence: 0.0
	                          Force convergence: 1.0
	                      Maximum atomic motion: 0.1
	               Maximum number of iterations: 5000
	        Maximum number of force evaluations: 10000
	         Equilibration for 1 ns with a timestep of 1 fs at temperature 298.2 K
		The minimization finished after 5000 steps ending because the max iterations

		The final density is 0.9970, with a thickness 40.4141 Angstroms

	LAMMPS stage successfully completed on 8 core(s) on Sat 04 May 2024 at 13:16:34 CST after 5690 s (1:34:50)

Entire job completed on Sat 04 May 2024 at 13:16:34 CST after 5690 s (1:34:50)
and running 1 tasks.