./pcff+.frc output for 779: Na2SO4-1m-NVT 1ns-ST2ns

Status: finished
!MD forcefield 1

#version	pcff+.frc	1.0	12-August-2010
#version	pcff+.frc	1.1	7-September-2010
#version	pcff+.frc	2.0	15-September-2010
#version	pcff+.frc	3.1	26-August-2013
#version	pcff+.frc	3.2	15-December-2015
#version	pcff+.frc	3.3	07-September-2018
#version	pcff+.frc	3.4	06-January-2019
#version	pcff+.frc	3.5	05-June-2022
#version	pcff+.frc	3.6	03-February-2023
#version	pcff+.frc	3.7	31-May-2023

!MD forcefield          1

#version	pcff.frc	1.0	1-July-91
#version	pcff.frc	2.0	1-March-92
#version	pcff.frc	2.1	1-October-93
#version	pcff.frc	2.2	1-November-94
#version	pcff.frc	3.0	1-March-95
#version	pcff.frc	3.1	1-April-96

#elements Ag Al Ar Au Br C Ca Cl Cr Cu F Fe H He I K Kr Li Mo N Na Ne Ni O P Pb Pd Pt S Si Sn W Xe

#define pcff

!Ver Ref		Function	     Label
!--- ---    ------------------------------   ------
1.0  1     atom_types                       pcff
1.0  1     equivalence                      pcff
2.0  1     auto_equivalence                 pcff_auto
2.0  1     bond_increments                  pcff
!pws 2.0  1     quadratic_bond                   pcff_auto
1.0  1     quartic_bond                     pcff
!pws 2.0  1     quadratic_angle                  pcff_auto
1.0  1     quartic_angle                    pcff
!pws 2.0  1     torsion_1                        pcff_auto
1.0  1     torsion_3                        pcff
2.0  2     wilson_out_of_plane              pcff  pcff_auto
2.0  1     nonbond(9-6)                     pcff
1.0  1     bond-bond                        pcff
1.0  1     bond-bond_1_3                    pcff
1.0  1     bond-angle                       pcff
1.0  1     angle-angle                      pcff
1.0  1     end_bond-torsion_3               pcff
1.0  1     middle_bond-torsion_3            pcff
1.0  1     angle-torsion_3                  pcff
1.0  1     angle-angle-torsion_1            pcff
! 1.0  1     torsion-torsion_1                pcff
3.0  2     templates			     pcff

#atom_types           pcff

> Atom type definitions for any variant of pcff
> Masses from CRC 1973/74 pages B-250.

!Ver Ref  Type     Mass      Element   connection   Comment
!--- ---  -----  ----------  -------   ----------   ---------------------------
2.1 11   Ag     107.86800     Ag          0        Silver metal
2.1 11   Al      26.98200     Al          0        Aluminium metal
2.1 11   Au     196.96700     Au          0        Gold metal
1.0  1   Br      79.90900     Br          1        bromine ion
1.0  1   Cl      35.45300     Cl          1        chlorine ion
2.1 11   Cr      51.99600     Cr          0        Chromium metal
2.1 11   Cu      63.54600     Cu          0        Copper metal
2.1 11   Fe      55.84700     Fe          0        Iron metal
2.1 11   K       39.10200      K          0        Potassium metal
2.1 11   Li       6.94000     Li          0        Lithium metal
2.1 11   Mo      95.94000     Mo          0        Molybdenum metal
2.1 11   Na      22.99000     Na          0        Sodium metal
2.1 11   Ni      58.71000     Ni          0        Nickel metal
2.1 11   Pb     207.20000     Pb          0        Lead metal
2.1 11   Pd     106.40000     Pd          0        Palladium metal
2.1 11   Pt     195.09000     Pt          0        Platinum metal
2.1 11   Sn     118.69000     Sn          0        Tin metal
2.1 11   W      183.85000      W          0        Tungsten metal
2.1  8   ar      39.94400     Ar          0        Argon
3.0 10   az      26.98200     Al          4        aluminium atom in zeolites
1.0  1   br      79.90900     Br          1        bromine atom
1.0  1   c       12.01115      C          4        generic SP3 carbon
1.0  1   c+      12.01115      C          3        C in guanidinium group
1.0  1   c-      12.01115      C          3        C in charged carboxylate
1.0  1   c1      12.01115      C          4        sp3 carbon with 1 H 3 heavies
1.0  1   c2      12.01115      C          4        sp3 carbon with 2 H's, 2 Heavy's
1.0  1   c3      12.01115      C          4        sp3 carbon with 3 hHs 1 heavy
1.0  1   c3h     12.01115      C          4        sp3 carbon in 3-membered ring with hydrogens
1.0  1   c3m     12.01115      C          4        sp3 carbon in 3-membered ring
1.0  1   c4h     12.01115      C          4        sp3 carbon in 4-membered ring with hydrogens
1.0  1   c4m     12.01115      C          4        sp3 carbon in 4-membered ring
1.0  1   c5      12.01115      C          3        sp2 aromatic carbon in 5-membered ring
1.0  1   c=      12.01115      C          3        non aromatic end doubly bonded carbon
1.0  1   c=1     12.01115      C          3        non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon
1.0  1   c=2     12.01115      C          3        non aromatic doubly bonded carbon
2.1  8   c_0     12.01115      C          3        carbonyl carbon of aldehydes, ketones
2.1  8   c_1     12.01115      C          3        carbonyl carbon of acid, ester, amide
2.1  8   c_2     12.01100      C          3        carbonyl carbon of carbamate, urea
1.0  1   c_a     12.01115      C          4        general amino acid alpha carbon (sp3)
1.0  1   ca+     40.08000     Ca          1        calcium ion
1.0  1   cg      12.01115      C          4        sp3 alpha carbon in glycine
1.0  1   ci      12.01115      C          3        sp2 aromatic carbon in charged imidazole ring (His+)
1.0  1   cl      35.45300     Cl          1        chlorine atom
1.0  1   co      12.01115      C          4        sp3 carbon in acetals
1.0  1   coh     12.01115      C          4        sp3 carbon in acetals with hydrogen
1.0  1   cp      12.01115      C          3        sp2 aromatic carbon
1.0  1   cr      12.01115      C          3        C in neutral arginine
1.0  1   cs      12.01115      C          3        sp2 aromatic carbon in 5 membered ring next to S
1.0  1   ct      12.01115      C          2        sp carbon involved in a triple bond
2.0  5   cz      12.01100      C          3        carbonyl carbon of carbonate
1.0  1   dw       2.01400      D          1        deuterium in heivy water
2.1  8   f       18.99840      F          1        fluorine  atom
1.0  1   h        1.00797      H          1        generic hydrogen bound to C, Si,or H
1.0  1   h*       1.00797      H          1        hydrogen bonded to nitrogen, Oxygen
1.0  1   h+       1.00797      H          1        charged hydrogen in cations
3.0 10   hb       1.00782      H          1        hydrogen atom in bridging hydroxyl group
1.0  1   hc       1.00797      H          1        hydrogen bonded to carbon
2.1  8   he       4.00300     He          0        Helium
1.0  1   hi       1.00797      H          1        Hydrogen in charged imidazole ring
1.0  1   hn       1.00797      H          1        hydrogen bonded to nitrogen
2.1  8   hn2      1.00800      H          1        amino hydrogen
1.0  1   ho       1.00797      H          1        hydrogen bonded to oxygen
2.1  8   ho2      1.00800      H          1        hydroxyl hydrogen
3.0 10   hoa      1.00782      H          1        hydrogen atom in terminal hydroxyl group on aluminium
3.0 10   hos      1.00782      H          1        hydrogen atom in terminal hydroxyl group on silicon
1.0  1   hp       1.00797      H          1        hydrogen bonded to phosphorus
1.0  1   hs       1.00797      H          1        hydrogen bonded to sulfur
2.2  9   hsi      1.00800      H          1        silane hydrogen
1.0  1   hw       1.00797      H          1        hydrogen in water
1.0  1   i      126.90440      I          1        iodine atom
2.1  8   kr      83.80000     Kr          0        Krypton
1.0  1   n       14.00670      N          3        generic sp2 nitrogen (in amids))
1.0  1   n+      14.00670      N          4        sp3 nitrogen in protonated amines
1.0  1   n1      14.00670      N          3        sp2 nitrogen in charged arginine
1.0  1   n2      14.00670      N          3        sp2 nitrogen (NH2) in guanidinium group (HN=C(NH2)2)
1.0  1   n3m     14.00670      N          3        sp3 nitrogen in 3- membered ring
1.0  1   n3n     14.00670      N          3        sp2 nitrogen in 3- membered ring
1.0  1   n4      14.00670      N          4        sp3 nitrogen in protonated amines
1.0  1   n4m     14.00670      N          3        sp3 nitrogen in 4- membered ring
1.0  1   n4n     14.00670      N          3        sp2 nitrogen in 4- membered ring
1.0  1   n=      14.00670      N          2        non aromatic end doubly bonded nitrogen
1.0  1   n=1     14.00670      N          2        non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon
1.0  1   n=2     14.00670      N          2        non aromatic doubly bonded nitrogen
1.0  1   n_2     14.01000      N          3        nitrogen of urethane
1.0  1   na      14.00670      N          3        sp3 nitrogen in amines
1.0  1   nb      14.00670      N          3        sp2 nitrogen in aromatic amines
2.1  8   ne      20.18300     Ne          0        Neon
1.0  1   nh      14.00670      N          3        sp2 nitrogen in 5 or 6 membered ring
1.0  1   nh+     14.00670      N          3        protonated nitrogen in 6 membered ring
1.0  1   nho     14.00670      N          3        sp2 nitrogen in 6 membered ring next to a carbonyl
1.0  1   ni      14.00670      N          3        nitrogen in charged imidazole ring
1.0  1   nn      14.00670      N          3        sp2 nitrogen in aromatic amines
1.0  1   np      14.00670      N          2        sp2 nitrogen in 5- or 6- membered ring
1.0  1   npc     14.00670      N          3        sp2 nitrogen in 5- or 6- membered ring and with a heavy atom
1.0  1   nr      14.00670      N          3        sp2 nitrogen (NH2) in guanidinium group (HN=C(NH2)2)
1.0  1   nt      14.00670      N          1        sp nitrogen involved in a triple bond
1.0  1   nz      14.00670      N          1        sp3 nitrogen bonded to two atoms
1.0  1   o       15.99940      O          2        generic SP3 oxygen
1.0  1   o*      15.99940      O          2        oxygen in water
1.0  1   o-      15.99940      O          1        partial double oxygen
1.0  1   o3e     15.99940      O          2        sp3 oxygen  in three membered ring
1.0  1   o4e     15.99940      O          2        sp3 oxygen  in  four  membered ring
2.1  8   o=      15.99940      O          1        oxygen double bonded to O, C, S, N, P
2.1  8   o_1     15.99940      O          1        oxygen in carbonyl group
2.1  8   o_2     15.99940      O          2        ester oxygen
3.0 10   oah     15.99491      O          2        oxygen atom in terminal hydroxyl group on aluminium
3.0 10   oas     15.99491      O          2        oxygen atom between aluminium and silicon
3.0 10   ob      15.99491      O          3        oxygen atom in bridging hydroxyl group
1.0  1   oc      15.99940      O          2        sp3 oxygen  in ether or acetals
1.0  1   oe      15.99940      O          2        sp3 oxygen  in ester
1.0  1   oh      15.99940      O          2        oxygen bonded to hydrogen
2.0  5   oo      15.99940      O          1        oxygen in carbonyl group, carbonate only
1.0  1   op      15.99940      O          2        sp2 aromatic in 5 membered ring
3.0 10   osh     15.99491      O          2        oxygen atom in terminal hydroxyl group on silicon
1.0  1   osi     16.00000      O          2        siloxane oxygen
3.0 10   oss     15.99491      O          2        oxygen atom betweem two silicons
2.0  5   oz      15.99940      O          2        ester oxygen in carbonate
1.0  1   p       30.97380      P          4        general phosphorous atom
1.0  1   p=      30.97380      P          5        phosphazene phosphorous atom
1.0  1   s       32.06400      S          2        sp3 sulfur
1.0  1   s'      32.06400      S          1        S in thioketone group
1.0  1   s-      32.06400      S          1        partial double sulfur
1.0  1   s1      32.06400      S          2        sp3 sulfur involved in (S-S) group of disulfides
1.0  1   s3e     32.06400      S          2        sulfur  in three membered ring
1.0  1   s4e     32.06400      S          2        sulfur  in four membered ring
1.0  1   sc      32.06400      S          2        sp3 sulfur in methionines (C-S-C) group
1.0  1   sf      32.06400      S          1        S in sulfonate group
1.0  1   sh      32.06400      S          2        sp3 sulfur in sulfhydryl (-SH) group (e.g. cysteine)
1.0  1   si      28.08600     Si          4        silicon atom
1.0  1   sio     28.08600     Si          4        siloxane silicon
1.0  1   sp      32.06400      S          2        sulfur in an aromatic ring (e.g. thiophene)
3.0 10   sz      28.08600     Si          4        silicon atom in zeolites
2.1  8   xe     131.30000     Xe          0        Xenon

#equivalence          pcff

!                      Equivalences
!       ------------------------------------------
!Ver Ref  Type   NonB   Bond   Angle  Torsion  OOP
!--- ---  -----  -----  -----  -----  -------  -----
2.1 11   Ag     Ag     Ag     Ag     Ag       Ag
2.1 11   Al     Al     Al     Al     Al       Al
2.1 11   Au     Au     Au     Au     Au       Au
1.0  1   Br     Br     Br     Br     Br       Br
1.0  1   Cl     Cl     Cl     Cl     Cl       Cl
2.1 11   Cr     Cr     Cr     Cr     Cr       Cr
2.1 11   Cu     Cu     Cu     Cu     Cu       Cu
2.1 11   Fe     Fe     Fe     Fe     Fe       Fe
2.1 11   K      K      K      K      K        K
2.1 11   Li     Li     Li     Li     Li       Li
2.1 11   Mo     Mo     Mo     Mo     Mo       Mo
2.1 11   Na     Na     Na     Na     Na       Na
1.0  1   Na     Na     Na     Na     Na       Na
2.1 11   Ni     Ni     Ni     Ni     Ni       Ni
2.1 11   Pb     Pb     Pb     Pb     Pb       Pb
2.1 11   Pd     Pd     Pd     Pd     Pd       Pd
2.1 11   Pt     Pt     Pt     Pt     Pt       Pt
2.1 11   Sn     Sn     Sn     Sn     Sn       Sn
2.1 11   W      W      W      W      W        W
2.1  8   ar     ar     ar     ar     ar       ar
3.0 10   az     az     az     az     az       az
1.0  1   br     br     br     br     br       br
1.0  1   c      c      c      c      c        c
1.0  1   c+     c+     c+     c+     c+       c+
1.0  1   c-     c-     c-     c-     c-       c-
1.0  1   c1     c      c      c      c        c
1.0  1   c2     c      c      c      c        c
1.0  1   c3     c      c      c      c        c
1.0  1   c3h    c      c      c      c        c
1.0  1   c3m    c      c      c      c        c
1.0  1   c4h    c      c      c      c        c
1.0  1   c4m    c      c      c      c        c
1.0  1   c5     cp     cp     cp     cp       cp
1.0  1   c=     c=     c=     c=     c=       c=
1.0  1   c=1    c=     c=1    c=     c=1      c=
1.0  1   c=2    c=     c=2    c=     c=2      c=
1.0  1   c_0    c_0    c_0    c_0    c_0      c_0
1.0  1   c_1    c_1    c_1    c_1    c_1      c_1
1.0  1   c_2    c_2    c_2    c_2    c_2      c_2
1.0  1   c_a    c      c      c      c        c
1.0  1   ca+    ca+    ca+    ca+    ca+      ca+
1.0  1   cg     c      c      c      c        c
1.0  1   ci     cp     cp     cp     cp       cp
1.0  1   cl     cl     cl     cl     cl       cl
1.0  1   co     c      c      c      c        c
1.0  1   coh    c      c      c      c        c
1.0  1   cp     cp     cp     cp     cp       cp
1.0  1   cr     cr     cr     cr     cr       cr
1.0  1   cs     cp     cp     cp     cp       cp
1.0  1   ct     ct     ct     ct     ct       ct
2.0  5   cz     cz     cz     cz     cz       cz
1.0  1   dw     h*     h*     h*     h*       h*
1.0  1   f      f      f      f      f        f
1.0  1   h      h      h      h      h        h
1.0  1   h*     h*     h*     h*     h*       h*
1.0  1   h+     h+     h+     h+     h+       h+
3.0 10   hb     hb     hb     hb     hb       hb
1.0  1   hc     h      h      h      h        h
2.1  8   he     he     he     he     he       he
1.0  1   hi     h*     hi     h*     h*       h*
1.0  1   hn     h*     h*     h*     h*       h*
1.0  1   hn2    hn2    hn2    hn2    hn2      hn2
1.0  1   ho     h*     h*     h*     h*       h*
1.0  1   ho2    ho2    ho2    ho2    ho2      ho2
3.0 10   hoa    hoa    hoa    hoa    hoa      hoa
3.0 10   hos    hos    hos    hos    hos      hos
1.0  1   hp     h      h      h      h        h
1.0  1   hs     h      h      h      h        h
2.0  1   hsi    hsi    h      h      h        h
1.0  1   hw     h*     h*     h*     h*       h*
1.0  1   i      i      i      i      i        i
2.1  8   kr     kr     kr     kr     kr       kr
1.0  1   n      n      n      n      n        n
1.0  1   n+     n+     n+     n+     n+       n+
1.0  1   n1     nr     nr     nr     nr       nr
1.0  1   n2     nr     nr     nr     nr       nr
1.0  1   n3m    na     na     na     na       na
1.0  1   n3n    n      n      n      n        n
1.0  1   n4     n+     n+     n+     n+       n+
1.0  1   n4m    na     na     na     na       na
1.0  1   n4n    n      n      n      n        n
1.0  1   n=     n=     n=     n=     n=       n=
1.0  1   n=1    n=     n=1    n=     n=1      n=
1.0  1   n=2    n=     n=2    n=     n=2      n=
1.0  1   n_2    n_2    n_2    n_2    n_2      n_2
1.0  1   na     na     na     na     na       na
1.0  1   nb     nn     nn     nn     nn       nn
2.1  8   ne     ne     ne     ne     ne       ne
1.0  1   nh     nh     nh     nh     nh       nh
1.0  1   nh+    nh     nh+    nh     nh       nh
1.0  1   nho    nh     nh     nh     nh       nh
1.0  1   ni     nh     nh     nh     nh       nh
1.0  1   nn     nn     nn     nn     nn       nn
1.0  1   np     np     np     np     np       np
1.0  1   npc    nh     nh     nh     nh       nh
1.0  1   nr     nr     nr     nr     nr       nr
1.0  1   nt     nt     nt     nt     nt       nt
1.0  1   nz     nz     nz     nz     nz       nz
1.0  1   o      o      o      o      o        o
1.0  1   o*     o*     o*     o*     o*       o*
1.0  1   o-     o-     o-     o-     o-       o-
1.0  1   o3e    o      o      o      o        o
1.0  1   o4e    o      o      o      o        o
1.0  1   o=     o=     o=     o-     o-       o-
1.0  1   o_1    o_1    o_1    o_1    o_1      o_1
1.0  1   o_2    o_2    o_2    o_2    o_2      o_2
3.0 10   oah    oah    oah    oah    oah      oah
3.0 10   oas    oas    oas    oas    oas      oas
3.0 10   ob     ob     ob     ob     ob       ob
1.0  1   oc     o      o      o      o        o
1.0  1   oe     o      o      o      o        o
1.0  1   oh     o      o      o      o        o
2.0  5   oo     oo     oo     oo     oo       oo
1.0  1   op     op     op     op     op       op
3.0 10   osh    osh    osh    osh    osh      osh
1.0  1   osi    osi    osi    osi    osi      osi
3.0 10   oss    oss    oss    oss    oss      oss
2.0  5   oz     oz     oz     oz     oz       oz
1.0  1   p      p      p      p      p        p
1.0  1   p=     p=     p=     p=     p=       p=
1.0  1   s      s      s      s      s        s
1.0  1   s'     s'     s'     s'     s'       s'
1.0  1   s-     sp     sp     sp     sp       sp
1.0  1   s1     s      s      s      s        s
1.0  1   s3e    s      s      s      s        s
1.0  1   s4e    s      s      s      s        s
1.0  1   sc     s      s      s      s        s
1.0  1   sf     s'     s'     s'     s'       s'
1.0  1   sh     s      s      s      s        s
1.0  1   si     si     si     si     si       si
1.0  1   sio    sio    sio    sio    sio      sio
1.0  1   sp     sp     sp     sp     sp       sp
3.0 10   sz     sz     sz     sz     sz       sz
2.1  8   xe     xe     xe     xe     xe       xe

#auto_equivalence     pcff_auto

!                      Equivalences
!       ------------------------------------------
!Ver  Ref   Type  NonB Bond   Bond     Angle    Angle     Torsion   Torsion      OOP      OOP
!                       Inct           End atom Apex atom End Atoms Center Atoms End Atom Center Atom
!---- ---   ----  ---- ------ ----  ---------- --------- --------- -----------  -------- -----------
2.0  1     Br    Br   Br     Br_   Br_        Br_       Br_       Br_          Br_      Br_
2.0  1     Cl    Cl   Cl     Cl_   Cl_        Cl_       Cl_       Cl_          Cl_      Cl_
2.0  1     Na    Na   Na     Na_   Na_        Na_       Na_       Na_          Na_      Na_
2.1  8     ar    ar   ar     ar_   ar_        ar_       ar_       ar_          ar_      ar_
2.0  1     br    br   br     br_   br_        br_       br_       br_          br_      br_
2.0  1     c     c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
2.0  1     c+    c+   c+     cr_   c_         c'_       c_        c+_          c_       c'_
2.0  1     c-    c-   c-     c'_   c_         c'_       c_        c'_          c_       c'_
2.0  1     c1    c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
2.0  1     c2    c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
2.0  1     c3    c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
2.0  1     c3h   c    c      c3m_  c3m_       c3m_      c_        c_           c_       c_
2.0  1     c3m   c    c      c3m_  c3m_       c3m_      c_        c_           c_       c_
2.0  1     c4h   c    c      c4m_  c4m_       c4m_      c_        c_           c_       c_
2.0  1     c4m   c    c      c4m_  c4m_       c4m_      c_        c_           c_       c_
2.0  1     c5    cp   cp     cp_   c_         cp_       c_        cp_          c_       cp_
2.0  1     c=    c=   c=     c=_3  c_         c=_       c_        c=_3         c_       c=_
2.0  1     c=1   c=   c=     c=_1  c_         c=_       c_        c=_1         c_       c=_
2.0  1     c=2   c=   c=     c=_2  c_         c=_       c_        c=_2         c_       c=_
2.0  1     c_0   c_0  c_0    c'_   c_         c'_       c_        c'_          c_       c'_
2.0  1     c_1   c_1  c_1    c'_   c_         c'_       c_        c'_          c_       c'_
2.0  1     c_2   c_2  c_2    c'_   c_         c'_       c_        c'_          c_       c'_
2.0  1     c_a   c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
2.0  1     ca+   ca+  ca+    ca_   ca_        ca_       ca_       ca_          ca_      ca_
2.0  1     cg    c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
2.0  1     ci    cp   ci     ci_   c_         cp_       c_        cp_          c_       cp_
2.0  1     cl    cl   cl     cl_   cl_        cl_       c_        cl_          cl_      cl_
2.0  1     co    c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
2.0  1     coh   c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
2.0  1     cp    cp   cp     cp_   c_         cp_       c_        cp_          c_       cp_
2.0  1     cr    cr   cr     cr_   c_         c'_       c_        c=_3         c_       c'_
2.0  1     cs    cp   cp     cp_   c_         cp_       c_        cp_          c_       cp_
2.0  1     ct    ct   ct     ct_   c_         ct_       c_        ct_          c_       ct_
2.0  5     cz    cz   cz     c'_   c_         c'_       c_        c'_          c_       c'_
2.0  1     dw    h*   h*     h_    h_         h_        h_        h_           h_       h_
2.0  1     f     f    f      f_    f_         f_        f_        f_           f_       f_
2.0  1     h     h    h      h_    h_         h_        h_        h_           h_       h_
2.0  1     h*    h*   h*     h_    h_         h_        h_        h_           h_       h_
2.0  1     h+    h+   h+     h_    h_         h_        h_        h_           h_       h_
2.0  1     hc    h    h      h_    h_         h_        h_        h_           h_       h_
2.1  8     he    he   he     he_   he_        he_       he_       he_          he_      he_
2.0  1     hi    h*   hi     h_    h_         h_        h_        h_           h_       h_
2.0  1     hn    h*   h*     h_    h_         h_        h_        h_           h_       h_
2.0  1     hn2   hn2  hn2    h_    h_         h_        h_        h_           h_       h_
2.0  1     ho    h*   h*     h_    h_         h_        h_        h_           h_       h_
2.0  1     ho2   ho2  ho2    h_    h_         h_        h_        h_           h_       h_
2.0  1     hp    h    h      h_    h_         h_        h_        h_           h_       h_
2.0  1     hs    h    h      h_    h_         h_        h_        h_           h_       h_
2.2  9     hsi   hsi  hsi    h_    h_         h_        h_        h_           h_       h_
2.0  1     hw    h*   h*     h_    h_         h_        h_        h_           h_       h_
2.0  1     i     i    i      i_    i_         i_        i_        i_           i_       i_
2.1  8     kr    kr   kr     kr_   kr_        kr_       kr_       kr_          kr_      kr_
2.0  1     n     n    n      n_    n_         n_        n_        n_           n_       n_
2.0  1     n+    n+   n+     n+_   n_         na_       n_        na_          n_       na_
2.0  1     n1    nr   nr     n_    n_         n_        n_        n_           n_       nr_
2.0  1     n2    nr   nr     n_    n_         n_        n_        n_           n_       nr_
2.0  1     n3m   na   na     n3m_  n3m_       n3m_      n_        na_          n_       na_
2.0  1     n3n   n    n      n3m_  n3m_       n3m_      n_        n3n_         n_       n_
2.0  1     n4    n+   n+     n+_   n_         na_       n_        na_          n_       na_
2.0  1     n4m   na   na     n4m_  n4m_       n4m_      n_        na_          n_       na_
2.0  1     n4n   n    n      n4m_  n4m_       n4m_      n_        n_           n_       n_
2.0  1     n=    n=   n=     n=_3  n_         n_        n_        n=_3         n_       n=_
2.0  1     n=1   n=   n=     n=_1  n_         n_        n_        n=_1         n_       n=_
2.0  1     n=2   n=   n=     n=_2  n_         n_        n_        n=_2         n_       n=_
2.0  1     n_2   n_2  n_2    n_    n_         n_        n_        n=_2         n_       n=_
2.0  1     na    na   na     na_   n_         na_       n_        na_          n_       na_
2.0  1     nb    nn   nn     np_   n_         n_        n_        n_           n_       n_
2.1  8     ne    ne   ne     ne_   ne_        ne_       ne_       ne_          ne_      ne_
2.0  1     nh    nh   nh     np_   n_         np_       n_        np_          n_       np_
2.0  1     nh+   nh   nh+    np_   n_         np_       n_        np_          n_       np_
2.0  1     nho   nh   nh     np_   n_         np_       n_        np_          n_       np_
2.0  1     ni    nh   nh     ni_   n_         np_       n_        np_          n_       np_
2.0  1     nn    nn   nn     na_   n_         n_        n_        n_           n_       n_
2.0  1     np    np   np     np_   n_         np_       n_        np_          n_       np_
2.0  1     npc   nh   nh     np_   n_         np_       n_        np_          n_       np_
2.0  1     nr    nr   nr     n_    n_         n_        n_        n_           n_       nr_
2.0  1     nt    nt   nt     nt_   n_         nt_       n_        nt_          n_       nt_
2.0  1     nz    nz   nz     nz_   n_         nz_       n_        nz_          n_       nz_
2.0  1     o     o    o      o_    o_         o_        o_        o_           o_       o_
2.0  1     o*    o*   o*     o_    o_         o*_       o_        o_           o_       o_
2.0  1     o-    o-   o-     o-_   o'_        o'_       o_        o'_          o_       o'_
2.0  1     o3e   o    o      o3e_  o3e_       o3e_      o_        o_           o_       o_
2.0  1     o4e   o    o      o4e_  o4e_       o4e_      o_        o_           o_       o_
2.0  1     o=    o-   o-     o-_   o'_        o'_       o_        o'_          o_       o'_
2.0  1     o_1   o_1  o_1    o'_   o'_        o'_       o_        o'_          o_       o'_
2.0  1     o_2   o_2  o_2    o'_   o'_        o'_       o_        o'_          o_       o'_
2.0  1     oc    o    o      o_    o_         o_        o_        o_           o_       o_
2.0  1     oe    o    o      o_    o_         o_        o_        o_           o_       o_
2.0  1     oh    o    o      o_    o_         o_        o_        o_           o_       o_
2.0  5     oo    oo   oo     o'_   o'_        o'_       o_        o'_          o_       o'_
2.0  1     op    op   op     op_   o_         op_       o_        o_           o_       op_
2.0  1     osi   osi  osi    o_    o_         o_        o_        o_           o_       o_
2.0  5     oz    oz   oz     o'_   o'_        o'_       o_        o'_          o_       o'_
2.0  1     p     p    p      p_    p_         p_        p_        p_           p_       p_
2.0  1     p=    p=   p=     p_    p_         p_        p_        p_           p_       p_
2.0  1     s     s    s      s_    s_         s_        s_        s_           s_       s_
2.0  1     s'    s    s'     s'_   s'_        s_        s_        s_           s_       s_
2.0  1     s-    s    s-     s-_   s'_        s'_       s_        s'_          s_       s'_
2.0  1     s1    s    s      s_    s_         s_        s_        s_           s_       s_
2.0  1     s3e   s    s      s3e_  s3e_       s3e_      s_        s_           s_       s_
2.0  1     s4e   s    s      s4e_  s4e_       s4e_      s_        s_           s_       s_
2.0  1     sc    s    s      s_    s_         s_        s_        s_           s_       s_
2.0  1     sf    s    s'     s'_   s'_        s_        s_        s_           s_       s_
2.0  1     sh    s    s      s_    s_         s_        s_        s_           s_       s_
2.0  1     si    si   si     si_   si_        si_       si_       si_          si_      si_
2.0  1     sio   sio  sio    si_   si_        si_       si_       si_          si_      si_
2.0  1     sp    sp   sp     sp_   s_         sp_       s_        sp_          s_       sp_
2.1  8     xe    xe   xe     xe_   xe_        xe_       xe_       xe_          xe_      xe_

#bond_increments      pcff

!Ver Ref    I     J     DeltaIJ   DeltaJI
!--- ---  ----- -----   -------   -------
2.1 11   Ag    Ag       0.0000   0.0000
2.1 11   Al    Al       0.0000   0.0000
2.1 11   Au    Au       0.0000   0.0000
2.1 11   Cr    Cr       0.0000   0.0000
2.1 11   Cu    Cu       0.0000   0.0000
2.1 11   Fe    Fe       0.0000   0.0000
2.1 11   K     K        0.0000   0.0000
2.1 11   Li    Li       0.0000   0.0000
2.1 11   Mo    Mo       0.0000   0.0000
2.1 11   Na    Na       0.0000   0.0000
2.1 11   Ni    Ni       0.0000   0.0000
2.1 11   Pb    Pb       0.0000   0.0000
2.1 11   Pd    Pd       0.0000   0.0000
2.1 11   Pt    Pt       0.0000   0.0000
2.1 11   Sn    Sn       0.0000   0.0000
2.1 11   W     W        0.0000   0.0000
3.0 10   az    oah      0.3013  -0.3013
3.0 10   az    oas      0.1694  -0.1694
3.0 10   az    ob       0.0284  -0.0284
2.0  2   br    br       0.0000   0.0000
2.1  8   br    c       -0.1600   0.1600
2.0  2   br    c-      -0.0281   0.0281
2.0  3   br    c=      -0.0800   0.0800
2.0  3   br    c=1     -0.0800   0.0800
2.0  3   br    c=2     -0.0800   0.0800
2.0  3   br    c_0     -0.0800   0.0800
2.0  3   br    c_1     -0.0800   0.0800
2.0  2   br    cl       0.0507  -0.0507
2.0  3   br    cp      -0.0800   0.0800
2.0  2   br    ct       0.0173  -0.0173
2.0  2   br    f        0.2099  -0.2099
2.0  2   br    h       -0.1978   0.1978
2.0  2   br    i       -0.0110   0.0110
2.0  2   br    n        0.1422  -0.1422
2.0  2   br    n+       0.2452   0.0048
2.0  2   br    n=       0.1422  -0.1422
2.0  2   br    n=1      0.1422  -0.1422
2.0  2   br    n=2      0.1422  -0.1422
2.0  2   br    na       0.0601  -0.0601
2.0  2   br    nh      -0.0438   0.0438
2.0  2   br    nn       0.1422  -0.1422
2.0  2   br    np       0.1422  -0.1422
2.0  2   br    o        0.0818  -0.0818
2.0  2   br    op       0.3140  -0.3140
2.0  2   br    p       -0.2156   0.2156
2.0  2   br    s       -0.0437   0.0437
2.0  2   br    s'       0.0034  -0.0034
2.0  2   br    si      -0.3273   0.3273
2.0  2   br    sp       0.0034  -0.0034
1.0  1   c     c        0.0000   0.0000
1.0  1   c     c-      -0.2300   0.2300
1.0  1   c     c=       0.0000   0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=1      0.0000   0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=2      0.0000   0.0000
1.0  1   c     c_0      0.0000   0.0000
1.0  1   c     c_1      0.0000   0.0000
2.1  8   c     cl       0.1840  -0.1840
1.0  1   c     cp       0.0000   0.0000
1.0  1   c     cr       0.0000   0.0000
1.0  1   c     ct       0.0400  -0.0400
2.1  8   c     f        0.2500  -0.2500
1.0  1   c     h       -0.0530   0.0530
2.0  2   c     i        0.1120  -0.1120
1.0  1   c     n        0.2108  -0.2108
1.0  1   c     n+       0.4071  -0.1571
1.0  1   c     n=       0.3000  -0.3000
1.0  1   c     n=1      0.3000  -0.3000
1.0  1   c     n=2      0.3000  -0.3000
2.1  7   c     n_2      0.2100  -0.2100
1.0  1   c     na       0.0827  -0.0827
1.0  2   c     nh       0.0610  -0.0610
1.0  2   c     nn       0.2108  -0.2108
1.0  3   c     np       0.1100  -0.1100
1.0  1   c     nr       0.4802  -0.4802
1.0  2   c     nt       0.3640  -0.3640
2.1  8   c     o        0.1330  -0.1330
2.1  6   c     o_2      0.2250  -0.2250
2.0  4   c     oz       0.0500  -0.0500
2.0  2   c     p        0.0110  -0.0110
3.1 12   c     p=      -0.0500   0.0500
1.0  1   c     s        0.0650  -0.0650
2.2  9   c     si      -0.1350   0.1350
2.0  2   c     si      -0.1767   0.1767
1.0  4   c     sio     -0.1000   0.1000
1.0  1   c+    nr       0.2653   0.0680
2.0  2   c-    c-       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c-    c_0      0.1368  -0.1368
2.0  2   c-    c_1      0.1368  -0.1368
2.0  2   c-    cl       0.0747  -0.0747
2.0  2   c-    cp      -0.0424   0.0424
2.0  2   c-    ct       0.0432  -0.0432
2.0  2   c-    f        0.2241  -0.2241
1.0  1   c-    h       -0.0530   0.0530
2.0  2   c-    i        0.0185  -0.0185
2.0  2   c-    n        0.1607  -0.1607
2.0  2   c-    n+       0.2597  -0.0097
2.0  2   c-    n=       0.1607  -0.1607
2.0  2   c-    n=1      0.1607  -0.1607
2.0  2   c-    n=2      0.1607  -0.1607
2.0  2   c-    nh      -0.0176   0.0176
2.0  2   c-    nn       0.1607  -0.1607
2.0  2   c-    np       0.1607  -0.1607
2.0  2   c-    o        0.1012  -0.1012
1.0  1   c-    o-       0.0337  -0.5337
2.0  2   c-    o_1      0.3241  -0.3241
2.0  2   c-    op       0.3241  -0.3241
2.0  2   c-    p       -0.0857   0.0857
2.0  2   c-    s       -0.0087   0.0087
2.0  2   c-    s-      -0.1223  -0.3777
2.0  2   c-    si      -0.2775   0.2775
2.0  1   c=    c=       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  1   c=    c=1      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  1   c=    c=2      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c=    c_0      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c=    c_1      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  3   c=    cl       0.1020  -0.1020
2.0  2   c=    cp       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c=    ct       0.0852  -0.0852
2.0  3   c=    f        0.1300  -0.1300
1.0  1   c=    h       -0.1268   0.1268
2.0  2   c=    i        0.0642  -0.0642
1.0  1   c=    n        0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c=    n+       0.2989  -0.0489
2.0  3   c=    n=       0.3000  -0.3000
2.0  3   c=    n=1      0.3000  -0.3000
2.0  3   c=    n=2      0.3000  -0.3000
3.1 12   c=    n_2      0.1000  -0.1000
1.0  1   c=    na       0.0000   0.0000
1.0  1   c=    nh       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c=    nn       0.0000   0.0000
1.0  1   c=    np       0.0000   0.0000
1.0  1   c=    o        0.0265  -0.0265
2.0  2   c=    o_1      0.3583  -0.3583
2.0  2   c=    op       0.3583  -0.3583
2.0  2   c=    p       -0.0380   0.0380
2.0  2   c=    s       -0.0120   0.0120
2.0  2   c=    s'       0.0732  -0.0732
2.0  2   c=    si      -0.2270   0.2270
2.0  2   c=    sp       0.0732  -0.0732
2.0  1   c=1   c=1      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  1   c=1   c=2      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c=1   c_0      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c=1   c_1      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  3   c=1   cl       0.1020  -0.1020
2.0  2   c=1   cp       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c=1   ct       0.0852  -0.0852
2.0  3   c=1   f        0.1300  -0.1300
1.0  1   c=1   h       -0.1268   0.1268
2.0  2   c=1   i        0.0642  -0.0642
1.0  1   c=1   n        0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c=1   n+       0.2989  -0.0489
2.0  3   c=1   n=       0.3000  -0.3000
2.0  3   c=1   n=1      0.3000  -0.3000
2.0  3   c=1   n=2      0.3000  -0.3000
1.0  1   c=1   na       0.0000   0.0000
1.0  1   c=1   nh       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c=1   nn       0.0000   0.0000
1.0  1   c=1   np       0.0000   0.0000
1.0  1   c=1   o        0.0265  -0.0265
2.0  2   c=1   o_1      0.3583  -0.3583
2.0  2   c=1   op       0.3583  -0.3583
2.0  2   c=1   p       -0.0380   0.0380
2.0  2   c=1   s       -0.0120   0.0120
2.0  2   c=1   s'       0.0732  -0.0732
2.0  2   c=1   si      -0.2270   0.2270
2.0  2   c=1   sp       0.0732  -0.0732
2.0  1   c=2   c=2      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c=2   c_0      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c=2   c_1      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  3   c=2   cl       0.1020  -0.1020
2.0  2   c=2   cp       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c=2   ct       0.0852  -0.0852
2.0  3   c=2   f        0.1300  -0.1300
1.0  1   c=2   h       -0.1268   0.1268
2.0  2   c=2   i        0.0642  -0.0642
1.0  1   c=2   n        0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c=2   n+       0.2989  -0.0489
2.0  3   c=2   n=       0.3000  -0.3000
2.0  3   c=2   n=1      0.3000  -0.3000
2.0  3   c=2   n=2      0.3000  -0.3000
3.1 12   c=2   n_2      0.1000  -0.1000
1.0  1   c=2   na       0.0000   0.0000
1.0  1   c=2   nh       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c=2   nn       0.0000   0.0000
1.0  1   c=2   np       0.0000   0.0000
1.0  1   c=2   o        0.0265  -0.0265
2.1  8   c=2   o=       0.1200  -0.1200
2.0  2   c=2   o_1      0.3583  -0.3583
2.0  2   c=2   op       0.3583  -0.3583
2.0  2   c=2   p       -0.0380   0.0380
2.0  2   c=2   s       -0.0120   0.0120
2.0  2   c=2   s'       0.0732  -0.0732
2.0  2   c=2   si      -0.2270   0.2270
2.0  2   c=2   sp       0.0732  -0.0732
2.0  2   c_0   c_0      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c_0   c_1      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  3   c_0   cl       0.1020  -0.1020
2.0  2   c_0   cp       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c_0   ct      -0.0927   0.0927
2.0  3   c_0   f        0.1300  -0.1300
1.0  1   c_0   h       -0.0456   0.0456
2.0  2   c_0   i       -0.1291   0.1291
1.0  1   c_0   n        0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c_0   n+       0.1331   0.1169
2.0  2   c_0   n=       0.0362  -0.0362
2.0  2   c_0   n=1      0.0362  -0.0362
2.0  2   c_0   n=2      0.0362  -0.0362
2.0  2   c_0   nh      -0.1422   0.1422
2.0  2   c_0   nn       0.0362  -0.0362
2.0  2   c_0   np       0.0362  -0.0362
2.0  2   c_0   nt       0.1641  -0.1641
1.0  1   c_0   o        0.0030  -0.0030
1.0  1   c_0   o_1      0.3964  -0.3964
1.0  1   c_0   op       0.0283  -0.0283
2.0  2   c_0   p       -0.2396   0.2396
2.0  2   c_0   s       -0.0140   0.0140
2.0  3   c_0   s'       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c_0   si      -0.4405   0.4405
1.0  1   c_0   sp      -0.0130   0.0130
2.0  2   c_1   c_1      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  3   c_1   cl       0.1020  -0.1020
2.1  6   c_1   cp       0.0180  -0.0180
2.0  2   c_1   cp       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c_1   ct      -0.0927   0.0927
2.0  3   c_1   f        0.1300  -0.1300
1.0  1   c_1   h       -0.0456   0.0456
2.0  2   c_1   i       -0.1291   0.1291
1.0  1   c_1   n        0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c_1   n+       0.1331   0.1169
2.0  2   c_1   n=       0.0362  -0.0362
2.0  2   c_1   n=1      0.0362  -0.0362
2.0  2   c_1   n=2      0.0362  -0.0362
2.1  7   c_1   n_2      0.1110  -0.1110
2.0  2   c_1   nh      -0.1422   0.1422
2.0  2   c_1   nn       0.0362  -0.0362
2.0  2   c_1   np       0.0362  -0.0362
2.0  2   c_1   nt       0.1641  -0.1641
1.0  1   c_1   o        0.0030  -0.0030
2.1  6   c_1   o_1      0.5310  -0.5310
2.1  6   c_1   o_2      0.1710  -0.1710
1.0  1   c_1   op       0.0283  -0.0283
2.0  2   c_1   p       -0.2396   0.2396
2.0  2   c_1   s       -0.0140   0.0140
2.0  3   c_1   s'       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   c_1   si      -0.4405   0.4405
1.0  1   c_1   sp      -0.0130   0.0130
2.1  7   c_2   n_2      0.1110  -0.1110
2.1  7   c_2   o_1      0.5850  -0.5850
2.1  7   c_2   o_2      0.1890  -0.1890
2.0  2   cl    cl       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  3   cl    cp      -0.1020   0.1020
2.0  2   cl    ct      -0.0319   0.0319
2.0  2   cl    f        0.1589  -0.1589
2.0  2   cl    h       -0.2404   0.2404
2.0  2   cl    i       -0.0623   0.0623
2.0  2   cl    n        0.0897  -0.0897
2.0  2   cl    n+       0.1858   0.0642
2.0  2   cl    n=       0.0897  -0.0897
2.0  2   cl    n=1      0.0897  -0.0897
2.0  2   cl    n=2      0.0897  -0.0897
2.0  2   cl    na       0.0117  -0.0117
2.0  2   cl    nh      -0.0854   0.0854
2.0  2   cl    nn       0.0897  -0.0897
2.0  2   cl    np       0.0897  -0.0897
2.0  2   cl    o        0.0367  -0.0367
2.0  2   cl    op       0.2585  -0.2585
2.0  2   cl    p       -0.2544   0.2544
3.1 12   cl    p=      -0.1200   0.1200
2.0  2   cl    s       -0.0898   0.0898
2.0  2   cl    s'      -0.0457   0.0457
2.0  2   cl    si      -0.3598   0.3598
2.0  2   cl    sp      -0.0457   0.0457
1.0  1   cp    cp       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   cp    ct       0.0852  -0.0852
2.0  3   cp    f        0.1300  -0.1300
1.0  1   cp    h       -0.1268   0.1268
2.0  2   cp    i        0.0642  -0.0642
1.0  1   cp    n        0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   cp    n+       0.2989  -0.0489
2.0  2   cp    n=       0.1993  -0.1993
2.0  2   cp    n=1      0.1993  -0.1993
2.0  2   cp    n=2      0.1993  -0.1993
2.1  7   cp    n_2      0.2370  -0.2370
1.0  1   cp    na       0.0000   0.0000
1.0  1   cp    nh      -0.0500   0.0500
1.0  1   cp    nn       0.0827  -0.0827
1.0  1   cp    np       0.2405  -0.2405
1.0  1   cp    o        0.0265  -0.0265
2.0  2   cp    o_1      0.3964  -0.3964
2.1  6   cp    o_2      0.2790  -0.2790
1.0  1   cp    op       0.0283  -0.0283
2.0  4   cp    oz       0.1700  -0.1700
1.0  2   cp    p       -0.0380   0.0380
3.1 12   cp    p=      -0.0600   0.0600
2.0  2   cp    s       -0.0120   0.0120
2.0  2   cp    s'       0.0732  -0.0732
2.2  9   cp    si      -0.1170   0.1170
2.0  2   cp    si      -0.2270   0.2270
1.0  4   cp    sio     -0.1500   0.1500
1.0  1   cp    sp      -0.0130   0.0130
1.0  1   cr    n=       0.4000  -0.4000
1.0  1   cr    n=1      0.4000  -0.4000
1.0  1   cr    n=2      0.4000  -0.4000
2.0  2   cr    nr       0.0000  -0.0000
1.0  1   ct    ct       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   ct    f        0.1873  -0.1873
2.0  2   ct    h       -0.2052   0.2052
2.0  2   ct    i       -0.0281   0.0281
2.0  2   ct    n        0.1204  -0.1204
2.0  2   ct    n+       0.0992   0.1508
2.0  2   ct    n=       0.1204  -0.1204
2.0  2   ct    n=1      0.1204  -0.1204
2.0  2   ct    n=2      0.1204  -0.1204
2.0  2   ct    na      -0.0636   0.0636
2.0  2   ct    nh      -0.0568   0.0568
2.0  2   ct    nn       0.0920  -0.0920
2.0  2   ct    np       0.1204  -0.1204
2.0  2   ct    nt       0.1204  -0.1204
2.0  2   ct    o        0.0675  -0.0675
2.0  2   ct    p       -0.1335   0.1335
2.0  2   ct    s       -0.0522   0.0522
2.0  2   ct    si      -0.3266   0.3266
2.0  4   cz    oo       0.5000  -0.5000
2.0  4   cz    oz       0.1000  -0.1000
2.0  2   f     f        0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   f     h       -0.3823   0.3823
1.0  4   f     h*      -0.4089   0.4089
2.0  2   f     i       -0.2234   0.2234
2.0  2   f     n       -0.0731   0.0731
2.0  2   f     n+       0.0062   0.2438
2.0  2   f     n=      -0.0731   0.0731
2.0  2   f     n=1     -0.0731   0.0731
2.0  2   f     n=2     -0.0731   0.0731
2.0  2   f     na      -0.1415   0.1415
2.0  2   f     nh      -0.2220   0.2220
2.0  2   f     nn      -0.0731   0.0731
2.0  2   f     np      -0.0731   0.0731
2.0  2   f     o       -0.1077   0.1077
2.0  2   f     op       0.0888  -0.0888
2.0  2   f     p       -0.3869   0.3869
3.1 12   f     p=      -0.1800   0.1800
2.0  2   f     s       -0.2380   0.2380
2.0  2   f     s'      -0.2011   0.2011
2.0  2   f     si      -0.4789   0.4789
2.0  2   f     sp      -0.2011   0.2011
2.0  2   h     h        0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   h     i        0.1923  -0.1923
2.0  2   h     op       0.4943  -0.4943
2.0  2   h     p       -0.0356   0.0356
3.1 12   h     p=      -0.0500   0.0500
2.0  2   h     s        0.1392  -0.1392
2.0  2   h     s'       0.1932  -0.1932
2.2  9   h     si      -0.1260   0.1260
2.0  2   h     si      -0.1537   0.1537
1.0  4   h     sio     -0.1300   0.1300
2.0  2   h     sp       0.1932  -0.1932
1.0  1   h*    n        0.4395  -0.4395
2.0  2   h*    n=       0.3278  -0.3278
2.0  2   h*    n=1      0.3278  -0.3278
2.0  2   h*    n=2      0.3278  -0.3278
1.0  1   h*    na       0.2487  -0.2487
1.0  1   h*    nh       0.3925  -0.3925
1.0  1   h*    nn       0.2487  -0.2487
2.0  2   h*    np       0.3278  -0.3278
1.0  1   h*    nr       0.4068  -0.4068
2.0  2   h*    nt       0.3278  -0.3278
1.0  1   h*    o        0.4241  -0.4241
1.0  1   h*    o*       0.3991  -0.3991
1.0  4   h*    osi      0.3400  -0.3400
1.0  1   h+    n+       0.2800  -0.0300
3.0 10   hb    ob       0.0839  -0.0839
1.0  1   hi    nh       0.3925   0.1075
2.1  7   hn2   n_2      0.3780  -0.3780
2.1  6   ho2   o_2      0.4230  -0.4230
2.0  4   ho2   oz       0.4500  -0.4500
3.0 10   hoa   oah      0.0575  -0.0575
3.0 10   hos   osh      0.0641  -0.0641
2.2  9   hsi   si      -0.1260   0.1260
2.0  2   i     i        0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   i     n        0.1554  -0.1554
2.0  2   i     n+       0.2615  -0.0115
2.0  2   i     n=       0.1554  -0.1554
2.0  2   i     n=1      0.1554  -0.1554
2.0  2   i     n=2      0.1554  -0.1554
2.0  2   i     na       0.0714  -0.0714
2.0  2   i     nh      -0.0356   0.0358
2.0  2   i     nn       0.1554  -0.1554
2.0  2   i     np       0.1554  -0.1554
2.0  2   i     o        0.0924  -0.0924
2.0  2   i     op       0.3297  -0.3297
2.0  2   i     p       -0.2110   0.2110
2.0  2   i     s       -0.0345   0.0345
2.0  2   i     s'       0.0140  -0.0140
2.0  2   i     si      -0.3263   0.3263
2.0  2   i     sp       0.0140  -0.0140
2.0  2   n     n        0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n     n+       0.0883   0.1617
2.0  2   n     n=       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n     n=1      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n     n=2      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n     na      -0.0742   0.0742
2.0  2   n     nh      -0.1637   0.1637
2.0  2   n     nn       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n     np       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n     o       -0.0427   0.0427
2.0  2   n     o_1      0.1684  -0.1684
2.0  2   n     op       0.1684  -0.1684
2.0  2   n     p       -0.3359   0.3359
3.1 12   n     p=      -0.1200   0.1200
2.0  2   n     s       -0.1753   0.1753
2.0  2   n     s'      -0.1346   0.1346
2.0  2   n     si      -0.4368   0.4368
2.0  2   n     sp      -0.1346   0.1346
2.0  2   n+    n+       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n+    n=       0.1617   0.0883
2.0  2   n+    n=1      0.1617   0.0883
2.0  2   n+    n=2      0.1617   0.0883
2.0  2   n+    na       0.0850   0.1650
2.0  2   n+    nh      -0.0044   0.2544
2.0  2   n+    nn       0.1617   0.0883
2.0  2   n+    np       0.1617   0.0883
2.0  2   n+    o        0.1250   0.1250
2.0  2   n+    o_1      0.3418  -0.0918
2.0  2   n+    op       0.3418  -0.0918
2.0  2   n+    p       -0.1994   0.4494
2.0  2   n+    s       -0.0255   0.2755
2.0  2   n+    s'       0.0159   0.2341
2.0  2   n+    si      -0.3083   0.5583
2.0  2   n+    sp       0.0159   0.2341
2.0  2   n=    n=       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n=    n=1      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n=    n=2      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n=    na      -0.0742   0.0742
2.0  2   n=    nh      -0.1637   0.1637
2.0  2   n=    nn       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n=    np       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n=    o       -0.0427   0.0427
2.0  2   n=    o_1      0.1684  -0.1684
2.0  2   n=    op       0.1684  -0.1684
2.0  2   n=    p       -0.3359   0.3359
3.1 12   n=    p=      -0.3500   0.3500
2.0  2   n=    s       -0.1753   0.1753
2.0  2   n=    s'      -0.1346   0.1346
2.0  2   n=    si      -0.4368   0.4368
2.0  2   n=    sp      -0.1346   0.1346
2.0  2   n=1   n=1      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n=1   n=2      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n=1   na      -0.0742   0.0742
2.0  2   n=1   nh      -0.1637   0.1637
2.0  2   n=1   nn       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n=1   np       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n=1   o       -0.0427   0.0427
2.0  2   n=1   o_1      0.1684  -0.1684
2.0  2   n=1   op       0.1684  -0.1684
2.0  2   n=1   p       -0.3359   0.3359
2.0  2   n=1   s       -0.1753   0.1753
2.0  2   n=1   s'      -0.1346   0.1346
2.0  2   n=1   si      -0.4368   0.4368
2.0  2   n=1   sp      -0.1346   0.1346
2.0  2   n=2   n=2      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n=2   na      -0.0742   0.0742
2.0  2   n=2   nh      -0.1637   0.1637
2.0  2   n=2   nn       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n=2   np       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   n=2   o       -0.0427   0.0427
2.0  2   n=2   o=       0.1684  -0.1684
2.0  2   n=2   o_1      0.1684  -0.1684
2.0  2   n=2   op       0.1684  -0.1684
2.0  2   n=2   p       -0.3359   0.3359
2.0  2   n=2   s       -0.1753   0.1753
2.0  2   n=2   s'      -0.1346   0.1346
2.0  2   n=2   si      -0.4368   0.4368
2.0  2   n=2   sp      -0.1346   0.1346
2.0  2   na    na       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   na    nh      -0.0919   0.0919
2.0  2   na    nn       0.0371  -0.0371
2.0  2   na    np       0.0742  -0.0742
2.0  2   na    o        0.0254  -0.0254
2.0  2   na    o_1      0.2369  -0.2369
2.0  2   na    op       0.2369  -0.2369
2.0  2   na    p       -0.2518   0.2518
2.0  2   na    s       -0.0966   0.0966
2.0  2   na    s'      -0.0551   0.0551
2.0  2   na    si      -0.3501   0.3501
2.0  2   na    sp      -0.0551   0.0551
2.0  2   nh    nh       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   nh    nn       0.1637  -0.1637
1.0  1   nh    np      -0.2823   0.2823
2.0  2   nh    o       -0.1090  -0.1090
2.0  2   nh    o_1      0.3148  -0.3148
2.0  2   nh    op       0.3148  -0.3148
2.0  2   nh    p       -0.1375   0.1375
2.0  2   nh    s        0.0046  -0.0046
2.0  2   nh    s'       0.0454  -0.0454
2.0  2   nh    si      -0.2278   0.2278
2.0  2   nh    sp       0.0454  -0.0454
2.0  2   nn    nn       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   nn    np       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   nn    o       -0.0427   0.0427
2.0  2   nn    o_1      0.1684  -0.1684
2.0  2   nn    op       0.1684  -0.1684
2.0  2   nn    p       -0.3359   0.3359
2.0  2   nn    s       -0.1753   0.1753
2.0  2   nn    s'      -0.1346   0.1346
2.0  2   nn    si      -0.4368   0.4368
2.0  2   nn    sp      -0.1346   0.1346
1.0  1   np    np       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   np    o       -0.0427   0.0427
2.0  2   np    o_1      0.1684  -0.1684
2.0  2   np    op       0.1684  -0.1684
2.0  2   np    p       -0.3359   0.3359
2.0  2   np    s       -0.1753   0.1753
2.0  2   np    s'      -0.1346   0.1346
2.0  2   np    si      -0.4368   0.4368
2.0  2   np    sp      -0.1346   0.1346
2.1  8   nt    nt       0.0000   0.0000
2.1  8   nz    nz       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   o     o        0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   o     op       0.1962  -0.1962
2.0  2   o     p       -0.2548   0.2548
3.1 12   o     p=      -0.1400   0.1400
2.0  2   o     s       -0.1143   0.1143
2.0  2   o     s'      -0.0766   0.0766
2.0  2   o     si      -0.3425   0.3425
2.0  2   o     sp      -0.0766   0.0766
2.0  3   o-    p       -0.8500   0.3500
2.1  8   o-    s'      -0.1143   0.1143
2.1  8   o=    o=       0.0000   0.0000
2.1  8   o=    s'      -0.1143   0.1143
2.0  2   o_1   o_1      0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   o_1   op       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   o_1   p       -0.4933   0.4933
2.0  2   o_1   s       -0.3386   0.3386
2.0  2   o_1   s'      -0.3024   0.3024
2.0  2   o_1   si      -0.5883   0.5883
2.0  2   o_1   sp      -0.3024   0.3024
3.0 10   oas   sz      -0.1265   0.1265
3.0 10   ob    sz      -0.1392   0.1392
2.0  2   op    op       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   op    p       -0.4933   0.4933
2.0  2   op    s       -0.3386   0.3386
2.0  2   op    s'      -0.3024   0.3024
2.0  2   op    si      -0.5883   0.5883
2.0  2   op    sp      -0.3024   0.3024
3.0 10   osh   sz      -0.1303   0.1303
1.0  4   osi   sio     -0.2200   0.2200
3.0 10   oss   sz      -0.1309   0.1309
2.0  2   p     p        0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   p     s        0.1600  -0.1600
2.0  2   p     s'       0.2106  -0.2106
2.0  2   p     s-       0.1824  -0.6824
2.0  2   p     si      -0.1069   0.1069
2.0  2   p     sp       0.2106  -0.2106
2.0  2   s     s        0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   s     s'       0.0455  -0.0455
2.0  2   s     si      -0.2634   0.2634
2.0  2   s     sp       0.0455  -0.0455
2.0  2   s'    s'       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   s'    si      -0.3172   0.3172
2.0  2   s'    sp       0.0000   0.0000
2.2  9   si    si       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   si    si       0.0000   0.0000
2.0  2   si    sp       0.3172  -0.3172
2.0  2   sp    sp       0.0000   0.0000

#quadratic_bond       pcff_auto

> E = K2 * (R - R0)^2

!Ver Ref    I     J       R0         K2
!--- ---  ----- -----  -------    --------
2.0  2   br_   br_     2.2900    175.6329
2.0  2   br_   c'_     1.8750    228.2808
2.0  2   br_   c3m_    1.9200    223.6000
2.0  2   br_   c4m_    1.9200    223.6000
2.0  2   br_   c=_     1.8800    253.7008
2.0  3   br_   c=_1    1.8800    253.7008
2.0  3   br_   c=_2    1.8800    253.7008
2.0  3   br_   c=_3    1.8800    253.7008
2.0  2   br_   c_      1.9200    223.6000
2.0  2   br_   cl_     2.1320    209.1876
2.0  2   br_   cp_     1.9200    223.6000
2.0  2   br_   ct_     1.8250    268.8528
2.0  2   br_   f_      1.7950    193.5000
2.0  2   br_   h_      1.5080    314.1728
2.0  2   br_   i_      2.4660    165.6156
2.0  2   br_   n+_     1.8370    196.5940
2.0  2   br_   n3m_    1.8370    203.8340
2.0  2   br_   n4m_    1.8370    203.8340
2.0  2   br_   n=_     1.8100    259.1980
2.0  3   br_   n=_1    1.8100    259.1980
2.0  3   br_   n=_2    1.8100    259.1980
2.0  3   br_   n=_3    1.8100    259.1980
2.0  2   br_   n_      1.8100    206.3980
2.0  2   br_   na_     1.8370    203.8340
2.0  2   br_   np_     1.8100    259.1980
2.0  2   br_   o'_     1.7550    233.2954
2.0  2   br_   o_      1.7980    284.7988
2.0  2   br_   op_     1.7550    260.8954
2.0  2   br_   p_      2.1800    183.1472
2.0  2   br_   s'_     2.1450    187.6017
2.0  2   br_   s3e_    2.1750    187.8836
2.0  2   br_   s4e_    2.1750    187.8836
2.0  2   br_   s_      2.1750    187.8836
2.0  2   br_   si_     2.2350    180.2320
2.0  2   br_   sp_     2.1450    172.8017
2.0  2   c'_   c'_     1.5000    266.4000
2.0  2   c'_   c3m_    1.5200    283.0924
2.0  2   c'_   c4m_    1.5200    283.0924
2.0  2   c'_   c=_     1.5000    322.8000
2.0  3   c'_   c=_1    1.5000    322.8000
2.0  3   c'_   c=_2    1.5000    322.8000
2.0  3   c'_   c=_3    1.5000    322.8000
2.0  2   c'_   c_      1.5200    283.0924
2.0  2   c'_   cl_     1.7270    249.8588
2.0  2   c'_   cp_     1.5000    284.3316
2.0  2   c'_   ct_     1.4200    311.1492
2.0  2   c'_   f_      1.3900    217.7092
2.0  2   c'_   h_      1.1050    340.6175
2.0  2   c'_   i_      2.0610    208.6024
2.0  2   c'_   n3m_    1.4460    272.0000
2.0  2   c'_   n4m_    1.4000    332.0000
2.0  2   c'_   n=_     1.4050    296.2996
2.0  3   c'_   n=_1    1.4050    296.2996
2.0  3   c'_   n=_2    1.4050    296.2996
2.0  3   c'_   n=_3    1.4050    296.2996
2.0  2   c'_   n_      1.3600    388.0000
2.0  2   c'_   np_     1.4050    296.2996
2.0  2   c'_   o'_     1.2200    615.3220
2.0  2   c'_   o-_     1.2500    572.8860
2.0  2   c'_   o_      1.3400    400.0000
2.0  2   c'_   op_     1.3500    294.1008
2.0  2   c'_   p_      1.7200    241.3820
2.0  2   c'_   s'_     1.6110    510.2775
2.0  2   c'_   s-_     1.6800    280.3060
2.0  2   c'_   s3e_    1.7700    175.0035
2.0  2   c'_   s4e_    1.7700    175.0035
2.0  2   c'_   s_      1.7700    175.0035
2.0  2   c'_   si_     1.8300    239.3552
2.0  2   c'_   sp_     1.7400    215.3532
2.0  2   c3m_  c3m_    1.5100    322.7158
2.0  2   c3m_  c4m_    1.5260    322.7158
2.0  2   c3m_  c=_     1.5000    322.8000
2.0  3   c3m_  c=_1    1.5000    322.8000
2.0  3   c3m_  c=_2    1.5000    322.8000
2.0  3   c3m_  c=_3    1.5000    322.8000
2.0  2   c3m_  c_      1.5260    322.7158
2.0  2   c3m_  cl_     1.7610    314.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  cp_     1.5100    283.0924
2.0  2   c3m_  ct_     1.4000    340.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  f_      1.3630    496.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  h_      1.1050    340.6175
2.0  2   c3m_  i_      2.1200    200.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  n+_     1.4620    270.8836
2.0  2   c3m_  n3m_    1.4850    356.5988
2.0  2   c3m_  n4m_    1.4700    356.5988
2.0  2   c3m_  n=_     1.4750    336.8000
2.0  3   c3m_  n=_1    1.4750    336.8000
2.0  3   c3m_  n=_2    1.4750    336.8000
2.0  3   c3m_  n=_3    1.4750    336.8000
2.0  2   c3m_  n_      1.4600    377.5752
2.0  2   c3m_  na_     1.4700    356.5988
2.0  2   c3m_  np_     1.4750    336.8000
2.0  2   c3m_  o'_     1.3800    318.9484
2.0  2   c3m_  o3e_    1.4340    273.2000
2.0  2   c3m_  o4e_    1.4250    273.2000
2.0  2   c3m_  o_      1.4250    273.2000
2.0  2   c3m_  op_     1.3800    346.5484
2.0  2   c3m_  p_      1.7500    249.1344
2.0  2   c3m_  s'_     1.7700    257.3324
2.0  2   c3m_  s3e_    1.8000    228.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  s4e_    1.8000    228.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  s_      1.8000    228.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  si_     1.8090    238.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  sp_     1.7700    242.5324
2.0  2   c4m_  c4m_    1.5520    322.7158
2.0  2   c4m_  c=_     1.5000    322.8000
2.0  3   c4m_  c=_1    1.5000    322.8000
2.0  3   c4m_  c=_2    1.5000    322.8000
2.0  3   c4m_  c=_3    1.5000    322.8000
2.0  2   c4m_  c_      1.5260    322.7158
2.0  2   c4m_  cl_     1.7610    314.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  cp_     1.5100    283.0924
2.0  2   c4m_  ct_     1.4000    340.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  f_      1.3630    496.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  h_      1.1050    340.6175
2.0  2   c4m_  i_      2.1200    200.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  n+_     1.4620    270.8836
2.0  2   c4m_  n3m_    1.4700    356.5988
2.0  2   c4m_  n4m_    1.4670    356.5988
2.0  2   c4m_  n=_     1.4750    336.8000
2.0  3   c4m_  n=_1    1.4750    336.8000
2.0  3   c4m_  n=_2    1.4750    336.8000
2.0  3   c4m_  n=_3    1.4750    336.8000
2.0  2   c4m_  n_      1.4600    377.5752
2.0  2   c4m_  na_     1.4700    356.5988
2.0  2   c4m_  np_     1.4750    336.8000
2.0  2   c4m_  o'_     1.3800    318.9484
2.0  2   c4m_  o3e_    1.4250    273.2000
2.0  2   c4m_  o4e_    1.4462    273.2000
2.0  2   c4m_  o_      1.4250    273.2000
2.0  2   c4m_  op_     1.3800    346.5484
2.0  2   c4m_  p_      1.7500    249.1344
2.0  2   c4m_  s'_     1.7700    257.3324
2.0  2   c4m_  s3e_    1.8000    228.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  s4e_    1.8470    228.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  s_      1.8000    228.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  si_     1.8090    238.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  sp_     1.7700    242.5324
2.0  2   c=_   c=_     1.3300    655.2000
2.0  2   c=_   c_      1.5000    322.8000
2.0  2   c=_   cl_     1.7320    278.5132
2.0  2   c=_   cp_     1.5000    322.8000
2.0  2   c=_   ct_     1.4250    337.6424
2.0  2   c=_   f_      1.3950    285.1320
2.0  2   c=_   h_      1.0900    361.6000
2.0  2   c=_   i_      2.0660    233.4432
2.0  2   c=_   n3m_    1.4370    273.7168
2.0  2   c=_   n4m_    1.4370    273.7168
2.0  2   c=_   n=_     1.2600    560.0000
2.0  2   c=_   n_      1.4100    279.0740
2.0  2   c=_   na_     1.4370    273.7168
2.0  2   c=_   np_     1.4100    331.8740
2.0  2   c=_   o'_     1.3550    312.9116
2.0  2   c=_   o_      1.3680    355.1988
2.0  2   c=_   op_     1.3550    340.5116
2.0  2   c=_   p_      1.7250    250.9988
2.0  2   c=_   s'_     1.7450    255.7880
2.0  2   c=_   s3e_    1.7750    254.9440
2.0  2   c=_   s4e_    1.7750    254.9440
2.0  2   c=_   s_      1.7750    254.9440
2.0  2   c=_   si_     1.8350    241.0424
2.0  2   c=_   sp_     1.7450    240.9880
2.0  3   c=_1  c=_1    1.4800    320.0000
2.0  3   c=_1  c=_2    1.4800    320.0000
2.0  3   c=_1  c=_3    1.3300    655.2000
2.0  3   c=_1  c_      1.5000    322.8000
2.0  3   c=_1  cl_     1.7320    278.5132
2.0  3   c=_1  cp_     1.5000    322.8000
2.0  3   c=_1  ct_     1.4250    337.6424
2.0  3   c=_1  f_      1.3950    285.1320
2.0  3   c=_1  h_      1.0900    361.6000
2.0  3   c=_1  i_      2.0660    233.4432
2.0  3   c=_1  n3m_    1.4370    273.7168
2.0  3   c=_1  n4m_    1.4370    273.7168
2.0  3   c=_1  n=_1    1.4100    331.8740
2.0  3   c=_1  n=_2    1.4100    331.8740
2.0  3   c=_1  n=_3    1.2600    560.0000
2.0  3   c=_1  n_      1.4100    279.0740
2.0  3   c=_1  na_     1.4370    273.7168
2.0  3   c=_1  np_     1.4100    331.8740
2.0  3   c=_1  o'_     1.3550    312.9116
2.0  3   c=_1  o_      1.3680    355.1988
2.0  3   c=_1  op_     1.3550    340.5116
2.0  3   c=_1  p_      1.7250    250.9988
2.0  3   c=_1  s'_     1.7450    255.7880
2.0  3   c=_1  s3e_    1.7750    254.9440
2.0  3   c=_1  s4e_    1.7750    254.9440
2.0  3   c=_1  s_      1.7750    254.9440
2.0  3   c=_1  si_     1.8350    241.0424
2.0  3   c=_1  sp_     1.7450    240.9880
2.0  3   c=_2  c=_2    1.4100    480.0000
2.0  3   c=_2  c=_3    1.4800    320.0000
2.0  3   c=_2  c_      1.5000    322.8000
2.0  3   c=_2  cl_     1.7320    278.5132
2.0  3   c=_2  cp_     1.5000    322.8000
2.0  3   c=_2  ct_     1.4250    337.6424
2.0  3   c=_2  f_      1.3950    285.1320
2.0  3   c=_2  h_      1.0900    361.6000
2.0  3   c=_2  i_      2.0660    233.4432
2.0  3   c=_2  n3m_    1.4370    273.7168
2.0  3   c=_2  n4m_    1.4370    273.7168
2.0  3   c=_2  n=_1    1.4100    331.8740
2.0  3   c=_2  n=_2    1.3430    493.5268
2.0  3   c=_2  n=_3    1.4100    331.8740
2.0  3   c=_2  n_      1.4100    279.0740
2.0  3   c=_2  na_     1.4370    273.7168
2.0  3   c=_2  np_     1.4100    331.8740
2.0  3   c=_2  o'_     1.3550    312.9116
2.0  3   c=_2  o_      1.3680    355.1988
2.0  3   c=_2  op_     1.3550    340.5116
2.0  3   c=_2  p_      1.7250    250.9988
2.0  3   c=_2  s'_     1.7450    255.7880
2.0  3   c=_2  s3e_    1.7750    254.9440
2.0  3   c=_2  s4e_    1.7750    254.9440
2.0  3   c=_2  s_      1.7750    254.9440
2.0  3   c=_2  si_     1.8350    241.0424
2.0  3   c=_2  sp_     1.7450    240.9880
2.0  3   c=_3  c=_3    1.3300    655.2000
2.0  3   c=_3  c_      1.5000    322.8000
2.0  3   c=_3  cl_     1.7320    278.5132
2.0  3   c=_3  cp_     1.5000    322.8000
2.0  3   c=_3  ct_     1.4250    337.6424
2.0  3   c=_3  f_      1.3950    285.1320
2.0  3   c=_3  h_      1.0900    361.6000
2.0  3   c=_3  i_      2.0660    233.4432
2.0  3   c=_3  n3m_    1.4370    273.7168
2.0  3   c=_3  n4m_    1.4370    273.7168
2.0  3   c=_3  n=_1    1.2600    560.0000
2.0  3   c=_3  n=_2    1.4100    331.8740
2.0  3   c=_3  n=_3    1.2600    560.0000
2.0  3   c=_3  n_      1.4100    279.0740
2.0  3   c=_3  na_     1.4370    273.7168
2.0  3   c=_3  np_     1.4100    331.8740
2.0  3   c=_3  o'_     1.3550    312.9116
2.0  3   c=_3  o_      1.3680    355.1988
2.0  3   c=_3  op_     1.3550    340.5116
2.0  3   c=_3  p_      1.7250    250.9988
2.0  3   c=_3  s'_     1.7450    255.7880
2.0  3   c=_3  s3e_    1.7750    254.9440
2.0  3   c=_3  s4e_    1.7750    254.9440
2.0  3   c=_3  s_      1.7750    254.9440
2.0  3   c=_3  si_     1.8350    241.0424
2.0  3   c=_3  sp_     1.7450    240.9880
2.0  2   c_    c_      1.5260    322.7158
2.0  2   c_    cl_     1.7610    314.0000
2.0  2   c_    cp_     1.5100    283.0924
2.0  2   c_    ct_     1.4000    340.0000
2.0  2   c_    f_      1.3630    496.0000
2.0  2   c_    h_      1.1050    340.6175
2.0  2   c_    i_      2.1200    200.0000
2.0  2   c_    n+_     1.4620    270.8836
2.0  2   c_    n3m_    1.4700    356.5988
2.0  2   c_    n4m_    1.4700    356.5988
2.0  2   c_    n=_     1.4750    336.8000
2.0  3   c_    n=_1    1.4750    336.8000
2.0  3   c_    n=_2    1.4750    336.8000
2.0  3   c_    n=_3    1.4750    336.8000
2.0  2   c_    n_      1.4600    377.5752
2.0  2   c_    na_     1.4700    356.5988
2.0  2   c_    np_     1.4750    336.8000
2.0  2   c_    o'_     1.3800    318.9484
2.0  2   c_    o_      1.4250    273.2000
2.0  2   c_    op_     1.3800    346.5484
2.0  2   c_    p_      1.7500    249.1344
2.0  2   c_    s'_     1.7700    257.3324
2.0  2   c_    s_      1.8000    228.0000
2.0  2   c_    si_     1.8090    238.0000
2.0  2   c_    sp_     1.7700    242.5324
2.0  2   ci_   ci_     1.3900    280.0000
2.0  2   ci_   h_      1.0800    363.4164
2.0  2   ci_   ni_     1.3800    320.0000
2.0  2   cl_   cl_     1.9880    236.5339
2.0  2   cl_   cp_     1.7610    314.0000
2.0  2   cl_   ct_     1.6770    292.1952
2.0  2   cl_   f_      1.6470    207.1180
2.0  2   cl_   h_      1.3600    345.9024
2.0  2   cl_   i_      2.3180    189.3396
2.0  2   cl_   n+_     1.6890    217.7248
2.0  2   cl_   n3m_    1.6890    226.4260
2.0  2   cl_   n4m_    1.6890    226.4260
2.0  2   cl_   n=_     1.6620    280.3604
2.0  3   cl_   n=_1    1.6620    280.3604
2.0  3   cl_   n=_2    1.6620    280.3604
2.0  3   cl_   n=_3    1.6620    280.3604
2.0  2   cl_   n_      1.6620    227.5604
2.0  2   cl_   na_     1.6890    226.4260
2.0  2   cl_   np_     1.6620    280.3604
2.0  2   cl_   o'_     1.6070    251.7939
2.0  2   cl_   o_      1.6500    307.0632
2.0  2   cl_   op_     1.6070    279.3939
2.0  2   cl_   p_      2.0430    208.8228
2.0  2   cl_   s'_     1.9970    211.1368
2.0  2   cl_   s3e_    2.0270    212.0812
2.0  2   cl_   s4e_    2.0270    212.0812
2.0  2   cl_   s_      2.0270    212.0812
2.0  2   cl_   si_     2.0870    207.9748
2.0  2   cl_   sp_     1.9970    196.3368
2.0  2   cp_   cp_     1.3900    480.0000
2.0  2   cp_   ct_     1.4000    321.6716
2.0  2   cp_   f_      1.3630    496.0000
2.0  2   cp_   h_      1.0800    363.4164
2.0  2   cp_   i_      2.0410    217.4512
2.0  2   cp_   n+_     1.4120    251.3344
2.0  2   cp_   n3m_    1.4200    280.0000
2.0  2   cp_   n4m_    1.4200    280.0000
2.0  2   cp_   n=_     1.3850    316.0380
2.0  3   cp_   n=_1    1.3850    316.0380
2.0  3   cp_   n=_2    1.3850    316.0380
2.0  3   cp_   n=_3    1.3850    316.0380
2.0  2   cp_   n_      1.4200    280.0000
2.0  2   cp_   na_     1.4120    257.7752
2.0  2   cp_   np_     1.3500    440.0000
2.0  2   cp_   o'_     1.3300    297.4852
2.0  2   cp_   o_      1.3700    384.0000
2.0  2   cp_   op_     1.3700    420.0000
2.0  2   cp_   p_      1.7000    235.0428
2.0  2   cp_   s'_     1.7200    239.8024
2.0  2   cp_   s3e     1.7300    228.0000
2.0  2   cp_   s4e     1.7300    228.0000
2.0  2   cp_   s_      1.7300    228.0000
2.0  2   cp_   si_     1.8100    225.1676
2.0  2   cp_   sp_     1.7106    320.0000
2.0  2   cr_   n=_     1.2600    560.0000
2.0  3   cr_   n=_1    1.2600    560.0000
2.0  3   cr_   n=_2    1.2600    560.0000
2.0  3   cr_   n=_3    1.2600    560.0000
2.0  2   cr_   n_      1.3200    388.0000
2.0  2   ct_   ct_     1.2040    800.0000
2.0  2   ct_   f_      1.3400    278.3932
2.0  2   ct_   h_      1.0530    316.9016
2.0  2   ct_   i_      2.0110    248.9268
2.0  2   ct_   n+_     1.3820    278.3768
2.0  2   ct_   n3m_    1.3820    286.8096
2.0  2   ct_   n4m_    1.3820    286.8096
2.0  2   ct_   n=_     1.3550    342.2448
2.0  3   ct_   n=_1    1.3550    342.2448
2.0  3   ct_   n=_2    1.3550    342.2448
2.0  3   ct_   n=_3    1.3550    342.2448
2.0  2   ct_   n_      1.3550    289.4448
2.0  2   ct_   na_     1.3820    286.8096
2.0  2   ct_   nt_     1.1580    880.0000
2.0  2   ct_   o'_     1.3000    318.8680
2.0  2   ct_   o_      1.3130    367.8164
2.0  2   ct_   op_     1.3000    346.4680
2.0  2   ct_   p_      1.6700    273.4668
2.0  2   ct_   s'_     1.6900    270.8344
2.0  2   ct_   s3e_    1.7200    271.4328
2.0  2   ct_   s4e_    1.7200    271.4328
2.0  2   ct_   s_      1.7200    271.4328
2.0  2   ct_   si_     1.7800    267.2964
2.0  2   ct_   sp_     1.6900    256.0344
2.0  2   d_    d_      0.7416    398.2392
2.0  2   f_    f_      1.4170    259.0683
2.0  2   f_    h_      1.0230    520.7304
2.0  2   f_    i_      1.9810    174.1664
2.0  2   f_    n+_     1.3520    178.0372
2.0  2   f_    n3m_    1.3520    200.9852
2.0  2   f_    n4m_    1.3520    200.9852
2.0  2   f_    n=_     1.3250    242.1856
2.0  3   f_    n=_1    1.3250    242.1856
2.0  3   f_    n=_2    1.3250    242.1856
2.0  3   f_    n=_3    1.3250    242.1856
2.0  2   f_    n_      1.3250    189.3856
2.0  2   f_    na_     1.3520    200.9852
2.0  2   f_    np_     1.3250    242.1856
2.0  2   f_    o'_     1.2700    204.0505
2.0  2   f_    o_      1.4180    224.0000
2.0  2   f_    op_     1.2700    231.6505
2.0  2   f_    p_      1.5400    230.3664
2.0  2   f_    s'_     1.6600    195.3021
2.0  2   f_    s3e_    1.6900    204.8184
2.0  2   f_    s4e_    1.6900    204.8184
2.0  2   f_    s_      1.6900    204.8184
2.0  2   f_    si_     1.5870    297.3400
2.0  2   f_    sp_     1.6600    180.5021
2.0  2   h_    h_      0.7461    398.7301
2.0  2   h_    i_      1.6940    292.0432
2.0  2   h_    n+_     1.0650    461.1848
2.0  2   h_    n3m_    1.0260    457.4592
2.0  2   h_    n4m_    1.0260    457.4592
2.0  2   h_    n=_     1.0380    551.2061
2.0  3   h_    n=_1    1.0380    551.2061
2.0  3   h_    n=_2    1.0380    551.2061
2.0  3   h_    n=_3    1.0380    551.2061
2.0  2   h_    n_      1.0260    483.4512
2.0  2   h_    na_     1.0260    457.4592
2.0  2   h_    np_     1.0260    483.4512
2.0  2   h_    o'_     0.9830    458.4610
2.0  2   h_    o_      0.9600    493.8480
2.0  2   h_    op_     0.9830    486.0610
2.0  2   h_    p_      1.4300    224.0000
2.0  2   h_    s'_     1.3730    316.8138
2.0  2   h_    s3e_    1.3300    274.1288
2.0  2   h_    s4e_    1.3300    274.1288
2.0  2   h_    s_      1.3300    274.1288
2.0  2   h_    si_     1.4630    288.3168
2.0  2   h_    sp_     1.3730    236.5449
2.0  2   i_    i_      2.6620    123.2110
2.0  2   i_    n+_     2.0230    177.2764
2.0  2   i_    n3m_    2.0230    184.0104
2.0  2   i_    n4m_    2.0230    184.0104
2.0  2   i_    n=_     1.9960    239.4972
2.0  3   i_    n=_1    1.9960    239.4972
2.0  3   i_    n=_2    1.9960    239.4972
2.0  3   i_    n=_3    1.9960    239.4972
2.0  2   i_    n_      1.9960    186.6972
2.0  2   i_    na_     2.0230    184.0104
2.0  2   i_    np_     1.9960    239.4972
2.0  2   i_    o'_     1.9410    213.2317
2.0  2   i_    o_      1.9840    264.9868
2.0  2   i_    op_     1.9410    240.8317
2.0  2   i_    p_      2.3110    162.7080
2.0  2   i_    s'_     2.3310    167.6272
2.0  2   i_    s3e_    2.3610    167.7624
2.0  2   i_    s4e_    2.3610    167.7624
2.0  2   i_    s_      2.3610    167.7624
2.0  2   i_    si_     2.4210    158.9664
2.0  2   i_    sp_     2.3310    152.8272
2.0  2   n+_   n+_     1.3940    193.5604
2.0  2   n+_   n3m_    1.3940    211.1592
2.0  2   n+_   n4m_    1.3940    211.1592
2.0  2   n+_   n=_     1.3670    263.4360
2.0  3   n+_   n=_1    1.3670    263.4360
2.0  3   n+_   n=_2    1.3670    263.4360
2.0  3   n+_   n=_3    1.3670    263.4360
2.0  2   n+_   n_      1.3670    210.6360
2.0  2   n+_   na_     1.3940    211.1592
2.0  2   n+_   np_     1.3670    263.4360
2.0  2   n+_   o'_     1.3120    234.1060
2.0  2   n+_   o_      1.3250    291.0020
2.0  2   n+_   op_     1.3120    261.7060
2.0  2   n+_   p_      1.6820    209.1536
2.0  2   n+_   s'_     1.7020    198.0952
2.0  2   n+_   s_      1.7320    200.1168
2.0  2   n+_   si_     1.7920    206.9412
2.0  2   n+_   sp_     1.7020    183.2952
2.0  2   n3m_  n3m_    1.3940    220.8000
2.0  2   n3m_  n4m_    1.3940    220.8000
2.0  2   n3m_  n=_     1.3670    274.4968
2.0  3   n3m_  n=_1    1.3670    274.4968
2.0  3   n3m_  n=_2    1.3670    274.4968
2.0  3   n3m_  n=_3    1.3670    274.4968
2.0  2   n3m_  n_      1.3670    221.6968
2.0  2   n3m_  na_     1.3940    220.8000
2.0  2   n3m_  np_     1.3670    274.4968
2.0  2   n3m_  o'_     1.3120    246.5760
2.0  2   n3m_  o_      1.3250    301.3500
2.0  2   n3m_  op_     1.3120    274.1760
2.0  2   n3m_  p_      1.6820    210.5400
2.0  2   n3m_  s'_     1.7020    205.7752
2.0  2   n3m_  s3e_    1.7320    206.9404
2.0  2   n3m_  s4e_    1.7320    206.9404
2.0  2   n3m_  s_      1.7320    206.9404
2.0  2   n3m_  si_     1.7920    204.4236
2.0  2   n3m_  sp_     1.7020    190.9752
2.0  2   n4m_  n4m_    1.3940    220.8000
2.0  2   n4m_  n=_     1.3670    274.4968
2.0  3   n4m_  n=_1    1.3670    274.4968
2.0  3   n4m_  n=_2    1.3670    274.4968
2.0  3   n4m_  n=_3    1.3670    274.4968
2.0  2   n4m_  n_      1.3670    221.6968
2.0  2   n4m_  na_     1.3940    220.8000
2.0  2   n4m_  np_     1.3670    274.4968
2.0  2   n4m_  o'_     1.3120    246.5760
2.0  2   n4m_  o_      1.3250    301.3500
2.0  2   n4m_  op_     1.3120    274.1760
2.0  2   n4m_  p_      1.6820    210.5400
2.0  2   n4m_  s'_     1.7020    205.7752
2.0  2   n4m_  s3e_    1.7320    206.9404
2.0  2   n4m_  s4e_    1.7320    206.9404
2.0  2   n4m_  s_      1.7320    206.9404
2.0  2   n4m_  si_     1.7920    204.4236
2.0  2   n4m_  sp_     1.7020    190.9752
2.0  2   n=_   n=_     1.2100    651.2000
2.0  2   n=_   n_      1.3400    272.8000
2.0  2   n=_   na_     1.3670    274.4968
2.0  2   n=_   np_     1.3400    325.6000
2.0  2   n=_   o'_     1.1600    575.8720
2.0  2   n=_   o_      1.2980    354.0632
2.0  2   n=_   op_     1.2850    319.9080
2.0  2   n=_   p_      1.6550    272.7524
2.0  2   n=_   s'_     1.5900    489.2400
2.0  2   n=_   s3e_    1.7050    263.4208
2.0  2   n=_   s4e_    1.7050    263.4208
2.0  2   n=_   s_      1.7050    263.4208
2.0  2   n=_   si_     1.7650    269.6064
2.0  2   n=_   sp_     1.6750    246.2844
2.0  3   n=_1  n=_1    1.3400    325.6000
2.0  3   n=_1  n=_2    1.3400    325.6000
2.0  3   n=_1  n=_3    1.2100    651.2000
2.0  3   n=_1  n_      1.3400    272.8000
2.0  3   n=_1  na_     1.3670    274.4968
2.0  3   n=_1  np_     1.3400    325.6000
2.0  3   n=_1  o'_     1.2850    292.3080
2.0  3   n=_1  o_      1.2980    354.0632
2.0  3   n=_1  op_     1.2850    319.9080
2.0  3   n=_1  p_      1.6550    272.7524
2.0  3   n=_1  s'_     1.6750    261.0844
2.0  3   n=_1  s3e_    1.7050    263.4208
2.0  3   n=_1  s4e_    1.7050    263.4208
2.0  3   n=_1  s_      1.7050    263.4208
2.0  3   n=_1  si_     1.7650    269.6064
2.0  3   n=_1  sp_     1.6750    246.2844
2.0  3   n=_2  n=_2    1.2760    488.0000
2.0  2   n=_2  n=_3    1.3400    325.6000
2.0  3   n=_2  n_      1.3400    272.8000
2.0  3   n=_2  na_     1.3670    274.4968
2.0  3   n=_2  np_     1.3400    325.6000
2.0  3   n=_2  o'_     1.2225    434.0900
2.0  3   n=_2  o_      1.2980    354.0632
2.0  3   n=_2  op_     1.2850    319.9080
2.0  3   n=_2  p_      1.6550    272.7524
2.0  3   n=_2  s'_     1.6325    375.1624
2.0  3   n=_2  s3e_    1.7050    263.4208
2.0  3   n=_2  s4e_    1.7050    263.4208
2.0  3   n=_2  s_      1.7050    263.4208
2.0  3   n=_2  si_     1.7650    269.6064
2.0  3   n=_2  sp_     1.6750    246.2844
2.0  3   n=_3  n=_3    1.2100    651.2000
2.0  3   n=_3  n_      1.3400    272.8000
2.0  3   n=_3  na_     1.3670    274.4968
2.0  3   n=_3  np_     1.3400    325.6000
2.0  3   n=_3  o'_     1.1600    575.8720
2.0  3   n=_3  o_      1.2980    354.0632
2.0  3   n=_3  op_     1.2850    319.9080
2.0  3   n=_3  p_      1.6550    272.7524
2.0  3   n=_3  s'_     1.5900    489.2400
2.0  3   n=_3  s3e_    1.7050    263.4208
2.0  3   n=_3  s4e_    1.7050    263.4208
2.0  2   n=_3  s_      1.7050    263.4208
2.0  3   n=_3  si_     1.7650    269.6064
2.0  2   n=_3  sp_     1.6750    246.2844
2.0  2   n_    n_      1.3400    220.0000
2.0  2   n_    na_     1.3670    221.6968
2.0  2   n_    np_     1.3400    272.8000
2.0  2   n_    o'_     1.2850    239.5080
2.0  2   n_    o_      1.2980    301.2632
2.0  2   n_    op_     1.2850    267.1080
2.0  2   n_    p_      1.6550    219.9524
2.0  2   n_    s'_     1.6750    208.2844
2.0  2   n_    s3e_    1.7050    210.6208
2.0  2   n_    s4e_    1.7050    210.6208
2.0  2   n_    s_      1.7050    210.6208
2.0  2   n_    si_     1.7650    216.8064
2.0  2   n_    sp_     1.6750    193.4844
2.0  2   na_   na_     1.3940    220.8000
2.0  2   na_   np_     1.3670    274.4968
2.0  2   na_   o'_     1.3120    246.5760
2.0  2   na_   o_      1.3250    301.3500
2.0  2   na_   op_     1.3120    274.1760
2.0  2   na_   p_      1.6820    210.5400
2.0  2   na_   s'_     1.7020    205.7752
2.0  2   na_   s3e_    1.7320    206.9404
2.0  2   na_   s4e_    1.7320    206.9404
2.0  2   na_   s_      1.7320    206.9404
2.0  2   na_   si_     1.7920    204.4236
2.0  2   na_   sp_     1.7020    190.9752
2.0  2   np_   np_     1.3400    408.0000
2.0  2   np_   o'_     1.2850    292.3080
2.0  2   np_   o_      1.2980    354.0632
2.0  2   np_   op_     1.2850    319.9080
2.0  2   np_   p_      1.6550    272.7524
2.0  2   np_   s'_     1.6750    261.0844
2.0  2   np_   s3e_    1.7050    263.4208
2.0  2   np_   s4e_    1.7050    263.4208
2.0  2   np_   s_      1.7050    263.4208
2.0  2   np_   si_     1.7650    269.6064
2.0  2   np_   sp_     1.6750    246.2844
2.0  2   nt_   nt_     1.0976   1632.4955
2.0  2   nz_   nz_     1.0976   1632.4955
2.0  2   o'_   o'_     1.1100    484.8000
2.0  2   o'_   o_      1.2430    323.1720
2.0  2   o'_   op_     1.2300    272.4000
2.0  2   o'_   p_      1.4800    524.0000
2.0  2   o'_   s'_     1.5400    421.5188
2.0  2   o'_   s3e_    1.6500    239.5744
2.0  2   o'_   s4e_    1.6500    239.5744
2.0  2   o'_   s_      1.5900    360.4188
2.0  2   o'_   si_     1.6500    454.7464
2.0  2   o'_   sp_     1.5600    341.2736
2.0  2   o-_   p_      1.4800    428.0000
2.0  2   o_    o_      1.2080    833.6868
2.0  2   o_    op_     1.2430    350.7720
2.0  2   o_    p_      1.6100    245.2000
2.0  2   o_    s'_     1.6330    286.7584
2.0  2   o_    s3e_    1.6930    288.0848
2.0  2   o_    s4e_    1.6930    288.0848
2.0  2   o_    s_      1.6930    288.0848
2.0  2   o_    si_     1.6650    392.8000
2.0  2   o_    sp_     1.6330    271.9584
2.0  2   op_   op_     1.2300    300.0000
2.0  2   op_   p_      1.6300    286.0904
2.0  2   op_   s'_     1.6200    262.9744
2.0  2   op_   s3e_    1.6800    266.7748
2.0  2   op_   s4e_    1.6800    266.7748
2.0  2   op_   s_      1.6800    266.7748
2.0  2   op_   si      1.5870    292.2400
2.0  2   op_   sp_     1.6500    247.8440
2.0  2   p_    p_      1.9700    176.0000
2.0  2   p_    s'_     1.9700    255.2524
2.0  2   p_    s-_     1.9800    210.9800
2.0  2   p_    s3e_    2.0200    186.8792
2.0  2   p_    s4e_    2.0200    186.8792
2.0  2   p_    s_      2.0200    186.8792
2.0  2   p_    si_     1.9170    168.2072
2.0  2   p_    sp_     1.9900    175.1796
2.0  2   s'_   s'_     1.9700    320.0000
2.0  2   s'_   s3e_    2.0400    189.9260
2.0  2   s'_   s4e_    2.0400    189.9260
2.0  2   s'_   s_      2.0400    189.9260
2.0  2   s'_   si_     2.0800    247.5744
2.0  2   s'_   sp_     1.9900    240.0000
2.0  2   s3e_  s3e_    2.0000    180.0000
2.0  2   s3e_  s4e_    2.0000    180.0000
2.0  2   s3e_  s_      2.1000    160.0000
2.0  2   s3e_  si_     2.1300    177.2928
2.0  2   s3e_  sp_     2.0400    175.1260
2.0  2   s4e_  s4e_    2.0000    180.0000
2.0  2   s4e_  s_      2.1000    160.0000
2.0  2   s4e_  si_     2.1300    177.2928
2.0  2   s4e_  sp_     2.0400    175.1260
2.0  2   s_    s_      2.0547    180.0000
2.0  2   s_    si_     2.1300    177.2928
2.0  2   s_    sp_     2.0400    175.1260
2.0  2   si_   si_     2.1900    144.0000
2.0  2   si_   sp_     2.1000    167.4260
2.0  2   sp_   sp_     2.0100    160.0000

#quartic_bond         pcff

> E = K2 * (R - R0)^2  +  K3 * (R - R0)^3  +  K4 * (R - R0)^4

!Ver Ref    I     J       R0         K2          K3          K4
!--- ---  ----- -----  -------    --------    --------    --------
3.0 10   az    oah     1.6987    330.3950   -600.3590    662.1600
3.0 10   az    oas     1.6614    378.8170   -590.1830    419.2000
3.0 10   az    ob      2.2643    131.8700    462.6760    650.2020
2.1  8   br    c       1.9390    151.1370      0.0000      0.0000
2.1  8   c     c       1.5300    299.6700   -501.7700    679.8100
1.0  1   c     c       1.5300    299.6700   -501.7700    679.8100
1.0  1   c     c-      1.5483    253.0800   -449.0300    457.3200
1.0  1   c     c=      1.5060    312.3517   -582.1861    339.8971
1.0  1   c     c=1     1.5060    312.3517   -582.1861    339.8971
1.0  1   c     c=2     1.5060    312.3517   -582.1861    339.8971
2.1  8   c     c_0     1.5140    312.3719   -465.8290    473.8300
1.0  1   c     c_1     1.5202    253.7067   -423.0370    396.9000
2.1  8   c     cl      1.7900    194.3190      0.0000      0.0000
1.0  1   c     cp      1.5010    321.9021   -521.8208    572.1628
2.1  8   c     f       1.3900    403.0320      0.0000      0.0000
2.1  8   c     h       1.1010    345.0000   -691.8900    844.6000
1.0  1   c     h       1.1010    341.0000   -691.8900    844.6000
1.0  1   c     n       1.4520    327.1657   -547.8990    526.5000
1.0  1   c     n+      1.5185    293.1700   -603.7882    629.6900
1.1  1   c     n=      1.4750    336.0000      0.0000      0.0000
1.1  1   c     n=1     1.4750    336.0000      0.0000      0.0000
1.1  1   c     n=2     1.4750    336.0000      0.0000      0.0000
2.1  7   c     n_2     1.4632    319.1593   -586.3243    961.4143
1.0  1   c     na      1.4570    365.8052   -699.6368    998.4842
1.0  1   c     nr      1.4695    340.2400   -589.4800    854.5300
1.0  1   c     o       1.4200    400.3954   -835.1951   1313.0142
2.2  7   c     o_2     1.4300    326.7273   -608.5306    689.0333
2.1  6   c     o_2     1.4457    326.7273   -608.5306    689.0333
2.0  5   c     oz      1.4457    326.7273   -608.5306    689.0333
1.0  1   c     s       1.8230    225.2768   -327.7057    488.9722
2.2  9   c     si      1.8995    189.6536   -279.4210    307.5135
1.0  4   c     sio     1.9073    157.0049   -237.7023    356.0328
1.0  1   c+    nr      1.3834    380.4600   -814.4300   1153.3000
1.0  1   c-    h       1.1331    241.0600   -574.7800    853.7500
1.0  1   c-    o-      1.2339    711.3500  -1543.9000   1858.6000
1.0  1   c=    c=      1.3521    545.2663  -1005.6330   1225.7415
3.1 12   c=    c=1     1.3400    543.9900  -1238.2025   1644.0282
1.0  1   c=    c=1     1.3521    545.2663  -1005.6330   1225.7415
1.0  1   c=    c=2     1.3521    545.2663  -1005.6330   1225.7415
3.1 12   c=    c_1     1.4600    270.1200   -433.2519    405.3601
1.0  1   c=    h       1.0883    365.7679   -725.5404    781.6621
3.1 12   c=    n_2     1.3600    380.8100   -725.2168    805.6459
3.1 12   c=1   c=2     1.4400    304.9700   -519.7458    516.7039
1.0  1   c=1   h       1.0883    365.7679   -725.5404    781.6621
3.1 12   c=2   c=2     1.3400    543.9900  -1238.2025   1644.0282
3.1 12   c=2   c_1     1.4600    270.1200   -433.2519    405.3601
1.0  1   c=2   h       1.0883    365.7679   -725.5404    781.6621
2.1  8   c=2   o=      1.1600   1112.0000      0.0000      0.0000
2.1  8   c=2   s'      1.5526    567.3600      0.0000      0.0000
2.1  8   c_0   cp      1.4890    339.3574   -655.7236    670.2362
2.1  8   c_0   h       1.1220    304.8631   -623.3705    700.2828
2.1  8   c_0   o_1     1.2160    823.7948  -1878.7940   2303.5311
2.1  6   c_1   cp      1.4890    339.3574   -655.7236    670.2362
1.0  1   c_1   h       1.1110    325.5717   -632.1990    726.0003
1.0  1   c_1   n       1.4160    359.1591   -558.4730   1146.3810
2.1  8   c_1   n_2     1.3660    390.6783   -768.3798    923.2418
1.0  1   c_1   o       1.3649    368.7309   -832.4784   1274.0231
2.1  6   c_1   o_1     1.2020    851.1403  -1918.4882   2160.7659
1.0  1   c_1   o_1     1.2195    820.7018  -1875.1000   2303.7600
2.1  6   c_1   o_2     1.3683    367.1481   -794.7908   1055.2319
2.1  7   c_2   n_2     1.3580    440.6783   -828.3798   1423.2418
2.1  7   c_2   o_1     1.2063    854.2903  -1922.3407   2101.6824
2.1  7   c_2   o_2     1.3598    391.3310   -788.5655   1212.3812
3.1 12   cl    p=      2.0378    158.7770   -239.1290    210.0844
2.1  8   cp    cp      1.4170    470.8361   -627.6179   1327.6345
2.0  5   cp    cp      1.3823    476.2720   -869.7532   1281.3640
1.0  1   cp    cp      1.4314    356.0904   -627.6179   1327.6345
2.1  8   cp    h       1.0982    372.8251   -803.4526    894.3173
2.0  5   cp    h       1.0731    374.9058   -799.8437    899.9151
2.1  7   cp    n_2     1.4390    344.0452   -652.1208   1022.2242
1.0  1   cp    nh      1.3749    477.5202   -848.5592   1022.3909
1.0  1   cp    nn      1.3912    447.0438   -784.5346    886.1671
1.0  1   cp    np      1.3485    508.8587   -977.6914   1772.5134
1.0  1   cp    o       1.3768    428.8798   -738.2351   1114.9655
2.1  6   cp    o_2     1.4098    387.9119   -715.9186    660.2442
1.0  1   cp    op      1.3597    547.5169   -834.0665    544.3090
2.0  5   cp    oz      1.3828    387.9119   -715.9186    660.2442
3.1 12   cp    p=      1.7886    197.7015   -332.2507    325.7157
2.2  9   cp    si      1.8634    233.2433   -276.8692    161.6659
1.0  1   cp    sp      1.7053    364.2568   -457.7758    291.1498
1.1  2   cr    n=      1.2600    560.0000      0.0000      0.0000
1.1  1   cr    n=1     1.2600    560.0000      0.0000      0.0000
1.1  1   cr    n=2     1.2600    560.0000      0.0000      0.0000
1.1  2   cr    nr      1.3200    388.0000      0.0000      0.0000
2.0  5   cz    oo      1.1953    854.2903  -1922.3407   2301.6824
2.0  5   cz    oz      1.3398    391.3310   -788.5655   1212.3812
1.0  4   f     f       1.4200    330.3795   -647.0052    760.1593
1.0  4   f     h*      0.9170    695.3795  -1736.0052   2430.1593
3.1 12   f     p=      1.5632    379.1441   -882.3835   1197.9185
2.1  8   h     h       0.7414    414.0000      0.0000      0.0000
3.1 12   h     p=      1.3861    285.2043   -575.6851    677.8456
1.0  1   h     s       1.3261    275.1123   -531.3181    562.9630
2.2  9   h     si      1.4783    202.7798   -305.3603    280.2685
1.0  4   h     sio     1.4802    187.1010   -280.7306    258.8998
1.0  1   h*    n       1.0100    462.7500  -1053.6300   1545.7570
3.1 12   h*    n=      1.0025    540.1120  -1500.2952   2431.0081
1.0  1   h*    na      1.0060    466.7400  -1073.6018   1251.1056
1.0  1   h*    nh      1.0053    463.9230  -1050.8070   1284.7262
1.0  1   h*    nn      1.0012    465.8608  -1066.2360   1496.5647
1.0  1   h*    nr      1.0023    462.3900  -1044.6000   1468.7000
1.0  1   h*    o       0.9650    532.5062  -1282.9050   2004.7658
1.2  3   h*    o*      0.9700    563.2800  -1428.2200   1902.1200
1.0  4   h*    osi     0.9494    540.3633  -1311.8663   2132.4446
1.0  1   h+    n+      1.0119    448.6300   -963.1917   1248.4000
3.0 10   hb    ob      0.9513    665.5370  -1616.9700   2259.4700
1.1  2   hi    nh      1.0053    463.9230  -1050.8070   1284.7262
2.1  7   hn2   n_2     0.9959    495.8294  -1092.7239   1441.1290
2.1  6   ho2   o_2     0.9520    534.2994  -1287.1937   1889.1396
2.0  5   ho2   oz      0.9520    534.2994  -1287.1937   1889.1396
3.0 10   hoa   oah     0.9421    719.2330  -1606.4200   2199.7200
3.0 10   hos   osh     0.9457    702.8730  -1531.8700   1814.8300
3.1 12   n     p=      1.6580    329.1660   -713.7949    902.9188
3.1 12   n=    p=      1.5880    429.1660   -751.4047    767.4308
1.0  1   nh    np      1.3204    646.7598  -1639.8800   6799.7099
1.0  1   np    np      1.3121    513.0111   -873.6366   1634.3437
2.1  8   nz    nz      1.0977   1652.4000      0.0000      0.0000
3.1 12   o     p=      1.6090    333.0981   -726.6232    924.6198
2.1  8   o=    o=      1.2074    847.4400      0.0000      0.0000
2.1  8   o=    s'      1.4308    743.7600      0.0000      0.0000
3.0 10   oas   sz      1.5923    392.6680  -1004.4800   3452.8601
3.0 10   ob    sz      1.6446    393.6690   -989.8420   1461.9800
3.0 10   osh   sz      1.6125    420.0240   -845.6110   1438.6300
1.0  4   osi   sio     1.6562    306.1232   -517.3424    673.7067
3.0 10   oss   sz      1.6155    325.4430   -943.3640   1454.6700
1.0  1   s     s       2.0559    197.6560   -196.1366    644.4103
2.2  9   si    si      2.3384    114.2164   -140.4212     80.7084

#quadratic_angle      pcff_auto

> E = K2 * (Theta - Theta0)^2

!Ver Ref    I     J     K      Theta0       K2
!--- ---  ----- ----- -----   --------   -------
2.0  2   *     c'_   *       120.0000    65.0000
2.0  2   *1    c'_   si_     120.0000    34.6000
2.0  2   *2    c'_   h_      110.0000    55.0000
2.0  2   *3    c'_   f_      120.0000    99.0000
2.0  2   *4    c'_   s'_     123.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *5    c'_   s3e_    120.0000    40.0000
2.0  2   *5    c'_   s4e_    120.0000    40.0000
2.0  2   *5    c'_   s_      120.0000    40.0000
2.0  2   *6    c'_   o'_     120.0000    68.0000
2.0  2   *7    c'_   o_      110.0000   122.0000
2.0  2   *8    c'_   n3m_    120.0000    53.5000
2.0  2   *8    c'_   n4m_    120.0000    53.5000
2.0  2   *8    c'_   n_      120.0000    53.5000
2.0  2   *9    c'_   c3m_    120.0000    40.0000
2.0  2   *9    c'_   c4m_    120.0000    40.0000
2.0  2   *9    c'_   c_      120.0000    40.0000
2.0  2   c_    c'_   c_      115.0000    40.0000
2.0  2   c_    c'_   n3m_    114.0000    82.0000
2.0  2   c_    c'_   n4m_    114.0000    82.0000
2.0  2   c_    c'_   n_      114.0000    82.0000
2.0  2   h_    c'_   h_      117.0200    26.3900
2.0  2   h_    c'_   o'_     120.0000    55.0000
2.0  2   n3m_  c'_   o'_     125.0000   145.0000
2.0  2   n4m_  c'_   o'_     123.0000   145.0000
2.0  2   n_    c'_   n_      120.0000   102.0000
2.0  2   n_    c'_   o'_     123.0000   145.0000
2.0  2   o'_   c'_   o_      123.0000   145.0000
2.0  2   *     c3m_  *       109.5000    60.0000
2.0  2   *1    c3m_  si_     112.3000    34.6000
2.0  2   *2    c3m_  h_      109.5000    44.0000
2.0  2   *3    c3m_  f_      107.8000    95.0000
2.0  2   *4    c3m_  s'_     109.5000    62.0000
2.0  2   *4    c3m_  s3e_    109.5000    62.0000
2.0  2   *4    c3m_  s4e_    109.5000    62.0000
2.0  2   *4    c3m_  s_      109.5000    62.0000
2.0  2   *5    c3m_  o'_     109.5000    70.0000
2.0  2   *5    c3m_  o3e_    109.5000    70.0000
2.0  2   *5    c3m_  o4e_    109.5000    70.0000
2.0  2   *5    c3m_  o_      109.5000    70.0000
2.0  2   *6    c3m_  n3m_    109.5000    50.0000
2.0  2   *6    c3m_  n4m_    109.5000    50.0000
2.0  2   *6    c3m_  n_      109.5000    50.0000
2.0  2   *7    c3m_  c3m_    109.5000    46.0000
2.0  2   *7    c3m_  c4m_    109.5000    46.0000
2.0  2   *7    c3m_  c_      109.5000    46.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  c3m_  c3m_     60.0000    46.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  c3m_  n3m_     60.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  c3m_  n_      112.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  c3m_  o3e_     60.0000    70.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  c3m_  s3e_     60.0000    62.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  c3m_  n_      112.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   c_    c3m_  n_      112.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   f_    c3m_  h_      107.1000    62.0000
2.0  2   n3m_  c3m_  n3m_     60.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   s3e_  c3m_  s3e_     60.0000    62.0000
2.0  2   *     c4m_  *       109.5000    60.0000
2.0  2   *1    c4m_  si_     112.3000    34.6000
2.0  2   *2    c4m_  h_      109.5000    44.0000
2.0  2   *3    c4m_  f_      107.8000    95.0000
2.0  2   *4    c4m_  s'_     109.5000    62.0000
2.0  2   *4    c4m_  s3e_    109.5000    62.0000
2.0  2   *4    c4m_  s4e_    109.5000    62.0000
2.0  2   *4    c4m_  s_      109.5000    62.0000
2.0  2   *5    c4m_  o'_     109.5000    70.0000
2.0  2   *5    c4m_  o3e_    109.5000    70.0000
2.0  2   *5    c4m_  o4e_    109.5000    70.0000
2.0  2   *5    c4m_  o_      109.5000    70.0000
2.0  2   *6    c4m_  n3m_    109.5000    50.0000
2.0  2   *6    c4m_  n4m_    109.5000    50.0000
2.0  2   *6    c4m_  n_      109.5000    50.0000
2.0  2   *7    c4m_  c3m_    109.5000    46.0000
2.0  2   *7    c4m_  c4m_    109.5000    46.0000
2.0  2   *7    c4m_  c_      109.5000    46.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  c4m_  n_      112.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  c4m_  c4m_     95.0000    46.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  c4m_  n4m_     88.3400    50.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  c4m_  n_      112.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  c4m_  o4e_     91.8400    70.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  c4m_  o_      121.0000    46.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  c4m_  s4e_     94.5900    62.0000
2.0  2   c_    c4m_  n_      112.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   f_    c4m_  h_      107.1000    62.0000
2.0  2   n4m_  c4m_  n4m_     88.4000    50.0000
2.0  2   n4m_  c4m_  o4m_     90.0000    70.0000
2.0  2   n4m_  c4m_  s4m_     89.0000    62.0000
2.0  2   o4e_  c4m_  o4e_     90.0000    70.0000
2.0  2   o4e_  c4m_  s4e_     89.0000    70.0000
2.0  2   s4e_  c4m_  s4e_     91.0000    62.0000
2.0  2   *     c=_   *       120.0000    60.0000
2.0  2   *1    c=_   si_     120.0000    34.6000
2.0  2   *2    c=_   h_      120.0000    37.5000
2.0  2   *3    c=_   f_      120.0000    96.0000
2.0  2   *4    c=_   s'_     120.0000    40.0000
2.0  2   *4    c=_   s3e_    120.0000    40.0000
2.0  2   *4    c=_   s4e_    120.0000    40.0000
2.0  2   *4    c=_   s_      120.0000    40.0000
2.0  2   *5    c=_   o'_     120.0000    68.0000
2.0  2   *5    c=_   o_      120.0000    68.0000
2.0  2   *6    c=_   n3m_    120.0000    90.0000
2.0  2   *6    c=_   n4m_    120.0000    90.0000
2.0  2   *6    c=_   n_      120.0000    90.0000
2.0  2   *7    c=_   c3m_    120.0000    36.2000
2.0  2   *7    c=_   c4m_    120.0000    36.2000
2.0  2   *7    c=_   c_      120.0000    36.2000
2.0  2   *     c_    *       109.5000    60.0000
2.0  2   *1    c_    si_     112.3000    34.6000
2.0  2   *2    c_    h_      109.5000    44.0000
2.0  2   *3    c_    f_      107.8000    95.0000
2.0  2   *4    c_    s'_     109.5000    62.0000
2.0  2   *4    c_    s3m_    109.5000    62.0000
2.0  2   *4    c_    s4m_    109.5000    62.0000
2.0  2   *4    c_    s_      109.5000    62.0000
2.0  2   *5    c_    o_      109.5000    70.0000
2.0  2   *6    c_    n3m_    109.5000    50.0000
2.0  2   *6    c_    n4m_    109.5000    50.0000
2.0  2   *6    c_    n_      109.5000    50.0000
2.0  2   *7    c_    c3m_    109.5000    46.0000
2.0  2   *7    c_    c4m_    109.5000    46.0000
2.0  2   *7    c_    c_      109.5000    46.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  c_    n_      114.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  c_    n_      114.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   c_    c_    n3m_    114.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   c_    c_    n4m_    114.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   c_    c_    n_      114.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   c_    c_    o_      110.5000    46.0000
2.0  2   c_    c_    s_      115.0000    46.0000
2.0  2   f_    c_    h_      107.1000    62.0000
2.0  2   *     cp_   *       120.0000    65.0000
2.0  2   *1    cp_   si_     120.0000    34.6000
2.0  2   *2    cp_   h_      120.0000    37.0000
2.0  2   *3    cp_   f_      120.0000    99.0000
2.0  2   *4    cp_   s'_     120.0000    60.0000
2.0  2   *4    cp_   s3e_    120.0000    89.0000
2.0  2   *4    cp_   s4e_    120.0000    89.0000
2.0  2   *4    cp_   s_      120.0000    89.0000
2.0  2   *5    cp_   o'_     120.0000    60.0000
2.0  2   *5    cp_   o_      120.0000    60.0000
2.0  2   *6    cp_   n3m_    120.0000   102.0000
2.0  2   *6    cp_   n4m_    120.0000   102.0000
2.0  2   *6    cp_   n_      120.0000   102.0000
2.0  2   *7    cp_   c3m_    120.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *7    cp_   c4m_    120.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *7    cp_   c_      120.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   c_    cp_   s_      114.0000    89.0000
2.0  2   *     ct_   *       180.0000   200.0000
2.0  2   *     n3m_  *       109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *1    n3m_  si_     109.0000    41.6000
2.0  2   *2    n3m_  f_      109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *3    n3m_  h_      110.0000    41.6000
2.0  2   *4    n3m_  s'_     114.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *5    n3m_  s3e_    109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *5    n3m_  s4e_    109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *5    n3m_  s_      109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *6    n3m_  o'_     114.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *7    n3m_  o_      109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *8    n3m_  n3m_    109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *8    n3m_  n4m_    109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *8    n3m_  n_      109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *9    n3m_  c_      114.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  n3m_  c3m_     60.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  n3m_  c_      113.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  n3m_  h_      110.0000    41.6000
2.0  2   *     n4m_  *       109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *1    n4m_  si_     109.0000    41.6000
2.0  2   *2    n4m_  f_      109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *3    n4m_  h_      110.0000    41.6000
2.0  2   *4    n4m_  s'_     114.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *5    n4m_  s3e_    109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *5    n4m_  s4e_    109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *5    n4m_  s_      109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *6    n4m_  o'_     114.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *7    n4m_  o_      109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *8    n4m_  n3m_    109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *8    n4m_  n4m_    109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *8    n4m_  n_      109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *9    n4m_  c_      110.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  n4m_  c4m_     91.3800    80.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  n4m_  h_      110.0000    41.6000
2.0  2   *     n_    *       120.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   *1    n_    si_     120.0000    35.0000
2.0  2   *2    n_    f_      120.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   *3    n_    h_      122.0000    35.0000
2.0  2   *4    n_    s'_     120.0000    70.0000
2.0  2   *5    n_    s3e_    120.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   *5    n_    s4e_    120.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   *5    n_    s_      120.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   *6    n_    o'_     120.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *7    n_    o_      120.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   *8    n_    n_      120.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   *9    n_    c3m_    120.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   *9    n_    c4m_    120.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   *9    n_    c_      120.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   *     na_   *       109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *1    na_   si_     109.0000    41.6000
2.0  2   *2    na_   f_      109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *3    na_   h_      110.0000    41.6000
2.0  2   *4    na_   s'_     114.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *5    na_   s3e_    109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *5    na_   s4e_    109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *5    na_   s_      109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *6    na_   o'_     114.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *7    na_   o_      109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *8    na_   n3m_    109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *8    na_   n4m_    109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *8    na_   n_      109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *9    na_   c3m_    109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *9    na_   c4m_    109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *9    na_   c_      109.0000    80.0000
2.0  2   *     np_   *       120.0000    75.0000
2.0  2   *1    np_   si_     120.0000    27.5000
2.0  2   *2    np_   f_      120.0000    75.0000
2.0  2   *3    np_   h_      120.0000    27.5000
2.0  2   *4    np_   s'_     120.0000    75.0000
2.0  2   *4    np_   s3e_    120.0000    75.0000
2.0  2   *4    np_   s4e_    120.0000    75.0000
2.0  2   *4    np_   s_      120.0000    75.0000
2.0  2   *5    np_   o'_     120.0000    75.0000
2.0  2   *5    np_   o_      120.0000    75.0000
2.0  2   *6    np_   n_      120.0000    75.0000
2.0  2   *7    np_   c3m_    120.0000    75.0000
2.0  2   *7    np_   c4m_    120.0000    75.0000
2.0  2   *7    np_   c_      120.0000    75.0000
2.0  2   *     nt_   *       180.0000    50.0000
2.0  2   h_    o*_   h_      104.5000    50.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  o3e_  c3m_     58.9580    60.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  o4e_  c4m_     91.7370    60.0000
2.0  2   *     o_    *       109.5000    60.0000
2.0  2   *1    o_    si_     124.1000    56.4000
2.0  2   *2    o_    h_      109.0000    58.5000
2.0  2   *3    o_    f_      109.5000    60.0000
2.0  2   *4    o_    s'_     109.5000    60.0000
2.0  2   *4    o_    s3e_    109.5000    60.0000
2.0  2   *4    o_    s4e_    109.5000    60.0000
2.0  2   *4    o_    s_      109.5000    60.0000
2.0  2   *5    o_    o'_     109.5000    60.0000
2.0  2   *5    o_    o_      109.5000    60.0000
2.0  2   *6    o_    n3m_    120.0000    72.0000
2.0  2   *6    o_    n4m_    120.0010    72.0000
2.0  2   *6    o_    n_      120.0000    72.0000
2.0  2   *7    o_    c3m_    109.5000    60.0000
2.0  2   *7    o_    c4m_    109.5000    60.0000
2.0  2   *7    o_    c_      109.5000    60.0000
2.0  2   si    o_    si_     149.8000    31.1000
2.0  2   *     op_   *       108.0000    75.0000
2.0  2   *1    op_   si_     106.0000    27.5000
2.0  2   *     p_    *       109.5000    45.0000
2.0  2   *1    p_    si_     109.5000    30.0000
2.0  2   *2    p_    h_      109.5000    45.0000
2.0  2   *3    p_    f_      109.5000    45.0000
2.0  2   *4    p_    s'_     120.0000   100.0000
2.0  2   *5    p_    s_      109.5000    45.0000
2.0  2   *6    p_    o'_     120.0000   110.0000
2.0  2   *7    p_    o_      109.5000    45.0000
2.0  2   *8    p_    n_      109.5000    45.0000
2.0  2   *9    p_    c3m_    109.5000    45.0000
2.0  2   *9    p_    c4m_    109.5000    45.0000
2.0  2   *9    p_    c_      109.5000    45.0000
2.0  2   *     s3e_  *       109.5000    75.0000
2.0  2   *1    s3e_  si_     109.5000    48.0000
2.0  2   *2    s3e_  h_      112.0000    31.8000
2.0  2   *3    s3e_  f_      109.5000    75.0000
2.0  2   *4    s3e_  s'_     109.5000    75.0000
2.0  2   *4    s3e_  s3e_    103.5000    75.0000
2.0  2   *4    s3e_  s4e_    103.5000    75.0000
2.0  2   *4    s3e_  s_      109.5000    75.0000
2.0  2   *5    s3e_  o'_     113.1000    42.3000
2.0  2   *5    s3e_  o_      113.1000    42.3000
2.0  2   *6    s3e_  n3m_    113.1000    42.3000
2.0  2   *6    s3e_  n4m_    113.1000    42.3000
2.0  2   *6    s3e_  n_      113.1000    42.3000
2.0  2   *7    s3e_  c3m_     99.0000    58.0000
2.0  2   *7    s3e_  c4m_     99.0000    58.0000
2.0  2   *7    s3e_  c_       99.0000    58.0000
2.0  2   c3m_  s3e_  c3m_     44.5000    58.0000
2.0  2   *     s4e_  *       109.5000    75.0000
2.0  2   *1    s4e_  si_     109.5000    48.0000
2.0  2   *2    s4e_  h_      112.0000    31.8000
2.0  2   *3    s4e_  f_      109.5000    75.0000
2.0  2   *4    s4e_  s'_     109.5000    75.0000
2.0  2   *4    s4e_  s3e_    103.5000    75.0000
2.0  2   *4    s4e_  s4e_    103.5000    75.0000
2.0  2   *4    s4e_  s_      109.5000    75.0000
2.0  2   *5    s4e_  o'_     113.1000    42.3000
2.0  2   *5    s4e_  o_      113.1000    42.3000
2.0  2   *6    s4e_  n3m_    113.1000    42.3000
2.0  2   *6    s4e_  n4m_    113.1000    42.3000
2.0  2   *6    s4e_  n_      113.1000    42.3000
2.0  2   *7    s4e_  c3m_     99.0000    58.0000
2.0  2   *7    s4e_  c4m_     99.0000    58.0000
2.0  2   *7    s4e_  c_       99.0000    58.0000
2.0  2   c4m_  s4e_  c4m_     85.9200    58.0000
2.0  2   *     s_    *       109.5000    50.0000
2.0  2   *1    s_    si_     109.5000    48.0000
2.0  2   *2    s_    h_      112.0000    31.8000
2.0  2   *3    s_    f_      109.5000    75.0000
2.0  2   *4    s_    s'_     109.5000    75.0000
2.0  2   *4    s_    s3e_    103.5000    75.0000
2.0  2   *4    s_    s4e_    103.5000    75.0000
2.0  2   *4    s_    s_      103.5000    75.0000
2.0  2   *5    s_    o'_     113.1000    42.3000
2.0  2   *5    s_    o_      113.1000    42.3000
2.0  2   *6    s_    n3m_    113.1000    42.3000
2.0  2   *6    s_    n4m_    113.1000    42.3000
2.0  2   *6    s_    n_      113.1000    42.3000
2.0  2   *7    s_    c3m_     99.0000    58.0000
2.0  2   *7    s_    c4m_     99.0000    58.0000
2.0  2   *7    s_    c_      102.0000    58.0000
2.0  2   *     si_   *       113.5000    44.4000
2.0  2   *1    si_   si_     113.4000    33.3000
2.0  2   *2    si_   h_      112.0000    31.8000
2.0  2   *3    si_   f_      117.3000    44.1000
2.0  2   *4    si_   s_      113.1000    42.3000
2.0  2   *5    si_   o_      113.1000    42.3000
2.0  2   *6    si_   n_      113.5000    44.4000
2.0  2   *7    si_   c3m_    113.5000    44.4000
2.0  2   *7    si_   c4m_    113.5000    44.4000
2.0  2   *7    si_   c_      113.5000    44.4000
2.0  2   *     sp_   *        92.5670   120.0000
2.0  2   *1    sp_   si_      96.0000    48.0000
2.0  2   *2    sp_   h_       96.0000    48.0000
2.0  2   *3    sp_   f_       92.5670   126.5060
2.0  2   *4    sp_   s'_      92.5670   126.5060
2.0  2   *4    sp_   s_       92.5670   126.5060
2.0  2   *5    sp_   o'_      92.5670   126.5060
2.0  2   *5    sp_   o_       92.5670   126.5060
2.0  2   *6    sp_   n_       92.5670   126.5060
2.0  2   *7    sp_   c3m_     92.5670   126.5060
2.0  2   *7    sp_   c4m_     92.5670   126.5060
2.0  2   *7    sp_   c_       92.5670   126.5060

#quartic_angle        pcff

> Delta = Theta - Theta0
> E = K2 * Delta^2  +  K3 * Delta^3  +  K4 * Delta^4

!Ver Ref    I     J     K      Theta0       K2         K3         K4
!--- ---  ----- ----- -----   --------   --------   --------   --------
3.0 10   oah   az    oah     119.5540    56.2161    67.5146    75.6704
3.0 10   oah   az    oas     135.8500     1.5716   -23.2602    24.2341
3.0 10   oah   az    ob       96.9383    41.2978   -101.1850   180.8230
3.0 10   oas   az    oas     114.1500   112.9470   -37.6330    22.7467
3.0 10   oas   az    ob       97.0360    73.0531   -31.9551     5.5982
3.0 10   ob    az    ob       97.0360    73.0531   -31.9551     5.5982
2.1  8   br    c     br      109.6985    71.9700     0.0000     0.0000
2.1  8   br    c     c       109.1026    64.7730     0.0000     0.0000
2.1  8   br    c     cl      111.6408    71.9700     0.0000     0.0000
2.1  8   br    c     f       109.1026    71.9700     0.0000     0.0000
2.1  8   br    c     h       106.9999    46.0608     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c       112.6700    39.5160    -7.4430    -9.5583
1.0  1   c     c     c-      104.4900    31.3750    -4.4023    -6.5271
1.0  1   c     c     c=      111.7600    45.7026   -10.6396    -9.9121
1.0  1   c     c     c=1     111.7600    45.7026   -10.6396    -9.9121
1.0  1   c     c     c=2     111.7600    45.7026   -10.6396    -9.9121
1.0  1   c     c     c_0     108.4000    43.9594    -8.3924    -9.3379
2.1  8   c     c     c_1     108.5295    51.9747    -9.4851   -10.9985
2.1  8   c     c     cl      107.0000    61.1745     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c     c     cp      108.4000    43.9594    -8.3924    -9.3379
2.1  8   c     c     f       109.2000    68.3715     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     h       110.7700    41.4530   -10.6040     5.1290
1.0  1   c     c     n       114.3018    42.6589   -10.5464    -9.3243
1.0  1   c     c     n+      112.1300    66.4520     4.8694    37.7860
1.1  1   c     c     n=      117.2847    55.4431     0.0000     0.0000
2.1  7   c     c     n_2     109.8300    76.8966   -48.7334    18.0162
1.0  1   c     c     na      111.9100    60.7147   -13.3366   -13.0785
1.0  1   c     c     nr      117.3500    55.0400     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     o       111.2700    54.5381    -8.3642   -13.0838
2.1  6   c     c     o_2     107.4100    63.3907   -13.4513     1.6650
2.0  5   c     c     oz      105.4100    63.3907   -13.4513     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     s       112.5642    47.0276   -10.6790   -10.1687
2.2  9   c     c     si      112.6700    39.5160    -7.4430     0.0000
1.0  1   c-    c     h       109.6700    37.9190    -7.3877    -8.0694
1.3  1   c-    c     n       100.5663    52.0966    -5.2642   -10.7045
1.0  1   c=    c     c=      113.0100    44.2251   -10.2683    -9.5886
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1     113.0100    44.2251   -10.2683    -9.5886
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2     113.0100    44.2251   -10.2683    -9.5886
1.0  1   c=    c     h       110.0600    41.2784   -14.2963     5.2229
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1     113.0100    44.2251   -10.2683    -9.5886
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2     113.0100    44.2251   -10.2683    -9.5886
1.0  1   c=1   c     h       110.0600    41.2784   -14.2963     5.2229
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2     113.0100    44.2251   -10.2683    -9.5886
1.0  1   c=2   c     h       110.0600    41.2784   -14.2963     5.2229
1.0  1   c_0   c     cp      108.4000    43.9594    -8.3924    -9.3379
1.0  1   c_0   c     h       107.8594    38.0833   -17.5074     0.0000
1.0  1   c_0   c     o       106.1764    74.4143   -12.6018   -48.7850
2.1  8   c_1   c     h       107.7336    40.6099   -28.8121     0.0000
1.0  1   c_1   c     n       100.5663    52.0966    -5.2642   -10.7045
1.3  1   c_1   c     n+      100.5663    52.0966    -5.2642   -10.7045
2.1  8   cl    c     cl      111.6408    71.9700     0.0000     0.0000
2.1  8   cl    c     f       109.1026    71.9700     0.0000     0.0000
2.1  8   cl    c     h       107.9968    51.0987     0.0000     0.0000
1.5  4   cp    c     cp      111.0000    44.3234    -9.4454     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    c     h       111.0000    44.3234    -9.4454     0.0000
2.1  8   f     c     f       109.1026    71.9700     0.0000     0.0000
2.1  8   f     c     h       108.5010    57.5760     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     h       107.6600    39.6410   -12.9210    -2.4318
1.0  1   h     c     n       108.9372    57.4010     2.9374     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     n+      105.8500    72.2630   -28.1923     0.0000
1.1  1   h     c     n=      107.4989    62.7484     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   h     c     n=1     107.4989    62.7484     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   h     c     n=2     107.4989    62.7484     0.0000     0.0000
2.1  7   h     c     n_2     108.5330    66.9202   -13.6480    10.3280
1.0  1   h     c     na      110.6204    51.3137    -6.7198    -2.6003
1.0  1   h     c     nr      107.5000    62.6790     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     o       108.7280    58.5446   -10.8088   -12.4006
2.1  6   h     c     o_2     107.6880    65.4801   -10.3498     5.8866
2.0  5   h     c     oz      107.6880    70.4801   -10.3498     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     s       107.8522    51.4949   -13.5270     7.0260
2.2  9   h     c     si      112.0355    28.7721   -13.9523     0.0000
1.0  4   h     c     sio     111.5360    30.2481   -15.5255     0.0000
1.0  1   s     c     s       111.5000    27.9677     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   nr    c+    nr      117.4500    83.9840     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c-    o-      115.0600    59.0960   -15.1430   -12.9820
1.0  1   h     c-    o-      112.7500    61.1530   -14.0190   -13.2380
1.0  1   o-    c-    o-      130.0100   111.2900   -52.3390   -28.1070
1.0  1   c     c=    c       121.0100    29.2704   -10.1175    -6.7906
1.0  1   c     c=    c=      126.2600    43.8250   -27.7266     1.0056
1.0  1   c     c=    c=1     126.2600    43.8250   -27.7266     1.0056
1.0  1   c     c=    c=2     126.2600    43.8250   -27.7266     1.0056
1.0  1   c     c=    h       117.2700    30.0944    -8.0826    -8.6781
3.1 12   c=    c=    c=      117.6000    56.4800   -16.2283   -12.6333
3.1 12   c=    c=    c_1     121.1000    66.1100   -22.0206   -15.2133
1.0  1   c=    c=    h       124.8800    35.2766   -17.7740    -1.6215
3.1 12   c=    c=    n_2     121.0000    55.9100   -18.5471   -12.8549
1.0  1   c=1   c=    h       124.8800    35.2766   -17.7740    -1.6215
1.0  1   c=2   c=    h       124.8800    35.2766   -17.7740    -1.6215
3.1 12   c_1   c=    h       120.3000    35.7000   -11.5062    -8.1591
1.0  1   h     c=    h       115.4900    29.6363   -12.4853    -6.2218
3.1 12   h     c=    n_2     115.7000    38.2900   -10.1050    -8.4480
2.1  8   o-    c=    o-      180.0000   200.0000     0.0000     0.0000
2.1  8   s'    c=    s'      180.0000    70.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=1   c       121.0100    29.2704   -10.1175    -6.7906
1.0  1   c     c=1   c=      126.2600    43.8250   -27.7266     1.0056
1.0  1   c     c=1   c=1     126.2600    43.8250   -27.7266     1.0056
1.0  1   c     c=1   c=2     126.2600    43.8250   -27.7266     1.0056
1.0  1   c     c=1   h       117.2700    30.0944    -8.0826    -8.6781
1.0  1   c=    c=1   h       124.8800    35.2766   -17.7740    -1.6215
1.0  1   c=1   c=1   h       124.8800    35.2766   -17.7740    -1.6215
1.0  1   c=2   c=1   h       124.8800    35.2766   -17.7740    -1.6215
1.0  1   h     c=1   h       115.4900    29.6363   -12.4853    -6.2218
1.0  1   c     c=2   c       121.0100    29.2704   -10.1175    -6.7906
1.0  1   c     c=2   c=      126.2600    43.8250   -27.7266     1.0056
1.0  1   c     c=2   c=1     126.2600    43.8250   -27.7266     1.0056
1.0  1   c     c=2   c=2     126.2600    43.8250   -27.7266     1.0056
1.0  1   c     c=2   h       117.2700    30.0944    -8.0826    -8.6781
1.0  1   c=    c=2   h       124.8800    35.2766   -17.7740    -1.6215
1.0  1   c=1   c=2   h       124.8800    35.2766   -17.7740    -1.6215
1.0  1   c=2   c=2   h       124.8800    35.2766   -17.7740    -1.6215
1.0  1   h     c=2   h       115.4900    29.6363   -12.4853    -6.2218
1.0  1   c     c_0   c       110.5884    34.6214    -7.0939    -7.4032
1.0  1   c     c_0   cp      110.5884    34.6214    -7.0939    -7.4032
1.0  1   c     c_0   h       106.2000    27.4878    -1.9350    14.5545
1.0  1   c     c_0   o_1     119.3000    65.1016   -17.9766     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    c_0   cp      110.5884    34.6214    -7.0939    -7.4032
1.0  1   cp    c_0   h       106.2000    27.4878    -1.9350    14.5545
1.0  1   cp    c_0   o_1     119.3000    65.1016   -17.9766     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c_0   h       108.6000    40.0764    -6.8139    -8.4349
1.0  1   h     c_0   o_1     116.5000    59.6420   -21.9179     0.0000
2.1  8   c     c_1   n_2     116.9257    39.4193   -10.9945    -8.7733
2.1  8   c     c_1   o_1     123.1451    55.5431   -17.2123     0.1348
2.1  8   c     c_1   o_2     100.3182    38.8631    -3.8323    -7.9802
3.1 12   c=    c_1   n_2     113.6000    41.1200    -9.8283    -8.9479
3.1 12   c=    c_1   o_1     125.9000    46.0600   -18.5463   -11.0998
2.1  8   cp    c_1   n_2     108.4400    84.8377   -19.9640     2.7405
2.1  6   cp    c_1   o_1     125.5320    72.3167   -16.0650     2.0818
2.1  6   cp    c_1   o_2     108.4400    84.8377   -19.9640     2.7405
2.1  8   h     c_1   n_2     110.3935    52.1647   -18.4845     0.0000
2.1  8   h     c_1   o_1     117.8326    45.9187   -22.5264     0.0000
2.1  8   h     c_1   o_2     110.5209    32.3751    -0.6174    -6.5639
1.0  1   n     c_1   n       122.5292   104.0857   -36.7315   -24.2616
1.0  1   n     c_1   o_1     125.5420    92.5720   -34.4800   -11.1871
2.1  8   n_2   c_1   o_1     125.5320   101.8765   -41.8094     0.0000
1.0  1   o     c_1   o_1     118.9855    98.6813   -22.2485    10.3673
2.1  6   o_1   c_1   o_2     120.7970    95.3446   -32.2869     6.3778
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   n_2     114.5292   104.0857   -36.7315    24.2616
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   o_1     125.5320   101.8765   -41.8094     7.7236
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   o_2     108.4400   112.4403   -59.9730    38.3067
2.1  7   o_1   c_2   o_2     120.7970    95.3446   -32.2869     6.3778
2.1  7   o_2   c_2   o_2     109.4930   137.9111   -39.8755    59.0768
1.0  1   c     cp    cp      120.0500    44.7148   -22.7352     0.0000
1.3  1   c     cp    np      120.0500    44.7148   -22.7352     0.0000
1.0  1   c_0   cp    cp      108.4000    43.9594    -8.3924    -9.3379
2.1  6   c_1   cp    cp      116.0640    71.2598   -15.8273     2.0506
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp      118.9000    61.0226   -34.9931     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    h       117.9400    35.1558   -12.4682     0.0000
2.1  7   cp    cp    n_2     120.7640    73.2738   -27.4033    13.3920
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh      112.5900    78.6418   -16.3888     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nn      121.4584    61.0647   -21.6172     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    np      116.5100    76.6970   -35.3868     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    o       123.4200    73.6781   -21.6787     0.0000
2.1  6   cp    cp    o_2     117.1400    33.0391   -14.7807     3.8573
1.0  1   cp    cp    op      104.1700   101.3206   -17.3072     0.0000
2.0  5   cp    cp    oz      120.1400    33.0391   -14.7807     0.0000
3.1 12   cp    cp    p=      120.0007    47.8413   -15.2288   -10.9066
2.2  9   cp    cp    si      120.0000    30.4689   -23.5439     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    sp      105.5300    96.2006   -44.9267     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    nh      109.8000    43.8408    -9.5153     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    np      110.5500    40.8275   -13.0318     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    op      106.1700    48.0995    -9.0144     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    sp      115.9800    36.7902   -13.1342     0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    nh      105.0080   107.0693   -27.7154     0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    np      108.9100    98.8519    -5.7502     0.0000
1.0  1   nn    cp    np      118.5414    56.9522    -7.2655     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    np      115.3800    85.4923    -6.5225     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    op      104.0100   104.4800     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    sp      114.2300    92.3110   -35.5956     0.0000
1.1  1   n=    cr    nr      125.5320   101.8765   -41.8094     0.0000
1.1  1   n=1   cr    nr      125.5320   101.8765   -41.8094     0.0000
1.1  1   n=2   cr    nr      125.5320   101.8765   -41.8094     0.0000
1.1  1   nr    cr    nr      122.5292   104.0857   -36.7315   -24.2616
2.0  5   oo    cz    oz      120.0510    97.3782   -26.5619     0.0000
2.0  5   oz    cz    oz      109.4930   137.9111   -39.8755    59.0768
1.0  1   c     n     c       111.5635    39.6084    -8.5459    -8.5152
1.0  1   c     n     c_1     111.0372    31.8958    -6.6942    -6.8370
1.0  1   c     n     h*      113.8683    45.9271   -20.0824     0.0000
3.1 12   c     n     p=      120.0833    25.0010    -6.1167    -5.4570
1.0  1   c_1   n     c_1     121.9556    76.3105   -26.3166   -17.6944
1.0  1   c_1   n     h*      117.9607    37.4964    -8.1837     0.0000
1.0  1   h*    n     h*      116.9402    37.5749    -8.6676     0.0000
3.1 12   h*    n     p=      114.0833    25.0010    -6.1167    -5.4570
1.0  1   c     n+    c       109.7700    44.8220    -3.9132     0.0000
1.0  1   c     n+    h+      110.5100    49.2170   -12.2153   -18.9667
1.0  1   h+    n+    h+      106.1100    45.3280   -14.0474     1.9350
1.1  1   c     n=    cr      117.0900    31.6888     0.0000     0.0000
3.1 12   h*    n=    p=      120.0000    26.0683    -8.2978    -5.9429
3.1 12   p=    n=    p=      118.2000    36.0683    -7.6881    -5.8576
2.1  8   c     n_2   c_1     122.7520    60.4647   -29.6188     0.0000
2.1  7   c     n_2   c_2     122.7520    60.4647   -29.6188     5.3290
2.1  7   c     n_2   hn2     120.1350    29.2218   -14.1448     7.2380
3.1 12   c=    n_2   c_1     125.1000    67.5900   -26.3889   -16.1536
3.1 12   c=    n_2   hn2     120.1000    52.1200   -16.6595   -11.8919
2.1  8   c_1   n_2   cp      116.6260    42.4711   -10.4269     0.0000
2.1  8   c_1   n_2   hn2     122.9480    40.4820   -16.2028     0.0000
2.1  7   c_2   n_2   cp      120.0700    47.1131   -32.5592    13.1257
2.1  7   c_2   n_2   hn2     122.9480    40.4820   -16.2028     8.3280
2.1  7   cp    n_2   hn2     116.3230    18.3123    -7.8325     5.3290
2.1  7   hn2   n_2   hn2     122.3730    27.6081   -10.3291     9.2800
1.0  1   c     na    c       112.4436    47.2337   -10.6612   -10.2062
1.0  1   c     na    h*      110.9538    50.8652    -4.4522   -10.0298
1.0  1   h*    na    h*      107.0671    45.2520    -7.5558    -9.5120
1.0  1   cp    nh    cp      106.0100   109.7746    -9.0636     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    nh    h*      109.3800    47.0120   -17.3556     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    nh    np      109.3900   119.1811     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h*    nh    np       99.4530    41.6499    -5.7422     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    nn    h*      111.8725    40.8369   -15.6673     0.0000
1.0  1   h*    nn    h*      107.5130    42.5182   -21.7566    -4.3372
1.0  1   cp    np    cp      111.6800    84.5159   -48.5528     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    np    nh      108.2200   119.0383   -24.2061     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    np    np      106.0400   109.1158   -42.9319     0.0000
1.0  1   c     nr    c+      117.0900    31.4400     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     nr    h*      117.2000    37.2620     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c+    nr    h*      119.0700    45.8110     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   cr    nr    h*      122.9480    40.4820   -16.2028     0.0000
1.0  1   h*    nr    h*      110.9100    31.0910     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     o     c       104.5000    35.7454   -10.0067    -6.2729
1.0  1   c     o     c_1     102.9695    38.9739    -6.2595    -8.1710
1.4  1   c     o     cp      102.9695    38.9739    -6.2595    -8.1710
1.0  1   c     o     h*      105.8000    52.7061   -12.1090    -9.8681
3.1 12   c     o     p=      118.2833    35.0010   -10.3597    -7.8699
1.0  1   c_1   o     h*      111.2537    53.5303   -11.8454   -11.5405
1.0  1   cp    o     h*      108.1900    53.1250    -8.5016     0.0000
3.1 12   h*    o     p=      112.2833    26.0310    -5.8280    -5.6195
1.2  1   h*    o*    h*      103.7000    49.8400   -11.6000    -8.0000
2.1  6   c     o_2   c_1     113.2880    61.2868   -28.9786     7.9929
2.1  7   c     o_2   c_2     113.6200    57.9274   -17.1312    23.5480
2.1  6   c_1   o_2   cp      113.0700    47.1131   -32.5592    13.1257
2.1  6   c_1   o_2   ho2     112.8740    53.2512   -14.9979     2.4640
2.1  7   c_2   o_2   cp      115.0700    47.1131   -32.5592    13.1257
2.1  7   c_2   o_2   ho2     113.1580    49.6892   -25.9467     5.3280
3.0 10   az    oah   hoa     129.6770    15.5877   -23.6906     9.7663
3.0 10   az    oas   sz      167.7890    21.3772    -3.8146     8.1995
3.0 10   az    ob    hb      106.4920    73.8986   -23.9590     8.0039
3.0 10   az    ob    sz      139.4630    62.0713   -30.7987    16.6347
3.0 10   hb    ob    sz      113.0480    26.6270   -29.5879    19.8910
1.0  1   cp    op    cp      103.4300   112.4497   -25.7326     0.0000
3.0 10   hos   osh   sz      123.4920    14.8634   -17.2643    57.7495
1.0  4   h*    osi   sio     122.8880    23.7764   -19.8152     9.6331
1.0  4   sio   osi   sio     157.0260     9.0740   -19.5576     8.5000
3.0 10   sz    oss   sz      176.2650    18.8146    37.9749    42.8222
2.0  5   c     oz    cz      113.6200    57.9274   -17.1312    60.0000
2.0  5   cp    oz    cz      115.0700    47.1131   -32.5592    13.1257
2.0  5   cz    oz    ho2     113.1580    49.6892   -25.9467     0.0000
3.1 12   cl    p=    cl      100.6000    94.7390    -9.6046   -19.4682
3.1 12   cl    p=    cp      109.9153    75.4619   -13.4603   -16.0981
3.1 12   cl    p=    f        98.4500   104.3358    -8.2038   -21.3348
3.1 12   cl    p=    h       100.0557    59.5624    -5.7203   -12.2224
3.1 12   cl    p=    n        98.8500    90.2538    -7.6919   -18.4787
3.1 12   cl    p=    n=      119.5000    83.6226   -26.0666   -18.9852
3.1 12   cl    p=    o        98.0500    91.2538    -7.0872   -18.6603
3.1 12   cp    p=    cp      119.2306    56.1847   -17.3159   -12.7280
3.1 12   cp    p=    f       107.7653    85.0587   -12.0595   -17.9646
3.1 12   cp    p=    h       108.2306    36.1847    -6.4878    -7.6463
3.1 12   cp    p=    n       108.1653    70.9767   -11.5476   -15.1086
3.1 12   cp    p=    n=      119.6000    63.0624   -19.7404   -14.3290
3.1 12   cp    p=    o       107.3653    71.9767   -10.9429   -15.2901
3.1 12   f     p=    f        96.3000   113.9327    -6.8030   -23.2013
3.1 12   f     p=    h        99.9197    80.7297    -7.6457   -16.5604
3.1 12   f     p=    n        96.7000    99.8506    -6.2912   -20.3452
3.1 12   f     p=    n=      120.0245    99.8462   -31.8145   -22.7669
3.1 12   f     p=    o        95.9000   100.8506    -5.6865   -20.5268
3.1 12   h     p=    h       103.4084    39.6953    -5.1338    -8.2266
3.1 12   h     p=    n       103.9784    68.2569    -9.2212   -14.1736
3.1 12   h     p=    n=      119.0329    45.9784   -14.0522   -10.3994
3.1 12   h     p=    o       103.9784    73.2569    -9.8966   -15.2119
3.1 12   n     p=    n        97.1000    85.7686    -5.7793   -17.4892
3.1 12   n     p=    n=      123.2153    89.9233   -32.6119   -21.0956
3.1 12   n     p=    o        96.3000    86.7686    -5.1746   -17.6707
3.1 12   n=    p=    n=      112.8000    90.5233   -20.8007   -19.6019
3.1 12   n=    p=    o       120.2153    99.9233   -32.0927   -22.8209
3.1 12   o     p=    o        95.5000    87.7686    -4.5699   -17.8523
1.0  1   c     s     c        97.5000    57.6938    -5.0559   -11.8206
1.0  1   c     s     h        96.8479    56.7336    14.2713     0.0000
1.0  1   c     s     s       100.3000    57.2900    -6.5301   -11.8204
1.0  1   h     s     h        94.3711    54.9676     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     s     s        97.2876    54.4281     0.0000     0.0000
2.1  8   o-    s'    o-      119.3290   135.0000     0.0000     0.0000
2.2  9   c     si    c       113.1855    36.2069   -20.3939    20.0172
2.2  9   c     si    h       112.0977    36.4832   -12.8094     0.0000
2.2  9   c     si    si      113.0000    19.4692   -34.3471     0.0000
2.2  9   cp    si    h       109.5932    41.9497   -42.3639    48.1442
2.2  9   h     si    h       108.6051    32.5415    -8.3164     0.0000
2.2  9   h     si    si      112.0893    22.5062   -11.5926     0.0000
2.2  9   si    si    si      114.2676    24.9501   -19.5949     0.0000
1.0  4   c     sio   c       114.9060    23.0218   -31.3993    24.9814
1.0  4   c     sio   h       110.1810    38.5645   -17.8735     0.0000
1.0  4   c     sio   osi     114.9060    23.0218   -31.3993    24.9814
1.0  4   h     sio   h       106.0360    48.9872    -9.1607     0.0000
1.0  4   h     sio   osi     107.3550    57.6643   -10.6506     4.6274
1.0  4   osi   sio   osi     110.6930    70.3069    -6.9375     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    sp    cp       88.2540   130.6992   -18.4789     0.0000
3.0 10   oas   sz    oas     104.4940    83.7103   -97.1839    16.9574
3.0 10   oas   sz    ob      104.4940    83.7103   -97.1839    16.9574
3.0 10   oas   sz    osh     119.3400    28.1962   -64.3068     4.7117
3.0 10   oas   sz    oss     108.3940   127.0520   -16.5736     0.0000
3.0 10   ob    sz    ob      104.4940    83.7103   -97.1839    16.9574
3.0 10   ob    sz    osh     107.3310    79.2578   -46.7537   108.6900
3.0 10   ob    sz    oss     104.4940    83.7103   -97.1839    16.9574
3.0 10   osh   sz    osh     115.0310    68.3381    49.4314   116.2400
3.0 10   osh   sz    oss     110.6700   117.5060   -49.8921     0.0000
3.0 10   oss   sz    oss     110.6120   154.1860   -68.6595    23.6292

#torsion_1            pcff_auto

> E = Kphi * [ 1 + cos(n*Phi - Phi0) ]

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L       KPhi     n     Phi0
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----   --------  ---  ---------
2.0  2   *     c'_   c'_   *         0.4500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c'_   c=_   *         0.4500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c'_   c=_1  *         0.4500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c'_   c=_2  *         0.4500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c'_   c=_3  *         0.4500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c'_   c_    *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     c'_   cp_   *         2.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c'_   ct_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     c'_   n3n_  *         0.7000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c'_   n=_   *         0.9000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c'_   n=_1  *         0.9000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c'_   n=_2  *         0.9000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c'_   n=_3  *         0.9000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c'_   n_    *         3.2000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c'_   n_    h_        1.2000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c'_   np_   *         5.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c'_   np_   h         1.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c'_   o_    *         2.2500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c'_   op_   *         2.2500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c'_   s_    *         1.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c'_   si_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     c'_   sp_   *         1.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c+_   n_    *         3.4000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c=_   c=_   *         4.0750    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c=_   c_    *         0.2110    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     c=_   cp_   *         0.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c=_   ct_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     c=_   n3n_  *         0.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c=_   n=_   *         8.1500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c=_   n_    *         1.2500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c=_   na_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     c=_   np_   *         1.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c=_   np_   h_        0.7500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c=_   o_    *         0.9000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c=_   op_   *         4.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c=_   p_    *         1.2500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c=_   s_    *         1.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c=_   si_   *         0.2110    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     c=_   sp_   *         6.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  c=_1  *         0.6250    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  c=_2  *         0.6250    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  c=_3  *         4.0750    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  c_    *         0.2110    3     0.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  cp_   *         0.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  ct_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  n3n_  *         0.7000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  n=_1  *         0.6250    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  n=_2  *         0.6250    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  n=_3  *         8.1500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  n_    *         1.2500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  na_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  np_   *         1.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  np_   h_        0.7500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  o_    *         0.9000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  op_   *         4.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  p_    *         1.2500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  s_    *         1.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  si_   *         0.2110    3     0.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_1  sp_   *         6.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  c=_2  *         3.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  c=_3  *         0.6250    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  c_    *         0.2110    3     0.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  cp_   *         0.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  ct_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  n3n_  *         0.7000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  n=_1  *         0.6250    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  n=_2  *         2.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  n=_3  *         0.6250    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  n_    *         1.2500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  na_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  np_   *         1.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  np_   h_        0.7500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  o_    *         0.9000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  op_   *         4.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  p_    *         1.2500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  s_    *         1.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  si_   *         0.2110    3     0.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_2  sp_   *         6.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_3  c=_3  *         4.0750    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_3  c_    *         0.2110    3     0.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_3  cp_   *         0.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_3  ct_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_3  n3n_  *         0.7000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_3  n=_1  *         8.1500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_3  n=_2  *         0.6250    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_3  n=_3  *         8.1500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_3  n_    *         1.2500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_3  na_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_3  np_   *         1.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_3  np_   h_        0.7500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_3  o_    *         0.9000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_3  op_   *         4.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_3  p_    *         1.2500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_3  s_    *         1.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_3  si_   *         0.2110    3     0.0000
2.0  3   *     c=_3  sp_   *         6.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     c_    c_    *         0.1580    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     c_    cp_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     c_    ct_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     c_    n3n_  *         0.0500    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     c_    n=_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  3   *     c_    n=_1  *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  3   *     c_    n=_2  *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  3   *     c_    n=_3  *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     c_    n_    *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     c_    na_   *         0.0500    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     c_    np_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     c_    o_    *         0.1300    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     c_    p_    *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     c_    s_    *         0.1367    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     c_    si_   *         0.1111    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     cp_   cp_   *         3.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     cp_   ct_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     cp_   n3n_  *         0.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     cp_   n=_   *         1.2500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     cp_   n=_1  *         1.2500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     cp_   n=_2  *         1.2500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     cp_   n=_3  *         1.2500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     cp_   n_    *         2.2500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     cp_   na_   *         2.2500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     cp_   np_   *         2.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     cp_   np_   h_        1.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     cp_   o_    *         1.8000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     cp_   o_    h_        0.7500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     cp_   op_   *         6.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     cp_   p_    *         0.2500    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     cp_   s_    *         1.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     cp_   si_   *         0.1667    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     cp_   sp_   *         6.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     ct_   ct_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     ct_   n3n_  *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     ct_   n_    *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     ct_   na_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     ct_   np_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     ct_   o_    *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     ct_   s_    *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     ct_   si_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     n3n_  n3n_  *         0.0500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     n3n_  n=_   *         0.0500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n3n_  n=_1  *         0.0500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n3n_  n=_2  *         0.0500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n3n_  n=_3  *         0.0500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     n3n_  n_    *         0.0500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     n3n_  na_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     n3n_  np_   *         0.0500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     n3n_  o_    *         0.3000    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     n3n_  s_    *         0.3000    2     0.0000
2.0  2   *     n3n_  si_   *         0.0500    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     n=_   n=_   *        15.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     n=_   n_    *         0.7500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     n=_   na_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     n=_   np_   *         1.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     n=_   np_   h_        0.7500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     n=_   o_    *         0.7000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     n=_   s_    *         0.7000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     n=_   si_   *         0.2333    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_1  n=_1  *         1.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_1  n=_2  *         1.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_1  n=_3  *        15.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_1  n_    *         0.7500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_1  na_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_1  np_   *         1.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_1  np_   h_        0.7500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_1  o_    *         0.7000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_1  s_    *         0.7000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_1  si_   *         0.2333    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_2  n=_2  *         7.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_2  n=_3  *         1.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_2  n_    *         0.7500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_2  na_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_2  np_   *         1.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_2  np_   h_        0.7500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_2  o_    *         0.7000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_2  s_    *         0.7000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_2  si_   *         0.2333    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_3  n=_3  *        15.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_3  n_    *         0.7500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_3  na_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_3  np_   *         1.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_3  np_   h_        0.7500    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_3  o_    *         0.7000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_3  s_    *         0.7000    2   180.0000
2.0  3   *     n=_3  si_   *         0.2333    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     n_    n_    *         0.3750    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     n_    na_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     n_    np_   *         0.7500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     n_    np_   h_        0.3750    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     n_    o_    *         0.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     n_    s_    *         0.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     n_    si_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     na_   na_   *         0.2500    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     na_   np_   *         0.0000    0     0.0000
2.0  2   *     na_   o_    *         0.0975    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     na_   s_    *         0.0975    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     na_   si_   *         0.0667    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     np_   np_   *        11.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     np_   np_   h_        5.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     np_   o_    *         1.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   h_    np_   o_    *         0.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     np_   op_   *        11.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   h_    np_   op_   *         5.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     np_   s_    *         1.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   h_    np_   s_    *         0.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     np_   si_   *         0.2500    2   180.0000
2.0  2   h_    np_   si_   *         0.1250    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     np_   sp_   *        10.0000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   h_    np_   sp_   *         5.5000    2   180.0000
2.0  2   *     o_    o_    *         1.0000    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     o_    p_    *         0.3750    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     o_    s_    *         1.0000    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     o_    si_   *         0.3333    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     p_    s_    *         0.3750    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     p_    si_   *         0.0000    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     s_    s_    *         5.5000    2     0.0000
2.0  2   *     s_    si_   *         0.2333    3     0.0000
2.0  2   *     si_   si_   *         0.1667    3     0.0000

#torsion_3            pcff

> E = SUM(n=1,3) { V(n) * [ 1 + cos(n*Phi - Phi0(n)) ] }

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L       V(1)    Phi1(0)    V(2)    Phi2(0)    V(3)    Phi3(0)
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----   --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------
3.0 10   oah   az    oah   hoa      0.2821      0.0   -0.0644      0.0    0.0752      0.0
3.0 10   oas   az    oah   hoa      0.0574      0.0   -0.3288      0.0    0.1277      0.0
3.0 10   ob    az    oah   hoa     -0.7542      0.0   -0.7885      0.0   -0.3199      0.0
3.0 10   oah   az    oas   sz       1.5821      0.0    2.8457      0.0    0.8378      0.0
3.0 10   oas   az    oas   sz      -4.8417      0.0   -0.6233      0.0   -1.7530      0.0
3.0 10   ob    az    oas   sz      -0.0282      0.0    5.2299      0.0   -1.6555      0.0
3.0 10   oah   az    ob    hb       8.3762      0.0    0.4366      0.0   -0.2767      0.0
3.0 10   oah   az    ob    sz       1.1339      0.0   -0.4378      0.0    0.2658      0.0
3.0 10   oas   az    ob    hb       6.7872      0.0    1.7367      0.0    0.1690      0.0
3.0 10   oas   az    ob    sz      -0.5306      0.0   -1.2578      0.0   -0.1954      0.0
3.0 10   ob    az    ob    hb       6.7872      0.0    1.7367      0.0    0.1690      0.0
3.0 10   ob    az    ob    hoa     -0.7542      0.0   -0.7885      0.0   -0.3199      0.0
3.0 10   ob    az    ob    sz      -0.5306      0.0   -1.2578      0.0   -0.1954      0.0
2.1  8   br    c     c     br       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2000      0.0
2.1  8   br    c     c     c        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1500      0.0
2.1  8   br    c     c     cl       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2000      0.0
2.1  8   br    c     c     f        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2000      0.0
2.1  8   br    c     c     h        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2000      0.0
2.1  8   c     c     c     c        0.0000      0.0    0.0514      0.0   -0.1430      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c     c        0.1223      0.0    0.0514      0.0   -0.2230      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c     c-      -0.4054      0.0    0.4825      0.0    0.4345      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c     c=       0.0883      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0198      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c     c=1      0.0883      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0198      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c     c=2      0.0883      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0198      0.0
2.1  8   c     c     c     c_0      0.0929      0.0    0.0689      0.0   -0.2466      0.0
2.1  8   c     c     c     c_1      0.0972      0.0    0.0722      0.0   -0.2581      0.0
2.1  8   c     c     c     cl       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1500      0.0
2.1  8   c     c     c     f        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1500      0.0
2.1  8   c     c     c     h        0.0000      0.0    0.0316      0.0   -0.1681      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c     h        0.0000      0.0    0.0316      0.0   -0.1781      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c     n        0.0972      0.0    0.0722      0.0   -0.2581      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c     n+      -1.9394      0.0    0.0086      0.0    0.2775      0.0
1.1  1   c     c     c     n=       0.0972      0.0    0.0722      0.0   -0.2581      0.0
1.1  1   c     c     c     n=1      0.0972      0.0    0.0722      0.0   -0.2581      0.0
1.1  1   c     c     c     n=2      0.0972      0.0    0.0722      0.0   -0.2581      0.0
2.1  7   c     c     c     n_2      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1441      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c     na       0.1764      0.0    0.1766      0.0   -0.5206      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c     o        0.7137      0.0    0.2660      0.0   -0.2545      0.0
2.1  6   c     c     c     o_2      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2500      0.0
2.0  5   c     c     c     oz      -3.6896      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c     s       -0.7017      0.0    0.0201      0.0    0.1040      0.0
2.2  9   c     c     c     si       0.0000      0.0    0.0514      0.0   -0.1430      0.0
1.3  1   c-    c     c     c_1      0.0972      0.0    0.0722      0.0   -0.2581      0.0
1.3  1   c-    c     c     cp       0.0972      0.0    0.0722      0.0   -0.2581      0.0
1.0  1   c-    c     c     h       -1.2767      0.0    0.5949      0.0    0.2379      0.0
1.3  1   c-    c     c     n        0.0972      0.0    0.0722      0.0   -0.2581      0.0
1.0  1   c=    c     c     c=       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3160      0.0
1.0  1   c=    c     c     c=1      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3160      0.0
1.0  1   c=    c     c     c=2      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3160      0.0
1.0  1   c=    c     c     h        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1166      0.0
1.0  1   c=1   c     c     c=1      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3160      0.0
1.0  1   c=1   c     c     c=2      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3160      0.0
1.0  1   c=1   c     c     h        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1166      0.0
1.0  1   c=2   c     c     c=2      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3160      0.0
1.0  1   c=2   c     c     h        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1166      0.0
2.1  8   c_0   c     c     c_0     -1.2352      0.0   -0.2551      0.0   -0.1335      0.0
1.3  1   c_0   c     c     c_1     -1.2352      0.0   -0.2551      0.0   -0.1335      0.0
2.1  8   c_0   c     c     cp       0.0929      0.0    0.0689      0.0   -0.2466      0.0
2.1  8   c_0   c     c     h       -0.1569      0.0   -0.2030      0.0   -0.1599      0.0
1.3  1   c_0   c     c     n        0.0972      0.0    0.0722      0.0   -0.2581      0.0
2.1  8   c_0   c     c     o       -0.0858      0.0   -0.1320      0.0   -0.5909      0.0
1.0  1   c_1   c     c     c_1      0.0972      0.0    0.0722      0.0   -0.2581      0.0
1.3  1   c_1   c     c     cp       0.0972      0.0    0.0722      0.0   -0.2581      0.0
2.1  8   c_1   c     c     h       -0.0228      0.0    0.0280      0.0   -0.1863      0.0
1.0  1   c_1   c     c     n        0.0972      0.0    0.0722      0.0   -0.2581      0.0
1.3  1   c_1   c     c     o       -0.0858      0.0   -0.1320      0.0   -0.5909      0.0
1.3  1   c_1   c     c     s        0.0972      0.0    0.0722      0.0   -0.2581      0.0
2.1  8   cl    c     c     cl       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1000      0.0
2.1  8   cl    c     c     f        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1000      0.0
2.1  8   cl    c     c     h        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1000      0.0
1.3  1   cp    c     c     h       -0.0228      0.0    0.0280      0.0   -0.1863      0.0
1.3  1   cp    c     c     n        0.0972      0.0    0.0722      0.0   -0.2581      0.0
2.2  9   cp    c     c     si       0.0000      0.0    0.0514      0.0   -0.1430      0.0
2.1  8   f     c     c     f        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1000      0.0
2.1  8   f     c     c     h        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1000      0.0
2.1  8   h     c     c     h       -0.1432      0.0    0.0617      0.0   -0.1083      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c     h       -0.2432      0.0    0.0617      0.0   -0.1383      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c     n       -0.0228      0.0    0.0280      0.0   -0.1863      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c     n+      -0.2179      0.0   -0.4127      0.0   -0.1252      0.0
1.1  1   h     c     c     n=      -0.0228      0.0    0.0280      0.0   -0.1863      0.0
1.1  1   h     c     c     n=1     -0.0228      0.0    0.0280      0.0   -0.1863      0.0
1.1  1   h     c     c     n=2     -0.0228      0.0    0.0280      0.0   -0.1863      0.0
2.1  7   h     c     c     n_2      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1441      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c     na      -0.2428      0.0    0.4065      0.0   -0.3079      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c     nr      -0.5336      0.0   -0.0444      0.0   -0.1432      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c     o       -0.1435      0.0    0.2530      0.0   -0.0905      0.0
2.1  6   h     c     c     o_2      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2500      0.0
2.0  5   h     c     c     oz      -3.6896      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c     s       -0.2078      0.0   -0.1060      0.0   -0.3595      0.0
2.2  9   h     c     c     si       0.0000      0.0    0.0514      0.0   -0.1430      0.0
1.3  1   n     c     c     o       -0.1820      0.0   -0.1084      0.0   -0.7047      0.0
1.3  1   n     c     c     s        0.0972      0.0    0.0722      0.0   -0.2581      0.0
2.1  7   n_2   c     c     n_2      0.0000      0.0    0.0060      0.0   -0.1441      0.0
2.1  7   n_2   c     c     o_2      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1441      0.0
1.0  1   na    c     c     na       0.3805      0.0    0.3547      0.0   -0.1102      0.0
1.0  1   o     c     c     o       -0.1820      0.0   -0.1084      0.0   -0.7047      0.0
2.1  6   o_2   c     c     o_2     -0.6070      0.0    0.0060      0.0   -0.1441      0.0
2.0  5   oz    c     c     oz      -0.6070      0.0    0.0060      0.0   -0.1441      0.0
1.0  1   s     c     c     s       -1.2002      0.0   -1.2999      0.0   -0.1626      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c-    o-       1.7311      0.0    1.8510      0.0   -0.1933      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c-    o-      -2.5999      0.0    1.0488      0.0   -0.2089      0.0
1.3  1   n     c     c-    o-       0.0899      0.0    0.1220      0.0    0.0905      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c       -0.0871      0.0    0.0619      0.0   -0.7371      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c=       0.2433      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1040      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c=1      0.2433      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1040      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c=2      0.2433      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1040      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c=    h       -0.2433      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3281      0.0
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    c=       0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    c=1      0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    c=2      0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    h        0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2911      0.0
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    c=       0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    c=1      0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    c=2      0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    h        0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2911      0.0
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    c=       0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    c=1      0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    c=2      0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    h        0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2911      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c       -0.1143      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1682      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c=       0.1143      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1854      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c=1      0.1143      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1854      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c=2      0.1143      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1854      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c=    h       -0.1143      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1349      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   c       -0.0871      0.0    0.0619      0.0   -0.7371      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   c=       0.2433      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1040      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   c=1      0.2433      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1040      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   c=2      0.2433      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1040      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   h       -0.2433      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3281      0.0
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   c=       0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   c=1      0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   c=2      0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   h        0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2911      0.0
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   c=       0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   c=1      0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   c=2      0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   h        0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2911      0.0
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   c=       0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   c=1      0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   c=2      0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   h        0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2911      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   c       -0.1143      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1682      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   c=       0.1143      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1854      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   c=1      0.1143      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1854      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   c=2      0.1143      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1854      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   h       -0.1143      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1349      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   c       -0.0871      0.0    0.0619      0.0   -0.7371      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   c=       0.2433      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1040      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   c=1      0.2433      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1040      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   c=2      0.2433      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1040      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   h       -0.2433      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3281      0.0
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   c=       0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   c=1      0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   c=2      0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   h        0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2911      0.0
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   c=       0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   c=1      0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   c=2      0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   h        0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2911      0.0
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   c=       0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   c=1      0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   c=2      0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0173      0.0
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   h        0.0025      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2911      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   c       -0.1143      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1682      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   c=       0.1143      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1854      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   c=1      0.1143      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1854      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   c=2      0.1143      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1854      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   h       -0.1143      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1349      0.0
2.1  8   c     c     c_0   c        0.2904      0.0    1.0177      0.0   -0.1085      0.0
2.1  8   c     c     c_0   cp       0.2904      0.0    1.0177      0.0   -0.1085      0.0
2.1  8   c     c     c_0   h        0.3055      0.0    0.6703      0.0   -0.2816      0.0
2.1  8   c     c     c_0   o_1      0.6989      0.0    1.2089      0.0   -0.0445      0.0
2.1  8   cp    c     c_0   o_1      0.6989      0.0    1.2089      0.0   -0.0445      0.0
2.1  8   h     c     c_0   c       -0.4768      0.0    0.6051      0.0   -0.1205      0.0
2.1  8   h     c     c_0   cp      -0.4768      0.0    0.6051      0.0   -0.1205      0.0
2.1  8   h     c     c_0   h       -0.5265      0.0    0.3627      0.0   -0.1792      0.0
2.1  8   h     c     c_0   o_1     -0.9975      0.0    0.9060      0.0   -0.0195      0.0
1.0  1   o     c     c_0   h       -0.0390      0.0    1.4052      0.0    0.0757      0.0
1.0  1   o     c     c_0   o_1      0.6444      0.0    0.7897      0.0    1.0604      0.0
2.1  8   c     c     c_1   n_2      0.1693      0.0   -0.0090      0.0   -0.0687      0.0
2.1  8   c     c     c_1   o_1      0.0442      0.0    0.0292      0.0    0.0562      0.0
2.1  8   c     c     c_1   o_2      1.8341      0.0    2.0603      0.0   -0.0195      0.0
2.1  8   h     c     c_1   n_2      0.1693      0.0   -0.0090      0.0   -0.0687      0.0
2.1  8   h     c     c_1   o_1     -0.1804      0.0    0.0012      0.0    0.0371      0.0
2.1  8   h     c     c_1   o_2     -0.6359      0.0    1.4807      0.0   -0.0438      0.0
1.0  1   n     c     c_1   n       -0.0892      0.0    0.1259      0.0   -0.0884      0.0
1.0  1   n     c     c_1   o_1      0.0899      0.0    0.1220      0.0    0.0905      0.0
1.3  1   n+    c     c_1   n       -0.0892      0.0    0.1259      0.0   -0.0884      0.0
1.3  1   n+    c     c_1   o_1      0.0899      0.0    0.1220      0.0    0.0905      0.0
1.3  1   c     c     cp    cp      -0.2802      0.0   -0.0678      0.0   -0.0122      0.0
1.3  1   c     c     cp    np      -0.2802      0.0   -0.0678      0.0   -0.0122      0.0
1.5  1   cp    c     cp    cp      -0.2802      0.0   -0.0678      0.0   -0.0122      0.0
2.0  1   h     c     cp    cp      -0.2801      0.0   -0.0678      0.0   -0.0122      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     cp    cp      -0.2802      0.0   -0.0678      0.0   -0.0122      0.0
1.3  1   h     c     cp    np      -0.2802      0.0   -0.0678      0.0   -0.0122      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     n     c       -0.0017      0.0   -0.0072      0.0    0.0008      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     n     c_1      0.0143      0.0   -0.0132      0.0    0.0091      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     n     h*      -0.0483      0.0   -0.0077      0.0   -0.0014      0.0
1.3  1   c-    c     n     c_1     -0.0688      0.0    0.0762      0.0   -0.0618      0.0
1.3  1   c-    c     n     h*       0.0546      0.0    0.0756      0.0    0.0728      0.0
1.0  1   c_1   c     n     c       -0.0036      0.0    0.0049      0.0    0.0039      0.0
1.0  1   c_1   c     n     c_1     -0.0688      0.0    0.0762      0.0   -0.0618      0.0
1.0  1   c_1   c     n     h*       0.0546      0.0    0.0756      0.0    0.0728      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     n     c        0.0406      0.0    0.0354      0.0   -0.1649      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     n     c_1      0.0219      0.0   -0.0260      0.0    0.0714      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     n     h*      -0.0148      0.0   -0.0791      0.0   -0.0148      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     n+    c        0.7077      0.0   -0.3744      0.0   -0.1914      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     n+    h+      -0.8792      0.0   -0.5978      0.0   -0.3242      0.0
1.3  1   c_0   c     n+    h+      -0.8792      0.0   -0.5978      0.0   -0.3242      0.0
1.3  1   c_1   c     n+    h+      -0.8792      0.0   -0.5978      0.0   -0.3242      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     n+    c        0.3624      0.0    0.1012      0.0   -0.2486      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     n+    h+      -0.2458      0.0   -0.2789      0.0   -0.0294      0.0
1.1  1   c     c     n=    cr       0.0143      0.0   -0.0132      0.0    0.0091      0.0
1.1  1   h     c     n=    cr       0.5865      0.0   -0.5482      0.0   -0.2767      0.0
1.1  1   c     c     n=1   cr       0.0143      0.0   -0.0132      0.0    0.0091      0.0
1.1  1   h     c     n=1   cr       0.5865      0.0   -0.5482      0.0   -0.2767      0.0
1.1  1   c     c     n=2   cr       0.0143      0.0   -0.0132      0.0    0.0091      0.0
1.1  1   h     c     n=2   cr       0.5865      0.0   -0.5482      0.0   -0.2767      0.0
2.1  7   c     c     n_2   c_1      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2263      0.0
2.1  7   c     c     n_2   c_2      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2263      0.0
2.1  7   c     c     n_2   hn2      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3263      0.0
2.1  7   h     c     n_2   c_1      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2263      0.0
2.1  7   h     c     n_2   c_2      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2263      0.0
2.1  7   h     c     n_2   hn2      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3263      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     na    c       -0.1406      0.0    0.4168      0.0    0.0150      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     na    h*      -1.1506      0.0   -0.6344      0.0   -0.1845      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     na    c        0.1904      0.0   -0.1342      0.0   -0.2460      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     na    h*      -0.5187      0.0   -0.4837      0.0   -0.1692      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     nr    c+      -5.4418      0.0   -0.0437      0.0    0.8035      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     nr    h*      -5.0724      0.0   -0.4980      0.0   -0.4381      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     nr    c+       2.8272      0.0   -0.3930      0.0   -0.3847      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     nr    h*       1.2659      0.0   -0.7739      0.0    0.0378      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     o     c       -0.5203      0.0   -0.3028      0.0   -0.3450      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     o     c_0      0.1302      0.0   -0.3250      0.0    0.1134      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     o     h*      -0.6732      0.0   -0.4778      0.0   -0.1670      0.0
1.0  1   c_0   c     o     c_0     -1.8534      0.0    0.1981      0.0    0.2423      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     o     c        0.5302      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3966      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     o     c_0      0.9513      0.0    0.1155      0.0    0.0720      0.0
1.4  1   h     c     o     cp       0.9513      0.0    0.1155      0.0    0.0720      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     o     h*       0.1863      0.0   -0.4338      0.0   -0.2121      0.0
2.1  6   c     c     o_2   c_1      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1932      0.0
2.1  7   c     c     o_2   c_2      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0882      0.0
2.1  6   c_1   c     o_2   c_1      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1932      0.0
2.1  6   h     c     o_2   c_1      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1932      0.0
2.1  7   h     c     o_2   c_2      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0882      0.0
2.0  5   c     c     oz    cz       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1932      0.0
2.0  5   h     c     oz    cz       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1932      0.0
2.0  5   oz    c     oz    cz       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1932      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     s     c       -0.5073      0.0    0.0155      0.0   -0.0671      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     s     h       -0.4871      0.0   -0.4514      0.0   -0.1428      0.0
1.0  1   c     c     s     s       -0.6269      0.0   -0.9598      0.0   -0.4957      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     s     c       -0.3338      0.0   -0.0684      0.0   -0.1706      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     s     h       -0.5374      0.0   -0.5091      0.0   -0.1361      0.0
1.0  1   h     c     s     s       -0.0610      0.0   -0.6387      0.0   -0.3072      0.0
1.0  1   s     c     s     c       -1.9835      0.0   -1.9213      0.0   -0.3816      0.0
1.0  1   s     c     s     h       -0.0591      0.0   -0.6235      0.0   -0.0788      0.0
2.2  9   c     c     si    c        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0657      0.0
2.2  9   c     c     si    cp       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0657      0.0
2.2  9   c     c     si    h        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0657      0.0
2.2  9   c     c     si    si      -0.3500      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0657      0.0
2.2  9   cp    c     si    c        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0657      0.0
2.2  9   cp    c     si    cp       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0657      0.0
2.2  9   cp    c     si    h        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0657      0.0
2.2  9   cp    c     si    si       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0657      0.0
2.2  9   h     c     si    c        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0657      0.0
2.2  9   h     c     si    cp       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0657      0.0
2.2  9   h     c     si    h        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0657      0.0
2.2  9   h     c     si    si       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0657      0.0
1.0  4   h     c     sio   c       -1.3513      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0580      0.0
1.0  4   h     c     sio   h       -0.9301      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1259      0.0
1.0  4   h     c     sio   osi     -1.3513      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0580      0.0
1.0  1   nr    c+    nr    c       -0.6197      0.0    3.0539      0.0    0.1861      0.0
1.0  1   nr    c+    nr    h*      -7.2378      0.0    1.9150      0.0    0.1436      0.0
1.0  1   c     c=    c=    c        0.0860      0.0    5.1995      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   c     c=    c=    h        0.0000      0.0    5.2097      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     c=    c=    h        0.0000      0.0    4.8974      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   c     c=    c=1   c        0.0860      0.0    5.1995      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   c     c=    c=1   h        0.0000      0.0    5.2097      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     c=    c=1   c        0.0000      0.0    5.2097      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     c=    c=1   h        0.0000      0.0    4.8974      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   c     c=    c=2   c        0.0860      0.0    5.1995      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   c     c=    c=2   h        0.0000      0.0    5.2097      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     c=    c=2   c        0.0000      0.0    5.2097      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     c=    c=2   h        0.0000      0.0    4.8974      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  8   o_1   c_0   cp    cp       0.0000      0.0    0.9063      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   o_1   c_0   o     c        0.8905      0.0    3.2644      0.0    0.2646      0.0
2.1  8   n_2   c_1   cp    cp       0.0000      0.0    0.9063      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  6   o_1   c_1   cp    cp       0.0000      0.0    0.9063      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  6   o_2   c_1   cp    cp       0.0000      0.0    0.9063      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     c_1   n     c_1      0.1907      0.0    1.1212      0.0    0.0426      0.0
1.0  1   n     c_1   n     h*      -0.7358      0.0    0.4643      0.0   -1.1098      0.0
1.0  1   o_1   c_1   n     c        0.8297      0.0    3.7234      0.0   -0.0495      0.0
1.0  1   o_1   c_1   n     c_1     -0.4066      0.0    1.2513      0.0   -0.7507      0.0
1.0  1   o_1   c_1   n     h*      -1.6938      0.0    2.7386      0.0   -0.3360      0.0
2.1  8   c     c_1   n_2   c       -0.7532      0.0    2.7392      0.0    0.0907      0.0
2.1  8   c     c_1   n_2   hn2     -0.8236      0.0    2.1467      0.0   -0.2142      0.0
2.1  8   cp    c_1   n_2   c       -1.1077      0.0    2.0082      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  8   cp    c_1   n_2   cp      -1.1077      0.0    2.0082      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  8   cp    c_1   n_2   hn2     -1.1077      0.0    2.0082      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  8   h     c_1   n_2   c        0.3345      0.0    2.5838      0.0   -0.4006      0.0
2.1  8   h     c_1   n_2   hn2     -0.0078      0.0    2.6186      0.0   -0.0900      0.0
2.1  7   o_1   c_1   n_2   c        0.0000      0.0    2.0521      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   o_1   c_1   n_2   cp       0.0000      0.0    2.0521      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   o_1   c_1   n_2   hn2      0.0000      0.0    2.0521      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   o_1   c_1   o     h*      -2.7332      0.0    2.9646      0.0   -0.0155      0.0
2.1  8   *     c_1   o_2   *       -2.5594      0.0    2.2013      0.0    0.0325      0.0
2.1  8   c     c_1   o_2   c       -2.5594      0.0    2.2013      0.0    0.0325      0.0
2.1  8   c     c_1   o_2   ho2     -2.9126      0.0    1.0199      0.0   -0.2077      0.0
2.1  6   c=1   c_1   o_2   ho2     -1.1077      0.0    2.0082      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  6   cp    c_1   o_2   c       -1.1077      0.0    2.0082      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  6   cp    c_1   o_2   cp      -1.1077      0.0    2.0082      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  6   cp    c_1   o_2   ho2     -1.1077      0.0    2.0082      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  8   h     c_1   o_2   c       -0.9993      0.0    0.2131      0.0   -0.4274      0.0
2.1  8   h     c_1   o_2   ho2     -1.4540      0.0    0.8387      0.0   -0.4912      0.0
2.1  6   o_1   c_1   o_2   c        0.0000      0.0    2.2089      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  6   o_1   c_1   o_2   cp       0.0000      0.0    2.2089      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  6   o_1   c_1   o_2   ho2      0.0000      0.0    2.2089      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   n_2   c       -1.0632      0.0    1.5632      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   n_2   cp      -1.0632      0.0    1.5632      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   n_2   hn2     -1.0632      0.0    1.5632      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   o_1   c_2   n_2   c        0.0000      0.0    2.0521      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   o_1   c_2   n_2   cp       0.0000      0.0    2.0521      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   o_1   c_2   n_2   hn2      0.0000      0.0    2.0521      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   o_2   c_2   n_2   c       -1.7177      0.0    1.8863      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   o_2   c_2   n_2   cp      -1.7177      0.0    1.8863      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   o_2   c_2   n_2   hn2     -1.7177      0.0    1.8863      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   o_2   c       -2.9522      0.0    2.4047      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   o_2   cp      -2.9522      0.0    2.4047      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   o_2   ho2     -2.9522      0.0    2.4047      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   o_1   c_2   o_2   c        0.0000      0.0    1.8099      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   o_1   c_2   o_2   cp       0.0000      0.0    1.8099      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   o_1   c_2   o_2   ho2      0.0000      0.0    1.8099      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   o_2   c_2   o_2   c       -2.9522      0.0    2.4047      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   o_2   c_2   o_2   cp      -2.9522      0.0    2.4047      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   o_2   c_2   o_2   ho2     -2.9522      0.0    2.4047      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   c     cp    cp    cp       0.0000      0.0    4.4072      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   c     cp    cp    h        0.0000      0.0    1.5590      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.3  1   c     cp    cp    nh       0.0000      0.0    3.0202      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  8   c_0   cp    cp    cp       0.0000      0.0    4.6282      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  8   c_0   cp    cp    h        0.0000      0.0    2.1670      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  6   c_1   cp    cp    cp       0.0000      0.0    4.6282      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  6   c_1   cp    cp    h        0.0000      0.0    2.1670      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    cp       8.3667      0.0    1.1932      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    h        0.0000      0.0    3.9661      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   cp    cp    cp    n_2      0.0000      0.0    3.4040      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    nh      11.5270      0.0    2.7183      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    nn       0.0000      0.0    5.3826      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    np       0.0000      0.0    4.7675      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    o        0.0000      0.0    4.8498      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  6   cp    cp    cp    o_2      0.0000      0.0    2.5372      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    op       0.0000      0.0   10.6923      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  5   cp    cp    cp    oz       0.0000      0.0    4.6282      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.1 12   cp    cp    cp    p=       0.0000      0.0    5.4768      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.2  9   cp    cp    cp    si       0.0000      0.0    4.3270      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    sp       0.0000      0.0    9.2097      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    h        0.0000      0.0    1.8769      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   h     cp    cp    n_2      0.0000      0.0    3.4040      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    nh       0.0000      0.0    3.0202      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    nn       0.0000      0.0    1.3331      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    np       0.0000      0.0    3.6689      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    o        0.0000      0.0    1.7234      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  6   h     cp    cp    o_2      0.0000      0.0    2.1670      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    op       0.0000      0.0    3.3516      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  5   h     cp    cp    oz       0.0000      0.0    2.1670      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.1 12   h     cp    cp    p=       0.0000      0.0    2.2698      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.2  9   h     cp    cp    si       0.0000      0.0    1.5093      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    sp       0.0000      0.0    3.7957      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   nh    cp    cp    nh       0.0000      0.0   12.7748      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   nh    cp    cp    np       0.0000      0.0    4.8266      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   np    cp    cp    np       0.0000      0.0    8.8338      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   np    cp    cp    op       0.0000      0.0    9.7415      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   np    cp    cp    sp       0.0000      0.0    8.5974      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   cp    cp    n_2   c_1      0.0000      0.0    0.8107      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   cp    cp    n_2   c_2      0.0000      0.0    0.8107      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   cp    cp    n_2   hn2      0.0000      0.0    0.6107      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    cp      10.8765      0.0    6.3475      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    h*       0.0000      0.0    1.8202      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    np       0.0000      0.0   10.7803      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    cp       0.0000      0.0    3.7848      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    h*       0.0000      0.0    1.3342      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    np       0.0000      0.0    4.1751      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   nh    cp    nh    cp       0.0000      0.0   23.0443      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   nh    cp    nh    h*       0.0000      0.0    7.0570      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   np    cp    nh    cp       0.0000      0.0   20.0173      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   np    cp    nh    h*       0.0000      0.0    3.5096      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    cp    nn    h*       0.0000      0.0    1.2190      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   np    cp    nn    h*       0.0000      0.0    2.0184      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.3  1   c     cp    np    cp       0.0000      0.0    5.6183      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    cp       0.0000      0.0    6.8517      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    nh       0.0000      0.0    5.1942      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    np       0.0000      0.0   12.0680      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     cp    np    cp       0.0000      0.0    5.6183      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     cp    np    nh       0.0000      0.0    5.2455      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     cp    np    np       0.0000      0.0    6.3346      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   nh    cp    np    cp       0.0000      0.0    9.7830      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   nn    cp    np    cp       0.0000      0.0    6.7119      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   np    cp    np    cp       0.0000      0.0    7.4664      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   op    cp    np    cp       0.0000      0.0   15.3660      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   op    cp    np    np       0.0000      0.0   11.8577      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   sp    cp    np    cp       0.0000      0.0   13.6743      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   sp    cp    np    np       0.0000      0.0   11.5762      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.4  1   cp    cp    o     c        0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    cp    o     h*      -0.6900      0.0    0.5097      0.0    0.0095      0.0
2.1  6   cp    cp    o_2   c_1      0.0000      0.0    0.4561      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.1  7   cp    cp    o_2   c_2      0.0000      0.0    0.4961      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    cp    op    cp       0.0000      0.0   27.5402      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     cp    op    cp       0.0000      0.0    2.6043      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   np    cp    op    cp       0.0000      0.0   30.4292      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  5   cp    cp    oz    cz      -2.4045      0.0    0.4561      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  5   h     cp    oz    cz       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.1 12   *     cp    p=    *       -0.2717      0.0    1.1901      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.1 12   cp    cp    p=    h       -0.2717      0.0    1.1901      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.1 12   cp    cp    p=    n=      -0.2717      0.0    1.1901      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.2  9   cp    cp    si    c        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0231      0.0
2.2  9   cp    cp    si    h        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0231      0.0
2.2  9   cp    cp    si    si       0.0000      0.0   -0.1000      0.0   -0.0231      0.0
1.0  1   cp    cp    sp    cp       0.0000      0.0   31.5576      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h     cp    sp    cp       0.0000      0.0    4.2145      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   np    cp    sp    cp       0.0000      0.0   21.1715      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.1  1   nr    cr    n=    c       -7.3589      0.0    0.4643      0.0   -0.1098      0.0
1.1  1   nr    cr    n=1   c       -7.3589      0.0    0.4643      0.0   -0.1098      0.0
1.1  1   nr    cr    n=2   c       -7.3589      0.0    0.4643      0.0   -0.1098      0.0
1.1  1   n=    cr    nr    h*      -0.7358      0.0    0.4643      0.0   -1.1098      0.0
1.1  1   n=1   cr    nr    h*      -0.7358      0.0    0.4643      0.0   -1.1098      0.0
1.1  1   n=2   cr    nr    h*      -0.7358      0.0    0.4643      0.0   -1.1098      0.0
1.1  1   nr    cr    nr    h*      -7.2378      0.0    1.9150      0.0    0.1436      0.0
2.0  5   oo    cz    oz    c       -4.2342      0.0    1.8099      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  5   oo    cz    oz    cp      -3.4253      0.0    2.3292      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  5   oo    cz    oz    ho2     -3.0147      0.0    1.6536      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  5   oz    cz    oz    c       -4.0149      0.0    1.8643      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  5   oz    cz    oz    cp      -3.2773      0.0    1.3788      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  5   oz    cz    oz    ho2     -3.0513      0.0    1.4279      0.0   -0.1216      0.0
3.1 12   *     n     p=    *        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.1 12   h*    n     p=    h        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.1 12   h*    n     p=    n=       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.1 12   h*    n     p=    o        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.1 12   *     n=    p=    *        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3500      0.0
3.1 12   h*    n=    p=    cl       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3500      0.0
3.1 12   h*    n=    p=    cp       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3500      0.0
3.1 12   h*    n=    p=    f        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3500      0.0
3.1 12   h*    n=    p=    h        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3500      0.0
3.1 12   h*    n=    p=    o        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3500      0.0
3.1 12   p=    n=    p=    h        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.1 12   p=    n=    p=    n=       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    nh    np    cp       0.0000      0.0   14.4766      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   h*    nh    np    cp       0.0000      0.0    7.4549      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  1   cp    np    np    cp       0.0000      0.0   13.7232      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.1 12   *     o     p=    *        5.7083      0.0    2.1176      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.1 12   h*    o     p=    h        5.7083      0.0    2.1176      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.1 12   h*    o     p=    n=       5.7083      0.0    2.1176      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.1 12   h*    o     p=    o        5.7083      0.0    2.1176      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.0 10   az    oas   sz    oas     -4.8417      0.0   -0.6233      0.0   -1.7530      0.0
3.0 10   az    oas   sz    ob      -2.3957      0.0    0.4026      0.0    0.0077      0.0
3.0 10   az    oas   sz    osh      1.0239      0.0    0.2734      0.0    0.0173      0.0
3.0 10   az    oas   sz    oss      0.2875      0.0    1.0574      0.0   -0.0222      0.0
3.0 10   az    ob    sz    oas    -23.4547      0.0    5.3019      0.0    1.7206      0.0
3.0 10   az    ob    sz    ob      -2.3957      0.0    0.4026      0.0    0.0077      0.0
3.0 10   az    ob    sz    osh    -20.7064      0.0    4.3987      0.0   -0.5242      0.0
3.0 10   az    ob    sz    oss    -23.4547      0.0    5.3019      0.0    1.7206      0.0
3.0 10   hb    ob    sz    oas    -15.3826      0.0   -4.7952      0.0    0.6596      0.0
3.0 10   hb    ob    sz    ob     -12.5965      0.0   -5.0843      0.0    0.2414      0.0
3.0 10   hb    ob    sz    osh    -12.5965      0.0   -5.0843      0.0    0.2414      0.0
3.0 10   hb    ob    sz    oss    -15.3826      0.0   -4.7952      0.0    0.6596      0.0
3.0 10   hos   ob    sz    ob      -0.5851      0.0   -1.4467      0.0   -0.3115      0.0
3.0 10   sz    ob    sz    ob      -2.3957      0.0    0.4026      0.0    0.0077      0.0
3.0 10   hos   osh   sz    oas      1.1145      0.0   -0.4708      0.0   -0.3937      0.0
3.0 10   hos   osh   sz    ob      -0.5851      0.0   -1.4467      0.0   -0.3115      0.0
3.0 10   hos   osh   sz    osh      0.4627      0.0    0.1147      0.0    0.0390      0.0
3.0 10   hos   osh   sz    oss      2.3777      0.0   -0.0069      0.0   -0.5244      0.0
1.0  4   h*    osi   sio   c       -0.6741      0.0    0.3661      0.0   -0.1008      0.0
1.0  4   h*    osi   sio   h       -0.7720      0.0    0.9364      0.0   -0.1169      0.0
1.0  4   h*    osi   sio   osi     -0.6741      0.0    0.3661      0.0   -0.1008      0.0
1.0  4   sio   osi   sio   c        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1300      0.0
1.0  4   sio   osi   sio   h        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1300      0.0
1.0  4   sio   osi   sio   osi      0.3000      0.0    0.3658      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.0 10   sz    oss   sz    oas     -0.3747      0.0    0.3232      0.0   -0.0194      0.0
3.0 10   sz    oss   sz    ob      -2.3957      0.0    0.4026      0.0    0.0077      0.0
3.0 10   sz    oss   sz    osh     -0.2403      0.0    0.1673      0.0    0.0002      0.0
3.0 10   sz    oss   sz    oss     -0.3417      0.0    0.0961      0.0    0.1683      0.0
1.0  1   c     s     s     c       -1.8578      0.0   -3.8321      0.0   -0.4469      0.0
1.0  1   c     s     s     h       -0.4956      0.0   -3.4601      0.0   -0.2482      0.0
1.0  1   h     s     s     h       -0.0528      0.0   -3.5171      0.0   -0.2394      0.0
2.2  9   c     si    si    c        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0653      0.0
2.2  9   c     si    si    cp       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0653      0.0
2.2  9   c     si    si    h        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0653      0.0
2.2  9   c     si    si    si       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0653      0.0
2.2  9   cp    si    si    cp       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0653      0.0
2.2  9   cp    si    si    h        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0653      0.0
2.2  9   cp    si    si    si       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0653      0.0
2.2  9   h     si    si    h        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0653      0.0
2.2  9   h     si    si    si       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0653      0.0
2.2  9   si    si    si    si       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0653      0.0

#wilson_out_of_plane  pcff

> E = K * (Chi - Chi0)^2

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L       KChi      Chi0
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----   --------  ---------
1.0  1   nr    c+    nr    nr       54.4060     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c-    o-    o-       44.1500     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c-    o-    o-       45.7520     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    c     c=        2.0568     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    c=    h         2.0765     0.0000
1.0  1   c=    c=    h     h         2.8561     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c_0   c     o_1      38.7949     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c_0   cp    o_1      38.7949     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c_0   h     o_1      38.4069     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c_0   o     o_1      46.9264     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    c_0   cp    o_1      38.7949     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    c_0   h     o_1      38.4069     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c_0   h     o_1      37.8733     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c_0   o     o_1      45.3800     0.0000
2.1  8   c     c_1   n_2   o_1      24.3329     0.0000
2.1  8   c     c_1   o_1   o_2      46.9264     0.0000
2.1  8   cp    c_1   n_2   o_1      49.3740     0.0000
2.1  6   cp    c_1   o_1   o_2      49.3740     0.0000
2.1  7   h     c_1   n_2   o_1      23.1691     0.0000
2.1  8   h     c_1   o_1   o_2      45.3800     0.0000
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   n_2   o_1      59.3740     0.0000
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   o_1   o_2      49.3740     0.0000
2.1  7   o_1   c_2   o_2   o_2      51.6374     0.0000
2.0  5   c     cp    cp    cp        7.8153     0.0000
1.0  1   c     cp    cp    cp        6.9644     0.0000
1.3  1   c     cp    cp    np       10.4920     0.0000
2.1  6   c_1   cp    cp    cp       17.0526     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    cp        7.1794     0.0000
3.1 12   cp    cp    cp    h         4.8912     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    h         7.6012     0.0000
2.1  7   cp    cp    cp    n_2      17.0526     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    nh        8.3206     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    nn       10.7855     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    o        13.0421     0.0000
2.1  6   cp    cp    cp    o_2      -8.8126     0.0000
2.0  5   cp    cp    cp    oz       19.8126     0.0000
3.1 12   cp    cp    cp    p=        6.7092     0.0000
2.2  9   cp    cp    cp    si        5.3654     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    h     nh        7.9682     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    h     np       10.4920     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    h     op        8.1654     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    h     sp        5.5684     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    nh       10.2877     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    np        8.8464     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    np    np       14.3802     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    np    op       10.8102     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    np    sp        7.3414     0.0000
1.0  1   nn    cp    np    np       15.0921     0.0000
1.1  1   n=    cr    nr    nr       54.4060     0.0000
2.0  5   oo    cz    oz    oz       51.6374     0.0000
1.0  1   c     n     c     c_1       0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     n     c_1   h*        0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c_1   n     c_1   h*        0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c_1   n     h*    h*        0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   c     n=    cr    h*        0.3176     0.0000
2.1  8   c     n_2   c_1   hn2      -5.3119     0.0000
2.1  7   c     n_2   c_2   hn2      -5.3119     0.0000
2.1  8   c_1   n_2   cp    hn2       4.4181     0.0000
2.1  8   c_1   n_2   hn2   hn2      -6.5636     0.0000
2.1  7   c_2   n_2   cp    hn2       4.4181     0.0000
2.1  7   c_2   n_2   hn2   hn2      -6.5636     0.0000
1.0  1   c     na    c     c         0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     na    c     h*        0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     na    h*    h*        0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    nh    cp    h*        5.9154     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    nh    h*    np        4.9959     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    nn    h*    h*        0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     nr    c+    h*        0.3176     0.0000
1.0  1   c+    nr    h*    h*        1.0035     0.0000
1.1  1   cr    nr    h*    h*        1.0035     0.0000
3.0 10   az    ob    hb    sz      116.0100     3.8934

#wilson_out_of_plane  pcff_auto

> E = K * (Chi - Chi0)^2

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L       KChi      Chi0
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----   --------  ---------
2.0  1   *     c'_   *     *        36.0000     0.0000
2.0  1   *     c+_   *     *        54.4060     0.0000
2.0  1   *     c=_   *     *         2.0568     0.0000
2.0  1   *     cp_   *     *        10.0000     0.0000
2.0  1   *     n=_   *     *         0.5000     0.0000
2.0  1   *     n_    *     *         0.1000     0.0000
2.0  1   *     na_   *     *         0.0000     0.0000
2.0  1   *     np_   *     *         5.5000     0.0000
2.0  1   *     nr_   *     *         1.0035     0.0000
2.0  1   *     o_    *     *         0.0000     0.0000
2.0  1   *     p_    *     *         0.0000     0.0000
2.0  1   *     s_    *     *         0.0000     0.0000

#nonbond(9-6)         pcff

> E = eps(ij) [2(r(ij)*/r(ij))**9 - 3(r(ij)*/r(ij))**6]
> where    r(ij) = [(r(i)**6 + r(j)**6))/2]**(1/6)
>        eps(ij) = 2 sqrt(eps(i) * eps(j)) *
>                   r(i)^3 * r(j)^3/[r(i)^6 + r(j)^6]

@type r-eps
@combination sixth-power

!Ver Ref    I          r             eps
!--- ---  -----   -------------  -----------
2.1 11      Ag         3.0222      4.10020
2.1 11      Al         2.9964      3.32320
2.1 11      Au         3.0177      6.09800
2.0  3      Br         4.2150      0.30500
2.0  3      Cl         3.9150      0.30500
2.1 11      Cr         2.6764      5.80440
2.1 11      Cu         2.6775      3.81870
2.1 11      Fe         2.6595     13.88920
2.1 11      K          4.8858      0.74410
2.1 11      Li         3.2494      0.72140
2.1 11      Mo         2.9184      9.78710
2.1 11      Na         3.9624      0.73800
2.1 11      Ni         2.6105      5.07370
2.1 11      Pb         3.6541     34.18600
2.1 11      Pd         2.8810      6.08460
2.1 11      Pt         2.9034      9.14470
2.1 11      Sn         2.9927      4.84330
2.1 11      W          2.9344     12.04700
2.1  8      ar         3.8400      0.24640
3.0 10      az         0.0001      0.00000
2.1  8      br         4.3000      0.34890
2.0  1      c          4.0100      0.05400
2.0  1      c+         3.3080      0.12000
2.0  1      c-         3.9080      0.12000
2.1  8      c=         3.9000      0.06400
2.0  1      c=         4.0100      0.06400
2.0  1      c=1        4.0100      0.06400
2.0  1      c=2        4.0100      0.06400
2.0  1      c_0        3.3080      0.12000
2.1  6      c_1        3.8100      0.12000
2.1  7      c_2        3.8100      0.12000
2.1  8      ca+        3.9800      0.30150
2.1  8      cl         3.9200      0.22470
2.0  1      cp         4.0100      0.06400
2.0  1      cr         3.3080      0.12000
2.0  1      ct         4.0100      0.06400
2.0  5      cz         3.9000      0.06400
2.1  8      f          3.2000      0.05980
2.0  1      h          2.9950      0.02000
2.0  1      h*         1.0980      0.01300
2.0  1      h+         1.0980      0.01300
3.0 10      hb         1.2149      5.23020
2.1  8      he         2.9000      0.02030
2.1  7      hn2        1.6500      0.01300
2.1  6      ho2        1.1100      0.01300
2.0  5      ho2        1.0100      0.15000
3.0 10      hoa        1.2879      3.68600
3.0 10      hos        2.3541      0.09880
2.2  9      hsi        2.9400      0.02300
2.0  3      i          4.8000      0.40000
2.1  8      kr         4.3000      0.40280
2.0  1      n          4.0700      0.10600
2.0  1      n+         3.2620      0.06500
3.1 12      n=         3.8000      0.08000
2.0  1      n=         4.1210      0.06200
2.0  1      n=1        4.1210      0.06200
2.0  1      n=2        4.1210      0.06200
2.1  7      n_2        3.6000      0.10600
2.0  1      na         4.0700      0.06500
2.1  8      ne         3.1300      0.07090
2.0  1      nh         4.0700      0.13400
2.0  1      nn         4.0700      0.06500
2.0  1      np         3.5700      0.04100
2.0  1      nr         4.0700      0.10600
2.0  1      nt         3.5700      0.06500
2.1  8      nz         3.7500      0.06500
2.0  1      nz         3.5700      0.06500
2.0  1      o          3.5350      0.24000
2.0  1      o*         3.6080      0.27400
2.0  1      o-         3.5960      0.16700
2.1  8      o=         3.5350      0.06000
2.1  6      o_1        3.3000      0.26700
2.0  1      o_1        3.5350      0.26700
2.1  6      o_2        3.4200      0.24000
3.0 10      oah        3.7245      0.10260
3.0 10      oas        5.2591      0.01290
3.0 10      ob         5.2191      0.01350
2.0  5      oo         3.2000      0.25700
2.0  1      op         3.5350      0.10900
3.0 10      osh        3.4618      0.15910
1.0  4      osi        3.3500      0.24000
3.0 10      oss        3.4506      0.16220
2.0  5      oz         3.3200      0.24000
2.0  3      p          4.2950      0.21500
3.1 12      p=         4.3000      0.21500
2.0  1      s          4.0270      0.07100
2.1  8      s'         4.0270      0.25000
2.0  1      s'         4.0270      0.07100
2.2  9      si         4.4500      0.19000
2.0  3      si         4.4350      0.09500
1.0  4      sio        4.2840      0.07000
2.0  1      sp         4.0270      0.07100
3.0 10      sz         0.0001      0.00000
2.1  8      xe         4.5600      0.45500

#bond-bond            pcff

> E = K(b,b') * (R - R0) * (R' - R0')

!Ver Ref    I     J     K      K(b,b')
!--- ---  ----- ----- -----   --------
3.0 10   oah   az    oah      16.7944
3.0 10   oah   az    oas      25.1407
3.0 10   oah   az    ob       41.5999
3.0 10   oas   az    oas     -108.1740
3.0 10   oas   az    ob       52.7878
1.0  1   c     c     c         0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c-       16.4650
1.0  1   c     c     c=        7.7827
1.0  1   c     c     c=1       7.7827
1.0  1   c     c     c=2       7.7827
1.0  1   c     c     c_0      16.1683
2.1  8   c     c     c_1       5.4199
1.3  1   c     c     cp        0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     h         3.3872
1.0  1   c     c     n         3.5446
1.0  1   c     c     n+       16.4280
1.1  1   c     c     n=       22.7100
1.1  1   c     c     n=1      22.7100
1.1  1   c     c     n=2      22.7100
2.1  7   c     c     n_2      11.1849
1.0  1   c     c     na        4.6217
1.0  1   c     c     nr       22.7100
1.0  1   c     c     o        11.4318
2.1  6   c     c     o_2      23.2647
1.0  4   c     c     oz       23.2647
1.0  1   c     c     s        10.9186
1.0  1   c-    c     h        -1.1701
1.3  1   c-    c     n         0.0000
1.0  1   c=    c     c=        3.3730
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1       3.3730
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2       3.3730
1.0  1   c=    c     h         9.9922
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1       3.3730
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2       3.3730
1.0  1   c=1   c     h         9.9922
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2       3.3730
1.0  1   c=2   c     h         9.9922
1.0  1   c_0   c     h         2.2522
1.0  1   c_0   c     o         6.2211
2.1  8   c_1   c     h         0.7115
1.0  1   c_1   c     n        -3.8353
1.3  1   c_1   c     n+        0.0000
1.0  1   cp    c     h         2.9168
1.0  1   h     c     h         5.3316
1.0  1   h     c     n        15.2994
1.0  1   h     c     n+       -1.4797
1.1  1   h     c     n=        5.6638
1.1  1   h     c     n=1       5.6638
1.1  1   h     c     n=2       5.6638
2.1  7   h     c     n_2      16.1478
1.0  1   h     c     na       12.4260
1.0  1   h     c     nr        5.6638
1.0  1   h     c     o        23.1979
2.1  6   h     c     o_2       5.6454
1.0  4   h     c     oz        5.6454
1.0  1   h     c     s         7.0463
2.2  9   h     c     si        1.6561
1.0  4   h     c     sio       6.3820
2.1  6   o_2   c     o_2       8.2983
1.0  4   oz    c     oz        8.2983
1.0  1   s     c     s       -22.3144
1.0  1   nr    c+    nr       88.8170
1.0  1   c     c-    o-       57.8750
1.0  1   h     c-    o-       55.5960
1.0  1   o-    c-    o-      166.5900
1.0  1   c     c=    c         3.3730
1.0  1   c     c=    c=       17.7913
1.0  1   c     c=    c=1      17.7913
1.0  1   c     c=    c=2      17.7913
1.0  1   c     c=    h         3.4394
1.0  1   c=    c=    h        10.1047
1.0  1   c=1   c=    h        10.1047
1.0  1   c=2   c=    h        10.1047
1.0  1   h     c=    h         4.8506
2.1  8   o-    c=    o-      170.0000
2.1  8   s'    c=    s'      120.0000
1.0  1   c     c=1   c         3.3730
1.0  1   c     c=1   c=       17.7913
1.0  1   c     c=1   c=1      17.7913
1.0  1   c     c=1   c=2      17.7913
1.0  1   c     c=1   h         3.4394
1.0  1   c=    c=1   h        10.1047
1.0  1   c=1   c=1   h        10.1047
1.0  1   c=2   c=1   h        10.1047
1.0  1   h     c=1   h         4.8506
1.0  1   c     c=2   c         3.3730
1.0  1   c     c=2   c=       17.7913
1.0  1   c     c=2   c=1      17.7913
1.0  1   c     c=2   c=2      17.7913
1.0  1   c     c=2   h         3.4394
1.0  1   c=    c=2   h        10.1047
1.0  1   c=1   c=2   h        10.1047
1.0  1   c=2   c=2   h        10.1047
1.0  1   h     c=2   h         4.8506
1.0  1   c     c_0   c        -7.1992
1.0  1   c     c_0   h        -6.8198
1.0  1   c     c_0   o_1      77.5201
1.0  1   h     c_0   h        -1.1646
1.0  1   h     c_0   o_1      72.7273
1.0  1   o     c_0   o_1     210.1813
2.1  8   c     c_1   n_2      56.4788
2.1  8   c     c_1   o_1      46.0685
2.1  8   c     c_1   o_2      19.1069
2.1  8   cp    c_1   n_2      69.9445
2.1  6   cp    c_1   o_1     116.9445
2.1  6   cp    c_1   o_2      69.9445
2.1  8   h     c_1   n_2       2.8000
2.1  8   h     c_1   o_1      42.1741
2.1  8   h     c_1   o_2      33.1111
1.0  1   n     c_1   n        25.9530
1.0  1   n     c_1   o_1     138.4954
2.1  8   n_2   c_1   o_1     116.9445
2.1  8   n_2   c_1   o_2      84.5263
2.1  6   o_1   c_1   o_2     121.4880
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   n_2      84.5263
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   o_1     115.4645
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   o_2      84.5263
2.1  7   o_1   c_2   o_2     122.4966
2.1  7   o_2   c_2   o_2      83.7102
1.0  1   c     cp    cp       12.0676
1.3  1   c     cp    np        0.0000
2.1  6   c_1   cp    cp       37.8749
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp       68.2856
1.0  1   cp    cp    h         1.0795
2.1  7   cp    cp    n_2      37.8749
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh       70.0451
1.0  1   cp    cp    nn       46.9513
1.0  1   cp    cp    np      104.8601
1.0  1   cp    cp    o        48.4754
2.1  6   cp    cp    o_2      30.3889
1.0  1   cp    cp    op       80.0290
1.0  4   cp    cp    oz       30.3889
2.2  9   cp    cp    si       21.3938
1.0  1   cp    cp    sp       72.5954
1.0  1   h     cp    nh        0.8510
1.0  1   h     cp    np       11.4027
2.1  6   h     cp    o_2       4.5800
1.0  1   h     cp    op        2.1806
1.0  4   h     cp    oz        4.5800
1.0  1   h     cp    sp       -1.0209
1.0  1   nh    cp    nh       97.2420
1.0  1   nh    cp    np      124.5049
1.0  1   nn    cp    np       99.2160
1.0  1   np    cp    np      125.0057
1.0  1   np    cp    op      139.6091
1.0  1   np    cp    sp      123.7272
1.1  1   n=    cr    nr      116.9445
1.1  1   n=1   cr    nr      116.9445
1.1  1   n=2   cr    nr      116.9445
1.1  1   nr    cr    nr       25.9530
1.0  4   oo    cz    oz      122.4966
1.0  4   oz    cz    oz       83.7102
1.0  1   c     n     c        -1.4980
1.0  1   c     n     c_1      12.1186
1.0  1   c     n     h*       -3.4710
1.0  1   c_1   n     c_1      25.9530
1.0  1   c_1   n     h*       -4.3126
1.0  1   h*    n     h*       -0.5655
1.0  1   c     n+    c        14.9590
1.0  1   c     n+    h+        8.6951
1.0  1   h+    n+    h+        2.8266
1.1  1   c     n=    cr       48.6960
2.1  8   c     n_2   c_1      27.8556
2.1  7   c     n_2   c_2      27.8556
2.1  7   c     n_2   hn2       5.2897
2.1  8   c_1   n_2   cp       41.4233
2.1  8   c_1   n_2   hn2       8.6253
2.1  7   c_2   n_2   cp       41.4233
2.1  7   c_2   n_2   hn2       8.6253
2.1  7   cp    n_2   hn2       8.2930
2.1  7   hn2   n_2   hn2      10.2817
1.0  1   c     na    c        -2.1113
1.0  1   c     na    h*       -6.4168
1.0  1   h*    na    h*       -1.8749
1.0  1   cp    nh    cp       97.2420
1.0  1   cp    nh    h*        0.5187
1.1  1   cp    nh    hi        0.5187
1.0  1   cp    nh    np       99.0082
1.0  1   h*    nh    np        2.0609
1.1  1   hi    nh    np        2.0609
1.0  1   cp    nn    h*        4.5393
1.0  1   h*    nn    h*       -9.9447
1.0  1   cp    np    cp      125.0057
1.0  1   cp    np    nh       94.4808
1.0  1   cp    np    np      140.0177
1.0  1   c     nr    c+       48.6960
1.0  1   c     nr    h*       12.5630
1.0  1   c+    nr    h*       15.7970
1.1  1   cr    nr    h*        0.0000
1.0  1   h*    nr    h*        1.4574
1.0  1   c     o     c        -7.1131
1.0  1   c     o     c_0      26.1360
1.0  1   c     o     h*       -9.6879
1.0  1   c_0   o     h*       -6.2138
1.0  1   cp    o     h*       20.6577
1.2  1   h*    o*    h*       -9.5000
2.1  6   c     o_2   c_1      45.4503
2.1  7   c     o_2   c_2      42.0941
2.1  6   c_1   o_2   cp       69.5999
2.1  6   c_1   o_2   ho2       9.5671
2.1  7   c_2   o_2   cp       69.5999
2.1  7   c_2   o_2   ho2       6.9326
3.0 10   az    oah   hoa       1.0500
3.0 10   az    oas   sz       33.7345
3.0 10   az    ob    hb       28.4668
3.0 10   az    ob    sz       79.6629
3.0 10   hb    ob    sz      -21.7346
1.0  1   cp    op    cp      109.9080
3.0 10   hos   osh   sz        8.8125
1.0  4   h*    osi   sio       6.3820
1.0  4   sio   osi   sio      41.1143
3.0 10   sz    oss   sz      178.8840
1.0  4   c     oz    cz       42.0941
1.0  4   cp    oz    cz       69.5999
1.0  4   cz    oz    h         9.8230
1.0  4   cz    oz    ho2       6.9326
3.1 12   h     p=    h        20.0000
1.0  1   c     s     c       -22.3144
1.0  1   c     s     h        -0.5700
1.0  1   c     s     s        -3.6612
1.0  1   h     s     h        -0.9847
1.0  1   h     s     s        -0.0556
2.1  8   o-    s'    o-       40.0000
2.2  9   c     si    c         3.7419
2.2  9   c     si    h         3.9264
2.2  9   c     si    si        2.3030
2.2  9   cp    si    h         3.9340
2.2  9   h     si    h         4.6408
2.2  9   h     si    si        3.5172
2.2  9   si    si    si        6.0704
1.0  4   c     sio   c         5.4896
1.0  4   c     sio   h         4.6016
1.0  4   c     sio   osi       5.4896
1.0  4   h     sio   h         2.9645
1.0  4   h     sio   osi      11.6183
1.0  4   osi   sio   osi      41.1143
1.0  1   cp    sp    cp        4.0747
3.0 10   oas   sz    osh     109.4200
3.0 10   oas   sz    oss      41.0346
3.0 10   ob    sz    osh       0.9313
3.0 10   ob    sz    oss      61.5679
3.0 10   osh   sz    osh      72.1792
3.0 10   osh   sz    oss      25.1384
3.0 10   oss   sz    oss     178.8840

#bond-bond_1_3        pcff

> E = K(b,b') * (R - R0) * (R' - R0')

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L      K(b,b')
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----   --------
1.0  1   h     c     cp    cp       -3.4826
1.0  1   c     cp    cp    cp        2.5085
1.0  1   c     cp    cp    h         0.8743
2.1  8   cp    cp    cp    cp       53.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    cp      -73.6169
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    h        -6.2741
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    nh      -40.3954
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    nn       -9.7999
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    np      -114.6133
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    o        -2.2436
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    op      -73.8410
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    sp      -54.3603
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    h        -1.7077
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    nh       -6.2449
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    nn       -1.0746
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    np        0.7474
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    o         2.0517
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    op       -1.7133
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    sp        0.5491
1.0  1   nh    cp    cp    nh      -71.6221
1.0  1   nh    cp    cp    np      -54.0505
1.0  1   np    cp    cp    np      -133.9418
1.0  1   np    cp    cp    op      -114.6594
1.0  1   np    cp    cp    sp      -87.1462
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    cp      -40.3954
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    h*      -23.4360
1.1  1   cp    cp    nh    hi      -23.4360
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    np      -66.7435
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    cp       -6.2449
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    h*       -1.9118
1.1  1   h     cp    nh    hi       -1.9118
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    np       -1.3024
1.0  1   nh    cp    nh    cp      -71.6221
1.0  1   nh    cp    nh    h*      -16.8062
1.1  1   nh    cp    nh    hi      -16.8062
1.0  1   np    cp    nh    cp      -54.0505
1.0  1   np    cp    nh    h*      -33.0647
1.1  1   np    cp    nh    hi      -33.0647
1.0  1   cp    cp    nn    h*        4.2366
1.0  1   np    cp    nn    h*       -5.1852
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    cp      -114.6133
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    nh      -66.7435
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    np      -149.4151
1.0  1   h     cp    np    cp        0.7474
1.0  1   h     cp    np    nh       -1.3024
1.0  1   h     cp    np    np       -3.4334
1.0  1   nh    cp    np    cp      -54.0505
1.0  1   nn    cp    np    cp        6.4383
1.0  1   np    cp    np    cp      -133.9418
1.0  1   op    cp    np    cp      -114.6594
1.0  1   op    cp    np    np      -101.5242
1.0  1   sp    cp    np    cp      -87.1462
1.0  1   sp    cp    np    np      -89.5542
1.0  1   cp    cp    o     h*        1.1590
1.0  1   cp    cp    op    cp      -73.8410
1.0  1   h     cp    op    cp       -1.7133
1.0  1   np    cp    op    cp      -114.6594
1.0  1   cp    cp    sp    cp      -54.3603
1.0  1   h     cp    sp    cp        0.5491
1.0  1   np    cp    sp    cp      -87.1462
1.0  1   cp    nh    np    cp      -54.0505
1.0  1   h*    nh    np    cp      -33.0647
1.1  1   hi    nh    np    cp      -33.0647
1.0  1   cp    np    np    cp      -133.9418

#bond-angle           pcff

> E = K * (R - R0) * (Theta - Theta0)

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     K(b,theta)  K(b',theta)
!--- ---  ----- ----- -----   ----------  -----------
3.0 10   oah   az    oah       21.5223
3.0 10   oah   az    oas        5.5077      45.3577
3.0 10   oah   az    ob        28.6676      39.7369
3.0 10   oas   az    oas       72.8961
3.0 10   oas   az    ob        56.3309      50.5314
1.0  1   c     c     c          8.0160
1.0  1   c     c     c*        17.6996      13.7504
1.0  1   c     c     c-        23.0840      19.1590
1.0  1   c     c     c=        15.9818      18.9779
1.0  1   c     c     c=1       15.9818      18.9779
1.0  1   c     c     c=2       15.9818      18.9779
2.1  8   c     c     c_1       18.1678      15.8758
1.3  1   c     c     cp         0.0000       0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     h         20.7540      11.4210
1.0  1   c     c     n         -5.4790       4.6031
1.0  1   c     c     n+        14.0620      49.7730
1.1  1   c     c     n=        19.2440      59.4220
1.1  1   c     c     n=1       19.2440      59.4220
1.1  1   c     c     n=2       19.2440      59.4220
2.1  7   c     c     n_2       18.3324      46.2073
1.0  1   c     c     na         6.0876      16.5702
1.0  1   c     c     nr        19.2440      59.4220
1.0  1   c     c     o          2.6868      20.4033
2.1  6   c     c     o_2       23.3920      47.9487
2.0  5   c     c     oz        23.3920      47.9487
1.0  1   c     c     s         -3.5621      22.3865
1.0  1   c*    c     h         15.5988      14.6287
1.0  1   c-    c     h         11.8650      14.9650
1.3  1   c-    c     n          0.0000       0.0000
1.0  1   c=    c     c=         8.2266
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1        8.2266       8.2266
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2        8.2266       8.2266
1.0  1   c=    c     h         20.8767      14.2741
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1        8.2266
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2        8.2266       8.2266
1.0  1   c=1   c     h         20.8767      14.2741
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2        8.2266
1.0  1   c=2   c     h         20.8767      14.2741
1.0  1   c_0   c     o        -12.1485       6.5577
2.1  8   c_1   c     h         12.4632       9.1765
1.0  1   c_1   c     n         -5.1640      17.3942
1.3  1   c_1   c     n+         0.0000       0.0000
1.0  1   cp    c     h         26.4608      11.7717
1.0  1   h     c     h         18.1030
1.0  1   h     c     n         10.6917      34.8907
1.0  1   h     c     n+        15.8820      50.0180
1.1  1   h     c     n=         6.4066      46.3730
1.1  1   h     c     n=1        6.4066      46.3730
1.1  1   h     c     n=2        6.4066      46.3730
2.1  7   h     c     n_2       12.6574      48.1889
1.0  1   h     c     na        13.4582      42.4332
1.0  1   h     c     nr         6.4066      46.3730
1.0  1   h     c     o          4.6189      55.3270
2.1  6   h     c     o_2        8.6864      57.4975
2.0  5   h     c     oz         8.6864      57.4975
1.0  1   h     c     s          9.3225      44.9874
2.2  9   h     c     si        16.6908      18.2764
1.0  4   h     c     sio       14.7189      12.8694
1.0  1   s     c     s        -20.1517
1.0  1   nr    c+    nr        60.9880
1.0  1   c     c-    o-        51.5840      62.0560
1.0  1   h     c-    o-        36.5860      60.2920
1.0  1   o-    c-    o-        73.3500
1.0  1   c     c=    c          4.9578
1.0  1   c     c=    c=        31.5885      24.2252
1.0  1   c     c=    c=1       31.5885      24.2252
1.0  1   c     c=    c=2       31.5885      24.2252
1.0  1   c     c=    h         17.6452      15.3492
1.0  1   c=    c=    h         23.3588      19.0592
1.0  1   c=1   c=    h         23.3588      19.0592
1.0  1   c=2   c=    h         23.3588      19.0592
1.0  1   h     c=    h         17.9795
1.0  1   c     c=1   c          4.9578
1.0  1   c     c=1   c=        31.5885      24.2252
1.0  1   c     c=1   c=1       31.5885      24.2252
1.0  1   c     c=1   c=2       31.5885      24.2252
1.0  1   c     c=1   h         17.6452      15.3492
1.0  1   c=    c=1   h         23.3588      19.0592
1.0  1   c=1   c=1   h         23.3588      19.0592
1.0  1   c=2   c=1   h         23.3588      19.0592
1.0  1   h     c=1   h         17.9795
1.0  1   c     c=2   c          4.9578
1.0  1   c     c=2   c=        31.5885      24.2252
1.0  1   c     c=2   c=1       31.5885      24.2252
1.0  1   c     c=2   c=2       31.5885      24.2252
1.0  1   c     c=2   h         17.6452      15.3492
1.0  1   c=    c=2   h         23.3588      19.0592
1.0  1   c=1   c=2   h         23.3588      19.0592
1.0  1   c=2   c=2   h         23.3588      19.0592
1.0  1   h     c=2   h         17.9795
1.0  1   c     c_0   c         13.7595
1.0  1   c     c_0   h         10.1404       4.8798
1.0  1   c     c_0   o_1       31.8455      46.6613
1.0  1   h     c_0   h          9.2776
1.0  1   h     c_0   o_1       12.4733      63.9355
1.0  1   o     c_0   o_1       57.0987      79.4497
2.1  8   c     c_1   n_2       25.3712       6.0803
2.1  8   c     c_1   o_1       34.9982      37.1298
2.1  8   c     c_1   o_2        1.3435       4.6978
2.1  8   cp    c_1   n_2       72.8758      76.1093
2.1  6   cp    c_1   o_1       72.8758      76.1093
2.1  6   cp    c_1   o_2       72.8758      76.1093
2.1  8   h     c_1   n_2       22.3253      31.3099
2.1  8   h     c_1   o_1       15.2461      49.0551
2.1  8   h     c_1   o_2        7.7210      19.8871
1.0  1   n     c_1   n         68.0739
1.0  1   n     c_1   o_1       62.7124      52.4045
2.1  8   n_2   c_1   o_1       32.8758      46.1093
2.1  6   o_1   c_1   o_2       76.2614      71.8761
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   n_2       49.0875
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   o_1       32.8758      46.1093
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   o_2       32.7624      39.0875
2.1  7   o_1   c_2   o_2       43.6008      31.8533
2.1  7   o_2   c_2   o_2       52.6457
1.0  1   c     cp    cp        47.0579      31.0771
1.3  1   c     cp    np         0.0000       0.0000
2.1  6   c_1   cp    cp        23.6977      45.8865
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp        28.8708
1.0  1   cp    cp    h         20.0033      24.2183
2.1  7   cp    cp    n_2       35.8865      53.6977
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh        64.0522      87.1000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nn        39.4040      73.6548
1.0  1   cp    cp    np        42.9246      93.4857
1.0  1   cp    cp    o         58.4790     107.6806
2.1  6   cp    cp    o_2       49.6672      83.6766
1.0  1   cp    cp    op        97.6770     187.8282
2.0  5   cp    cp    oz        49.6672      83.6766
2.2  9   cp    cp    si        14.5831      23.7679
1.0  1   cp    cp    sp        98.2635     135.6617
1.0  1   h     cp    nh        20.9885      28.2335
1.0  1   h     cp    np        19.5506      39.7430
1.0  1   h     cp    op        18.9548      46.0338
1.0  1   h     cp    sp        19.9829      21.5045
1.0  1   nh    cp    nh       143.5717
1.0  1   nh    cp    np       105.2357     135.8199
1.0  1   nn    cp    np        78.2291      53.0190
1.0  1   np    cp    np        88.0095
1.0  1   np    cp    op       157.6130     201.2784
1.0  1   np    cp    sp       158.8190     146.3903
1.1  1   n=    cr    nr        76.1093      72.8758
1.1  1   n=1   cr    nr        76.1093      72.8758
1.1  1   n=2   cr    nr        76.1093      72.8758
1.1  1   nr    cr    nr        68.0739
2.0  5   oo    cz    oz        73.6008      81.8533
2.0  5   oz    cz    oz       102.6457
1.0  1   c     n     c         -2.0497
1.0  1   c     n     c_1        3.7812      14.8633
1.0  1   c     n     h*        11.8828       5.9339
1.0  1   c_1   n     c_1       20.0533
1.0  1   c_1   n     h*        29.5743      10.8422
1.0  1   h*    n     h*        19.8125
1.0  1   c     n+    c         23.0930
1.0  1   c     n+    h+        27.8810       6.2182
1.0  1   h+    n+    h+        10.1080
1.1  1   c     n=    cr         5.7957      39.5260
1.1  1   c     n=1   cr         5.7957      39.5260
1.1  1   c     n=2   cr         5.7957      39.5260
2.1  7   c     n_2   c_2       24.7740      40.3584
2.1  7   c     n_2   hn2       13.8967      10.9972
2.1  7   c_2   n_2   cp        34.7791      24.3705
2.1  7   c_2   n_2   hn2       34.8312      15.0778
2.1  7   cp    n_2   hn2       10.4568      12.8217
2.1  7   hn2   n_2   hn2       11.5780
1.0  1   c     na    c         -7.2229
1.0  1   c     na    h*        31.8096      20.5799
1.0  1   h*    na    h*        28.0322
1.0  1   cp    nh    cp       113.4930
1.0  1   cp    nh    h*         7.7413       4.8660
1.1  1   cp    nh    hi         7.7413       4.8660
1.0  1   cp    nh    np       128.9399     188.5399
1.0  1   h*    nh    np        -0.5376      13.6130
1.1  1   hi    nh    np        -0.5376      13.6130
1.0  1   cp    nn    h*        38.5704      16.5524
1.0  1   h*    nn    h*        17.1597
1.0  1   cp    np    cp       111.2194
1.0  1   cp    np    nh       139.9650     204.4943
1.0  1   cp    np    np       125.6977     126.6400
1.0  1   c     nr    c+         5.7957      39.5260
1.0  1   c     nr    h*        18.4860       7.8369
1.0  1   c+    nr    h*        27.0330       7.9962
1.1  1   cr    nr    h*        24.8312      15.0778
1.0  1   h*    nr    h*         8.4895
1.0  1   c     o     c         -2.8112
1.0  1   c     o     c_0      -16.6748      21.5366
1.0  1   c     o     h*        28.5800      18.9277
1.0  1   c_0   o     h*        29.8208      22.5219
1.0  1   cp    o     h*        53.8614      23.9224
1.2  1   h*    o*    h*        22.3500
2.1  6   c     o_2   c_1       41.9116      46.4608
2.1  7   c     o_2   c_2       32.4816      53.5920
2.1  6   c_1   o_2   cp        64.3958      39.1599
2.1  6   c_1   o_2   ho2       37.9163      21.4364
2.1  7   c_2   o_2   cp        54.3958      39.1599
2.1  7   c_2   o_2   ho2       41.3971      19.6376
3.0 10   az    oah   hoa       32.5081      25.4496
3.0 10   az    oas   sz        32.5736      13.0576
3.0 10   az    ob    hb         8.0309      33.6313
3.0 10   az    ob    sz        -3.0633      51.7087
3.0 10   hb    ob    sz        32.3573       0.0209
1.0  1   cp    op    cp       222.4125
3.0 10   hos   osh   sz        25.8526      52.9983
1.0  4   h*    osi   sio       18.0902      31.0726
1.0  4   sio   osi   sio       28.6686
3.0 10   sz    oss   sz        13.4905
2.0  5   c     oz    cz        32.4816      53.5920
2.0  5   cp    oz    cz        39.1599      64.3958
2.0  5   cz    oz    ho2       41.3971      19.6376
1.0  1   c     s     c        -13.0015
1.0  1   c     s     h         10.7325       5.1221
1.0  1   c     s     s         -5.3481      13.1766
1.0  1   h     s     h          7.8128
1.0  1   h     s     s         -4.4794      15.8741
2.2  9   c     si    c         18.5805
2.2  9   c     si    h         13.3961       7.4104
2.2  9   c     si    si        16.9455      11.4377
2.2  9   cp    si    h         22.5947       8.7811
2.2  9   h     si    h          9.3467
2.2  9   h     si    si         5.6630       2.0706
2.2  9   si    si    si         8.9899
1.0  4   c     sio   c          4.0414
1.0  4   c     sio   h          3.3072       7.8353
1.0  4   c     sio   osi        6.4278      20.5669
1.0  4   h     sio   h         10.8897
1.0  4   h     sio   osi        6.4278      20.5669
1.0  4   osi   sio   osi       23.4380
1.0  4   cp    sp    cp       187.8084
3.0 10   oas   sz    osh       31.2369      70.2687
3.0 10   oas   sz    oss      -17.4173      37.4645
3.0 10   ob    sz    osh       51.9467      96.7731
3.0 10   ob    sz    oss       15.9469      63.9598
3.0 10   osh   sz    osh       69.9792
3.0 10   osh   sz    oss      109.4210      62.4913
3.0 10   oss   sz    oss       87.3528

#angle-angle          pcff

> E = K * (Theta - Theta0) * (Theta' - Theta0')

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L     K(theta,theta')
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----   ---------------
3.0 10   oah   az    oah   oah         11.3873
3.0 10   oah   az    oah   oas         18.4525
3.0 10   oah   az    oah   ob           9.6474
3.0 10   oas   az    oah   oas         28.5996
3.0 10   oas   az    oah   ob          -2.8371
3.0 10   oah   az    oas   oah         -1.0313
3.0 10   oah   az    oas   oas         49.3484
3.0 10   oah   az    oas   ob          -5.0040
3.0 10   oas   az    oas   ob          -7.2623
3.0 10   oah   az    ob    oah         72.3254
3.0 10   oah   az    ob    oas         20.5322
3.0 10   oas   az    ob    oas         -3.9236
1.0  1   c     c     c     c           -0.1729
1.0  1   c     c     c     c-          -7.2391
1.0  1   c     c     c     c_0         -0.4167
1.0  1   c     c     c     h           -1.3199
1.0  1   c     c     c     n            0.1524
1.0  1   c     c     c     n+          -6.4251
1.0  1   c     c     c     na           2.1001
1.0  1   c     c     c     o           -0.8330
1.0  1   c     c     c     s           -0.2564
1.0  1   c-    c     c     h           -1.0033
1.3  1   c-    c     c     n           -0.8489
1.0  1   c=    c     c     h           -1.4639
1.0  1   c_0   c     c     h           -4.5020
1.0  1   c_1   c     c     h           -1.8202
1.0  1   c_1   c     c     n           -0.8489
1.3  1   c_1   c     c     n+          -0.8489
1.3  1   cp    c     c     h           -1.8202
1.0  1   h     c     c     h           -0.4825
1.0  1   h     c     c     n           -3.3697
1.0  1   h     c     c     n+           6.0274
1.1  1   h     c     c     n=           1.0909
1.0  1   h     c     c     na           0.5381
1.0  1   h     c     c     nr           1.0909
1.0  1   h     c     c     o            2.5926
1.0  1   h     c     c     s           -3.0031
1.0  1   c     c     c-    c          -13.2630
1.0  1   c     c     c-    h           -0.0414
1.3  1   c     c     c-    n            5.6826
1.0  1   h     c     c-    h           -1.8086
1.3  1   h     c     c-    n            0.0575
1.0  1   c     c     c=    h            0.9747
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    h           -6.5349
1.0  1   h     c     c=    h           -8.2464
1.0  1   c     c     c_0   c           -2.2400
1.0  1   c     c     c_0   h            0.8378
1.0  1   h     c     c_0   h           -0.3879
1.0  1   h     c     c_0   o            4.7955
1.0  1   c     c     c_1   h            2.0403
1.0  1   c     c     c_1   n            5.6826
1.3  1   c     c     c_1   n+           5.6826
1.0  1   h     c     c_1   h           -3.4976
1.0  1   h     c     c_1   n            0.0575
1.3  1   h     c     c_1   n+           0.0575
1.3  1   c     c     cp    h            2.0403
1.0  1   h     c     cp    h            3.0118
1.0  1   c     c     h     c            0.1184
1.0  1   c     c     h     c-           2.4594
1.0  1   c     c     h     c=           4.1941
1.0  1   c     c     h     c_0          1.0992
1.0  1   c     c     h     c_1          1.0827
1.3  1   c     c     h     cp           1.0827
1.0  1   c     c     h     h            0.2738
1.0  1   c     c     h     n           -0.8896
1.0  1   c     c     h     n+           4.2440
1.1  1   c     c     h     n=           2.7533
1.0  1   c     c     h     na           2.4286
1.0  1   c     c     h     nr           2.7533
1.0  1   c     c     h     o            3.9177
1.0  1   c     c     h     s            2.7985
1.0  1   c-    c     h     h            2.7254
1.3  1   c-    c     h     n           -1.6511
1.0  1   c=    c     h     c=           0.4530
1.0  1   c=    c     h     h           -0.1141
1.0  1   c_0   c     h     h           -1.7653
1.0  1   c_0   c     h     o           -0.4690
1.0  1   c_1   c     h     h           -3.3867
1.0  1   c_1   c     h     n           -1.6511
1.3  1   c_1   c     h     n+          -1.6511
1.0  1   cp    c     h     h            2.3794
1.0  1   h     c     h     h           -0.3157
1.0  1   h     c     h     n            4.2659
1.0  1   h     c     h     n+           3.5475
1.1  1   h     c     h     n=           1.7680
1.0  1   h     c     h     na           2.4321
1.0  1   h     c     h     nr           1.7680
1.0  1   h     c     h     o            2.4259
1.0  1   h     c     h     s            0.5086
2.2  9   h     c     h     si           0.0000
1.0  1   s     c     h     s            0.4976
1.0  1   c     c     n     c           -0.5000
1.3  1   c     c     n     c-           3.9738
1.0  1   c     c     n     c_1          3.9738
1.0  1   c     c     n     h           -0.6931
1.3  1   c-    c     n     h            3.0270
1.0  1   c_1   c     n     h            3.0270
1.0  1   h     c     n     h            2.5621
1.0  1   c     c     n+    c           -4.2781
1.3  1   c     c     n+    c_1          3.9738
1.0  1   c     c     n+    h            7.0292
1.3  1   c_1   c     n+    h            3.0270
1.0  1   h     c     n+    h            7.3365
1.1  1   c     c     n=    h           -1.3055
1.1  1   h     c     n=    h           -2.9474
1.0  1   c     c     na    c            5.9412
1.0  1   c     c     na    h           -2.5301
1.0  1   h     c     na    h           -3.5496
1.0  1   c     c     nr    h           -1.3055
1.0  1   h     c     nr    h           -2.9474
1.0  1   c     c     o     c           -3.5744
1.0  1   c     c     o     h            0.1689
1.0  1   c_0   c     o     h           -2.9540
1.0  1   h     c     o     h            2.1283
1.0  1   c     c     s     c           -0.8766
1.0  1   c     c     s     h           -0.0668
1.0  1   h     c     s     h           -0.0640
1.0  1   h     c     s     s           -1.3396
2.2  9   h     c     si    h            2.2050
1.0  1   nr    c+    nr    nr           0.0000
1.0  1   o-    c-    c     o-           0.0000
1.0  1   o-    c-    h     o-           0.0000
1.0  1   c     c-    o-    o-           0.0000
1.0  1   h     c-    o-    o-           0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    c     c=           0.0000
1.0  1   c=    c=    c     h            0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    c=    c            0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    c=    h            0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=    c=    h            0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    h     c=           0.0000
1.0  1   c=    c=    h     h            0.0000
1.0  1   c     c_0   c     o_1          0.0000
1.0  1   h     c_0   c     o_1          0.0000
1.0  1   o     c_0   c     o_1          0.0000
1.0  1   c     c_0   h     o_1          0.0000
1.0  1   h     c_0   h     o_1          0.0000
1.0  1   o     c_0   h     o_1          0.0000
1.0  1   c     c_0   o     o_1          0.0000
1.0  1   h     c_0   o     o_1          0.0000
1.0  1   c     c_0   o_1   c            0.0000
1.0  1   c     c_0   o_1   h            0.0000
1.0  1   c     c_0   o_1   o            0.0000
1.0  1   h     c_0   o_1   h            0.0000
1.0  1   h     c_0   o_1   o            0.0000
1.0  1   n     c_1   c     o_1          0.0000
1.0  1   n     c_1   h     o_1          0.0000
1.0  1   c     c_1   n     o_1          0.0000
1.0  1   h     c_1   n     o_1          0.0000
1.0  1   n     c_1   n     o_1          0.0000
1.0  1   c     c_1   o_1   n            0.0000
1.0  1   h     c_1   o_1   n            0.0000
1.0  1   n     c_1   o_1   n            0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    c     cp           0.0000
1.3  1   cp    cp    c     np           0.0000
2.1  6   cp    cp    c_1   cp           5.9863
1.0  1   c     cp    cp    cp           0.0000
1.3  1   c     cp    cp    np           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    h            0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    nh           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    nn           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    o            0.0000
2.2  9   cp    cp    cp    si           0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    nh           0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    np           0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    op           0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    sp           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    h     cp           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    h     nh           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    h     np           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    h     op           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    h     sp           0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    h     nh           0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    h     np           0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    h     np           0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    h     op           0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    h     sp           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    h            0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    nh           0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    np           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nn    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    nn    np           0.0000
1.3  1   c     cp    np    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    h            0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    np    nh           0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    np    np           0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    np    op           0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    np    sp           0.0000
1.0  1   nn    cp    np    np           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    o     cp           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    op    h            0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    op    np           0.0000
2.2  9   cp    cp    si    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    sp    h            0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    sp    np           0.0000
1.1  1   nr    cr    n=    nr           0.0000
1.1  1   n=    cr    nr    nr           0.0000
1.0  1   c     n     c     c_1         -5.1828
1.0  1   c_1   n     c     h*          -3.4515
1.0  1   c     n     c_1   c            3.7692
1.0  1   c     n     c_1   h*          -1.4745
1.0  1   c_1   n     c_1   h*           0.1551
1.0  1   h*    n     c_1   h*          -5.8763
1.0  1   c     n     h*    c_1         -4.1671
1.0  1   c_1   n     h*    c_1         -1.1643
1.0  1   c_1   n     h*    h*          -2.9106
1.0  1   c     n+    c     c           -1.5155
1.0  1   c     n+    c     h+          -1.9692
1.0  1   h+    n+    c     h+          -3.6257
1.0  1   c     n+    h+    c           -3.8350
1.0  1   c     n+    h+    h+          -2.0310
1.0  1   h+    n+    h+    h+          -1.9852
1.0  1   c     na    c     c            0.4261
1.0  1   c     na    c     h*         -10.1289
1.0  1   h*    na    c     h*          -9.9147
1.0  1   c     na    h*    c           -1.6152
1.0  1   c     na    h*    h*          -6.1569
1.0  1   cp    nh    cp    h*           0.0000
1.0  1   h*    nh    cp    np           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    nh    h*    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    nh    h*    np           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    nh    np    h*           0.0000
1.0  1   h*    nn    cp    h*         -10.3104
1.0  1   cp    nn    h*    h*          -7.6640
1.0  1   c+    nr    c     h*           0.0000
1.0  1   c     nr    c+    h*           0.0000
1.0  1   h*    nr    c+    h*           0.0000
1.1  1   h*    nr    cr    h*           0.0000
1.0  1   c     nr    h*    c+           0.0000
1.0  1   c+    nr    h*    h*           0.0000
1.1  1   cr    nr    h*    h*           0.0000
3.0 10   hb    ob    az    sz          58.8895
3.0 10   az    ob    hb    sz          44.4559
3.0 10   az    ob    sz    hb          36.0652
2.2  9   c     si    c     h            3.3827
2.2  9   c     si    c     si           1.3465
2.2  9   h     si    c     h            4.6809
2.2  9   h     si    c     si           0.0000
2.2  9   si    si    c     si          -5.6849
2.2  9   h     si    cp    h            0.0000
2.2  9   c     si    h     c            2.7963
2.2  9   c     si    h     h            4.4559
2.2  9   c     si    h     si           3.4758
2.2  9   cp    si    h     h            0.0000
2.2  9   h     si    h     h            2.0665
2.2  9   h     si    h     si           0.0000
2.2  9   si    si    h     si           3.4924
2.2  9   c     si    si    c            2.0805
2.2  9   c     si    si    h           -2.9623
2.2  9   c     si    si    si           4.5272
2.2  9   h     si    si    h            1.6082
2.2  9   h     si    si    si           4.1996
3.0 10   osh   sz    oas   osh         22.4453
3.0 10   osh   sz    oas   oss         27.1319
3.0 10   osh   sz    ob    osh         47.3546
3.0 10   osh   sz    ob    oss        -10.2665
3.0 10   oas   sz    osh   osh         -3.9259
3.0 10   oas   sz    osh   oss        -23.2739
3.0 10   ob    sz    osh   osh         11.8717
3.0 10   ob    sz    osh   oss         10.9949
3.0 10   osh   sz    osh   osh         33.2746
3.0 10   osh   sz    osh   oss         58.9474
3.0 10   oss   sz    osh   oss        107.4240
3.0 10   oas   sz    oss   osh        108.6520
3.0 10   ob    sz    oss   osh         18.0153
3.0 10   osh   sz    oss   osh         72.4464
3.0 10   osh   sz    oss   oss        116.6570
3.0 10   oss   sz    oss   oss          9.0179

#end_bond-torsion_3   pcff

> E = (R - R0) * SUM { V(n) * cos[n*phi] }

!                                                  LEFT                                RIGHT
!                                      -----------------------------       -----------------------------
!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L          F(1)       F(2)       F(3)          F(1)       F(2)       F(3)
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----      -------    -------    -------       -------    -------    -------
1.0  1   c     c     c     c          -0.0732     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c     c-          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c     c=         -0.6028     0.0000     0.7675        1.0356     0.0000     0.0506
1.0  1   c     c     c     c=1        -0.6028     0.0000     0.7675        1.0356     0.0000     0.0506
1.0  1   c     c     c     c=2        -0.6028     0.0000     0.7675        1.0356     0.0000     0.0506
1.0  1   c     c     c     c_0        -1.9497    -1.4949     0.1225       -1.5243    -1.0182    -0.2416
1.0  1   c     c     c     c_1         0.0062    -0.0002     0.0036        0.0055     0.0060    -0.0009
1.0  1   c     c     c     h           0.2486     0.2422    -0.0925        0.0814     0.0591     0.2219
1.0  1   c     c     c     n           0.0742     0.0105     0.0518       -0.0797    -0.0406     0.0255
1.0  1   c     c     c     n+          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   c     c     c     n=          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   c     c     c     n=1         0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   c     c     c     n=2         0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c     na          0.1032     0.5896    -0.4836        0.0579    -0.0043    -0.1906
1.0  1   c     c     c     o          -0.3190     0.4411    -0.7174        1.1538     0.8409    -0.9138
1.0  1   c     c     c     s          -0.1586    -0.7244    -0.2608       -0.7991    -0.9590     0.5855
1.3  1   c-    c     c     c_1         0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c-    c     c     cp          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c-    c     c     h           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c-    c     c     n           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c=    c     c     c=          1.0166     0.0000     0.0446
1.0  1   c=    c     c     c=1         1.0166     0.0000     0.0446        1.0166     0.0000     0.0446
1.0  1   c=    c     c     c=2         1.0166     0.0000     0.0446        1.0166     0.0000     0.0446
1.0  1   c=    c     c     h           0.9856     0.0000    -0.0864        0.1954     0.0000    -0.0871
1.0  1   c=1   c     c     c=1         1.0166     0.0000     0.0446
1.0  1   c=1   c     c     c=2         1.0166     0.0000     0.0446        1.0166     0.0000     0.0446
1.0  1   c=1   c     c     h           0.9856     0.0000    -0.0864        0.1954     0.0000    -0.0871
1.0  1   c=2   c     c     c=2         1.0166     0.0000     0.0446
1.0  1   c=2   c     c     h           0.9856     0.0000    -0.0864        0.1954     0.0000    -0.0871
1.0  1   c_0   c     c     c_0         0.8618     0.7987     0.3127
1.3  1   c_0   c     c     c_1         0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c_0   c     c     h           0.2217     0.4780    -0.0817        0.0870     0.5143    -0.2448
1.3  1   c_0   c     c     n           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c_0   c     c     o          -2.5523    -5.9240    -2.4224       -4.8427    -2.4399    -3.2517
1.0  1   c_1   c     c     c_1         0.0054    -0.0005    -0.0045
1.3  1   c_1   c     c     cp          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c_1   c     c     h          -0.0204     0.3628    -0.4426       -0.0097    -0.0315    -0.0755
1.0  1   c_1   c     c     n          -0.1317    -0.1114    -0.1157       -0.1685    -0.1479    -0.1479
1.3  1   c_1   c     c     o           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c_1   c     c     s           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   cp    c     c     h           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   cp    c     c     n           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c     h           0.2130     0.3120     0.0777
1.0  1   h     c     c     n          -0.0601    -0.3763    -0.1876        0.3022     0.2513     0.4641
1.0  1   h     c     c     n+          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   h     c     c     n=          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   h     c     c     n=1         0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   h     c     c     n=2         0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c     na          0.1960     0.7056     0.1120        0.1022     0.2090     0.6433
1.0  1   h     c     c     nr          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c     o           0.9681     0.9551     0.0436        0.5903     0.6669     0.8584
1.0  1   h     c     c     s          -0.1526    -0.3710     0.1048        1.0661     0.3298     0.4250
1.3  1   n     c     c     o           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   n     c     c     s           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   na    c     c     na          0.0286     0.0566    -0.0493
1.0  1   o     c     c     o           1.0165     0.7553    -0.4609
1.0  1   s     c     c     s          -0.3252     0.5008     0.5191
1.0  1   c     c     c-    o-          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c-    o-          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   n     c     c-    o-          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c           0.5103     0.0000     0.4852        0.6079     0.0000     0.1720
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c=          0.1159     0.0000    -0.8513       -0.6486     0.0000    -0.8394
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c=1         0.1159     0.0000    -0.8513       -0.6486     0.0000    -0.8394
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c=2         0.1159     0.0000    -0.8513       -0.6486     0.0000    -0.8394
1.0  1   c     c     c=    h           0.1852     0.0000     0.5906        1.1730     0.0000    -0.0582
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    c=          0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    c=1         0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    c=2         0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    h           0.9447     0.0000     0.5852        0.3580     0.0000     0.3431
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    c=          0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    c=1         0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    c=2         0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    h           0.9447     0.0000     0.5852        0.3580     0.0000     0.3431
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    c=          0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    c=1         0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    c=2         0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    h           0.9447     0.0000     0.5852        0.3580     0.0000     0.3431
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c           0.2140     0.0000     0.2238        0.7648     0.0000     0.0440
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c=          1.9787     0.0000    -0.1805        0.8566     0.0000     0.0811
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c=1         1.9787     0.0000    -0.1805        0.8566     0.0000     0.0811
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c=2         1.9787     0.0000    -0.1805        0.8566     0.0000     0.0811
1.0  1   h     c     c=    h           0.2212     0.0000     0.0915        0.5934     0.0000     0.0424
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   c           0.5103     0.0000     0.4852        0.6079     0.0000     0.1720
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   c=          0.1159     0.0000    -0.8513       -0.6486     0.0000    -0.8394
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   h           0.1852     0.0000     0.5906        1.1730     0.0000    -0.0582
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   c=          0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   c=1         0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   c=2         0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   h           0.9447     0.0000     0.5852        0.3580     0.0000     0.3431
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   c=          0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   c=1         0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   c=2         0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   h           0.9447     0.0000     0.5852        0.3580     0.0000     0.3431
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   c=          0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   c=1         0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   c=2         0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   h           0.9447     0.0000     0.5852        0.3580     0.0000     0.3431
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   c           0.2140     0.0000     0.2238        0.7648     0.0000     0.0440
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   c=          1.9787     0.0000    -0.1805        0.8566     0.0000     0.0811
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   h           0.2212     0.0000     0.0915        0.5934     0.0000     0.0424
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   c           0.5103     0.0000     0.4852        0.6079     0.0000     0.1720
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   c=          0.1159     0.0000    -0.8513       -0.6486     0.0000    -0.8394
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   h           0.1852     0.0000     0.5906        1.1730     0.0000    -0.0582
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   c=          0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   c=1         0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   c=2         0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   h           0.9447     0.0000     0.5852        0.3580     0.0000     0.3431
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   c=          0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   c=1         0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   c=2         0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   h           0.9447     0.0000     0.5852        0.3580     0.0000     0.3431
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   c=          0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   c=1         0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   c=2         0.0690     0.0000    -0.7138       -1.0108     0.0000    -0.0830
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   h           0.9447     0.0000     0.5852        0.3580     0.0000     0.3431
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   c           0.2140     0.0000     0.2238        0.7648     0.0000     0.0440
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   c=          1.9787     0.0000    -0.1805        0.8566     0.0000     0.0811
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   h           0.2212     0.0000     0.0915        0.5934     0.0000     0.0424
1.0  1   c     c     c_0   c          -0.3054     0.5117     0.1196        0.0055    -0.2149     0.1461
1.0  1   c     c     c_0   h           0.9339     1.2459     0.1801       -0.3141    -0.5118     0.3186
1.0  1   c     c     c_0   o           0.8660     0.2340     0.2903        2.4127    -1.0894     0.1203
1.0  1   c     c     c_0   o_1         1.5188     0.8667     0.2685        0.4883    -0.3582     0.3711
1.0  1   h     c     c_0   c           1.2635     0.7301     0.4455        0.1069    -0.4290    -0.0369
1.0  1   h     c     c_0   h           0.7414     0.6431     0.3941        0.2593    -0.0896     0.1890
1.0  1   h     c     c_0   o           0.7800     1.3339     0.3268        0.4160    -0.1140     0.7099
1.0  1   h     c     c_0   o_1         2.9036     0.5307     0.1439        0.0536    -0.2775     0.1463
1.0  1   o     c     c_0   h           0.1839     0.3790    -0.4879        0.6210    -1.1876    -0.3059
1.0  1   o     c     c_0   o_1         0.8761     0.3895    -0.5940        3.0121    -2.8208     1.7493
1.0  1   c     c     c_1   n          -0.2631    -0.0076    -0.1145       -0.2751    -0.3058    -0.1767
1.0  1   c     c     c_1   o_1         0.2654     0.0503     0.1046       -0.2810     0.0816    -0.1522
1.0  1   h     c     c_1   n          -0.0268     0.7836     0.0035        0.3552    -0.2685     0.5834
1.0  1   h     c     c_1   o_1         1.2143     0.2831     0.3916       -0.2298     0.0354     0.3853
1.0  1   n     c     c_1   n          -0.1738     0.0719    -0.5968       -0.0127     0.0194    -0.9570
1.0  1   n     c     c_1   o_1        -0.0762     0.2614     0.1618        1.0046    -0.3307     0.6519
1.3  1   n+    c     c_1   n           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   n+    c     c_1   o_1         0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c     c     cp    cp          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c     c     cp    np          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     cp    cp          1.3997     0.7756     0.0000       -0.5835     1.1220     0.3978
1.3  1   h     c     cp    np          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     n     c          -0.1252    -0.1130    -0.0771       -0.0819    -0.0073    -0.0932
1.0  1   c     c     n     c_1        -0.2033     0.0035     0.0560       -0.1245    -0.9369     0.7781
1.0  1   c     c     n     h*          0.1320     0.0015     0.1324       -0.0992    -0.0727    -0.4139
1.3  1   c-    c     n     c_1         0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c-    c     n     h*          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c_1   c     n     c           0.0667    -0.0791    -0.0926        0.0182    -0.0906    -0.0804
1.0  1   c_1   c     n     c_1        -0.1788     0.2144    -0.2799       -0.4449     0.4259    -0.4353
1.0  1   c_1   c     n     h*          0.1092     0.3359     0.0922        0.9007     0.2966     0.0585
1.0  1   h     c     n     c          -1.3479     0.7998     0.6752        0.1251     0.3245    -0.0745
1.0  1   h     c     n     c_1        -0.3667     0.8197     0.1335        0.2292     1.1732    -0.0580
1.0  1   h     c     n     h*         -0.8983     0.2826     0.0881       -0.4894     0.1644     0.3105
1.0  1   c     c     n+    c           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     n+    h+          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c_0   c     n+    h+          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c_1   c     n+    h+          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     n+    c           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     n+    h+          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   c     c     n=    cr          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   h     c     n=    cr          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   c     c     n=1   cr          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   h     c     n=1   cr          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   c     c     n=2   cr          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   h     c     n=2   cr          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     na    c           0.0997    -0.0046    -0.2657       -0.0128    -0.0495    -0.1079
1.0  1   c     c     na    h*         -0.9466     0.9356    -0.5542        0.0570     0.0625     0.4112
1.0  1   h     c     na    c          -0.5892     0.7140     0.3505        0.0628     0.0873    -0.0882
1.0  1   h     c     na    h*         -1.1685     0.9266    -0.0993        0.0850     0.3061     0.2104
1.0  1   c     c     nr    c+          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     nr    h*          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     nr    c+          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     nr    h*          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     o     c          -0.2456     1.0517    -0.7795        0.4741     1.2635     0.5576
1.0  1   c     c     o     c_0        -1.2164    -0.1715    -0.0964        0.2560     0.8133    -0.0728
1.0  1   c     c     o     h*         -0.5800     0.9004     0.0000        0.0000     0.5343     0.9025
1.0  1   c_0   c     o     c_0        -0.2051    -0.3586     0.5647        0.0112     1.3736     0.6835
1.0  1   h     c     o     c          -0.6054     1.3339     0.9648       -0.1620     0.1564    -1.1408
1.0  1   h     c     o     c_0         0.9589     0.9190    -0.6015        0.2282     2.2998    -0.4473
1.0  1   h     c     o     h*         -1.7554     1.3145     0.2263        0.2493     0.6803     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     s     c          -0.2542    -0.7984    -0.6525       -0.3047    -0.0109    -0.3763
1.0  1   c     c     s     h           0.1026     0.0936    -0.0404       -0.3008     0.0606     0.4501
1.0  1   c     c     s     s          -0.0989    -0.1548    -0.1585        0.1090    -0.4514    -0.2840
1.0  1   h     c     s     c          -0.4100     0.0668     0.4187        0.2592    -0.0166     0.1306
1.0  1   h     c     s     h           0.4376     0.2001    -1.0696        0.2902     0.0695     0.1726
1.0  1   h     c     s     s           0.0538    -0.3336     0.3458        0.0339     0.7691    -0.2377
1.0  1   s     c     s     c           0.1282    -0.1663     0.1418        0.1282    -0.1663     0.1418
1.0  1   s     c     s     h          -0.0051    -0.0077     0.0332        0.0477    -0.0121     0.0282
1.0  1   nr    c+    nr    c           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   nr    c+    nr    h*          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    c=    c          -0.5916     0.0000    -0.5440
1.0  1   c     c=    c=    h          -0.2201     0.6770     0.0000        0.5406    -0.1611     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=    c=    h           0.7129     0.5161     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    c=1   c          -0.5916     0.0000    -0.5440       -0.5916     0.0000    -0.5440
1.0  1   c     c=    c=1   h          -0.2201     0.6770     0.0000        0.5406    -0.1611     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=    c=1   c           0.5406    -0.1611     0.0000       -0.2201     0.6770     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=    c=1   h           0.7129     0.5161     0.0000        0.7129     0.5161     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    c=2   c          -0.5916     0.0000    -0.5440       -0.5916     0.0000    -0.5440
1.0  1   c     c=    c=2   h          -0.2201     0.6770     0.0000        0.5406    -0.1611     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=    c=2   c           0.5406    -0.1611     0.0000       -0.2201     0.6770     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=    c=2   h           0.7129     0.5161     0.0000        0.7129     0.5161     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=1   c=1   h          -0.2201     0.6770     0.0000        0.5406    -0.1611     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=1   c=2   h          -0.2201     0.6770     0.0000        0.5406    -0.1611     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=1   c=2   c           0.5406    -0.1611     0.0000       -0.2201     0.6770     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=2   c=2   h          -0.2201     0.6770     0.0000        0.5406    -0.1611     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c_0   o     c           0.1928     1.3187     0.8599        0.0004    -1.0975     0.4831
1.0  1   c     c_0   o     h*         -2.0773     0.1649     0.3832       -0.4052    -3.0652     1.3562
1.0  1   h     c_0   o     c          -1.6774     1.7552     0.8319        1.5173    -1.5292     1.4230
1.0  1   h     c_0   o     h*         -1.8839     1.7260    -0.3706       -0.4431    -0.0596     0.3788
1.0  1   o_1   c_0   o     c          -4.2421    10.1102     1.6824        0.0882    -2.4309    -0.7426
1.0  1   o_1   c_0   o     h*         -8.0054     3.3904     1.6447        1.7711    -2.7508    -2.6099
1.0  1   c     c_1   n     c           0.0933    -0.4631     0.2883        0.2299    -0.1141    -0.1424
1.0  1   c     c_1   n     h*         -0.6979     0.5619     0.4212        0.6413     0.1676     0.1440
1.0  1   h     c_1   n     c          -0.5926    -0.0045     0.1486       -0.5331     0.5728    -0.0646
1.0  1   h     c_1   n     c_1         0.1143     0.1475     0.1538       -0.2108    -0.4200    -0.2274
1.0  1   h     c_1   n     h*         -0.2569     0.4785     0.3565        0.0984     0.5577     0.1172
1.0  1   n     c_1   n     h*          0.0769    -0.5294    -0.0042       -0.4880    -0.7127     0.1319
1.0  1   o_1   c_1   n     c           0.1226    -2.1326     0.5581        0.1598     0.7253    -0.1007
1.0  1   o_1   c_1   n     c_1        -0.7019     0.8305    -0.6874        0.1726    -0.4823     0.2666
1.0  1   o_1   c_1   n     h*         -0.7604    -2.6431     1.2467        0.1214     0.1936     0.0816
1.0  1   c     cp    cp    cp          0.0000     0.2421     0.0000        0.0000    -0.6918     0.0000
1.0  1   c     cp    cp    h           0.0000    -1.7970     0.0000        0.0000    -0.4879     0.0000
1.3  1   c     cp    cp    nh          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    cp         -0.1185     6.3204     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    h           0.0000    -6.8958     0.0000        0.0000    -0.4669     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    nh        -10.5196    -4.0642     0.0000       24.2413    -1.8113     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    nn          0.0000    -6.5404     0.0000        0.0000    -7.3477     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    np          0.0000     6.2672     0.0000        0.0000    -6.2992     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    o           0.0000     0.2655     0.0000        0.0000     4.8905     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    op          0.0000   -30.5414     0.0000        0.0000   -19.3285     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    sp          0.0000   -30.7924     0.0000        0.0000   -24.8529     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    h           0.0000    -0.6890     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    nh          0.0000    -1.8838     0.0000        0.0000    -4.1027     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    nn          0.0000    -2.6482     0.0000        0.0000    -1.6402     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    np          0.0000    -1.2311     0.0000        0.0000    -1.9352     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    o           0.0000    -1.5867     0.0000        0.0000     4.2641     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    op          0.0000    -2.2536     0.0000        0.0000    -5.7259     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    sp          0.0000    -2.0724     0.0000        0.0000    -0.6978     0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    cp    nh          0.0000     1.0731     0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    cp    np          0.0000    15.4529     0.0000        0.0000   -11.7968     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    cp    np          0.0000     3.3210     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    cp    op          0.0000   -29.5950     0.0000        0.0000   -16.2318     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    cp    sp          0.0000   -27.7459     0.0000        0.0000   -17.3693     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    cp          7.8553    -6.9841     0.0000        3.8492    -3.6376     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    h*          0.0000     0.5529     0.0000        0.0000     1.4827     0.0000
1.1  1   cp    cp    nh    hi          0.0000     0.5529     0.0000        0.0000     1.4827     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    np          0.0000   -13.9860     0.0000        0.0000    -2.4583     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    cp          0.0000    -2.5423     0.0000        0.0000    -7.1818     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    h*          0.0000    -1.3013     0.0000        0.0000     0.5984     0.0000
1.1  1   h     cp    nh    hi          0.0000    -1.3013     0.0000        0.0000     0.5984     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    np          0.0000    -5.0676     0.0000        0.0000    -5.0077     0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    nh    cp          0.0000    -6.0684     0.0000        0.0000    -6.0684     0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    nh    h*          0.0000    -4.6086     0.0000        0.0000    -0.2994     0.0000
1.1  1   nh    cp    nh    hi          0.0000    -4.6086     0.0000        0.0000    -0.2994     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    nh    cp          0.0000    -7.2477     0.0000        0.0000     8.5617     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    nh    h*          0.0000     5.5530     0.0000        0.0000    -1.0387     0.0000
1.1  1   np    cp    nh    hi          0.0000     5.5530     0.0000        0.0000    -1.0387     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nn    h*          0.0000    -3.7281     0.0000        0.0000     0.2849     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    nn    h*          0.0000    -2.7288     0.0000        0.0000    -0.7643     0.0000
1.3  1   c     cp    np    cp          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    cp          0.0000     1.9805     0.0000        0.0000    -6.3497     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    nh          0.0000   -11.5905     0.0000        0.0000     0.0442     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    np          0.0000    -6.3092     0.0000        0.0000    -7.0651     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    np    cp          0.0000    -1.0221     0.0000        0.0000    -4.8509     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    np    nh          0.0000    -2.4778     0.0000        0.0000    -2.6683     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    np    np          0.0000    -0.8462     0.0000        0.0000    -6.5512     0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    np    cp          0.0000    -8.2237     0.0000        0.0000   -13.8845     0.0000
1.0  1   nn    cp    np    cp          0.0000    -0.1327     0.0000        0.0000    -5.7542     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    np    cp          0.0000    -3.6669     0.0000        0.0000    -3.6669     0.0000
1.0  1   op    cp    np    cp          0.0000     0.5426     0.0000        0.0000   -32.3259     0.0000
1.0  1   op    cp    np    np          0.0000    -9.7987     0.0000        0.0000   -29.4681     0.0000
1.0  1   sp    cp    np    cp          0.0000    -4.0502     0.0000        0.0000   -43.8459     0.0000
1.0  1   sp    cp    np    np          0.0000    -2.8184     0.0000        0.0000   -37.3597     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    o     h*          0.9000    -1.3456     1.1900        3.4132     0.5873    -0.1323
1.0  1   cp    cp    op    cp          0.0000   -10.4096     0.0000        0.0000   -22.4567     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    op    cp          0.0000    -4.3953     0.0000        0.0000    -6.7824     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    op    cp          0.0000    -6.6177     0.0000        0.0000   -19.1321     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    sp    cp          0.0000    -9.1100     0.0000        0.0000   -18.7776     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    sp    cp          0.0000    -3.7649     0.0000        0.0000    -2.0958     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    sp    cp          0.0000    31.4198     0.0000        0.0000   -20.9832     0.0000
1.1  1   nr    cr    n=    c           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   nr    cr    n=1   c           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   nr    cr    n=2   c           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   n=    cr    nr    h*          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   n=1   cr    nr    h*          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   n=2   cr    nr    h*          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    nh    np    cp          0.0000    -6.2085     0.0000        0.0000    -3.9886     0.0000
1.0  1   h*    nh    np    cp          0.0000     5.5956     0.0000        0.0000    -5.2773     0.0000
1.1  1   hi    nh    np    cp          0.0000     5.5956     0.0000        0.0000    -5.2773     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    np    np    cp          0.0000    -7.7834     0.0000
1.0  1   c     s     s     c          -0.0160     0.0642    -0.0775
1.0  1   c     s     s     h           0.2475     0.6411     0.2772        0.0526     0.2152     0.0004
1.0  1   h     s     s     h          -0.0171     0.5036     0.0749

#middle_bond-torsion_3 pcff

> E = (R - R0) *
>      { F(1) * cos(phi)  +  F(2) * cos(2 * phi)  +  F(3) * cos(3 * phi) }

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L          F(1)       F(2)       F(3)
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----      -------    -------    -------
1.0  1   c     c     c     c         -17.7870    -7.1877     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c     c-        -15.9260    -5.9318    -2.5361
1.0  1   c     c     c     c=         -2.2408     0.0000    -5.4870
1.0  1   c     c     c     c=1        -2.2408     0.0000    -5.4870
1.0  1   c     c     c     c=2        -2.2408     0.0000    -5.4870
1.0  1   c     c     c     c_0       -11.4432    -4.0489    -1.6027
2.1  8   c     c     c     c_1        -1.5945     0.2267    -0.6911
1.0  1   c     c     c     h         -14.8790    -3.6581    -0.3138
1.0  1   c     c     c     n          -4.2324    -3.3023    -1.3244
1.0  1   c     c     c     n+         -8.4467    -6.1110    -2.7141
1.1  1   c     c     c     n=          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   c     c     c     n=1         0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.1  1   c     c     c     n=2         0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c     na        -15.4174    -7.3055    -1.0749
1.0  1   c     c     c     o         -21.8842    -7.6764    -0.6868
1.0  1   c     c     c     s          -4.2593    -5.6468    -3.3835
1.3  1   c-    c     c     c_1         0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c-    c     c     cp          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c-    c     c     h         -13.6420    -0.8843     0.2118
1.3  1   c-    c     c     n           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c=    c     c     c=         -0.3546     0.0000     0.0483
1.0  1   c=    c     c     c=1        -0.3546     0.0000     0.0483
1.0  1   c=    c     c     c=2        -0.3546     0.0000     0.0483
1.0  1   c=    c     c     h          -5.0113     0.0000     0.5895
1.0  1   c=1   c     c     c=1        -0.3546     0.0000     0.0483
1.0  1   c=1   c     c     c=2        -0.3546     0.0000     0.0483
1.0  1   c=1   c     c     h          -5.0113     0.0000     0.5895
1.0  1   c=2   c     c     c=2        -0.3546     0.0000     0.0483
1.0  1   c=2   c     c     h          -5.0113     0.0000     0.5895
1.0  1   c_0   c     c     c_0        -1.9504    -1.9061     1.9001
1.3  1   c_0   c     c     c_1         0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c_0   c     c     h         -10.0179    -2.8145     0.1665
1.3  1   c_0   c     c     n           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c_0   c     c     o         -13.0271    -8.7622    -5.6084
1.0  1   c_1   c     c     c_1         1.4759     0.5852    -0.1863
1.3  1   c_1   c     c     cp          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
2.1  8   c_1   c     c     h          -3.5039     1.2458    -0.7610
1.0  1   c_1   c     c     n          -1.2216    -4.0706    -3.3973
1.3  1   c_1   c     c     o           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c_1   c     c     s           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   cp    c     c     h           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   cp    c     c     n           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c     h         -14.2610    -0.5322    -0.4864
1.0  1   h     c     c     n          -4.1028    -0.5941    -0.0470
1.0  1   h     c     c     n+         -9.8826    -3.7138    -0.1022
1.1  1   h     c     c     n=         -3.5152    -2.2975    -1.2765
1.1  1   h     c     c     n=1        -3.5152    -2.2975    -1.2765
1.1  1   h     c     c     n=2        -3.5152    -2.2975    -1.2765
1.0  1   h     c     c     na        -10.4959    -0.7647    -0.0545
1.0  1   h     c     c     nr         -3.5152    -2.2975    -1.2765
1.0  1   h     c     c     o         -16.7975    -1.2296    -0.2750
1.0  1   h     c     c     s          -5.7537    -2.0104     0.2813
1.3  1   n     c     c     o           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   n     c     c     s           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   na    c     c     na         -3.3497     1.0143    -3.0062
1.0  1   o     c     c     o         -17.2585    -3.6157    -0.8364
1.0  1   s     c     c     s           1.7001    -3.3479    -0.8067
1.0  1   c     c     c-    o-          0.6798     0.9388    -1.8478
1.0  1   h     c     c-    o-         -5.7009     0.7758    -0.4090
1.3  1   n     c     c-    o-          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c           0.5332     0.0000    -3.2287
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c=         -2.1444     0.0000    -0.1038
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c=1        -2.1444     0.0000    -0.1038
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c=2        -2.1444     0.0000    -0.1038
1.0  1   c     c     c=    h           1.2814     0.0000    -1.1022
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    c=         -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    c=1        -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    c=2        -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    h           2.9454     0.0000    -0.2084
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    c=         -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    c=1        -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    c=2        -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    h           2.9454     0.0000    -0.2084
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    c=         -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    c=1        -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    c=2        -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    h           2.9454     0.0000    -0.2084
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c           1.8427     0.0000    -0.2743
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c=         -1.5727     0.0000     0.6565
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c=1        -1.5727     0.0000     0.6565
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c=2        -1.5727     0.0000     0.6565
1.0  1   h     c     c=    h           1.8730     0.0000    -0.3702
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   c           0.5332     0.0000    -3.2287
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   c=         -2.1444     0.0000    -0.1038
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   c=1        -2.1444     0.0000    -0.1038
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   c=2        -2.1444     0.0000    -0.1038
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   h           1.2814     0.0000    -1.1022
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   c=         -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   c=1        -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   c=2        -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   h           2.9454     0.0000    -0.2084
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   c=         -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   c=1        -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   c=2        -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   h           2.9454     0.0000    -0.2084
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   c=         -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   c=1        -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   c=2        -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   h           2.9454     0.0000    -0.2084
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   c           1.8427     0.0000    -0.2743
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   c=         -1.5727     0.0000     0.6565
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   c=1        -1.5727     0.0000     0.6565
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   c=2        -1.5727     0.0000     0.6565
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   h           1.8730     0.0000    -0.3702
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   c           0.5332     0.0000    -3.2287
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   c=         -2.1444     0.0000    -0.1038
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   c=1        -2.1444     0.0000    -0.1038
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   c=2        -2.1444     0.0000    -0.1038
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   h           1.2814     0.0000    -1.1022
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   c=         -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   c=1        -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   c=2        -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   h           2.9454     0.0000    -0.2084
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   c=         -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   c=1        -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   c=2        -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   h           2.9454     0.0000    -0.2084
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   c=         -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   c=1        -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   c=2        -1.6681     0.0000    -0.9939
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   h           2.9454     0.0000    -0.2084
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   c           1.8427     0.0000    -0.2743
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   c=         -1.5727     0.0000     0.6565
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   c=1        -1.5727     0.0000     0.6565
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   c=2        -1.5727     0.0000     0.6565
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   h           1.8730     0.0000    -0.3702
1.0  1   c     c     c_0   c         -23.1690    -7.7081    -2.7448
1.0  1   c     c     c_0   h         -21.9419    -7.2083    -2.8155
1.0  1   c     c     c_0   o_1       -24.0688    11.6419    -2.4192
1.0  1   h     c     c_0   c         -16.9266    -6.1382     0.9282
1.0  1   h     c     c_0   h         -15.5201    -4.9674     0.8183
1.0  1   h     c     c_0   o_1       -17.9965     9.9861     1.0989
1.0  1   o     c     c_0   h          -0.5846     2.8755     3.8323
1.0  1   o     c     c_0   o_1        -5.3484     7.4360    -6.7454
2.1  8   c     c     c_1   n_2        -2.0061    -1.5432     1.9095
2.1  8   c     c     c_1   o_1         0.3388    -0.1096     0.1219
2.1  8   c     c     c_1   o_2       -17.3280    -5.7900    -3.2114
2.1  8   h     c     c_1   n_2         0.2296    -0.4149     0.8003
2.1  8   h     c     c_1   o_1         0.2359     0.9139     0.9594
2.1  8   h     c     c_1   o_2       -13.7686    -2.5959     1.1934
1.0  1   n     c     c_1   n          -4.3657    -2.2332    -5.4979
1.0  1   n     c     c_1   o_1        -4.5035     4.8982     0.4274
1.3  1   n+    c     c_1   n           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   n+    c     c_1   o_1         0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c     c     cp    cp          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c     c     cp    np          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     cp    cp         -5.5679     1.4083     0.3010
1.3  1   h     c     cp    np          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     n     c          -4.7070    -1.0555    -2.9844
1.0  1   c     c     n     c_1        -3.9501    -0.4002    -0.6798
1.0  1   c     c     n     h*         -3.5406    -3.3866     0.0352
1.3  1   c-    c     n     c_1         0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c-    c     n     h*          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c_1   c     n     c           1.2610    -3.5631    -3.0902
1.0  1   c_1   c     n     c_1        -4.7439    -5.1049    -5.4294
1.0  1   c_1   c     n     h*         -1.4517     4.0426    -0.5276
1.0  1   h     c     n     c          -2.2930     0.3254     0.9658
1.0  1   h     c     n     c_1        -0.6899    -2.2646     1.1579
1.0  1   h     c     n     h*         -1.1752     2.8058     0.8083
1.0  1   c     c     n+    c           6.2579    -5.0818     6.0511
1.0  1   c     c     n+    h+         -0.5922    -1.2262     0.4264
1.3  1   c_0   c     n+    h+          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c_1   c     n+    h+          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     n+    c           0.7630     2.6303    -2.5974
1.0  1   h     c     n+    h+         -0.6980     0.8910    -0.1895
1.1  1   c     c     n=    cr         -1.4041     0.0273     3.4079
1.1  1   h     c     n=    c=          5.1711     0.3481    -1.7808
1.1  1   c     c     n=1   cr         -1.4041     0.0273     3.4079
1.1  1   h     c     n=1   c=          5.1711     0.3481    -1.7808
1.1  1   c     c     n=2   cr         -1.4041     0.0273     3.4079
1.1  1   h     c     n=2   c=          5.1711     0.3481    -1.7808
1.0  1   c     c     na    c          -8.0036    -7.7321    -3.0640
1.0  1   c     c     na    h*         -2.2208     0.5479    -0.3527
1.0  1   h     c     na    c          -6.4529    -6.8122    -1.1632
1.0  1   h     c     na    h*         -3.4611     1.6996    -0.6007
1.0  1   c     c     nr    c+         -1.4041     0.0273     3.4079
1.0  1   c     c     nr    h*         -2.3795     2.5294    -0.7295
1.0  1   h     c     nr    c+          5.1711     0.3481    -1.7808
1.0  1   h     c     nr    h*         -0.4138    -2.8616     0.0071
1.0  1   c     c     o     c          -5.9288    -2.7007    -0.3175
1.0  1   c     c     o     c_0         9.9416     2.6421     2.2333
1.0  1   c     c     o     h*          1.2472     0.0000     0.7485
1.0  1   c_0   c     o     c_0         0.2579     3.9647     2.0421
1.0  1   h     c     o     c          -6.8007    -4.6546    -1.4101
1.0  1   h     c     o     c_0         7.7147     4.2557    -1.0118
1.0  1   h     c     o     h*          0.0000     0.9241    -0.5889
2.1  6   c     c     o_2   c_1        -5.4350     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     s     c          -2.5172    -2.0107    -2.8547
1.0  1   c     c     s     h           0.5020    -1.0204    -0.9177
1.0  1   c     c     s     s          -0.3126    -0.7601    -0.9170
1.0  1   h     c     s     c          -0.6955    -2.9427    -1.2372
1.0  1   h     c     s     h          -0.3729     0.5373    -0.7035
1.0  1   h     c     s     s          -0.2656    -2.0225    -0.6959
1.0  1   s     c     s     c           1.0855    -2.3500     0.7030
1.0  1   s     c     s     h           0.4519    -0.5196     0.2959
2.2  9   h     c     si    c           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
2.2  9   h     c     si    h           0.0000     0.0000    -0.5906
2.2  9   h     c     si    si          0.0000     0.0000    -0.1909
1.0  1   nr    c+    nr    c          -0.1366     8.6368    -3.9926
1.0  1   nr    c+    nr    h*          1.5296     4.9027     1.1466
1.0  1   c     c=    c=    c          -0.1899     5.5768     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    c=    h           1.1220     6.0669     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=    c=    h           0.8558     6.3911     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    c=1   c          -0.1899     5.5768     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    c=1   h           1.1220     6.0669     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=    c=1   c           1.1220     6.0669     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=    c=1   h           0.8558     6.3911     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    c=2   c          -0.1899     5.5768     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    c=2   h           1.1220     6.0669     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=    c=2   c           1.1220     6.0669     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=    c=2   h           0.8558     6.3911     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=1   c=1   h           1.1220     6.0669     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=1   c=2   h           1.1220     6.0669     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=1   c=2   c           1.1220     6.0669     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=2   c=2   h           1.1220     6.0669     0.0000
1.0  1   o_1   c_0   o     c           0.4552     7.3091     0.2842
1.0  1   o_1   c_0   o     h*          5.2742     3.3850    -7.9263
2.1  8   n_2   c_1   cp    cp          0.0000     2.4002     0.0000
2.1  6   o_1   c_1   cp    cp          0.0000     2.4002     0.0000
2.1  6   o_2   c_1   cp    cp          0.0000     2.4002     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c_1   n     c_1        -0.4825    -0.0591    -0.8262
1.0  1   n     c_1   n     h*         -1.2443    -4.4363     2.2089
1.0  1   o_1   c_1   n     c          -8.8301    14.3079    -1.7716
1.0  1   o_1   c_1   n     c_1        -0.1118    -1.1990     0.6784
1.0  1   o_1   c_1   n     h*         -0.9084     6.1447    -0.4852
2.1  8   c     c_1   n_2   c          -9.2512     3.4093    -2.8365
2.1  8   c     c_1   n_2   hn2        -0.5298     4.7356    -1.0637
2.1  8   h     c_1   n_2   c         -11.7253     3.2050    -3.0119
2.1  8   h     c_1   n_2   hn2        -0.9656     5.2038    -2.3087
2.1  8   c     c_1   o_2   c           1.3445     3.5515    -4.9202
2.1  8   c     c_1   o_2   ho2         2.1452     0.5482    -2.3693
2.1  8   h     c_1   o_2   c           0.1687     3.5065    -2.0722
2.1  8   h     c_1   o_2   ho2        -1.8538     2.5766    -0.6194
2.1  6   o_1   c_1   o_2   c           4.2600     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  6   o_1   c_1   o_2   c           0.0000     4.9491     0.0000
2.1  6   o_1   c_1   o_2   cp          4.2600     0.0000     0.0000
2.1  6   o_1   c_1   o_2   ho2         4.2600     0.0000     0.0000
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   n_2   c           0.0000     6.3286     0.0000
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   n_2   cp          0.0000     6.3286     0.0000
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   n_2   ho2         0.0000     6.3286     0.0000
2.1  7   o_1   c_2   n_2   c           0.0000     4.4700     0.0000
2.1  7   o_1   c_2   n_2   cp          0.0000     4.4700     0.0000
2.1  7   o_1   c_2   n_2   hn2         0.0000     4.4700     0.0000
2.1  7   o_2   c_2   n_2   c           0.0000     6.3163     0.0000
2.1  7   o_2   c_2   n_2   cp          0.0000     6.3163     0.0000
2.1  7   o_2   c_2   n_2   hn2         0.0000     6.3163     0.0000
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   o_2   c           0.0000     6.3562     0.0000
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   o_2   cp          0.0000     6.3562     0.0000
2.1  7   n_2   c_2   o_2   ho2         0.0000     6.3562     0.0000
2.1  7   o_1   c_2   o_2   c           0.0000     4.7148     0.0000
2.1  7   o_1   c_2   o_2   cp          0.0000     4.7148     0.0000
2.1  7   o_1   c_2   o_2   ho2         0.0000     4.7148     0.0000
2.1  7   o_2   c_2   o_2   c           0.0000     6.4376     0.0000
2.1  7   o_2   c_2   o_2   cp          0.0000     6.4376     0.0000
2.1  7   o_2   c_2   o_2   ho2         0.0000     6.4376     0.0000
1.0  1   c     cp    cp    cp          0.0000     9.1792     0.0000
1.0  1   c     cp    cp    h           0.0000     3.9421     0.0000
1.3  1   c     cp    cp    nh          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
2.1  6   c_1   cp    cp    cp          0.0000     3.8762     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    cp         27.5989    -2.3120     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    h           0.0000    -1.1521     0.0000
2.1  7   cp    cp    cp    n_2         0.0000     5.2012     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    nh         26.8015     0.9613     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    nn          0.0000    -0.5693     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    np          0.0000    11.1878     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    o           0.0000     4.8255     0.0000
1.0  6   cp    cp    cp    o_2         0.0000     3.8762     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    op          0.0000    26.4272     0.0000
2.2  9   cp    cp    cp    si          0.0000    11.1576     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    sp          0.0000    13.4627     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    h           0.0000     4.8228     0.0000
2.1  7   h     cp    cp    n_2         0.0000     5.2012     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    nh          0.0000     6.3385     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    nn          0.0000     2.2883     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    np          0.0000     8.6527     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    o           0.0000     5.5432     0.0000
1.0  6   h     cp    cp    o_2         0.0000     3.8762     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    op          0.0000     5.2006     0.0000
2.0  5   h     cp    cp    oz          0.0000     3.8762     0.0000
2.2  9   h     cp    cp    si          0.0000     6.2168     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    sp          0.0000     8.4859     0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    cp    nh          0.0000    36.5009     0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    cp    np          0.0000    12.7701     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    cp    np          0.0000     1.2134     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    cp    op          0.0000    -0.4207     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    cp    sp          0.0000   -10.5789     0.0000
2.1  7   cp    cp    n_2   c_2         0.0000     4.9027     0.0000
2.1  7   cp    cp    n_2   hn2         0.0000     2.4730     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    cp        -16.9541     6.1871     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    h*          0.0000     4.9809     0.0000
1.1  1   cp    cp    nh    hi          0.0000     4.9809     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    np          0.0000     4.1700     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    cp          0.0000     1.1896     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    h*          0.0000     4.1961     0.0000
1.1  1   h     cp    nh    hi          0.0000     4.1961     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    np          0.0000    -1.5328     0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    nh    cp          0.0000    29.4327     0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    nh    h*          0.0000     2.6467     0.0000
1.1  1   nh    cp    nh    hi          0.0000     2.6467     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    nh    cp          0.0000    21.5895     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    nh    h*          0.0000     0.1319     0.0000
1.1  1   np    cp    nh    hi          0.0000     0.1319     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nn    h*          0.0000     3.2085     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    nn    h*          0.0000     3.3310     0.0000
1.3  1   c     cp    np    cp          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    cp          0.0000     6.8193     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    nh          0.0000    40.5311     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    np          0.0000     6.2778     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    np    cp          0.0000     5.5902     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    np    nh          0.0000    16.9791     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    np    np          0.0000     6.1422     0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    np    cp          0.0000    27.4546     0.0000
1.0  1   nn    cp    np    cp          0.0000     1.2696     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    np    cp          0.0000     3.5336     0.0000
1.0  1   op    cp    np    cp          0.0000    32.9586     0.0000
1.0  1   op    cp    np    np          0.0000    16.6039     0.0000
1.0  1   sp    cp    np    cp          0.0000    -0.0974     0.0000
1.0  1   sp    cp    np    np          0.0000   -13.8045     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    o     h*          1.1580     3.2697     3.5132
2.1  6   cp    cp    o_2   c_1         0.0000     2.2650     0.0000
2.1  7   cp    cp    o_2   c_2         0.0000     2.2650     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    op    cp          0.0000    42.2966     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    op    cp          0.0000     3.1100     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    op    cp          0.0000    32.4564     0.0000
2.0  5   cp    cp    oz    cz          0.0000     2.2650     0.0000
2.2  9   cp    cp    si    h           0.0000     0.0000    -0.3146
1.0  1   cp    cp    sp    cp          0.0000    46.3218     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    sp    cp          0.0000     1.5349     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    sp    cp          0.0000    54.8848     0.0000
1.1  1   nr    cr    n=    c          -0.1366     8.6368    -3.9926
1.1  1   nr    cr    n=1   c          -0.1366     8.6368    -3.9926
1.1  1   nr    cr    n=2   c          -0.1366     8.6368    -3.9926
1.1  1   n=    cr    nr    h*          1.5296     4.9027     1.1466
1.1  1   n=1   cr    nr    h*          1.5296     4.9027     1.1466
1.1  1   n=2   cr    nr    h*          1.5296     4.9027     1.1466
2.0  5   oo    cz    oz    c           0.0000     4.6748     0.0000
2.0  5   oo    cz    oz    cp          0.0000     4.9491     0.0000
2.0  5   oo    cz    oz    ho2         0.0000     4.6500     0.0000
2.0  5   oz    cz    oz    c           0.0000     6.4736     0.0000
2.0  5   oz    cz    oz    cp          0.0000     6.3562     0.0000
2.0  5   oz    cz    oz    ho2         0.0000     6.4376     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    nh    np    cp          0.0000     3.9201     0.0000
1.0  1   h*    nh    np    cp          0.0000    10.0181     0.0000
1.1  1   hi    nh    np    cp          0.0000    10.0181     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    np    np    cp          0.0000    13.3902     0.0000
1.0  1   c     s     s     c          -0.2540    -4.3405    -0.5273
1.0  1   c     s     s     h          -0.3517    -5.2531    -0.0775
1.0  1   h     s     s     h          -0.7575    -5.2517    -0.6380
2.2  9   c     si    si    h           0.0000     0.0000    -0.6941
2.2  9   h     si    si    h           0.0000     0.0000    -0.6302
2.2  9   h     si    si    si          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000

#angle-torsion_3      pcff

> E = (Theta - Theta0) *
>      { F(1) * cos(phi)  +  F(2) * cos(2 * phi)  +  F(3) * cos(3 * phi) }

!                                                  LEFT                               RIGHT
!                                      -----------------------------       -----------------------------
!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L          F(1)       F(2)       F(3)          F(1)       F(2)       F(3)
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----      -------    -------    -------       -------    -------    -------
1.0  1   c     c     c     c           0.3886    -0.3139     0.1389
1.0  1   c     c     c     c-         16.6010     0.1267     3.1777       -0.7732     2.4204    -1.5184
1.0  1   c     c     c     c=          2.4027     0.0000     0.0000        1.1559     0.0000    -1.2900
1.0  1   c     c     c     c=1         2.4027     0.0000     0.0000        1.1559     0.0000    -1.2900
1.0  1   c     c     c     c=2         2.4027     0.0000     0.0000        1.1559     0.0000    -1.2900
1.0  1   c     c     c     c_0        -0.7456    -0.9583     0.8454       -2.5845    -1.2743     1.7141
1.0  1   c     c     c     c_1        -0.2607     0.3203    -0.2283        0.0515    -0.0674    -0.0474
1.0  1   c     c     c     h          -0.2454     0.0000    -0.1136        0.3113     0.4516    -0.1988
1.0  1   c     c     c     n          -0.5501    -1.6982     0.2485        0.2039     0.1602    -0.7946
1.0  1   c     c     c     n+         -0.9595     0.7467    -1.9504       -0.1098    -0.2380     0.1934
1.1  1   c     c     c     n=         -2.0979     1.8611    -1.6888       -0.1216     1.8930    -0.5667
1.1  1   c     c     c     n=1        -2.0979     1.8611    -1.6888       -0.1216     1.8930    -0.5667
1.1  1   c     c     c     n=2        -2.0979     1.8611    -1.6888       -0.1216     1.8930    -0.5667
1.0  1   c     c     c     na         -1.9225    -1.3450     0.2210        2.0125     0.9440    -2.7612
1.0  1   c     c     c     o           0.5623    -0.3041    -0.4015        0.9672    -0.7566    -1.2331
1.0  1   c     c     c     s          -2.0927    -0.1498    -1.7848        1.1179     0.3638     0.9423
1.3  1   c-    c     c     c_1         0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c-    c     c     cp          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c-    c     c     h           1.6575    -0.4577     0.3610        3.9318     2.2235     0.3670
1.3  1   c-    c     c     n           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c=    c     c     c=         -0.4053     0.0000     0.4300
1.0  1   c=    c     c     c=1        -0.4053     0.0000     0.4300       -0.4053     0.0000     0.4300
1.0  1   c=    c     c     c=2        -0.4053     0.0000     0.4300       -0.4053     0.0000     0.4300
1.0  1   c=    c     c     h           0.6083     0.0000     0.0000       -0.8714     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c=1   c     c     c=1        -0.4053     0.0000     0.4300
1.0  1   c=1   c     c     c=2        -0.4053     0.0000     0.4300       -0.4053     0.0000     0.4300
1.0  1   c=1   c     c     h           0.6083     0.0000     0.0000       -0.8714     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c=2   c     c     c=2        -0.4053     0.0000     0.4300
1.0  1   c=2   c     c     h           0.6083     0.0000     0.0000       -0.8714     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c_0   c     c     c_0        -1.2721     1.3999     2.1186
1.3  1   c_0   c     c     c_1         0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c_0   c     c     h          -1.6930    -0.6252    -0.2148        0.0492     0.7162    -0.2277
1.3  1   c_0   c     c     n           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c_0   c     c     o          -1.5208    -0.2517    -1.4935        0.1954     2.8739     0.2244
1.0  1   c_1   c     c     c_1         3.4514     1.2507    -0.0448
1.3  1   c_1   c     c     cp          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c_1   c     c     h          -0.7466    -0.9448    -0.6321        0.0162     1.4211    -1.4092
1.0  1   c_1   c     c     n          -1.3514    -2.3795    -0.2640       -1.5812    -0.8296    -1.6076
1.3  1   c_1   c     c     o           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c_1   c     c     s           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   cp    c     c     h           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   cp    c     c     n           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c     h          -0.8085     0.5569    -0.2466
1.0  1   h     c     c     n          -1.2469     1.6933    -1.2081       -1.9820     0.2325    -0.3928
1.0  1   h     c     c     n+         -3.4109     0.6476    -0.9584       -2.8694     1.6172    -1.4627
1.1  1   h     c     c     n=         -2.0979     1.8611    -1.6888       -0.1216     1.8930    -0.5667
1.1  1   h     c     c     n=1        -2.0979     1.8611    -1.6888       -0.1216     1.8930    -0.5667
1.1  1   h     c     c     n=2        -2.0979     1.8611    -1.6888       -0.1216     1.8930    -0.5667
1.0  1   h     c     c     na          0.5111     1.6328    -1.0155       -1.1075     0.2820     0.8318
1.0  1   h     c     c     nr         -2.0979     1.8611    -1.6888       -0.1216     1.8930    -0.5667
1.0  1   h     c     c     o           2.3668     2.4920    -1.0122       -0.1892     0.4918     0.7273
1.0  1   h     c     c     s          -2.0382     0.2102    -0.9023        0.3322    -0.0519    -0.3553
1.3  1   n     c     c     o           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   n     c     c     s           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   na    c     c     na          1.3673     0.4528    -2.7700
1.0  1   o     c     c     o           0.5511     0.9737    -0.6673
1.0  1   s     c     c     s          -5.0565    -0.6355     0.6015
1.0  1   c     c     c-    o-         13.2220     1.3271    -0.3941        2.9333     2.2593    -0.5573
1.0  1   h     c     c-    o-         12.0720     0.2388    -0.0426       -4.2825     1.1254    -0.1481
1.3  1   n     c     c-    o-          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c           2.0729     0.0000     0.0000       -1.9373     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c=         -0.2409     0.0000     0.3870       -0.1646     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c=1        -0.2409     0.0000     0.3870       -0.1646     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c=2        -0.2409     0.0000     0.3870       -0.1646     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c=    h           0.5311     0.0000     0.0000       -0.9172     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    c=          1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    c=1         1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    c=2         1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    h           4.0231     0.0000     0.0000        0.1654     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    c=          1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    c=1         1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    c=2         1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    h           4.0231     0.0000     0.0000        0.1654     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    c=          1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    c=1         1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    c=2         1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    h           4.0231     0.0000     0.0000        0.1654     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c           0.9753     0.0000     0.0000        0.7525     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c=          1.5982     0.0000     0.0000       -1.8873     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c=1         1.5982     0.0000     0.0000       -1.8873     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c=2         1.5982     0.0000     0.0000       -1.8873     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c=    h           1.9061     0.0000     0.0000       -0.0677     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   c           2.0729     0.0000     0.0000       -1.9373     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   c=         -0.2409     0.0000     0.3870       -0.1646     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   c=1        -0.2409     0.0000     0.3870       -0.1646     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   c=2        -0.2409     0.0000     0.3870       -0.1646     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   h           0.5311     0.0000     0.0000       -0.9172     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   c=          1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   c=1         1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   c=2         1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   h           4.0231     0.0000     0.0000        0.1654     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   c=          1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   c=1         1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   c=2         1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   h           4.0231     0.0000     0.0000        0.1654     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   c=          1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   c=1         1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   c=2         1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   h           4.0231     0.0000     0.0000        0.1654     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   c           0.9753     0.0000     0.0000        0.7525     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   c=          1.5982     0.0000     0.0000       -1.8873     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   c=1         1.5982     0.0000     0.0000       -1.8873     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   c=2         1.5982     0.0000     0.0000       -1.8873     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   h           1.9061     0.0000     0.0000       -0.0677     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   c           2.0729     0.0000     0.0000       -1.9373     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   c=         -0.2409     0.0000     0.3870       -0.1646     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   c=1        -0.2409     0.0000     0.3870       -0.1646     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   c=2        -0.2409     0.0000     0.3870       -0.1646     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   h           0.5311     0.0000     0.0000       -0.9172     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   c=          1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   c=1         1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   c=2         1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   h           4.0231     0.0000     0.0000        0.1654     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   c=          1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   c=1         1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   c=2         1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   h           4.0231     0.0000     0.0000        0.1654     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   c=          1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   c=1         1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   c=2         1.3509     0.0000    -0.8600       -0.2444     0.0000     1.2900
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   h           4.0231     0.0000     0.0000        0.1654     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   c           0.9753     0.0000     0.0000        0.7525     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   c=          1.5982     0.0000     0.0000       -1.8873     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   c=1         1.5982     0.0000     0.0000       -1.8873     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   c=2         1.5982     0.0000     0.0000       -1.8873     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   h           1.9061     0.0000     0.0000       -0.0677     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c_0   c          11.8711     0.4675    -0.9932        3.3047     1.6116     0.6520
1.0  1   c     c     c_0   h          10.6088    -1.1324    -0.0338        1.1057     0.2554    -0.3863
1.0  1   c     c     c_0   o          10.6972     2.7324    -1.1886        5.2514     1.9751     0.1040
1.0  1   c     c     c_0   o_1        11.5375    -0.4216    -0.0784        0.6781     1.4473    -0.1388
1.0  1   h     c     c_0   c          13.8143     0.1133     0.1601        1.8624     0.6555     0.1809
1.0  1   h     c     c_0   h          12.6652    -1.0089    -0.0067       -0.5230     0.4954    -0.0989
1.0  1   h     c     c_0   o          13.2959     0.8005    -0.0071       -0.0241     1.4427     0.1212
1.0  1   h     c     c_0   o_1        14.4728     0.3339     0.0800       -2.0667     0.9622    -0.2932
1.0  1   o     c     c_0   h          -0.1859     0.8282    -0.3060        0.4929    -0.3498    -0.2581
1.0  1   o     c     c_0   o_1         1.1337    -1.1729     1.3341        0.9678    -0.1998    -0.3288
1.0  1   c     c     c_1   n           2.1802    -0.0335    -1.3816        2.1221     0.5032    -0.0767
1.0  1   c     c     c_1   o_1         0.0885    -1.3703    -0.5452        0.6750     0.5965     0.6725
1.0  1   h     c     c_1   n           7.0950     0.0075     0.6910        2.0013     0.5068     0.8406
1.0  1   h     c     c_1   o_1         9.1299    -0.4847     0.3582       -1.4946     0.7308    -0.2083
1.0  1   n     c     c_1   n          -0.8197    -0.8239     2.4591       -0.0446     0.6377    -6.3639
1.0  1   n     c     c_1   o_1        -1.8188    -2.8142     2.3527        0.9836     3.7792     5.5095
1.3  1   n+    c     c_1   n           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   n+    c     c_1   o_1         0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c     c     cp    cp          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c     c     cp    np          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     cp    cp          4.6266     0.1632     0.0461        0.2251     0.6548     0.1237
1.3  1   h     c     cp    np          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     n     c          -0.2874     1.7740     0.2737        1.2928     2.0632    -0.1540
1.0  1   c     c     n     c_1        -0.7555     0.0564     1.2177       -1.5230     1.1296     0.7167
1.0  1   c     c     n     h*         -2.8967     2.7084    -0.0375       -0.5807     0.2041    -0.1384
1.3  1   c-    c     n     c_1         0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c-    c     n     h*          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   c_1   c     n     c           3.4989    -3.5786    -2.2092       -0.4487     2.5120     2.5692
1.0  1   c_1   c     n     c_1         4.7811     1.8407     1.2990       -2.4085     0.8761    -1.1066
1.0  1   c_1   c     n     h*         -3.6735     2.0320     0.3780        0.0619    -0.3167    -1.4636
1.0  1   h     c     n     c          -1.7530     1.2998     0.5059        0.3543    -0.3981    -0.1951
1.0  1   h     c     n     c_1        -1.5157     2.0781     0.5364        0.0372    -0.3418    -0.0775
1.0  1   h     c     n     h*         -3.7022     1.3876     0.2393       -0.3868     0.2041     0.0445
1.0  1   c     c     n+    c          -1.2877     4.8056     1.1481       -3.7682     2.7464    -1.6272
1.0  1   c     c     n+    h+         -3.5237    -0.3880    -0.4954       -2.1025    -0.9363     0.4381
1.3  1   c_0   c     n+    h+          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.3  1   c_1   c     n+    h+          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     n+    c          -0.0839     1.5477    -0.2284        1.6840     0.4087     0.4293
1.0  1   h     c     n+    h+         -2.4112    -0.4658    -0.0738       -1.7705    -0.8407    -0.2881
1.1  1   c     c     n=    cr         -3.6726     1.1461    -1.0045       -1.3328     3.4229     0.0281
1.1  1   h     c     n=    cr         -2.6999    -0.3540    -0.8903       -1.2402    -0.1664    -1.6410
1.1  1   c     c     n=1   cr         -3.6726     1.1461    -1.0045       -1.3328     3.4229     0.0281
1.1  1   h     c     n=1   cr         -2.6999    -0.3540    -0.8903       -1.2402    -0.1664    -1.6410
1.1  1   c     c     n=2   cr         -3.6726     1.1461    -1.0045       -1.3328     3.4229     0.0281
1.1  1   h     c     n=2   cr         -2.6999    -0.3540    -0.8903       -1.2402    -0.1664    -1.6410
1.0  1   c     c     na    c          -2.7883     1.5193     1.4796        1.2031     1.3645    -0.7071
1.0  1   c     c     na    h*         -3.3430     4.4558    -0.0346        0.2873    -0.8072    -0.0960
1.0  1   h     c     na    c          -2.6321     0.9353    -0.8398       -1.3582     0.1465    -0.5729
1.0  1   h     c     na    h*         -3.9582     2.0063     0.3213       -0.4294    -0.4442    -0.6141
1.0  1   c     c     nr    c+         -3.6726     1.1461    -1.0045       -1.3328     3.4229     0.0281
1.0  1   c     c     nr    h*         -2.5229     2.8479     2.0585       -3.6916     4.0605    -1.5440
1.0  1   h     c     nr    c+         -2.6999    -0.3540    -0.8903       -1.2402    -0.1664    -1.6410
1.0  1   h     c     nr    h*         -1.8945     1.2211    -0.7455        0.1095     0.0654     0.1086
1.0  1   c     c     o     c          -2.7466     1.4877    -0.8955        0.5676     0.9450     0.0703
1.0  1   c     c     o     c_0        -0.4620     1.4492    -0.6765       -0.0890    -0.9159     0.7229
1.0  1   c     c     o     h*         -3.5903     2.5225     0.4888        0.8726    -0.3577     0.3888
1.0  1   c_0   c     o     c_0        -0.3879     0.1303     0.0515        0.6985    -0.4001    -0.4257
1.0  1   h     c     o     c          -1.8234     1.6393     0.5144       -0.7777     0.4340    -0.6653
1.0  1   h     c     o     c_0        -0.4990     2.8061    -0.0401       -0.3142    -0.8699     0.0971
1.0  1   h     c     o     h*         -3.4060     1.6396     0.0737        0.0000    -0.2810    -0.5944
1.0  1   c     c     s     c           5.1289     2.0927    -2.4004       -4.5489     0.0886     0.6237
1.0  1   c     c     s     h          -0.6045     3.8941     0.8885        1.0193    -0.6016     0.2097
1.0  1   c     c     s     s          -0.8964     3.3999    -0.2082       -5.9560     6.3297    -4.2261
1.0  1   h     c     s     c           0.5962     3.3479     0.2265       -1.0888    -0.2000    -0.0909
1.0  1   h     c     s     h          -2.2533     2.6948    -0.1723        1.4340    -0.1915    -0.2611
1.0  1   h     c     s     s          -3.5098     2.3035    -0.5033       -0.2723     0.8581    -0.4014
1.0  1   s     c     s     c          -0.8600     0.8600     0.8600       -6.9151    -2.3017     1.1372
1.0  1   s     c     s     h          -0.8600     1.2900     1.2900        2.3096    -1.2955    -0.1262
2.2  9   h     c     si    c           0.0000     0.0000     0.3382        0.0000     0.0000     0.4272
2.2  9   h     c     si    h           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000    -0.1423
2.2  9   h     c     si    si          0.0000     0.0000     0.1637        0.0000     0.0000     0.0462
1.0  1   nr    c+    nr    c           4.4676     3.8223    -1.9571        1.8816     1.1008     0.5286
1.0  1   nr    c+    nr    h*         -1.9886     2.4637    -0.3427        1.9914     1.1009     0.0573
1.0  1   c     c=    c=    c          -4.3970     2.5810     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    c=    h          -5.4082     1.4731     0.0000       -1.5176     3.7112     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=    c=    h          -1.8911     3.2540     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    c=1   c          -4.3970     2.5810     0.0000       -4.3970     2.5810     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    c=1   h          -5.4082     1.4731     0.0000       -1.5176     3.7112     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=    c=1   c          -1.5176     3.7112     0.0000       -5.4082     1.4731     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=    c=1   h          -1.8911     3.2540     0.0000       -1.8911     3.2540     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    c=2   c          -4.3970     2.5810     0.0000       -4.3970     2.5810     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=    c=2   h          -5.4082     1.4731     0.0000       -1.5176     3.7112     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=    c=2   c          -1.5176     3.7112     0.0000       -5.4082     1.4731     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=    c=2   h          -1.8911     3.2540     0.0000       -1.8911     3.2540     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=1   c=1   h          -5.4082     1.4731     0.0000       -1.5176     3.7112     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=1   c=2   h          -5.4082     1.4731     0.0000       -1.5176     3.7112     0.0000
1.0  1   h     c=1   c=2   c          -1.5176     3.7112     0.0000       -5.4082     1.4731     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c=2   c=2   h          -5.4082     1.4731     0.0000       -1.5176     3.7112     0.0000
1.0  1   c     c_0   o     c           0.9701    -2.5169     1.7195        0.8831    -0.8203     0.2405
1.0  1   c     c_0   o     h*         -1.5224    -1.2931    -0.1378        2.2044     0.2483    -1.9797
1.0  1   h     c_0   o     c           3.4954    -3.1904     0.4900       -0.2532     0.4695     0.8187
1.0  1   h     c_0   o     h*         -0.8264    -1.1986    -1.0607        0.0916     0.8164    -1.3148
1.0  1   o_1   c_0   o     c           5.9732     2.7261     1.9052        2.3573     1.0059    -0.0327
1.0  1   o_1   c_0   o     h*         -4.2614    -2.1352    -1.7658       -0.4555     0.2043    -1.0606
1.0  1   c     c_1   n     c           4.2133     2.9302     3.2903        5.9160     1.7856     0.4052
1.0  1   c     c_1   n     h*         -2.2134     1.2909     0.9726        1.9306     0.2105     0.0557
1.0  1   h     c_1   n     c           0.1359     3.1321     0.2142        6.1827    -0.3528    -0.2149
1.0  1   h     c_1   n     c_1        -2.5789     2.4858     1.0054        1.6253    -1.2644     0.5926
1.0  1   h     c_1   n     h*         -2.1825     2.0443    -0.1457        2.2206     0.5706    -0.0180
1.0  1   n     c_1   n     h*         -2.6748     1.5760     0.0730        0.4592    -0.4613     0.3508
1.0  1   o_1   c_1   n     c           4.4466     4.0317     1.7129        7.4427     2.1505    -0.2206
1.0  1   o_1   c_1   n     c_1        -1.5747     2.3997    -0.2851       -0.3038    -0.0548    -0.3188
1.0  1   o_1   c_1   n     h*         -2.6238     0.3606     0.5474        2.3848     0.7030     0.1399
1.0  1   c     cp    cp    cp          0.0000    -4.4683     0.0000        0.0000     3.8987     0.0000
1.0  1   c     cp    cp    h           0.0000    -0.1242     0.0000        0.0000     3.4601     0.0000
1.3  1   c     cp    cp    nh          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    cp          1.9767     1.0239     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    h           0.0000     2.5014     0.0000        0.0000     2.7147     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    nh         -9.9278    -5.3449     0.0000       -7.0296    -6.3611     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    nn          0.0000     9.0901     0.0000        0.0000    -6.0882     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    np          0.0000     8.5235     0.0000        0.0000     6.9465     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    o           0.0000    10.0155     0.0000        0.0000     1.7404     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    op          0.0000    15.0720     0.0000        0.0000    22.8370     0.0000
2.2  9   cp    cp    cp    si          0.0000    -5.5448     0.0000        0.0000     4.3281     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    sp          0.0000     2.2824     0.0000        0.0000     4.7164     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    h           0.0000     2.4501     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    nh          0.0000     3.8936     0.0000        0.0000     2.6686     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    nn          0.0000     2.9813     0.0000        0.0000     0.2787     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    np          0.0000     2.6369     0.0000        0.0000     0.9126     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    o           0.0000     1.8729     0.0000        0.0000     2.5706     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    op          0.0000     3.1723     0.0000        0.0000    -1.6882     0.0000
2.2  9   h     cp    cp    si          0.0000     4.5914     0.0000        0.0000     1.1079     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    sp          0.0000     3.2082     0.0000        0.0000     2.4807     0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    cp    nh          0.0000    23.0437     0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    cp    np          0.0000    12.8485     0.0000        0.0000     7.4493     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    cp    np          0.0000    16.0967     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    cp    op          0.0000     0.9449     0.0000        0.0000    12.6989     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    cp    sp          0.0000     2.3897     0.0000        0.0000     4.2033     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    cp         25.2371     4.8848     0.0000        1.0949     6.1583     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    h*          0.0000     2.3151     0.0000        0.0000     1.0530     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    np          0.0000    28.9149     0.0000        0.0000     7.0823     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    cp          0.0000     1.2580     0.0000        0.0000     0.8392     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    h*          0.0000    -0.4946     0.0000        0.0000     1.6589     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    np          0.0000     2.2090     0.0000        0.0000    -1.1106     0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    nh    cp          0.0000    28.8815     0.0000        0.0000    28.8729     0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    nh    h*          0.0000     1.2639     0.0000        0.0000     3.5635     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    nh    cp          0.0000    23.4288     0.0000        0.0000    38.8606     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    nh    h*          0.0000    -0.2659     0.0000        0.0000     0.1553     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nn    h*          0.0000     1.2616     0.0000        0.0000     0.7744     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    nn    h*          0.0000    -1.7963     0.0000        0.0000     1.5019     0.0000
1.3  1   c     cp    np    cp          0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    cp          0.0000     2.9321     0.0000        0.0000     4.1497     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    nh          0.0000     0.5148     0.0000        0.0000    12.1184     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    np          0.0000    11.9786     0.0000        0.0000    11.7559     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    np    cp          0.0000     2.8755     0.0000        0.0000    -0.7484     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    np    nh          0.0000     6.9505     0.0000        0.0000    -1.8868     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    np    np          0.0000     3.8763     0.0000        0.0000     0.6485     0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    np    cp          0.0000     6.1188     0.0000        0.0000     2.0666     0.0000
1.0  1   nn    cp    np    cp          0.0000     5.6896     0.0000        0.0000     1.4949     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    np    cp          0.0000     4.3346     0.0000        0.0000     5.6896     0.0000
1.0  1   op    cp    np    cp          0.0000    11.8323     0.0000        0.0000     8.4649     0.0000
1.0  1   op    cp    np    np          0.0000     7.3738     0.0000        0.0000     5.0348     0.0000
1.0  1   sp    cp    np    cp          0.0000    22.0468     0.0000        0.0000     6.6427     0.0000
1.0  1   sp    cp    np    np          0.0000    23.0599     0.0000        0.0000     3.3755     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    o     h*         -5.1360    -1.0122     0.0000        4.6852     0.0230    -0.5980
1.0  1   cp    cp    op    cp          0.0000    35.3158     0.0000        0.0000    38.1416     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    op    cp          0.0000    -2.4175     0.0000        0.0000     4.2906     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    op    cp          0.0000    45.0848     0.0000        0.0000    43.8973     0.0000
2.2  9   cp    cp    si    h           0.0000     0.0000    -0.2779        0.0000     0.0000    -0.1932
1.0  1   cp    cp    sp    cp          0.0000    49.2187     0.0000        0.0000    45.7531     0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    sp    cp          0.0000     1.9309     0.0000        0.0000     6.2778     0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    sp    cp          0.0000    69.7354     0.0000        0.0000    59.0299     0.0000
1.1  1   nr    cr    n=    c           4.4676     3.8223    -1.9571        1.8816     1.1008     0.5286
1.1  1   nr    cr    n=1   c           4.4676     3.8223    -1.9571        1.8816     1.1008     0.5286
1.1  1   nr    cr    n=2   c           4.4676     3.8223    -1.9571        1.8816     1.1008     0.5286
1.1  1   n=    cr    nr    h*         -1.9886     2.4637    -0.3427        1.9914     1.1009     0.0573
1.1  1   n=1   cr    nr    h*         -1.9886     2.4637    -0.3427        1.9914     1.1009     0.0573
1.1  1   n=2   cr    nr    h*         -1.9886     2.4637    -0.3427        1.9914     1.1009     0.0573
1.0  1   cp    nh    np    cp          0.0000    32.3549     0.0000        0.0000    27.2556     0.0000
1.0  1   h*    nh    np    cp          0.0000     4.3989     0.0000        0.0000     0.5462     0.0000
1.0  1   cp    np    np    cp          0.0000     8.9855     0.0000
1.0  1   c     s     s     c          -5.9573     3.1622    -1.3506
1.0  1   c     s     s     h          -2.6305     6.8180    -0.0319       -1.4706     3.8645     0.0227
1.0  1   h     s     s     h          -2.7059     3.6628    -0.2319
2.2  9   c     si    si    h           0.0000     0.0000     0.0000        0.0000     0.0000     0.6090
2.2  9   h     si    si    h           0.0000     0.0000    -0.2288
2.2  9   h     si    si    si          0.0000     0.0000     0.6171        0.0000     0.0000     0.9809

#angle-angle-torsion_1 pcff

>  E = K * (Theta - Theta0) * (Theta' - Theta0') * (Phi - Phi1(0))

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L     K(Ang,Ang,Tor)
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----   --------------
3.0 10   oah   az    oah   hoa          5.5622
3.0 10   oas   az    oah   hoa          1.2333
3.0 10   ob    az    oah   hoa          4.4779
3.0 10   oah   az    oas   sz          26.9482
3.0 10   oas   az    oas   sz          47.7261
3.0 10   ob    az    oas   sz           5.7883
3.0 10   oah   az    ob    hb           1.8526
3.0 10   oah   az    ob    sz         -43.6531
3.0 10   oas   az    ob    hb          -5.6200
3.0 10   oas   az    ob    sz         -14.4662
1.0  1   c     c     c     c          -22.0450
1.0  1   c     c     c     c-         -34.6290
1.0  1   c     c     c     c=         -27.9127
1.0  1   c     c     c     c=1        -27.9127
1.0  1   c     c     c     c=2        -27.9127
1.0  1   c     c     c     c_0        -20.3304
1.0  1   c     c     c     c_1         -0.3801
1.0  1   c     c     c     h          -16.1640
1.0  1   c     c     c     n           -1.0631
1.0  1   c     c     c     n+         -41.0718
1.1  1   c     c     c     n=           0.0000
1.1  1   c     c     c     n=1          0.0000
1.1  1   c     c     c     n=2          0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c     na         -27.3953
1.0  1   c     c     c     o          -29.0420
1.0  1   c     c     c     s          -26.7100
1.3  1   c-    c     c     c_1          0.0000
1.3  1   c-    c     c     cp           0.0000
1.0  1   c-    c     c     h          -15.6070
1.3  1   c-    c     c     n            0.0000
1.0  1   c=    c     c     c=          -9.6558
1.0  1   c=    c     c     c=1         -9.6558
1.0  1   c=    c     c     c=2         -9.6558
1.0  1   c=    c     c     h          -18.3717
1.0  1   c=1   c     c     c=1         -9.6558
1.0  1   c=1   c     c     c=2         -9.6558
1.0  1   c=1   c     c     h          -18.3717
1.0  1   c=2   c     c     c=2         -9.6558
1.0  1   c=2   c     c     h          -18.3717
1.0  1   c_0   c     c     c_0         -4.2783
1.3  1   c_0   c     c     c_1          0.0000
1.0  1   c_0   c     c     h          -14.3155
1.3  1   c_0   c     c     n            0.0000
1.0  1   c_0   c     c     o          -32.4436
1.0  1   c_1   c     c     c_1          0.1398
1.3  1   c_1   c     c     cp           0.0000
1.0  1   c_1   c     c     h           -5.3624
1.0  1   c_1   c     c     n            0.3510
1.3  1   c_1   c     c     o            0.0000
1.3  1   c_1   c     c     s            0.0000
1.3  1   cp    c     c     h            0.0000
1.3  1   cp    c     c     n            0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     c     h          -12.5640
1.0  1   h     c     c     n          -12.7974
1.0  1   h     c     c     n+         -18.9263
1.1  1   h     c     c     n=         -27.5064
1.1  1   h     c     c     n=1        -27.5064
1.1  1   h     c     c     n=2        -27.5064
1.0  1   h     c     c     na         -15.7572
1.0  1   h     c     c     nr         -27.5064
1.0  1   h     c     c     o          -20.2006
1.0  1   h     c     c     s          -13.1026
1.3  1   n     c     c     o            0.0000
1.3  1   n     c     c     s            0.0000
1.0  1   na    c     c     na         -11.2307
1.0  1   o     c     c     o          -14.0484
1.0  1   s     c     c     s          -13.9674
1.0  1   c     c     c-    o-         -28.7420
1.0  1   h     c     c-    o-         -19.4570
1.3  1   n     c     c-    o-           0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c           -2.1072
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c=         -20.3707
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c=1        -20.3707
1.0  1   c     c     c=    c=2        -20.3707
1.0  1   c     c     c=    h          -16.8993
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    c=         -20.1370
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    c=1        -20.1370
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    c=2        -20.1370
1.0  1   c=    c     c=    h           -8.3551
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    c=         -20.1370
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    c=1        -20.1370
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    c=2        -20.1370
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=    h           -8.3551
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    c=         -20.1370
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    c=1        -20.1370
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    c=2        -20.1370
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=    h           -8.3551
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c          -12.8653
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c=         -13.6826
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c=1        -13.6826
1.0  1   h     c     c=    c=2        -13.6826
1.0  1   h     c     c=    h          -10.9512
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   c           -2.1072
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   c=         -20.3707
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   c=1        -20.3707
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   c=2        -20.3707
1.0  1   c     c     c=1   h          -16.8993
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   c=         -20.1370
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   c=1        -20.1370
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   c=2        -20.1370
1.0  1   c=    c     c=1   h           -8.3551
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   c=         -20.1370
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   c=1        -20.1370
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   c=2        -20.1370
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=1   h           -8.3551
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   c=         -20.1370
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   c=1        -20.1370
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   c=2        -20.1370
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=1   h           -8.3551
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   c          -12.8653
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   c=         -13.6826
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   c=1        -13.6826
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   c=2        -13.6826
1.0  1   h     c     c=1   h          -10.9512
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   c           -2.1072
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   c=         -20.3707
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   c=1        -20.3707
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   c=2        -20.3707
1.0  1   c     c     c=2   h          -16.8993
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   c=         -20.1370
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   c=1        -20.1370
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   c=2        -20.1370
1.0  1   c=    c     c=2   h           -8.3551
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   c=         -20.1370
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   c=1        -20.1370
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   c=2        -20.1370
1.0  1   c=1   c     c=2   h           -8.3551
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   c=         -20.1370
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   c=1        -20.1370
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   c=2        -20.1370
1.0  1   c=2   c     c=2   h           -8.3551
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   c          -12.8653
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   c=         -13.6826
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   c=1        -13.6826
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   c=2        -13.6826
1.0  1   h     c     c=2   h          -10.9512
1.0  1   c     c     c_0   c          -10.3309
1.0  1   c     c     c_0   h           -9.8926
1.0  1   c     c     c_0   o           -0.8819
1.0  1   c     c     c_0   o_1        -24.7000
1.0  1   h     c     c_0   c          -12.8684
1.0  1   h     c     c_0   h           -9.3256
1.0  1   h     c     c_0   o          -13.9734
1.0  1   h     c     c_0   o_1        -23.1923
1.0  1   o     c     c_0   h           -2.0131
1.0  1   o     c     c_0   o_1        -23.6140
1.0  1   c     c     c_1   n           -5.4514
1.0  1   c     c     c_1   o_1         -8.0190
1.0  1   h     c     c_1   n          -12.2417
1.0  1   h     c     c_1   o_1        -15.3496
1.0  1   n     c     c_1   n           -1.7888
1.0  1   n     c     c_1   o_1         -6.5339
1.3  1   n+    c     c_1   n            0.0000
1.3  1   n+    c     c_1   o_1          0.0000
1.3  1   c     c     cp    cp           0.0000
1.3  1   c     c     cp    np           0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     cp    cp          -5.8888
1.3  1   h     c     cp    np           0.0000
1.0  1   c     c     n     c           -1.7549
1.0  1   c     c     n     c_1         -7.4314
1.0  1   c     c     n     h*          -4.6337
1.3  1   c-    c     n     c_1          0.0000
1.3  1   c-    c     n     h*           0.0000
1.0  1   c_1   c     n     c            0.1586
1.0  1   c_1   c     n     c_1         -9.2222
1.0  1   c_1   c     n     h*          -0.9915
1.0  1   h     c     n     c          -12.2367
1.0  1   h     c     n     c_1         -8.1335
1.0  1   h     c     n     h*          -6.6590
1.0  1   c     c     n+    c          -18.1594
1.0  1   c     c     n+    h+         -15.9511
1.3  1   c_0   c     n+    h+           0.0000
1.3  1   c_1   c     n+    h+           0.0000
1.0  1   h     c     n+    c          -14.0443
1.0  1   h     c     n+    h+          -9.0674
1.1  1   c     c     n=    cr         -28.6245
1.1  1   h     c     n=    cr          -8.0135
1.1  1   c     c     n=1   cr         -28.6245
1.1  1   h     c     n=1   cr          -8.0135
1.1  1   c     c     n=2   cr         -28.6245
1.1  1   h     c     n=2   cr          -8.0135
1.0  1   c     c     na    c          -24.3818
1.0  1   c     c     na    h*          -7.5499
1.0  1   h     c     na    c          -12.5567
1.0  1   h     c     na    h*         -10.4258
1.0  1   c     c     nr    c+         -28.6245
1.0  1   c     c     nr    h*          -8.8981
1.0  1   h     c     nr    c+          -8.0135
1.0  1   h     c     nr    h*          -9.6278
1.0  1   c     c     o     c          -19.0059
1.0  1   c     c     o     c_0        -15.7082
1.0  1   c     c     o     h*         -12.1038
1.0  1   c_0   c     o     c_0         -4.2319
1.0  1   h     c     o     c          -16.4438
1.0  1   h     c     o     c_0        -13.1500
1.0  1   h     c     o     h*         -10.5093
1.0  1   c     c     s     c          -32.8949
1.0  1   c     c     s     h          -28.1728
1.0  1   c     c     s     s          -24.3566
1.0  1   h     c     s     c          -26.4900
1.0  1   h     c     s     h          -18.6334
1.0  1   h     c     s     s          -19.9315
1.0  1   s     c     s     c          -16.2487
1.0  1   s     c     s     h           -7.5707
2.2  9   h     c     si    c          -17.5802
2.2  9   h     c     si    h          -12.9341
2.2  9   h     c     si    si         -13.3679
1.0  1   nr    c+    nr    c          -14.5350
1.0  1   nr    c+    nr    h*          -4.4896
1.0  1   c     c=    c=    c           -5.5205
1.0  1   c     c=    c=    h           -7.6912
1.0  1   h     c=    c=    h           -7.0058
1.0  1   c     c=    c=1   c           -5.5205
1.0  1   c     c=    c=1   h           -7.6912
1.0  1   h     c=    c=1   c           -7.6912
1.0  1   h     c=    c=1   h           -7.0058
1.0  1   c     c=    c=2   c           -5.5205
1.0  1   c     c=    c=2   h           -7.6912
1.0  1   h     c=    c=2   c           -7.6912
1.0  1   h     c=    c=2   h           -7.0058
1.0  1   c     c=1   c=1   h           -7.6912
1.0  1   c     c=1   c=2   h           -7.6912
1.0  1   h     c=1   c=2   c           -7.6912
1.0  1   c     c=2   c=2   h           -7.6912
1.0  1   c     c_0   o     c          -12.2070
1.0  1   c     c_0   o     h*         -10.5663
1.0  1   h     c_0   o     c           -9.5860
1.0  1   h     c_0   o     h*          -6.2388
1.0  1   o_1   c_0   o     c          -32.9368
1.0  1   o_1   c_0   o     h*         -16.1882
1.0  1   c     c_1   n     c           -6.5335
1.0  1   c     c_1   n     h*          -1.3234
1.0  1   h     c_1   n     c           -5.5930
1.0  1   h     c_1   n     c_1         -0.7515
1.0  1   h     c_1   n     h*          -5.3514
1.0  1   n     c_1   n     h*          -1.5159
1.0  1   o_1   c_1   n     c          -15.5547
1.0  1   o_1   c_1   n     c_1         -3.3556
1.0  1   o_1   c_1   n     h*          -7.3186
1.0  1   c     cp    cp    cp         -14.4097
1.0  1   c     cp    cp    h            4.4444
1.3  1   c     cp    cp    nh           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    h           -4.8141
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    nh           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    nn           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    np           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    o          -21.0247
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    op           0.0000
2.2  9   cp    cp    cp    si           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    cp    sp           0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    h            0.3598
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    nh          -1.3637
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    nn           0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    np          -7.3709
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    o            4.2296
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    op          -6.0317
2.2  9   h     cp    cp    si           0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    cp    sp          -8.2210
1.0  1   nh    cp    cp    nh           0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    cp    np           0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    cp    np           0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    cp    op           0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    cp    sp           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    h*           0.1778
1.0  1   cp    cp    nh    np           0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    cp          -2.3617
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    h*          -1.9416
1.0  1   h     cp    nh    np           9.7176
1.0  1   nh    cp    nh    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   nh    cp    nh    h*          -0.3671
1.0  1   np    cp    nh    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    nh    h*          -5.3541
1.0  1   cp    cp    nn    h*          -7.1755
1.0  1   np    cp    nn    h*          -8.0600
1.3  1   c     cp    np    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    nh           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    np    np           0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    np    cp          -8.7021
1.0  1   h     cp    np    nh          -8.1940
1.0  1   h     cp    np    np          -8.7693
1.0  1   nh    cp    np    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   nn    cp    np    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   np    cp    np    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   op    cp    np    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   op    cp    np    np           0.0000
1.0  1   sp    cp    np    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   sp    cp    np    np           0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    o     h*          -4.6072
1.0  1   cp    cp    op    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    op    cp         -13.3085
1.0  1   np    cp    op    cp           0.0000
2.2  9   cp    cp    si    h            0.0000
1.0  1   cp    cp    sp    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   h     cp    sp    cp         -12.4136
1.0  1   np    cp    sp    cp           0.0000
1.1  1   nr    cr    n=    c          -14.5350
1.1  1   nr    cr    n=1   c          -14.5350
1.1  1   nr    cr    n=2   c          -14.5350
1.1  1   n=    cr    nr    h*          -4.4896
1.1  1   n=1   cr    nr    h*          -4.4896
1.1  1   n=2   cr    nr    h*          -4.4896
1.0  1   cp    nh    np    cp           0.0000
1.0  1   h*    nh    np    cp           5.3945
1.0  1   cp    np    np    cp           0.0000
3.0 10   az    oas   sz    oas         47.7261
3.0 10   az    oas   sz    osh          3.0141
3.0 10   az    oas   sz    oss         40.5387
3.0 10   az    ob    sz    osh         32.7202
3.0 10   az    ob    sz    oss        -12.9867
3.0 10   hb    ob    sz    osh        -29.1724
3.0 10   hb    ob    sz    oss          0.0000
3.0 10   hos   osh   sz    oas          0.0000
3.0 10   hos   osh   sz    ob          -8.3930
3.0 10   hos   osh   sz    osh          5.0402
3.0 10   hos   osh   sz    oss          0.0000
3.0 10   sz    oss   sz    oas        -13.1383
3.0 10   sz    oss   sz    ob          15.9000
3.0 10   sz    oss   sz    osh          4.3761
3.0 10   sz    oss   sz    oss          5.7889
1.0  1   c     s     s     c          -16.7205
1.0  1   c     s     s     h          -28.2282
1.0  1   h     s     s     h          -20.9653
2.2  9   c     si    si    h          -16.9141
2.2  9   h     si    si    h          -10.8232
2.2  9   h     si    si    si         -12.2861

#torsion-torsion_1    pcff

> E = F * cos(phi) * cos(phi') }

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L     M     K(Phi,Phi')
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- ----- -----   -----------

#templates pcff

! mcff_templates
!	Template file of potential type assignment templates for the mcff
!       forcefield (March-1995)

type: ?
! anything
template: (>*)

type: lp
!lone pair
template: (>L (-*))

! generic SP3 carbon
template: (>C)

type: c3
! sp3 carbon with 3 h's 1 heavy
template: (>C(-H)(-H)(-H)(-*))

! sp3 carbon with 2 H's, 2 Heavy's

! sp3 carbon in acetals

! sp3 carbon in acetals with hydrogen

type: c1
! sp3 carbon with 1 H 3 heavies
template: (>C(-H)(-*)(-*)(-*))

type: c3m
! sp3 carbon in 3-membered ring
template: (>C)

type: c4m
! sp3 carbon in 4-membered ring
template: (>C)

type: c4m
! sp3 carbon in 4-membered ring
template: (>C)

type: c3h
! sp3 carbon in 3-membered ring with hydrogens
template: (>C(-H))

type: c4h
! sp3 carbon in 4-membered ring with hydrogens
template: (>C(-H))

type: c4h
! sp3 carbon in 4-membered ring
template: (>C(-H))

!general amino acid alpha carbon (sp3)
template: (>C(-N(-*))(-C[~O])(~*)(~*))

type: cg
! sp3 alpha carbon in glycine
template: (>C(-H)(-H)(-C[~O])(-N(-H)))

type: c=2
! non aromatic doubly bonded carbon
template: (>C(=*))

type: c=
! non aromatic end doubly bonded carbon
template: (>C(=*)(-*)(-N(-*)(-*)))

type: c=
! non aromatic end doubly bonded carbon
template: (>C(=*)(-N(-*)(-*))(-N(-*)(-*)))

type: c=
! non aromatic end doubly bonded carbon
template: (>C(=*)(-N(-*)(-*))(-C(-*)(-*)(-*)))

type: c=
! non aromatic end doubly bonded carbon
template: (>C(=*)(-*)(-*))

type: c=
! non aromatic end doubly bonded carbon
template: (>C(=*)(-*)(-C))

type: c=
! non aromatic end doubly bonded carbon
template: (>C(=*)(-C)(-C))

type: c=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon
template: (>C(=C(-*)(-N(-*)(-*)))(-*))

type: c=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon

type: c=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon

type: c=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon

type: c=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon

type: c=1
! non aromatic, next to  end doubly bonded carbon

type: c=1
! non aromatic carbon doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>C[=N(-N(-*)(-*))](-*))

type: c=1
! non aromatic carbon doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>C[=N(-C(-*)(-*)(-*))](-*))

type: c=1
! non aromatic carbon doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>C[=N(-*)](-*))

type: c=1
! non aromatic carbon doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>C(=N(-N(-*)(-*))(-N(-*)(-*)))(-*))

type: c=1
! non aromatic carbon doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>C(=N(-C(-*)(-*)(-*))(-C(-*)(-*)(-*)))(-*))

type: c=1
! non aromatic carbon doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>C(=N(-C(-*)(-*)(-*))(-N(-*)(-*)))(-*))

type: c=1
! non aromatic carbon doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>C(=N(-*)(-*))(-*))

type: c=1
! non aromatic carbon doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>C(=N(-*)(-N(-*)(-*)))(-*))

type: c=1
! non aromatic carbon doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>C(=N(-*)(-C(-*)(-*)(-*)))(-*))

! SP2 aromatic carbon with partial double bond
hybridization: SP2

! This is used for aromatic carbons that fail the aromaticity test because
! the current ring checker is to lame to figure on a ring with more than
! seven or eight sides. The NON_AROMATIC test is to eliminate the conflict
! with the above 'cp' definition. This can be removed when the ring checker
! is made more robust.
template: [>C(-*)(:*)(:*)]

type: c5
! Sp2 aromatic carbon in 5-membered ring

! sp2 aromatic carbon in charged imidazole ring (His+)
template: (>C(:N(-H)(:C))(:N(-H)(:C)))
hybridization: SP2
hybridization: SP2

hybridization: SP2

type: ci
! Carbon in charged imidazole ring

type: ci
! Carbon in charged imidazole ring

type: ci
! Carbon in charged imidazole ring

type: cs
! SP2 aromatic carbon in 5 membered ring next to S

type: cr
! c in neutral arginine
template: (>C (=N(-*)) (-N(-H)(-H)) (-N(-H)(-H)) )

type: c+
! c in guanidinium group
template: (>C (=N(-*)(-*)) (-N(-H)(-H)) (-N(-H)(-H)) )

type: c+
! c in guanidinium group
template: (>C (:N(-*)(-*)) (:N(-H)(-H)) (:N(-H)(-H)) )

type: c-
! c in charged carboxylate
template: [>C[:O][:O](-*)]

type: c-
! c in charged carboxylate
! How do we indicate that the second O has nothing bonded to it ?
! what makes it not match COOH ?
template: [>C[=O][-O](-*)]

type: ct
! sp carbon   involved in a triple bond
template: (>C(#*))

type: na
! sp3 nitrogen in amines
template: (>N (-*)(-*)(-*))

type: n+
! sp3 nitrogen in protonated amines
template: (>N(-H)(-*)(-*)(-*))

type: n4
! sp3 nitrogen with 4 substituents
template: (>N(-*)(-*)(-*)(-*))

type: nb
! sp2 nitrogen in aromatic amines
template: (>N(~C)(-*)(-*))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
atom_test: 2
hybridization: SP2
Aromaticity: AROMATIC

type: nb
! sp2 nitrogen in aromatic amines
template: (>N(~C(:*)(:*))(-*)(-*))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
hybridization: SP2

type: n
! generic sp2 nitrogen (in amids))
template: (>N(-*))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
aromaticity: NON_AROMATIC

type: n3m
! sp3 nitrogen in 3- membered ring
template: (>N(-*)(-*)(-*))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP3
aromaticity: NON_AROMATIC

type: n4m
! sp3 nitrogen in 4- membered ring
template: (>N(-*)(-*)(-*))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP3
aromaticity: NON_AROMATIC

type: n4m
! sp3 nitrogen in 4- membered ring
template: (>N(-*)(-*)(-*))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP3
aromaticity: NON_AROMATIC

type: n3n
! sp2 nitrogen in 3- membered ring
template: (>N(~*)(-*)(-*))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
aromaticity: NON_AROMATIC

type: n4n
! sp2 nitrogen in 3- membered ring
template: (>N(~*)(-*)(-*))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
aromaticity: NON_AROMATIC

type: n4n
! sp2 itrogen in 4- membered ring
template: (>N(~*)(-*)(-*))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
aromaticity: NON_AROMATIC

type: np
! sp2 nitrogen in 5- or 6- membered ring
! not bonded to hydrogen
template: [>N(~*)(~*)]
disallowed_elements:P H
disallowed_elements:P H

type: np
! sp2 nitrogen in 5- or 6- membered ring
! not bonded to hydrogen
template: [>N(:*)(:*)]
hybridization: SP2
hybridization: SP2
disallowed_elements:P H
hybridization: SP2
disallowed_elements:P H

type: npc
! sp2 nitrogen in 5- or 6- membered ring
! bonded to a heavy atom
template: [>N(~*)(~*)(~*)]

type: npc
! sp2 nitrogen in 5- or 6- membered ring
! bonded to a heavy atom
template: [>N(:*)(:*)(~*)]
hybridization: SP2
hybridization: SP2
hybridization: SP2

type: nh
! sp2 nitrogen in 5-or 6-  membered ring
! with  hydrogen attached
template: (>N(-H))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
aromaticity: AROMATIC

type: nh+
! protonated  nitrogen in 6- membered ring
! with  hydrogen attached
template: (>N(-H))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
aromaticity: AROMATIC

type: nho
! sp2 nitrogen in 6-  membered ring
! next to a carbonyl group and with a hydrogen
! attached
template: (>N(~C[=O])(-H))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
aromaticity: AROMATIC

type: nho
! sp2 nitrogen in 6-  membered ring
! next to a carbonyl group and with a hydrogen
! attached
template: (>N(~C[:O])(-H))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
aromaticity: AROMATIC

type: n2
!sp2 nitrogen (NH2) in guanidinium group (HN=C(NH2)2)
template: (>N(-H)(-H)(-C(=N(-*))(-N(-H)(-H))))
atom_test: 1
aromaticity: NON_AROMATIC

type: n=2
! sp2 nitrogen in neutral arginine (double bond)
template: (>N(=*))
atom_test: 1

type: n=
! non aromatic end double bonded nitrogen
template: [>N(=*)(-N(-*)(-*))]

type: n=
! non aromatic end double bonded nitrogen
template: [>N(=*)(-C(-*)(-*)(-*))]

type: n=
! non aromatic end double bonded nitrogen
template: [>N(=*)(-*)]

type: n=
! non aromatic end double bonded nitrogen
template: (>N(=*)(-N(-*)(-*))(-N(-*)(-*)))

type: n=
! non aromatic end double bonded nitrogen
template: (>N(=*)(-C(-*)(-*)(-*))(-C(-*)(-*)(-*)))

type: n=
! non aromatic end double bonded nitrogen
template: (>N(=*)(-C(-*)(-*)(-*))(-N(-*)(-*)))

type: n=
! non aromatic end double bonded nitrogen
template: (>N(=*)(-*)(-*))

type: n=
! non aromatic end double bonded nitrogen
template: (>N(=*)(-*)(-N(-*)(-*)))

type: n=
! non aromatic end double bonded nitrogen
template: (>N(=*)(-*)(-C(-*)(-*)(-*)))

type: n=
! phosphazene nitrogen
template: [>N(:P)(:P)]

type: n=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon
template: (>N(=C(-*)(-N(-*)(-*))))

type: n=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon

type: n=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon

type: n=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon

type: n=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon

type: n=1
! non aromatic, next to  end doubly bonded carbon

type: n=1
! non aromatic nitrogen doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>N(=N(-N(-*)(-*)))(-*))

type: n=1
! non aromatic nitrogen doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>N(=N(-C(-*)(-*)(-*)))(-*))

type: n=1
! non aromatic nitrogen doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>N(=N(-*))(-*))

type: n1
!sp2 nitrogen in charged arginine
template: (>N(-*)(-*)(=C(-N(-H)(-H))(-N(-H)(-H))))

type: ni
! Nitrogen in charged imidazole ring

type: ni
! Nitrogen in charged imidazole ring

type: ni
! Nitrogen in charged imidazole ring

! sp nitrogen involved in a triple bond

! sp nitrogen in N2

! generic SP3 oxygen  in alcohol, ether,or  acid group
template (>O)

type oh
! oxygen bonded to hydrogen
template: (>O(-H)(-*))

!  SP3 oxygen  in ether or acetals
template (>O(-C)(-C))

!  SP3 oxygen  in ester
template (>O(-C(=O))(-C))

!  SP3 oxygen  in ester
template (>O(:C[:O])(-C))

!  SP3 oxygen  in three membered ring
template (>O(-C)(-C))

! SP3 oxygen  in non-planar four  membered ring
template (>O(-C)(-C))

! SP3 oxygen  in planar four memberedd ring
template (>O(-C)(-C))

type: o=
! oxygen double bonded to O, N,C,S,P
template: (>O(=*))
allowed_elements: O,N,C,S,P

type: o-
! partial double oxygen bonded to something then bonded to
! another  partial double oxygen
template: [>O(:*[:O])]
allowed_elements: C,P

type: o-
! double bonded oxygen in charged carboxylate COO-
! or charged phosphate POO-
template: [>O(=*[-O])]
allowed_elements: C,P

type: o-
! single bonded oxygen in charged carboxylate COO-
! or charged phosphate POO-
template: [>O[-*[=O]]]
allowed_elements: C,P

type: op
! SP2 aromatic in 5 membered ring
hybridization: SP2

type: op
! SP2 aromatic in 5 membered ring

type: o*
!oxygen in water
template (>O(-H)(-H))

! generic hydrogen
template: (>H (-*) )

! hydrogen bonded to carbon
template: (>H (-C) )

! hydrogen bonded to sulfur
template: (>H (-S) )

! hydrogen bonded to silicon
template: (>H (-Si) )

! hydrogen bonded to phosphorus
template: (>H (-P) )

! hydrogen bonded to fluorine, nitrogen, Oxygen
template: (>H(-*))

! hydrogen bonded to oxygen
template: (>H(-O))

type: hi
! Hydrogen in charged imidazole ring

type: hi
! Hydrogen in charged imidazole ring

type: hi
! Hydrogen in charged imidazole ring

! hydrogen in water
template: (>H(-O(-H)))

! hydrogen bonded to nitrogen
template: (>H (-N) )

! charged hydrogen in cations
template: (>H (-N(-*)(-*)(-*)) )

! deuterium in heivy water
template: (>D(-O(-D)))

! sp3 sulfur
template: (>S)

! sp3 sulfur in methionines (C-S-C) group
template: (>S(-C)(-C))

! sulfur  in three membered ring
template (>S(-C)(-C))

! sulfur  in four  membered ring
template (>S(-C)(-C))

! sulfur  in three membered ring
template (>S(-C)(-C))

! sp3 sulfur involved in (S-S) group of disulfides
template: (>S(-S))

! sp3 sulfur in sulfhydryl (-SH) group (e.g. cysteine)
template: (>S(-H)(-*))

type: sp
! sulfur in an aromatic ring (e.g. thiophene)
template: (>S)
aromaticity: AROMATIC
ring: PLANAR(5)

type: sp
! sulfur in an aromatic ring (e.g. thiophene)
template: (>S(:*)(:*))
ring: PLANAR(5)

type: s'
! S in thioketone group
template: (>S(=*))
allowed_elements: C,P,N,O

type: sf
! S in sulfonate group
template: (>S(=O)(=O)(-*)(-*))

type: s-
! partial double sulfur bonded to something then bonded to
! another  partial double oxygen or sulfur
template: [>S(:*[:*])]
allowed_elements: C,P
allowed_elements: O,S

type: s-
! double bonded sulfur in charged phosphate PSS- or PSO-
template: [>S(=*[-*])]
allowed_elements: C,P
allowed_elements: O,S

type: s-
! single bonded sulfur in charged phosfur  PSS- or PSO-
template: [>S[-*[=*]]]
allowed_elements: C,P
allowed_elements: O,S

type: ca+
! calcium ion
template: [>Ca]

type: f
!fluorine  atom
template: (>F (-*))

type: cl
!chlorine atom
template: (>Cl (-*))

type: Cl
!chlorine ion
template: [>Cl]

type: br
!bromine atom
template: (>Br (-*))

type: Br
!bromine ion
template: [>Br]

type: i
!iodine atom
template: (>I (-*))

type: p
! General phosphorous atom
template: (>P)

type: p=
! phopsphorous with double bond
template: [>P (=*) (-*) (-*) (-*)]
atom_test: 2
allowed_elements: O,S,N

type: p=
! phopsphorous with double bond
template: [>P (:N) (:N) (-*) (-*)]

type: si
!silicon atom
template: (>Si)


type: o_1
! carbonyl oxygen
template: (>O (=C(~*)(~*)) )

type: oo
! carbonyl oxygen of carbonates
template: (>O (=C(-O)(-O)) )

type: o_2
! ester oxygen
template: (>O (-C (=O)) (-*))
atom_test: 4
allowed_elements: C, H

type: oz
! ester oxygen in carbonate
template: (>O (-C (=O)(-O)) (-*))
atom_test: 5
allowed_elements: C, H

! aldehydes and ketones carbonyl carbon
template: (>C (=O) (-*) (-*))
allowed_elements: O,S
allowed_elements: C, H
allowed_elements: C, H

! amide, acid and ester carbonyl carbon
template: (>C (=O) (~*) (~*))
allowed_elements: O,S
allowed_elements: C, H
allowed_elements: O, N

! carbamate, urea carbonyl carbon
template: (>C (=O) (~*) (~*))
allowed_elements: N
allowed_elements: O, N

! carbonate carbonyl carbon
template: (>C (=O) (-O) (-O))

type: n_2
! nitrogen in carbamate
template: (>N (~C(=O)) (-H) (~*))
atom_test: 1
atom_test: 5
allowed_elements: C, H

! hydrogen bonded to nitrogen
template: (>H (-N (~C(=O)(-*)) (~*)))
atom_test: 2
atom_test: 5
allowed_elements: O, N, C, H
atom_test: 6
allowed_elements: C, H

! hydroxyl hydrogen
template: (>H (-O (-C(=O)) ) )

type: osi
! oxygen in siloxane
template: (>O (-Si) (-*) )
atom_test: 3
allowed_elements: Si, H

type: sio
! siloxane silicon
template: (>SI (-O) (-*) (-*) (-*) )
atom_test: 3
allowed_elements: O, C, H
atom_test: 4
allowed_elements: O, C, H
atom_test: 5
allowed_elements: O, C, H

type: he
! Helium
template: (>He)

type: ne
! Neon atom
template: (>Ne)

type: ar
! Argon atom
template: (>Ar)

type: kr
! Krypton atom
template: (>Kr)

type: xe
! Xenon atom
template: (>Xe)

type: sz
! silicon atom in zeolites (SiO4 tetrahedron)
template: (>Si(-O)(-O)(-O)(-O))

type: az
! aluminium atom in zeolites (AlO4 tetrahedron)
template: (>Al(-O)(-O)(-O)(-O))

! oxygen in a Al-(OH)-Si bridge
template: [>O(-Al)(-Si)(-H)]

! oxygen in an Al-O-Si bridge
template: [>O(-Al)(-Si)]

! oxygen in a Si-O-Si bridge
template: [>O(-Si(-O)(-O)(-O))(-Si(-O)(-O)(-O))]

! oxygen in silanol groups
template: [>O(-Si(-O)(-O)(-O))(-H)]

! oxygen in AlOH groups
template: [>O(-Al)(-H)]

! hydrogen in silanol groups
template: (>H [-O(-Si(-O)(-O)(-O))] )

! hydrogen in AlOH groups
template: (>H [-O(-Al)] )

! hydrogen in bridging OH groups
template: (>H [-O(-Al)(-Si)] )

type: Al
! Aluminium Metal
template: (>Al)

type: Na
! Sodium Metal
template: (>Na)

type: Pt
! Platinum Metal
template: (>Pt)

type: Pd
! Palladium Metal
template: (>Pd)

type: Au
! Gold Metal
template: (>Au)

type: Ag
! Silver Metal
template: (>Ag)

type: Sn
! Tin Metal
template: (>Sn)

type: K
! Potassium Metal
template: (>K)

type: Li
! Lithium Metal
template: (>Li)

type: Mo
! Molybdenum Metal
template: (>Mo)

type: Fe
! Iron Metal
template: (>Fe)

type: W
! Tungsten Metal
template: (>W)

type: Ni
! Nickel Metal
template: (>Ni)

type: Cr
! Chromium Metal
template: (>Cr)

type: Cu
! Copper Metal
template: (>Cu)

type: Pb
! Lead Metal
template: (>Pb)

(c=2(ci(c_0)(c_1)(c_2)(cz))(c_0)(c_1)(c_2)(cz)(c-) (cr(c+))) (cr(c+)) (c+)
(na(n+)(n4)(n3m)(n4m)) (n(n3n)(n4n)(nb(n_2)(n3n)(n4n))) (nb(n_2)(n3n)(n4n))
(np) (nh(ni)(nh+(nho))) (n2) (ni) (nt(nz)) (na(npc)) (npc) (n(npc))

#reference 1
@Author Biosym Technologies inc
@Date 25-December-91
pcff forcefield created
December 1991

#reference 2
@Author Shenghua Shi
@Date 17-August-91
automatic parameter assignment included
September 1992

#reference 3
@Author Shenghua Shi
@Date 17-August-91
for conjugated systems
September 1992

#reference 4
@Author Huai Sun
@Date 20-August-91
added atom types and parameters for polyurea, urethane, siloxane and carbonate

#reference 5
@Author Huai Sun
@Date 20-August-92
polycarbonate parameters

#reference 6
@Author Huai Sun
@Date 26-July-93
added atom types and parameters for aromatic esters - c_1, o_1, o_2, ho2.

#reference 7
@Author Huai Sun
@Date 26-September-93
refined parameters for urethanes

#reference 8
@Author Huai Sun
@Date 26-October-93
estimated parameters based on literature survey and ab initio calculations.

#reference 9
@Author Huai Sun
@Date 1-November-94
added parameters for silanes.

#reference 10
@Author Joerg-R. Hill
@Date 2-December-92
parameters for zeolites

#reference 11
@Author Behnam Vessal
@Date 9-June-95
parameters for metals were added

#reference 12
@Author Huai Sun
@Date 12-October-95
added 2-pyridinol; added polyphosphazene

#reference 13
@Author Paul Saxe
@Date 24-September-2009
Brought templates inside the file, changed all the sections to 'pcff' to avoid conflicts with cff91
Note that both these changes are not compatible with Accelrys software.

#elements Ag Al Ar Au Ba Br C Ca Cl Cr Cs Cu F Fe Ge H He I K Kr Li Mg Mo N Na Ne Ni O P Pb Pd Pt Rb S Si Sn Sr W Xe

#define pcff+ default

!Ver Ref		Function	     Label
!--- ---    ------------------------------   ------
1.0  1     atom_types                       pcff		pcff+
1.0  1     equivalence                      pcff		pcff+
2.0  1     auto_equivalence                 pcff_auto		pcff+_auto
2.0  1     bond_increments                  pcff		pcff+
1.0  1     quartic_bond                     pcff		pcff+	pcff+_auto
1.0  1     quartic_angle                    pcff		pcff+	pcff+_auto
1.0  1     torsion_3                        pcff		pcff+	pcff+_auto
2.0  2     wilson_out_of_plane              pcff  pcff_auto	pcff+	pcff+_auto
2.0  1     nonbond(9-6)                     pcff		pcff+
1.0  1     bond-bond                        pcff		pcff+
1.0  1     bond-bond_1_3                    pcff		pcff+
1.0  1     bond-angle                       pcff		pcff+
1.0  1     angle-angle                      pcff		pcff+
1.0  1     end_bond-torsion_3               pcff		pcff+
1.0  1     middle_bond-torsion_3            pcff		pcff+
1.0  1     angle-torsion_3                  pcff		pcff+
1.0  1     angle-angle-torsion_1            pcff		pcff+
3.2  1     charge                               		pcff+
! 1.0  1     torsion-torsion_1                pcff		pcff+  # Ill-defined, so ignore!
3.0  2     templates			     pcff+

#atom_types           pcff+	200

!Ver Ref  Type     Mass      Element   connection   Comment
!--- ---  -----  ----------  -------   ----------   ---------------------------
3.3  59  as     74.92160      As          3        Arsenic in AsR3
3.2  47  ba+   137.32770      Ba          0        barium ion
3.2  50  b3n    10.81100      B           3        sp2 boron in hexagonal boron nitride
3.2  53  brh    79.90900      Br          1        bromine in HBr molecule
1.0   1  c0     12.01115      C           4        sp3 carbon with 0 H, 4 heavies
3.2  48  c0x    12.01115      C           4        sp3 carbon with 0 H, 4 fluorines
1.0   6  c1o    12.01115      C           1        carbon in CO
1.0   6  c2=    12.01115      C           2        carbon in CO2 and CS2
3.3  59  c3as   12.01115      C           4        sp3 carbon in methyl arsines
3.2  38  c3h1   12.01115      C           4        sp3 carbon in 3-membered ring with one hydrogen
3.2  51  c3si   12.01115      C           4        sp3 carbon with 3 hydrogens and Si
3.2  47  c3o-   12.01115      C           3        carbon in carbonate anion
1.0   1  c41o   12.01115      C           4        carbon, sp3, in methanol
1.0   1  c43o   12.01115      C           4        carbon, sp3 in secondary alcohols
3.2  38  c4h1   12.01115      C           4        sp3 carbon in 4-membered ring with one hydrogen
1.0   1  c4o    12.01115      C           4        alpha carbon
3.1  26  c0oe   12.01115      C           4        alpha carbon in ether containing tertiary alkyl group, e.g. -C-O-C-R3
3.1  26  c1oe   12.01115      C           4        alpha carbon in ether containing secondary alkyl group, e.g. -C-O-CH-R2
3.6  66  c1oz   12.01115      C           4        alpha carbon in carbonate containing secondary alkyl group, e.g. -C-O-CH-R2
3.1  26  c2oe   12.01115      C           4        alpha carbon in ether containing primary alkyl group, -C-O-CH2-R
3.3  61  c2op   12.01115      C           4        alpha carbon in phosphate ester
3.3  58  c2oz   12.01115      C           4        alpha carbon in carbonates -O(O)C-O-CH2-R
3.1  26  c3oe   12.01115      C           4        alpha carbon in methyl containing ethers -C-O-CH3
3.3  58  c3oz   12.01115      C           4        alpha carbon in methyl-containing carbonates -O(O)C-O-CH3
1.0   1  c4oe   12.01115      C           4        alpha carbon in general ethers -C-O-C- (legacy)
3.2  42  c5h    12.01115      C           4        sp3 carbon in 5-membered ring
3.2  42  c5h1   12.01115      C           4        sp3 carbon in 5-membered ring with one hydrogen
2.0  16  cl4    35.45300      Cl          4        chlorine in ClO4- anion
3.2  52  clh    35.45300      Cl          1        chlorine in HCl molecule
1.0  14  cpc    12.01115      C           4        alpha/ipso carbon in aromatic ethers -C-O-C- and ketones -C-C(=O)-C-
1.0  13  Cs+   132.90545      Cs          0        cesium ion
3.2  48  ff     18.99840      F           1        fluorine atom in perfluorinated aliphatics
3.1  33  ffp    18.99840      F           1        fluorine atom in perfluorinated aromatics
1.0  13  F      18.99840      F           0        fluorine ion
3.1  24  ge4    72.61000      Ge          4        generic germanium with four bonds attached
3.3  63  H+     1.00797       H           0        proton
1.0   6  h1h    1.00797       H           1        hydrogen in H2
2.0  16  h_1p   1.00797       H           1        hydrogen in NH4+
3.2  53  hbr    1.00797       H           1        hydrogen in HBr molecule
3.2  52  hcl    1.00797       H           1        hydrogen in HCl molecule
3.2  53  hhi    1.00797       H           1        hydrogen in HI molecule
3.2  49  ho-    1.00797       H           1        hydrogen in hydroxide ion OH-
1.0  13  I     126.90447      I           0        iodine ion
3.2  53  ih    126.90447      I           1        iodine in HI molecule
1.0  13  K+     39.10200      K           0        potassium ion
1.0  13  Li+     6.94000      Li          0        lithium ion
3.2  47  mg+    24.30500      Mg          0        magnesium ion
1.0   6  n1o    14.00670      N           1        nitrogen in NO
1.0   6  n2o    14.00670      N           2        nitrogen in NO2
3.2  44  n2-    14.00670      N           2        nitrogen in amide/imide anion
3.2  50  n3b    14.00670      N           3        sp2 nitrogen in hexagonal boron nitride
3.2  54  n4o    14.00670      N           4        nitrogen in amine oxides
1.0   3  n_3    14.00670      N           3        nitrogen in primary or secondary amide
3.2  46  n_3-   14.00670      N           3        nitrogen in NO3- nitrate ion
3.1  35  n_30   14.00670      N           3        nitrogen in tertiary amide
3.1  35  n_31   14.00670      N           3        nitrogen in secondary amide
3.1  35  n_32   14.00670      N           3        nitrogen in primary amide
2.0  16  n_4    14.00670      N           4        nitrogen in NH4+
3.2  37  n_4c   14.00670      N           4        nitrogen in NR4+
3.1  29  na0    14.00670      N           3        sp3 nitrogen in tertiary aliphatic amines
3.1  29  na1    14.00670      N           3        sp3 nitrogen in secondary aliphatic amines
3.1  29  na2    14.00670      N           3        sp3 nitrogen in primary aliphatic amines (same as na)
3.1  36  nbo    14.00670      N           3        sp2 nitrogen in aromatic nitro compounds
1.0  13  Na+    22.99000      Na          0        sodium ion
3.1  36  o=n    15.99940      O           1        oxygen double bonded to N in aromatic nitro group
1.0   6  o1=    15.99940      O           2        oxygen in NO2 and SO2
1.0   6  o1=*   15.99940      O           1        oxygen in CO2
1.0   6  o1c    15.99940      O           1        oxygen in CO
3.2  47  o1c-   15.99940      O           1        oxygen in carbonate anion
1.0   6  o1n    15.99940      O           1        oxygen in NO
3.2  54  o1n4   15.99940      O           1        oxygen in amine oxides
1.0   6  o1o    15.99940      O           1        oxygen in O2
3.6  68  o1S-   15.99940      O           1        oxygen in sulfate SO4-- anion
3.1  28  o1s-   15.99940      O           1        oxygen in sulfate or sulfonate anion
3.1  46  o1n-   15.99940      O           1        oxygen in nitrate ion
3.1  28  o2s-   15.99940      O           2        ether oxygen in sulfate anion
1.0   4  o_1h   15.99940      O           1        oxygen in carbonyl group of aldehydes
2.0  16  o_1r   15.99940      O           1        oxygen in ClO4- anion
3.3  57  o_2c   15.99940      O           2        oxygen in carboxylic acids
3.3  61  o_2p   15.99940      O           2        oxygen in trialkyl phosphates
1.0   1  oc     15.99940      O           2        sp3 oxygen  in ether or acetals
3.2  49  oh-    15.99940      O           1        oxygen in hydroxide ion OH-
3.3  61  p4o    30.97380      P           4        phosphorous in trialkyl phosphate
3.2  44  p6-    30.97380      P           4        phosphorous in phosphate
3.1  32  ph3    30.97380      P           3        phosphorous in phosphine
1.0  13  Rb+    85.46780      Rb          0        rubidium ion
1.0   7  s1=    32.06400      S           1        sulfur in CS2
1.0   6  s2=    32.06400      S           2        sulfur in SO2
3.6  68  s4o-   32.06400      S           4        sulfur in sulfate SO4-- anion
3.1  28  se-    32.06400      S           4        sulfur in sulfate anion
3.1  28  sf-    32.06400      S           4        sulfur in sulfonate anion (aka 'sf')
3.5  64  sh2    32.06400      S           2        sulfur in hydrogen sulfide h2s
3.2  47  sr+    87.62100      Sr          0        strontium ion

#equivalence          pcff+	200

!                      Equivalences
!       ------------------------------------------
!Ver Ref  Type   NonB   Bond   Angle  Torsion  OOP
!--- ---  -----  -----  -----  -----  -------  -----
3.3  59  as     as     as     as     as       as
3.2  47  ba+    ba+    ?      ?      ?        ?
3.2  50  b3n    b3n    b3n    b3n    b3n      b3n
3.2  53  brh    brh    brh    ?      ?        ?
1.0   1  c0     c0     c      c      c        c
3.1  26  c0oe   c0oe   c      c      c        c
3.2  48  c0x    c0x    c      c      c        c
1.0   1  c1     c1     c      c      c        c
1.0   6  c1o    c1o    c1o    ?      ?        ?
3.1  26  c1oe   c1oe   c      c      c        c
3.6  66  c1oz   c1oz   c1oz   c      c        c
1.0  12  c2     c2     c      c      c        c
1.0   6  c2=    c2=    c2=    c2=    ?        ?
3.1  26  c2oe   c2oe   c      c      c        c
3.3  61  c2op   c2op   c      c      c        c
3.3  58  c2oz   c2oz   c2oz   c      c        c
1.0  12  c3     c3     c      c      c        c
3.3  59  c3as   c3as   c      c      c        c
3.2  38  c3h    c3h    c3h    c3h    c3h      c3h
3.2  38  c3h1   c3h1   c3h    c3h    c3h      c3h
3.2  47  c3o-   c3o-   c3o-   c3o-   c3o-     c3o-
3.1  26  c3oe   c3oe   c      c      c        c
3.3  58  c3oz   c3oz   c      c      c        c
3.2  51  c3si   c3si   c      c      c        c
3.2  38  c4h    c4h    c      c4h    c4h      c4h
3.2  38  c4h1   c4h1   c      c4h    c4h      c4h
1.0   1  c41o   c41o   c      c      c        c
1.0   1  c43o   c43o   c      c      c        c
1.0   1  c4o    c4o    c      c      c        c
3.2  42  c5h    c5h    c      c5h    c5h      c5h
3.2  42  c5h1   c5h1   c      c5h    c5h      c5h
1.0   1  c4oe   c4oe   c      c      c        c
2.0  16  cl4    cl4    cl4    cl4    cl4      cl4
3.2  52  clh    clh    clh    ?      ?        ?
1.0  14  cpc    cpc    cp     cp     cp       cp
1.0  13  Cs+    Cs+    ?      ?      ?        ?
3.2  48  ff     ff     f      f      f        f
3.1  33  ffp    ffp    ffp    f      f        f
1.0  13  F      F      ?      ?      ?        ?
3.1  24  ge4    si     ge4    si     si       si
3.3  63  H+     H+     ?      ?      ?        ?
1.0   6  h1h    h1h    h1h    ?      ?        ?
2.0  16  h_1p   h_1p   h_1p   h_1p   h_1p     h_1p
3.2  53  hbr    h      hbr    ?      ?        ?
3.2  52  hcl    h      hcl    ?      ?        ?
3.2  53  hhi    h      hhi    ?      ?        ?
3.2  49  ho-    h*     ho-    ?      ?        ?
1.0  15  hw     hw     h*     h*     h*       h*
1.0  13  I      I      ?      ?      ?        ?
3.2  53  ih     ih     ih     ?      ?        ?
1.0  13  K+     K+     ?      ?      ?        ?
1.0  13  Li+    Li+    ?      ?      ?        ?
3.2  47  mg+    mg+    ?      ?      ?        ?
1.0   6  n1o    n1o    n1o    ?      ?        ?
1.0   6  n2o    n2o    n2o    n2o    ?        ?
3.2  50  n3b    n3b    n3b    n3b    n3b      n3b
3.2  54  n4o    n4o    n4o    n4o    n4o      n4o
1.0   3  n_3    n_3    n_2    n_2    n_2      n_2
3.2  46  n_3-   n_3-   n_3-   n_3-   ?        n_3-
3.1  35  n_30   n_30   n_30   n_2    n_2      n_2
3.1  35  n_31   n_31   n_2    n_2    n_2      n_2
3.1  35  n_32   n_32   n_32   n_2    n_2      n_2
2.0  16  n_4    n_4    n_4    n_4    n_4      n_4
3.2  37  n_4c   n_4c   n_4c   n_4c   n_4c     n_4c
3.1  29  na0    na0    na     na     na       na
3.1  29  na1    na1    na     na     na       na
3.1  29  na2    na     na     na     na       na
1.0  13  Na+    Na+    ?      ?      ?        ?
1.0   6  o1=    o1=    o1=    o1=    ?        ?
1.0   6  o1=*   o1=*   o1=    o1=    ?        ?
1.0   6  o1c    o1c    o1c    ?      ?        ?
3.2  47  o1c-   o1c-   o1c-   o1c-   o1c-     o1c-
1.0   6  o1n    o1n    o1n    ?      ?        ?
3.2  54  o1n4   o1n4   o1n4   o1n4   o1n4     o1n4
1.0   6  o1o    o1o    o1o    ?      ?        ?
3.6  68  o1S-   o1S-   o1S-   o1S-   ?        ?
3.1  28  o1s-   o1s-   o1s-   o1s-   o1s-     o1s-
3.2  46  o1n-   o1n-   o1n-   o1n-   ?        o1n-
3.1  28  o2s-   o2s-   o2s-   o2s-   o2s-     o2s-
3.2  43  o3e    o3e    o3e    o3e    o        o
1.0   4  o_1h   o_1    o_1h   o_1    o_1      o_1
2.0  16  o_1r   o_1r   o_1r   o_1r   o_1r     o_1r
3.3  57  o_2c   o_2c   o_2    o_2    o_2      o_2
3.3  61  o_2p   o_2p   o_2p   o_2    o_2      o_2
3.3  56  oah    oah    oah    oah    oah      oah
1.0   1  oc     oc     o      o      o        o
3.2  49  oh-    oh-    oh-    ?      ?        ?
3.3  61  p4o    p4o    p4o    p=     p=       p=
3.2  44  p6-    p6-    p6-    p6-    p6-      p6-
3.1  32  ph3    ph3    ph3    ph3    ?        ?
1.0  13  Rb+    Rb+    ?      ?      ?        ?
1.0   6  s1=    s1=    s1=    s1=    ?        ?
1.0   6  s2=    s2=    s2=    s2=    ?        ?
3.6  68  s4o-   s4o-   s4o-   s4o-   ?        ?
3.1  28  se-    se-    se-    se-    se-      se-
3.1  28  sf-    sf-    sf-    sf-    sf-      sf-
1.0   5  sh     sh     sh     s      s        s
3.3  64  sh2    sh2    sh     s      s        s
3.2  47  sr+    sr+    ?      ?      ?        ?
3.3  55  sz     sz     sz     sz     sio      sz

#auto_equivalence     pcff+_auto     200

!                      Equivalences
!       ------------------------------------------
!Ver  Ref   Type  NonB Bond   Bond     Angle    Angle     Torsion   Torsion      OOP      OOP
!                       Inct           End atom Apex atom End Atoms Center Atoms End Atom Center Atom
!---- ---   ----  ---- ------ ----  ---------- --------- --------- -----------  -------- -----------
! 2.0  1     Br    Br   Br     Br_   Br_        Br_       Br_       Br_          Br_      Br_
3.3  56    az    az   az     az    az         az_       az_       az_          az_      az_
2.0  1     c0    c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
3.2  48    c0x   c0x  c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
2.0  1     c4o   c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
3.1  26    c0oe  c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
3.1  26    c1oe  c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
3.6  66    c1oz  c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
3.1  26    c2oe  c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
3.3  61    c2op  c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
3.3  58    c2oz  c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
3.3  59    c3as  c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
3.1  26    c3oe  c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
3.3  58    c3oz  c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
3.2  38    c3h1  c3h1 c      c3m_  c3m_       c3m_      c_        c_           c_       c_
3.2  51    c3si  c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
3.2  38    c4h1  c4h1 c      c4m_  c4m_       c4m_      c_        c_           c_       c_
3.2  42    c5h   c5h  c      c_    c5h_       c5h_      c_        c_           c_       c_
3.2  42    c5h1  c5h1 c      c_    c5h_       c5h_      c_        c_           c_       c_
2.0  1     c4oe  c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
2.0  1     c43o  c    c      c_    c_         c_        c_        c_           c_       c_
2.0  1     cp    cp   cp     cp_   c_         cp_       c_        cp_          c_       cp_
2.0  14    cpc   cpc  cp     cp_   c_         cp_       c_        cp_          c_       cp_
3.2  48    ff    ff   f_     f_    f_         f_        f_        f_           f_       f_
3.1  33    ffp   ffp  ffp    f_    f_         f_        f_        f_           f_       f_
3.1  29    na0   na0  na     na_   n_         na_       n_        na_          n_       na_
3.1  29    na1   na1  na     na_   n_         na_       n_        na_          n_       na_
3.1  29    na2   na   na     na_   n_         na_       n_        na_          n_       na_
3.1  36    nbo   nbo  nbo    nbo_  nbo_       nbo_      nbo_      nbo_         nbo_     nbo_
3.2  44    n2-   n2-  n_     n2-_  n_         n_        n_        n_           n_       n_
3.2  54    n4o   n_   n_     n_    n_         n_        n_        n_           n_       n_
1.0  1     n_3   n_3  n_3    n_    n_         n_        n_        n=_2         n_       n=_
3.1  35    n_3   n_3  n_2    n_    n_         n_        n_        n=_2         n_       n=_
3.1  35    n_30  n_30 n_30   n_    n_         n_        n_        n=_2         n_       n=_
3.1  35    n_31  n_31 n_2    n_    n_         n_        n_        n=_2         n_       n=_
3.1  35    n_32  n_32 n_32   n_    n_         n_        n_        n=_2         n_       n=_
3.1  37    n_4c  n_4c n_4c   n_    n_         n_        n_        n=_2         n_       n=_
3.1  36    o=n   o=n  o=n    o=n_  o=n_       o=n_      o=n_      o=n_         o=n_     o=n_
2.0  4     o_1h  o_1  o_1    o'_   o'_        o'_       o_        o'_          o_       o'_
3.1  31    o_2   o_2  o_2    o_    o_         o_        o_        o_           o_       o_
3.3  57    o_2c  o_2c o_2    o_    o_         o_        o_        o_           o_       o_
3.2  54    o1n4  o_   o_     o_    o_         o_        o_        o_           o_       o_
3.6  68    o1S-  o    o      o-_   o-_        o-_       o_        o_           o_       o_
3.1  28    o1s-  o    o      o-_   o-_        o-_       o_        o_           o_       o_
3.1  28    o2s-  o    o      o_    o_         o_        o_        o_           o_       o_
3.2  43    o3e   o3e  o      o_    o_         o_        o_        o_           o_       o_
3.3  56    oah   o_   o_     o_    o_         o_        o_        o_           o_       o_
3.2  55    osh   osh  osh    o_    o_         o_        o_        o_           o_       o_
3.2  55    oss   osi  osi    o_    o_         o_        o_        o_           o_       o_
3.3  61    p4o   p    p      p_    p_         p_        p_        p_           p_       p_
3.2  44    p6-   p    p      p_    p_         p_        p_        p_           p_       p_
3.1  32    ph3   p    p      p_    p_         p_        p_        p_           p_       p_
3.6  68    s4o-  s    s'     s'_   s'_        s'_       s_        s_           s_       s_
3.1  28    se-   s    s'     s'_   s'_        s'_       s_        s_           s_       s_
3.1  28    sf-   s    s'     s'_   s'_        s'_       s_        s_           s_       s_
3.2  55    sio   sio  sio    si_   si_        si_       si_       si_          si_      si_
3.2  55    sz    sz   si_    si_   si_        si_       si_       si_          si_      si_

#bond_increments      pcff+	200

!Ver Ref    I     J     DeltaIJ   DeltaJI
!--- ---  ----- -----   -------   -------
3.3  59  as    c       -0.0600    0.0600
3.3  59  as    h       -0.0300    0.0300
3.3  56  az    o        0.0000   -0.0000
3.2  50  b3n   n3b      0.1000   -0.1000
3.1  53  brh   hbr     -0.1732    0.1732
3.6  66  c     c1oz    -0.2400    0.2400
9.9  66  c     c1oz     0.0000    0.0000
3.2  38  c     c3h      0.0000    0.0000
3.1  28  c     f        0.1600   -0.1600
3.1  35  c     n        0.0200   -0.0200
3.2  54  c     n4o      0.0680   -0.0680
3.1  35  c     n_2      0.1100   -0.1100
3.1  35  c     n_30     0.0600   -0.0600
3.1  35  c     n_32     0.1100   -0.1100
3.2  37  c     n_4c     0.2135    0.0365
1.0   9  c     na       0.1800   -0.1800
1.0   1  c     o        0.1600   -0.1600
1.0   1  c     o_2      0.1600   -0.1600
3.3  61  c     o_2p     0.1600   -0.1600
3.6  66  c     oz       0.2800   -0.2800
3.1  28  c     o2s-     0.1770   -0.1770
3.2  43  c     o3e      0.2000   -0.2000
3.2  41  c     s        0.1250   -0.1250
3.2  40  c     s'       0.1200   -0.1200
3.1  28  c     sf-     -0.1841    0.1840
1.0   5  c     sh       0.1900   -0.1900
3.2  41  c     sh       0.1200   -0.1200
3.2  39  c     sio     -0.2072    0.2072
3.2  47  c-    c=       0.1368   -0.1368
3.2  47  c-    c=1      0.1368   -0.1368
3.2  47  c-    c=2      0.1368   -0.1368
1.0   6  c1o   o1c     -0.0203    0.0203
3.6  66  c1oz  c1oz     0.0000    0.0000
3.6  66  c1oz  c2oz     0.0000    0.0000
3.6  66  c1oz  f        0.1960   -0.1960
3.6  66  c1oz  h       -0.0530    0.0530
3.6  66  c1oz  oz       0.2800   -0.2800
1.0   6  c2=   o1=      0.4000   -0.4000
3.1  25  c2=   o1=      0.3325   -0.3325
1.0   6  c2=   s1=      0.0258   -0.0258
3.6  66  c2oz  c2oz     0.0000    0.0000
3.6  66  c2oz  f        0.1960   -0.1960
3.6  66  c2oz  h       -0.0530    0.0530
3.6  66  c2oz  oz       0.2800   -0.2800
3.2  38  c3h   c3h      0.0000    0.0000
3.2  38  c3h   h       -0.1100    0.1100
3.2  38  c3h   na       0.1600   -0.1600
3.2  43  c3h   o        0.1600   -0.1600
3.2  43  c3h   o3e      0.1060   -0.1060
3.2  47  c3o-  o1c-     0.5033   -1.1700
1.0   4  c_0   o_1      0.4214   -0.4214
1.0   4  c_0   o_1h     0.3964   -0.3964
3.1  35  c_1   n_2      0.0000   -0.0000
3.1  35  c_1   n_30     0.0000   -0.0000
3.1  35  c_1   n_32    -0.0800    0.0800
3.1  35  c_1   na       0.1100   -0.1100
1.0   1  c_1   o_1      0.4500   -0.4500
1.0   1  c_1   o_2      0.1120   -0.1120
3.1  35  c_2   na       0.1100   -0.1100
3.2  35  c_2   n_30     0.0000   -0.0000
3.1  35  c_2   n_32     0.0200   -0.0200
2.0  16  cl4   o_1r     0.3864   -0.6364
3.2  52  clh   hcl     -0.2030    0.2030
3.1  33  cp    ffp      0.1100   -0.1100
3.1  36  cp    nbo      0.0900   -0.0900
1.0   7  cp    nn       0.0400   -0.0400
3.2  44  cp    np       0.2575   -0.2575
1.0   1  cp    o        0.0420   -0.0420
3.2  43  cp    o3e      0.1060   -0.1060
3.1  28  cp    sf-     -0.1080    0.1080
3.1  31  cr    n=       0.6000   -0.6000
3.1  31  cr    n=1      0.6000   -0.6000
3.1  31  cr    n=2      0.6000   -0.6000
3.1  31  cr    nn       0.2000   -0.2000
3.1  31  cr    nr       0.2000   -0.2000
1.0   7  ct    c       -0.1282    0.1282
3.7  69  ct    c       -0.0510    0.0510
1.0   7  ct    h       -0.2346    0.2346
1.0  10  ct    nt       0.4700   -0.4700
3.7  69  ct    nt       0.4352   -0.4352
2.0  17  cz    oo       0.6300   -0.6300
3.6  66  cz    oo       0.6080   -0.6080
2.0  17  cz    oz       0.2200   -0.2200
3.2  44  f     p6-     -0.41807   0.2514
3.1  24  ge4   ge4      0.0000    0.0000
3.1  24  ge4   si       0.0000    0.0000
1.0   5  h     sh       0.2100   -0.2100
3.2  41  h     sh       0.1700   -0.1700
3.3  55  h     sz      -0.1300    0.1300
3.1  32  h     ph3      0.0800   -0.0800
3.1  35  h*    n_2      0.3600   -0.3600
1.0   9  h*    na       0.3600   -0.3600
1.0   7  h*    nn       0.3600   -0.3600
1.0   1  h*    o        0.4100   -0.4100
1.0  15  h*    o*       0.4030   -0.4030
3.4  62  h*    o*       0.4280   -0.4280
1.0   6  h1h   h1h      0.0000    0.0000
3.2  53  hhi   ih       0.0960   -0.0960
3.1  35  hn2   n_2      0.3500   -0.3500
3.1  35  hn2   n_32     0.3900   -0.3900
3.3  55  hos   osi      0.4100   -0.4100
2.0  16  h_1p  n_4      0.5505   -0.3005
3.1  35  hn2   na       0.3110   -0.3110
3.2  49  ho-   oh-      0.0000   -1.0000
3.2  39  hos   osh      0.3950   -0.3950
3.2  35  n     p=      -0.0500    0.0500
3.2  46  n_3-  o1n-     0.3587   -0.6920
3.1  35  n=    o_2     -0.0427    0.0427
3.1  36  nbo   o=n      0.3800   -0.3800
3.2  40  na    s'      -0.2372    0.2372
1.0   6  n1o   o1n      0.0288   -0.0288
3.2  44  n2-   s'      -0.4200   -0.0800
1.0   6  n2o   o1=      0.0730   -0.0730
3.2  54  n4o   o1n4     0.6050   -0.6050
3.3  56  o     sio     -0.2200    0.2200
3.2  35  o=    p=      -0.4500    0.4500
3.2  40  o=    s'      -0.4200    0.4200
3.7  67  o=    s'      -0.4900    0.4900
1.0   6  o1=   s2=     -0.2351    0.2351
3.6  68  o1S-  s4o-    -0.9097    0.4097
3.1  28  o1s-  se-     -0.6550    0.3220
3.1  28  o1s-  sf-     -0.6753    0.3420
3.1  28  o2s-  se-     -0.3830    0.3820
1.0   6  o1o   o1o      0.0000    0.0000
3.3  56  oas   sio     -0.2200    0.2200
3.2  39  osh   sio     -0.3374    0.3374
3.2  55  oss   sio     -0.0800    0.0800
3.3  55  osi   sz      -0.2200    0.2200
3.3  55  oss   sz      -0.0800    0.0800
3.3  61  o_1   p4o     -0.4500    0.4500
3.3  61  o_2p  p4o     -0.1200    0.1200

#quartic_bond         pcff+_auto   200

> E = K2 * (R - R0)^2  +  K3 * (R - R0)^3  +  K4 * (R - R0)^4

!Ver Ref    I     J       R0         K2          K3          K4
!--- ---  ----- -----  -------    --------    --------    --------
2.0  8   br_   br_     2.2900    175.6329    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   c'_     1.8750    228.2808    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   c3m_    1.9200    223.6000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   c4m_    1.9200    223.6000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   c=_     1.8800    253.7008    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   c=_1    1.8800    253.7008    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   c=_2    1.8800    253.7008    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   c=_3    1.8800    253.7008    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   c_      1.9200    223.6000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   cl_     2.1320    209.1876    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   cp_     1.9200    223.6000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   ct_     1.8250    268.8528    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   f_      1.7950    193.5000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   h_      1.5080    314.1728    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   i_      2.4660    165.6156    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   n+_     1.8370    196.5940    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   n3m_    1.8370    203.8340    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   n4m_    1.8370    203.8340    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   n=_     1.8100    259.1980    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   n=_1    1.8100    259.1980    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   n=_2    1.8100    259.1980    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   n=_3    1.8100    259.1980    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   n_      1.8100    206.3980    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   na_     1.8370    203.8340    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   np_     1.8100    259.1980    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   o'_     1.7550    233.2954    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   o_      1.7980    284.7988    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   op_     1.7550    260.8954    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   p_      2.1800    183.1472    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   s'_     2.1450    187.6017    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   s3e_    2.1750    187.8836    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   s4e_    2.1750    187.8836    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   s_      2.1750    187.8836    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   si_     2.2350    180.2320    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   br_   sp_     2.1450    172.8017    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   c'_     1.5000    266.4000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   c3m_    1.5200    283.0924    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   c4m_    1.5200    283.0924    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   c=_     1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   c=_1    1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   c=_2    1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   c=_3    1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   c_      1.5200    283.0924    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   cl_     1.7270    249.8588    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   cp_     1.5000    284.3316    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   ct_     1.4200    311.1492    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   f_      1.3900    217.7092    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   h_      1.1050    340.6175    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   i_      2.0610    208.6024    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   n3m_    1.4460    272.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   n4m_    1.4000    332.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   n=_     1.4050    296.2996    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   n=_1    1.4050    296.2996    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   n=_2    1.4050    296.2996    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   n=_3    1.4050    296.2996    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   n_      1.3600    388.0000    0.0	  0.0
3.1  35  c'_   na_     1.3620    390.6783    0.0         0.0
2.0  8   c'_   np_     1.4050    296.2996    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   o'_     1.2200    615.3220    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   o-_     1.2500    572.8860    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   o_      1.3400    400.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   op_     1.3500    294.1008    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   p_      1.7200    241.3820    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   s'_     1.6110    510.2775    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   s-_     1.6800    280.3060    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   s3e_    1.7700    175.0035    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   s4e_    1.7700    175.0035    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   s_      1.7700    175.0035    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   si_     1.8300    239.3552    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c'_   sp_     1.7400    215.3532    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  c3m_    1.5100    322.7158    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  c4m_    1.5260    322.7158    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  c=_     1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  c=_1    1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  c=_2    1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  c=_3    1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  c_      1.5260    322.7158    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  cl_     1.7610    314.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  cp_     1.5100    283.0924    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  ct_     1.4000    340.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  f_      1.3630    496.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  h_      1.1050    340.6175    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  i_      2.1200    200.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  n+_     1.4620    270.8836    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  n3m_    1.4850    356.5988    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  n4m_    1.4700    356.5988    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  n=_     1.4750    336.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  n=_1    1.4750    336.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  n=_2    1.4750    336.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  n=_3    1.4750    336.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  n_      1.4600    377.5752    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  na_     1.4700    356.5988    0.0	  0.0
3.2  38  c3m_  na_     1.4500    356.5988    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  np_     1.4750    336.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  o'_     1.3800    318.9484    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  o3e_    1.4340    273.2000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  o4e_    1.4250    273.2000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  o_      1.4250    273.2000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  op_     1.3800    346.5484    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  p_      1.7500    249.1344    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  s'_     1.7700    257.3324    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  s3e_    1.8000    228.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  s4e_    1.8000    228.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  s_      1.8000    228.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  si_     1.8090    238.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  sp_     1.7700    242.5324    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  c4m_    1.5520    322.7158    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  c=_     1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  c=_1    1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  c=_2    1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  c=_3    1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  c_      1.5260    322.7158    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  cl_     1.7610    314.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  cp_     1.5100    283.0924    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  ct_     1.4000    340.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  f_      1.3630    496.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  h_      1.1050    340.6175    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  i_      2.1200    200.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  n+_     1.4620    270.8836    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  n3m_    1.4700    356.5988    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  n4m_    1.4670    356.5988    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  n=_     1.4750    336.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  n=_1    1.4750    336.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  n=_2    1.4750    336.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  n=_3    1.4750    336.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  n_      1.4600    377.5752    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  na_     1.4700    356.5988    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  np_     1.4750    336.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  o'_     1.3800    318.9484    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  o3e_    1.4250    273.2000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  o4e_    1.4462    273.2000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  o_      1.4250    273.2000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  op_     1.3800    346.5484    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  p_      1.7500    249.1344    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  s'_     1.7700    257.3324    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  s3e_    1.8000    228.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  s4e_    1.8470    228.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  s_      1.8000    228.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  si_     1.8090    238.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  sp_     1.7700    242.5324    0.0	  0.0
2.0  42  c5h_  c_      1.5260    322.7158    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   c=_     1.3300    655.2000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   c_      1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   cl_     1.7320    278.5132    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   cp_     1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   ct_     1.4250    337.6424    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   f_      1.3950    285.1320    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   h_      1.0900    361.6000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   i_      2.0660    233.4432    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   n3m_    1.4370    273.7168    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   n4m_    1.4370    273.7168    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   n=_     1.2600    560.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   n_      1.4100    279.0740    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   na_     1.4370    273.7168    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   np_     1.4100    331.8740    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   o'_     1.3550    312.9116    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   o_      1.3680    355.1988    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   op_     1.3550    340.5116    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   p_      1.7250    250.9988    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   s'_     1.7450    255.7880    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   s3e_    1.7750    254.9440    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   s4e_    1.7750    254.9440    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   s_      1.7750    254.9440    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   si_     1.8350    241.0424    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_   sp_     1.7450    240.9880    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  c=_1    1.4800    320.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  c=_2    1.4800    320.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  c=_3    1.3300    655.2000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  c_      1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  cl_     1.7320    278.5132    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  cp_     1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  ct_     1.4250    337.6424    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  f_      1.3950    285.1320    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  h_      1.0900    361.6000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  i_      2.0660    233.4432    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  n3m_    1.4370    273.7168    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  n4m_    1.4370    273.7168    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  n=_1    1.4100    331.8740    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  n=_2    1.4100    331.8740    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  n=_3    1.2600    560.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  n_      1.4100    279.0740    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  na_     1.4370    273.7168    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  np_     1.4100    331.8740    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  o'_     1.3550    312.9116    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  o_      1.3680    355.1988    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  op_     1.3550    340.5116    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  p_      1.7250    250.9988    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  s'_     1.7450    255.7880    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  s3e_    1.7750    254.9440    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  s4e_    1.7750    254.9440    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  s_      1.7750    254.9440    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  si_     1.8350    241.0424    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_1  sp_     1.7450    240.9880    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  c=_2    1.4100    480.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  c=_3    1.4800    320.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  c_      1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  cl_     1.7320    278.5132    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  cp_     1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  ct_     1.4250    337.6424    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  f_      1.3950    285.1320    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  h_      1.0900    361.6000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  i_      2.0660    233.4432    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  n3m_    1.4370    273.7168    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  n4m_    1.4370    273.7168    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  n=_1    1.4100    331.8740    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  n=_2    1.3430    493.5268    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  n=_3    1.4100    331.8740    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  n_      1.4100    279.0740    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  na_     1.4370    273.7168    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  np_     1.4100    331.8740    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  o'_     1.3550    312.9116    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  o_      1.3680    355.1988    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  op_     1.3550    340.5116    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  p_      1.7250    250.9988    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  s'_     1.7450    255.7880    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  s3e_    1.7750    254.9440    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  s4e_    1.7750    254.9440    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  s_      1.7750    254.9440    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  si_     1.8350    241.0424    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_2  sp_     1.7450    240.9880    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  c=_3    1.3300    655.2000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  c_      1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  cl_     1.7320    278.5132    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  cp_     1.5000    322.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  ct_     1.4250    337.6424    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  f_      1.3950    285.1320    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  h_      1.0900    361.6000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  i_      2.0660    233.4432    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  n3m_    1.4370    273.7168    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  n4m_    1.4370    273.7168    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  n=_1    1.2600    560.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  n=_2    1.4100    331.8740    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  n=_3    1.2600    560.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  n_      1.4100    279.0740    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  na_     1.4370    273.7168    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  np_     1.4100    331.8740    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  o'_     1.3550    312.9116    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  o_      1.3680    355.1988    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  op_     1.3550    340.5116    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  p_      1.7250    250.9988    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  s'_     1.7450    255.7880    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  s3e_    1.7750    254.9440    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  s4e_    1.7750    254.9440    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  s_      1.7750    254.9440    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  si_     1.8350    241.0424    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c=_3  sp_     1.7450    240.9880    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    c_      1.5260    322.7158    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    cl_     1.7610    314.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    cp_     1.5100    283.0924    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    ct_     1.4000    340.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    f_      1.3630    496.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    h_      1.1050    340.6175    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    i_      2.1200    200.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    n+_     1.4620    270.8836    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    n3m_    1.4700    356.5988    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    n4m_    1.4700    356.5988    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    n=_     1.4750    336.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    n=_1    1.4750    336.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    n=_2    1.4750    336.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    n=_3    1.4750    336.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    n_      1.4600    377.5752    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    na_     1.4700    356.5988    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    np_     1.4750    336.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    o'_     1.3800    318.9484    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    o_      1.4250    273.2000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    op_     1.3800    346.5484    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    p_      1.7500    249.1344    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    s'_     1.7700    257.3324    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    s_      1.8000    228.0000    0.0	  0.0
3.1  28  c_    s'_     1.7950    257.3324    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    si_     1.8090    238.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   c_    sp_     1.7700    242.5324    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ci_   ci_     1.3900    280.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ci_   h_      1.0800    363.4164    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ci_   ni_     1.3800    320.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   cl_     1.9880    236.5339    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   cp_     1.7610    314.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   ct_     1.6770    292.1952    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   f_      1.6470    207.1180    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   h_      1.3600    345.9024    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   i_      2.3180    189.3396    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   n+_     1.6890    217.7248    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   n3m_    1.6890    226.4260    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   n4m_    1.6890    226.4260    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   n=_     1.6620    280.3604    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   n=_1    1.6620    280.3604    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   n=_2    1.6620    280.3604    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   n=_3    1.6620    280.3604    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   n_      1.6620    227.5604    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   na_     1.6890    226.4260    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   np_     1.6620    280.3604    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   o'_     1.6070    251.7939    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   o_      1.6500    307.0632    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   op_     1.6070    279.3939    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   p_      2.0430    208.8228    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   s'_     1.9970    211.1368    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   s3e_    2.0270    212.0812    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   s4e_    2.0270    212.0812    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   s_      2.0270    212.0812    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   si_     2.0870    207.9748    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cl_   sp_     1.9970    196.3368    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   cp_     1.3900    480.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   ct_     1.4000    321.6716    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   f_      1.3630    496.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   h_      1.0800    363.4164    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   i_      2.0410    217.4512    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   n+_     1.4120    251.3344    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   n3m_    1.4200    280.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   n4m_    1.4200    280.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   n=_     1.3850    316.0380    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   n=_1    1.3850    316.0380    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   n=_2    1.3850    316.0380    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   n=_3    1.3850    316.0380    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   n_      1.4200    280.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   na_     1.4120    257.7752    0.0	  0.0
3.1  36  cp_   nbo_    1.4450    316.0380    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   np_     1.3500    440.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   o'_     1.3300    297.4852    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   o_      1.3700    384.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   op_     1.3700    420.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   p_      1.7000    235.0428    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   s'_     1.7200    239.8024    0.0	  0.0
3.1  28  cp_   s'_     1.7950    239.8024    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   s3e     1.7300    228.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   s4e     1.7300    228.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   s_      1.7300    228.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   si_     1.8100    225.1676    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cp_   sp_     1.7106    320.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cr_   n=_     1.2600    560.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cr_   n=_1    1.2600    560.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cr_   n=_2    1.2600    560.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cr_   n=_3    1.2600    560.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   cr_   n_      1.3200    388.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   ct_     1.2040    800.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   f_      1.3400    278.3932    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   h_      1.0530    316.9016    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   i_      2.0110    248.9268    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   n+_     1.3820    278.3768    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   n3m_    1.3820    286.8096    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   n4m_    1.3820    286.8096    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   n=_     1.3550    342.2448    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   n=_1    1.3550    342.2448    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   n=_2    1.3550    342.2448    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   n=_3    1.3550    342.2448    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   n_      1.3550    289.4448    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   na_     1.3820    286.8096    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   nt_     1.1580    880.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   o'_     1.3000    318.8680    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   o_      1.3130    367.8164    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   op_     1.3000    346.4680    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   p_      1.6700    273.4668    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   s'_     1.6900    270.8344    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   s3e_    1.7200    271.4328    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   s4e_    1.7200    271.4328    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   s_      1.7200    271.4328    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   si_     1.7800    267.2964    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   ct_   sp_     1.6900    256.0344    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   d_    d_      0.7416    398.2392    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    f_      1.4170    259.0683    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    h_      1.0230    520.7304    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    i_      1.9810    174.1664    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    n+_     1.3520    178.0372    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    n3m_    1.3520    200.9852    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    n4m_    1.3520    200.9852    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    n=_     1.3250    242.1856    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    n=_1    1.3250    242.1856    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    n=_2    1.3250    242.1856    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    n=_3    1.3250    242.1856    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    n_      1.3250    189.3856    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    na_     1.3520    200.9852    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    np_     1.3250    242.1856    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    o'_     1.2700    204.0505    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    o_      1.4180    224.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    op_     1.2700    231.6505    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    p_      1.5400    230.3664    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    s'_     1.6600    195.3021    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    s3e_    1.6900    204.8184    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    s4e_    1.6900    204.8184    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    s_      1.6900    204.8184    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    si_     1.5870    297.3400    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   f_    sp_     1.6600    180.5021    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    h_      0.7461    398.7301    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    i_      1.6940    292.0432    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    n+_     1.0650    461.1848    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    n3m_    1.0260    457.4592    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    n4m_    1.0260    457.4592    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    n=_     1.0380    551.2061    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    n=_1    1.0380    551.2061    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    n=_2    1.0380    551.2061    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    n=_3    1.0380    551.2061    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    n_      1.0260    483.4512    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    na_     1.0260    457.4592    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    np_     1.0260    483.4512    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    o'_     0.9830    458.4610    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    o_      0.9600    493.8480    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    op_     0.9830    486.0610    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    p_      1.4300    224.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    s'_     1.3730    316.8138    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    s3e_    1.3300    274.1288    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    s4e_    1.3300    274.1288    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    s_      1.3300    274.1288    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    si_     1.4630    288.3168    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   h_    sp_     1.3730    236.5449    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    i_      2.6620    123.2110    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    n+_     2.0230    177.2764    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    n3m_    2.0230    184.0104    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    n4m_    2.0230    184.0104    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    n=_     1.9960    239.4972    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    n=_1    1.9960    239.4972    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    n=_2    1.9960    239.4972    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    n=_3    1.9960    239.4972    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    n_      1.9960    186.6972    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    na_     2.0230    184.0104    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    np_     1.9960    239.4972    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    o'_     1.9410    213.2317    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    o_      1.9840    264.9868    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    op_     1.9410    240.8317    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    p_      2.3110    162.7080    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    s'_     2.3310    167.6272    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    s3e_    2.3610    167.7624    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    s4e_    2.3610    167.7624    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    s_      2.3610    167.7624    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    si_     2.4210    158.9664    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   i_    sp_     2.3310    152.8272    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n+_   n+_     1.3940    193.5604    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n+_   n3m_    1.3940    211.1592    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n+_   n4m_    1.3940    211.1592    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n+_   n=_     1.3670    263.4360    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n+_   n=_1    1.3670    263.4360    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n+_   n=_2    1.3670    263.4360    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n+_   n=_3    1.3670    263.4360    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n+_   n_      1.3670    210.6360    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n+_   na_     1.3940    211.1592    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n+_   np_     1.3670    263.4360    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n+_   o'_     1.3120    234.1060    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n+_   o_      1.3250    291.0020    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n+_   op_     1.3120    261.7060    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n+_   p_      1.6820    209.1536    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n+_   s'_     1.7020    198.0952    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n+_   s_      1.7320    200.1168    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n+_   si_     1.7920    206.9412    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n+_   sp_     1.7020    183.2952    0.0	  0.0
3.2  8   n2-_  s'_     1.5944    205.7752    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  n3m_    1.3940    220.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  n4m_    1.3940    220.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  n=_     1.3670    274.4968    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  n=_1    1.3670    274.4968    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  n=_2    1.3670    274.4968    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  n=_3    1.3670    274.4968    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  n_      1.3670    221.6968    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  na_     1.3940    220.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  np_     1.3670    274.4968    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  o'_     1.3120    246.5760    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  o_      1.3250    301.3500    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  op_     1.3120    274.1760    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  p_      1.6820    210.5400    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  s'_     1.7020    205.7752    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  s3e_    1.7320    206.9404    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  s4e_    1.7320    206.9404    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  s_      1.7320    206.9404    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  si_     1.7920    204.4236    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  sp_     1.7020    190.9752    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  n4m_    1.3940    220.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  n=_     1.3670    274.4968    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  n=_1    1.3670    274.4968    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  n=_2    1.3670    274.4968    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  n=_3    1.3670    274.4968    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  n_      1.3670    221.6968    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  na_     1.3940    220.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  np_     1.3670    274.4968    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  o'_     1.3120    246.5760    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  o_      1.3250    301.3500    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  op_     1.3120    274.1760    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  p_      1.6820    210.5400    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  s'_     1.7020    205.7752    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  s3e_    1.7320    206.9404    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  s4e_    1.7320    206.9404    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  s_      1.7320    206.9404    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  si_     1.7920    204.4236    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  sp_     1.7020    190.9752    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_   n=_     1.2100    651.2000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_   n_      1.3400    272.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_   na_     1.3670    274.4968    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_   np_     1.3400    325.6000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_   o'_     1.1600    575.8720    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_   o_      1.2980    354.0632    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_   op_     1.2850    319.9080    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_   p_      1.6550    272.7524    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_   s'_     1.5900    489.2400    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_   s3e_    1.7050    263.4208    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_   s4e_    1.7050    263.4208    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_   s_      1.7050    263.4208    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_   si_     1.7650    269.6064    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_   sp_     1.6750    246.2844    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_1  n=_1    1.3400    325.6000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_1  n=_2    1.3400    325.6000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_1  n=_3    1.2100    651.2000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_1  n_      1.3400    272.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_1  na_     1.3670    274.4968    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_1  np_     1.3400    325.6000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_1  o'_     1.2850    292.3080    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_1  o_      1.2980    354.0632    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_1  op_     1.2850    319.9080    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_1  p_      1.6550    272.7524    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_1  s'_     1.6750    261.0844    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_1  s3e_    1.7050    263.4208    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_1  s4e_    1.7050    263.4208    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_1  s_      1.7050    263.4208    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_1  si_     1.7650    269.6064    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_1  sp_     1.6750    246.2844    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_2  n=_2    1.2760    488.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_2  n=_3    1.3400    325.6000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_2  n_      1.3400    272.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_2  na_     1.3670    274.4968    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_2  np_     1.3400    325.6000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_2  o'_     1.2225    434.0900    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_2  o_      1.2980    354.0632    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_2  op_     1.2850    319.9080    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_2  p_      1.6550    272.7524    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_2  s'_     1.6325    375.1624    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_2  s3e_    1.7050    263.4208    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_2  s4e_    1.7050    263.4208    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_2  s_      1.7050    263.4208    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_2  si_     1.7650    269.6064    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_2  sp_     1.6750    246.2844    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_3  n=_3    1.2100    651.2000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_3  n_      1.3400    272.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_3  na_     1.3670    274.4968    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_3  np_     1.3400    325.6000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_3  o'_     1.1600    575.8720    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_3  o_      1.2980    354.0632    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_3  op_     1.2850    319.9080    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_3  p_      1.6550    272.7524    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_3  s'_     1.5900    489.2400    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_3  s3e_    1.7050    263.4208    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_3  s4e_    1.7050    263.4208    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_3  s_      1.7050    263.4208    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_3  si_     1.7650    269.6064    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n=_3  sp_     1.6750    246.2844    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n_    n_      1.3400    220.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n_    na_     1.3670    221.6968    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n_    np_     1.3400    272.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n_    o'_     1.2850    239.5080    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n_    o_      1.2980    301.2632    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n_    op_     1.2850    267.1080    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n_    p_      1.6550    219.9524    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n_    s'_     1.6750    208.2844    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n_    s3e_    1.7050    210.6208    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n_    s4e_    1.7050    210.6208    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n_    s_      1.7050    210.6208    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n_    si_     1.7650    216.8064    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   n_    sp_     1.6750    193.4844    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   na_   na_     1.3940    220.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   na_   np_     1.3670    274.4968    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   na_   o'_     1.3120    246.5760    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   na_   o_      1.3250    301.3500    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   na_   op_     1.3120    274.1760    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   na_   p_      1.6820    210.5400    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   na_   s'_     1.7020    205.7752    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   na_   s3e_    1.7320    206.9404    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   na_   s4e_    1.7320    206.9404    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   na_   s_      1.7320    206.9404    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   na_   si_     1.7920    204.4236    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   na_   sp_     1.7020    190.9752    0.0	  0.0
3.1  36  nbo_  o=n_    1.2200    765.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   np_   np_     1.3400    408.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   np_   o'_     1.2850    292.3080    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   np_   o_      1.2980    354.0632    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   np_   op_     1.2850    319.9080    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   np_   p_      1.6550    272.7524    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   np_   s'_     1.6750    261.0844    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   np_   s3e_    1.7050    263.4208    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   np_   s4e_    1.7050    263.4208    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   np_   s_      1.7050    263.4208    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   np_   si_     1.7650    269.6064    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   np_   sp_     1.6750    246.2844    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   nt_   nt_     1.0976   1632.4955    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   nz_   nz_     1.0976   1632.4955    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o'_   o'_     1.1100    484.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o'_   o_      1.2430    323.1720    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o'_   op_     1.2300    272.4000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o'_   p_      1.4800    524.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o'_   s'_     1.5400    421.5188    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o'_   s3e_    1.6500    239.5744    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o'_   s4e_    1.6500    239.5744    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o'_   s_      1.5900    360.4188    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o'_   si_     1.6500    454.7464    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o'_   sp_     1.5600    341.2736    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o-_   p_      1.5400    428.0000    0.0	  0.0
3.1  28  o-_   s'_     1.4430    360.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o_    o_      1.2080    833.6868    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o_    op_     1.2430    350.7720    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o_    p_      1.6500    428.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o_    s'_     1.6330    286.7584    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o_    s3e_    1.6930    288.0848    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o_    s4e_    1.6930    288.0848    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o_    s_      1.6930    288.0848    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o_    si_     1.6650    392.8000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   o_    sp_     1.6330    271.9584    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   op_   op_     1.2300    300.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   op_   p_      1.6300    286.0904    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   op_   s'_     1.6200    262.9744    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   op_   s3e_    1.6800    266.7748    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   op_   s4e_    1.6800    266.7748    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   op_   s_      1.6800    266.7748    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   op_   si      1.5870    292.2400    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   op_   sp_     1.6500    247.8440    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   p_    p_      1.9700    176.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   p_    s'_     1.9700    255.2524    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   p_    s-_     1.9800    210.9800    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   p_    s3e_    2.0200    186.8792    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   p_    s4e_    2.0200    186.8792    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   p_    s_      2.0200    186.8792    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   p_    si_     1.9170    168.2072    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   p_    sp_     1.9900    175.1796    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   s'_   s'_     1.9700    320.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   s'_   s3e_    2.0400    189.9260    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   s'_   s4e_    2.0400    189.9260    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   s'_   s_      2.0400    189.9260    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   s'_   si_     2.0800    247.5744    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   s'_   sp_     1.9900    240.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   s3e_  s3e_    2.0000    180.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   s3e_  s4e_    2.0000    180.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   s3e_  s_      2.1000    160.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   s3e_  si_     2.1300    177.2928    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   s3e_  sp_     2.0400    175.1260    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   s4e_  s4e_    2.0000    180.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   s4e_  s_      2.1000    160.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   s4e_  si_     2.1300    177.2928    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   s4e_  sp_     2.0400    175.1260    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   s_    s_      2.0547    180.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   s_    si_     2.1300    177.2928    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   s_    sp_     2.0400    175.1260    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   si_   si_     2.1900    144.0000    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   si_   sp_     2.1000    167.4260    0.0	  0.0
2.0  8   sp_   sp_     2.0100    160.0000    0.0	  0.0

#quartic_bond         pcff+	200

> E = K2 * (R - R0)^2  +  K3 * (R - R0)^3  +  K4 * (R - R0)^4

!Ver Ref    I     J       R0         K2          K3          K4
!--- ---  ----- -----  -------    --------    --------    --------
3.3  59  as    c       1.9909    151.2383   -799.7349   5486.3344
3.3  59  as    h       1.5110    647.1096  -1094.3700   1073.7800
3.3  56  az    o       2.0560     77.6937      0.0000      0.0000
3.2  50  b3n   n3b     1.5880    408.7945      0.0000      0.0000
3.2  53  brh   hbr     1.4144    297.2874   -591.7842    720.8975
3.3  57  c     c_1     1.4902    253.7067   -423.0370    396.9000
3.6  66  c     c1oz    1.5300    299.6700   -501.7700    679.8100
3.2  38  c     c3h     1.5300    299.6700   -501.7700    679.8100
3.2  47  c     f       1.3500    403.0320      0.0000      0.0000
3.2  54  c     n4o     1.5041    242.0971   -566.5593    687.9349
1.0   3  c     n_2     1.4432    319.1593   -586.3243    961.4143
3.2   3  c     n_30    1.4532    319.1593   -586.3243    961.4143
3.1   3  c     n_32    1.4432    319.1593   -586.3243    961.4143
3.2  37  c     n_4c    1.4681    317.1810  -1487.5082   2458.1921
3.2  43  c     o3e     1.4050    299.6700   -501.7700    679.8100
3.3  61  c     o_2p    1.4300    326.7273   -608.5306    689.0333
1.0   5  c     sh      1.8230    225.2768   -327.7057    488.9722
1.0   6  c1o   o1c     1.1283   1368.7676  -3157.0007   4247.5298
3.6  66  c1oz  c2oz    1.5300    299.6700   -501.7700    679.8100
3.6  66  c1oz  h       1.1010    345.0000   -691.8900    844.6000
3.6  66  c1oz  oz      1.4457    326.7273   -608.5306    689.0333
1.0   6  c2=   o1=     1.1600   1161.3421  -2564.5706   3932.8735
1.0   6  c2=   s1=     1.5540    559.0065  -1348.6633   1248.8604
3.6  66  c2oz  c2oz    1.5000    299.6700   -501.7700    679.8100
3.6  66  c2oz  h       1.1010    345.0000   -691.8900    844.6000
3.6  66  c2oz  oz      1.4457    326.7273   -608.5306    689.0333
3.2  38  c3h   c3h     1.4990    299.6700   -501.7700    679.8100
3.2  38  c3h   h       1.0850    345.0000   -691.8900    844.6000
3.2  43  c3h   o3e     1.4250    299.6700   -501.7700    679.8100
3.2  47  c3o-  o1c-    1.3264    546.1635      0.0000      0.0000
1.0   4  c_0   o_1h    1.2160    823.7948  -1878.7940   2303.5311
3.1  35  c_1   h       1.1010    325.5717   -632.1990    726.0003
1.0   3  c_1   n_2     1.3360    390.6783   -768.3798    923.2418
3.2  35  c_1   n_30    1.3560    390.6783   -768.3798    923.2418
3.1  35  c_1   n_32    1.3360    390.6783   -768.3798    923.2418
3.1  35  c_2   n_30    1.3860    390.6783   -768.3798    923.2418
3.1  35  c_2   n_31    1.3960    390.6783   -768.3798    923.2418
3.1  35  c_2   n_32    1.3960    390.6783   -768.3798    923.2418
3.1  35  c_2   o_1     1.2663    854.2903  -1922.3407   2101.6824
3.1  31  cr    n=      1.2800    560.0000      0.0000      0.0000
3.1  31  cr    n=1     1.3000    560.0000      0.0000      0.0000
3.1  31  cr    n=2     1.2800    560.0000      0.0000      0.0000
3.1  31  cr    nn      1.4100    388.0000      0.0000      0.0000
3.1  31  cr    nr      1.4100    388.0000      0.0000      0.0000
1.0   7  ct    c       1.4400    379.1000   -444.2700   2371.2600
3.7  69  ct    c       1.4610    379.1000   -444.2700   2371.2600
2.0  16  cl4   o_1r    1.4523    419.3650   -838.7299    978.5182
3.2  52  clh   hcl     1.2740    362.1523   -697.0104    978.0348
1.0   7  ct    ct      1.2030   1301.7800  -2368.4200   2234.8600
1.0   7  ct    h       1.0600    425.7600   -798.4100   1056.0300
1.0  10  ct    nt      1.1580    880.0000      0.0000      0.0000
3.2  44  f     p6-     1.6447    277.0909   -510.3596   1166.6146
3.1  24  ge4   ge4     2.4937     81.7562   -119.2204     59.6635
3.1  24  ge4   si      2.4260     97.4756   -131.9623     59.5896
1.0   5  h     sh      1.3261    275.1123   -531.3181    562.9630
3.3  55  h     sz      1.4802    187.1010   -280.7306    258.8998
1.0   6  h1h   h1h     0.7412    414.2185   -805.6549    914.1296
2.0  16  h_1p  n_4     0.9900    478.4717   -956.9433   1116.4339
2.1  16  h_1p  n_4     1.0307    445.2023   -948.0234   1842.5312
3.3  55  hos   osi     0.9494    540.3633  -1311.8663   2132.4446
3.2  53  hhi   ih      1.6090    224.6404   -366.9585    370.3764
3.2  49  ho-   oh-     1.0000    563.2800  -1428.2200   1902.1200
1.0   6  n1o   o1n     1.1506   1147.8362  -3167.7349   5099.5811
1.0   6  n2o   o1=     1.1930    620.0000  -1808.6018   3077.5918
3.2  54  n4o   o1n4    1.3561    316.7041   -704.6660   1246.5120
3.2  46  n_3-  o1n-    1.2580    525.0000      0.0000      0.0000
1.0   6  nz    nz      1.0977   1651.3730  -4069.3178   5984.9629
3.6  68  o1S-  s4o-    1.5325    277.5605   -433.2527   2922.7850
1.0   6  o1=   s2=     1.4308    730.8387  -1531.7910   1859.7753
1.0   6  o1o   o1o     1.2074    846.7150  -2247.1760   3478.9900
3.2  39  osh   sio     1.6562    306.1232   -517.3424    673.7067
3.3  55  oss   sz      1.6592    322.7500      0.0000      0.0000
3.3  55  osi   sz      1.6562    306.1232   -517.3424    673.7067
3.3  61  o_1   p4o     1.4755    524.0000      0.0000      0.0008
3.3  61  o_2p  p4o     1.6090    333.0981   -726.6232    924.6198

#quartic_angle        pcff+_auto	200

> Delta = Theta - Theta0
> E = K2 * Delta^2  +  K3 * Delta^3  +  K4 * Delta^4

!Ver Ref    I     J     K      Theta0       K2         K3         K4
!--- ---  ----- ----- -----   --------   --------   --------   --------
2.0  8   *     c'_   *       120.0000    65.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    c'_   si_     120.0000    34.6000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *2    c'_   h_      110.0000    55.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *3    c'_   f_      120.0000    99.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    c'_   s'_     123.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    c'_   s3e_    120.0000    40.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    c'_   s4e_    120.0000    40.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    c'_   s_      120.0000    40.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    c'_   o'_     120.0000    68.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    c'_   o_      110.0000   122.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *8    c'_   n3m_    120.0000    53.5000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *8    c'_   n4m_    120.0000    53.5000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *8    c'_   n_      120.0000    53.5000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *9    c'_   c3m_    120.0000    40.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *9    c'_   c4m_    120.0000    40.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *9    c'_   c_      120.0000    40.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c_    c'_   c_      115.0000    40.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c_    c'_   n3m_    114.0000    82.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c_    c'_   n4m_    114.0000    82.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c_    c'_   n_      114.0000    82.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   h_    c'_   h_      117.0200    26.3900     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   h_    c'_   o'_     120.0000    55.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  c'_   o'_     125.0000   145.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  c'_   o'_     123.0000   145.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   n_    c'_   n_      120.0000   102.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   n_    c'_   o'_     123.0000   145.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   o'_   c'_   o_      123.0000   145.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     c3m_  *       109.5000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    c3m_  si_     112.3000    34.6000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *2    c3m_  h_      109.5000    44.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *3    c3m_  f_      107.8000    95.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    c3m_  s'_     109.5000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    c3m_  s3e_    109.5000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    c3m_  s4e_    109.5000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    c3m_  s_      109.5000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    c3m_  o'_     109.5000    70.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    c3m_  o3e_    109.5000    70.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    c3m_  o4e_    109.5000    70.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    c3m_  o_      109.5000    70.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    c3m_  n3m_    109.5000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    c3m_  n4m_    109.5000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    c3m_  n_      109.5000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    c3m_  c3m_    109.5000    46.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    c3m_  c4m_    109.5000    46.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    c3m_  c_      109.5000    46.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  c3m_  c3m_     60.0000    46.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  c3m_  n3m_     60.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  c3m_  n_      112.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  c3m_  o3e_     60.0000    70.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  c3m_  s3e_     60.0000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  c3m_  n_      112.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c_    c3m_  n_      112.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   f_    c3m_  h_      107.1000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   n3m_  c3m_  n3m_     60.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   s3e_  c3m_  s3e_     60.0000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     c4m_  *       109.5000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    c4m_  si_     112.3000    34.6000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *2    c4m_  h_      109.5000    44.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *3    c4m_  f_      107.8000    95.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    c4m_  s'_     109.5000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    c4m_  s3e_    109.5000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    c4m_  s4e_    109.5000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    c4m_  s_      109.5000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    c4m_  o'_     109.5000    70.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    c4m_  o3e_    109.5000    70.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    c4m_  o4e_    109.5000    70.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    c4m_  o_      109.5000    70.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    c4m_  n3m_    109.5000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    c4m_  n4m_    109.5000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    c4m_  n_      109.5000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    c4m_  c3m_    109.5000    46.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    c4m_  c4m_    109.5000    46.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    c4m_  c_      109.5000    46.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  c4m_  n_      109.5000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  c4m_  c4m_     95.0000    46.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  c4m_  n4m_     88.3400    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  c4m_  n_      112.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  c4m_  o4e_     91.8400    70.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  c4m_  o_      121.0000    46.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  c4m_  s4e_     94.5900    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c_    c4m_  n_      112.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   f_    c4m_  h_      107.1000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  c4m_  n4m_     88.4000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  c4m_  o4m_     90.0000    70.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   n4m_  c4m_  s4m_     89.0000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   o4e_  c4m_  o4e_     90.0000    70.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   o4e_  c4m_  s4e_     89.0000    70.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   s4e_  c4m_  s4e_     91.0000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  42  *     c5h_  *       109.5000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_   *       120.0000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    c=_   si_     120.0000    34.6000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *2    c=_   h_      120.0000    37.5000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *3    c=_   f_      120.0000    96.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    c=_   s'_     120.0000    40.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    c=_   s3e_    120.0000    40.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    c=_   s4e_    120.0000    40.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    c=_   s_      120.0000    40.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    c=_   o'_     120.0000    68.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    c=_   o_      120.0000    68.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    c=_   n3m_    120.0000    90.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    c=_   n4m_    120.0000    90.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    c=_   n_      120.0000    90.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    c=_   c3m_    120.0000    36.2000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    c=_   c4m_    120.0000    36.2000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    c=_   c_      120.0000    36.2000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     c_    *       109.5000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    c_    si_     112.3000    34.6000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *2    c_    h_      109.5000    44.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *3    c_    f_      107.8000    95.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    c_    s'_     109.5000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    c_    s3m_    109.5000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    c_    s4m_    109.5000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    c_    s_      109.5000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    c_    o_      109.5000    70.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    c_    n3m_    109.5000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    c_    n4m_    109.5000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
3.6  8   *6    c_    n_      109.5000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    c_    c3m_    109.5000    46.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    c_    c4m_    109.5000    46.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    c_    c_      109.5000    46.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  c_    n_      114.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  c_    n_      114.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c_    c_    n3m_    114.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c_    c_    n4m_    114.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c_    c_    n_      114.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c_    c_    o_      110.5000    46.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c_    c_    s_      115.0000    46.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   f_    c_    h_      107.1000    62.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   *       120.0000    65.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    cp_   si_     120.0000    34.6000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *2    cp_   h_      120.0000    37.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *3    cp_   f_      120.0000    99.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    cp_   s'_     120.0000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    cp_   s3e_    120.0000    89.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    cp_   s4e_    120.0000    89.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    cp_   s_      120.0000    89.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    cp_   o'_     120.0000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    cp_   o_      120.0000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    cp_   n3m_    120.0000   102.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    cp_   n4m_    120.0000   102.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    cp_   n_      120.0000   102.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    cp_   c3m_    120.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    cp_   c4m_    120.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    cp_   c_      120.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c_    cp_   s_      114.0000    89.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     ct_   *       180.0000   200.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     n3m_  *       109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    n3m_  si_     109.0000    41.6000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *2    n3m_  f_      109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *3    n3m_  h_      110.0000    41.6000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    n3m_  s'_     114.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    n3m_  s3e_    109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    n3m_  s4e_    109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    n3m_  s_      109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    n3m_  o'_     114.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    n3m_  o_      109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *8    n3m_  n3m_    109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *8    n3m_  n4m_    109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *8    n3m_  n_      109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *9    n3m_  c_      114.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  n3m_  c3m_     60.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  n3m_  c_      113.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  n3m_  h_      110.0000    41.6000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     n4m_  *       109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    n4m_  si_     109.0000    41.6000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *2    n4m_  f_      109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *3    n4m_  h_      110.0000    41.6000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    n4m_  s'_     114.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    n4m_  s3e_    109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    n4m_  s4e_    109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    n4m_  s_      109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    n4m_  o'_     114.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    n4m_  o_      109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *8    n4m_  n3m_    109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *8    n4m_  n4m_    109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *8    n4m_  n_      109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *9    n4m_  c_      110.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  n4m_  c4m_     91.3800    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  n4m_  h_      110.0000    41.6000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     n_    *       120.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    n_    si_     120.0000    35.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *2    n_    f_      120.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *3    n_    h_      122.0000    35.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    n_    s'_     120.0000    70.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    n_    s3e_    120.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    n_    s4e_    120.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    n_    s_      120.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    n_    o'_     120.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    n_    o_      120.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *8    n_    n_      120.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *9    n_    c3m_    120.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *9    n_    c4m_    120.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *9    n_    c_      120.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     na_   *       109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    na_   si_     109.0000    41.6000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *2    na_   f_      109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *3    na_   h_      110.0000    41.6000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    na_   s'_     114.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    na_   s3e_    109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    na_   s4e_    109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    na_   s_      109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    na_   o'_     114.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    na_   o_      109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *8    na_   n3m_    109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *8    na_   n4m_    109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *8    na_   n_      109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *9    na_   c3m_    109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *9    na_   c4m_    109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *9    na_   c_      109.0000    80.0000     0.0        0.0
3.2  38  c3m_  na_   h_      111.0000    41.6000     0.0        0.0
3.1  36  c_    nbo_  o=n_    117.6880    80.0000     0.0        0.0
3.1  36  o=n_  nbo_  o=n_    124.6230    80.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     np_   *       120.0000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    np_   si_     120.0000    27.5000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *2    np_   f_      120.0000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *3    np_   h_      120.0000    27.5000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    np_   s'_     120.0000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    np_   s3e_    120.0000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    np_   s4e_    120.0000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    np_   s_      120.0000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    np_   o'_     120.0000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    np_   o_      120.0000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    np_   n_      120.0000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    np_   c3m_    120.0000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    np_   c4m_    120.0000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    np_   c_      120.0000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     nt_   *       180.0000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   h_    o*_   h_      104.5000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  o3e_  c3m_     58.9580    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  o4e_  c4m_     91.7370    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     o_    *       109.5000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
3.1  28  c_    o_    s'_     120.0000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    o_    si_     124.1000    56.4000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *2    o_    h_      109.0000    58.5000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *3    o_    f_      109.5000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    o_    s'_     109.5000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    o_    s3e_    109.5000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    o_    s4e_    109.5000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    o_    s_      109.5000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    o_    o'_     109.5000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    o_    o_      109.5000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    o_    n3m_    120.0000    72.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    o_    n4m_    120.0010    72.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    o_    n_      120.0000    72.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    o_    c3m_    109.5000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    o_    c4m_    109.5000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    o_    c_      109.5000    60.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   si    o_    si_     149.8000    31.1000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     op_   *       108.0000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    op_   si_     106.0000    27.5000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     p_    *       109.5000   150.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    p_    si_     109.5000    30.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *2    p_    h_      109.5000    45.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *3    p_    f_      109.5000    45.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    p_    s'_     120.0000   100.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    p_    s_      109.5000    45.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    p_    o'_     120.0000   110.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    p_    o_      109.5000    45.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *8    p_    n_      109.5000    45.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *9    p_    c3m_    109.5000    45.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *9    p_    c4m_    109.5000    45.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *9    p_    c_      109.5000    45.0000     0.0        0.0
3.1  32  h_    p_    h_       93.5000    45.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     s3e_  *       109.5000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    s3e_  si_     109.5000    48.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *2    s3e_  h_      112.0000    31.8000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *3    s3e_  f_      109.5000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    s3e_  s'_     109.5000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    s3e_  s3e_    103.5000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    s3e_  s4e_    103.5000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    s3e_  s_      109.5000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    s3e_  o'_     113.1000    42.3000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    s3e_  o_      113.1000    42.3000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    s3e_  n3m_    113.1000    42.3000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    s3e_  n4m_    113.1000    42.3000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    s3e_  n_      113.1000    42.3000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    s3e_  c3m_     99.0000    58.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    s3e_  c4m_     99.0000    58.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    s3e_  c_       99.0000    58.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c3m_  s3e_  c3m_     44.5000    58.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     s4e_  *       109.5000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    s4e_  si_     109.5000    48.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *2    s4e_  h_      112.0000    31.8000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *3    s4e_  f_      109.5000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    s4e_  s'_     109.5000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    s4e_  s3e_    103.5000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    s4e_  s4e_    103.5000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    s4e_  s_      109.5000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    s4e_  o'_     113.1000    42.3000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    s4e_  o_      113.1000    42.3000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    s4e_  n3m_    113.1000    42.3000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    s4e_  n4m_    113.1000    42.3000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    s4e_  n_      113.1000    42.3000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    s4e_  c3m_     99.0000    58.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    s4e_  c4m_     99.0000    58.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    s4e_  c_       99.0000    58.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   c4m_  s4e_  c4m_     85.9200    58.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     s_    *       109.5000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    s_    si_     109.5000    48.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *2    s_    h_      112.0000    31.8000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *3    s_    f_      109.5000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    s_    s'_     109.5000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    s_    s3e_    103.5000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    s_    s4e_    103.5000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    s_    s_      103.5000    75.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    s_    o'_     113.1000    42.3000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    s_    o_      113.1000    42.3000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    s_    n3m_    113.1000    42.3000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    s_    n4m_    113.1000    42.3000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    s_    n_      113.1000    42.3000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    s_    c3m_     99.0000    58.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    s_    c4m_     99.0000    58.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    s_    c_      102.0000    58.0000     0.0        0.0
3.1  28  c_    s'_   o-_     104.4000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
3.1  28  cp_   s'_   o-_     104.4000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
3.1  28  o-_   s'_   o_      103.7000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
3.1  28  o-_   s'_   o-_     114.7000    50.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     si_   *       113.5000    44.4000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    si_   si_     113.4000    33.3000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *2    si_   h_      112.0000    31.8000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *3    si_   f_      117.3000    44.1000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    si_   s_      113.1000    42.3000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    si_   o_      113.1000    42.3000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    si_   n_      113.5000    44.4000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    si_   c3m_    113.5000    44.4000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    si_   c4m_    113.5000    44.4000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    si_   c_      113.5000    44.4000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *     sp_   *        92.5670   120.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *1    sp_   si_      96.0000    48.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *2    sp_   h_       96.0000    48.0000     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *3    sp_   f_       92.5670   126.5060     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    sp_   s'_      92.5670   126.5060     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *4    sp_   s_       92.5670   126.5060     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    sp_   o'_      92.5670   126.5060     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *5    sp_   o_       92.5670   126.5060     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *6    sp_   n_       92.5670   126.5060     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    sp_   c3m_     92.5670   126.5060     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    sp_   c4m_     92.5670   126.5060     0.0        0.0
2.0  8   *7    sp_   c_       92.5670   126.5060     0.0        0.0

#quartic_angle        pcff+	200

> Delta = Theta - Theta0
> E = K2 * Delta^2  +  K3 * Delta^3  +  K4 * Delta^4

!Ver Ref    I     J     K      Theta0        K2         K3         K4
!--- ---  ----- ----- -----   --------    --------   --------   --------
3.3  59  c     as    c        98.2157     33.7756  -59.8430    481.4325
3.3  59  c     as    h        95.6367     74.1604    0.0000      0.0000
3.3  59  h     as    h        92.0830     47.5682    0.0000      0.0000
3.3  56  o     az    o       135.0000    -43.2618    0.0000     14.5512
3.3  56  o     az    oah     135.0000    -43.2618    0.0000     14.5512
3.2  50  n3b   b3n   n3b     120.0000     65.1497    0.0000      0.0000
3.3  59  as    c     c       110.2033     38.9543    0.0000      0.0000
3.3  59  as    c     h       106.2585     24.1769    0.0000      0.0000
1.0   7  c     c     ct      112.7000     58.3500    0.0000      0.0000
3.2  48  c     c     f       109.5000     68.3710    0.0000      0.0000
1.0   3  c     c     n_2     114.3018     42.6589  -10.5464     -9.3243
3.2  37  c     c     n_4c    110.3740     70.6752   -0.0757      0.0687
1.0   7  ct    c     h       108.5000     35.0000    0.0000      0.0000
3.2  47  f     c     f       109.1000     71.9700    0.0000      0.0000
3.2  37  h     c     n_4c    101.6035     40.3668   -3.6124      7.1087
1.0   6  o1=   c2=   o1=     180.0000     57.1000    0.0000      0.0000
1.0   6  s1=   c2=   s1=     180.0000     48.0000    0.0000      0.0000
3.1  38  c3h   c3h   c3h     112.6700     39.5160   -7.4430     -9.5583
3.2  43  c3h   c3h   c3h      60.0000     39.5160   -7.4430     -9.5583
3.2  43  c3h   c3h   o3e      60.0000     39.5160   -7.4430     -9.5583
3.2  38  c3h   c3h   h       110.7700     41.4530  -10.6040      5.1290
3.2  38  h     c3h   h       107.6600     39.6410  -12.9210     -2.4318
3.2  47  o1c-  c3o-  o1c-    120.0000     53.3734    0.0000      0.0000
3.1  38  c4h   c4h   c4h     112.6700     39.5160   -7.4430     -9.5583
3.2  38  c4h   c4h   c4h      90.0000     39.5160   -7.4430     -9.5583
3.2  38  c4h   c4h   h       110.7700     41.4530  -10.6040      5.1290
3.2  38  h     c4h   h       107.6600     39.6410  -12.9210     -2.4318
3.2  42  c5h   c5h   c5h     103.6420     39.5160   -7.4430     -9.5583
3.2  42  c5h   c5h   h       110.7700     41.4530  -10.6040      5.1290
3.2  42  h     c5h   h       107.6600     39.6410  -12.9210     -2.4318
3.2  35  n_2   c_1   n_2     115.5292    104.0857  -36.7315     24.2616
2.0  16  o_1r  cl4   o_1r    112.2363    108.1226  -24.1496    -23.3346
1.0  10  c     ct    nt      180.0000    200.0000    0.0000      0.0000
1.0   7  ct    ct    c       180.0000    150.0000    0.0000      0.0000
1.0   7  ct    ct    h       180.0000    112.0000    0.0000      0.0000
1.0   6  o1=   n2o   o1=     134.1000    150.0000  -82.1013    -40.0005
3.2  50  b3n   n3b   b3n     120.0000     84.5370    0.0000      0.0000
1.0   3  c     n_2   c       117.7520     60.4647  -29.6188      0.0000
3.2  54  c     n4o   c       109.4667     42.5453  -25.6024    211.5122
3.2  54  c     n4o   o1n4    109.4667     42.5453  -25.6024    211.5122
3.2  46  o1n-  n_3-  o1n-    120.0000    105.0000    0.0000      0.0000
3.2  37  c     n_4c  c       109.4667     42.5453  -25.6024    211.5122
2.0  16  h_1p  n_4   h_1p    112.3721     33.6147   -7.5598     -7.2604
2.1  16  h_1p  n_4   h_1p    112.3383     33.5174   -6.9693     -0.0001
3.3  56  az    o     az      109.4700     29.2285   -7.8190     26.7289
3.3  58  c     o_2   c_1     109.4700     61.2868  -28.9786      7.9929
3.3  61  c     o_2   p=      118.2833    35.0010   -10.3597    -7.8699
3.3  55  hos   osh   sio     123.4920     14.8634  -17.2643     57.7495
3.3  55  hos   osi   sz      122.8880     23.7764  -19.8152      9.6331
1.0  23  sio   osi   sio     157.0260     27.0740  -19.5576      8.5000
3.3  55  sio   osi   sz      157.0260     27.0740  -19.5576      8.5000
3.3  55  sio   oss   sz      157.0260     27.0740  -19.5576      8.5000
3.3  55  sz    osi   sz      157.0260     27.0740  -19.5576      8.5000
3.3  55  sz    oss   sz      138.7500     10.4180    0.0000      0.0000
3.2  43  c3h   o3e   c3h      60.0000     39.5160   -7.4430     -9.5583
3.3  61  o_1   p=    o_2     114.9000     63.0624  -19.7404    -14.3290
3.3  61  o_2   p=    o_2     101.4000     87.7686   -4.5699    -17.8523
3.2  44  f     p6-   f       135.0000    -29.2016    0.0000     22.6071
3.2  39  c     sio   osh     114.9060     23.0218  -31.3993     24.9814
3.2  39  osh   sio   osi     110.6930     70.3069   -6.9375      0.0000
3.3  55  h     sz    h       106.0360     48.9872   -9.1607      0.0000
3.3  55  h     sz    osi     107.3550     57.6643  -10.6506      4.6274
3.3  55  h     sz    oss     107.3550     57.6643  -10.6506      4.6274
3.3  55  osi   sz    osh     110.6930     70.3069   -6.9375      0.0000
3.3  55  osi   sz    osi     110.6930     70.3069   -6.9375      0.0000
3.3  55  osi   sz    oss     110.6930     70.3069   -6.9375      0.0000
3.3  55  oss   sz    oss     109.4700     59.1870    0.0000      0.0000
1.0   6  o1=   s2=   o1=     119.3000    115.2627  -35.6278    -26.1261
3.6  68  o1S-  s4o-  o1S-    109.4667     87.6366  -98.5283    174.8890

#torsion_3            pcff+_auto	       200

> E = SUM(n=1,3) { V(n) * [ 1 + cos(n*Phi - Phi0(n)) ] }

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L       V(1)    Phi1(0)    V(2)    Phi2(0)    V(3)    Phi3(0)
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----   --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------
2.0  8   *     az_   o_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   c'_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.4500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   c=_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.4500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   c=_1  *       0.0000      0.0    0.4500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   c=_2  *       0.0000      0.0    0.4500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   c=_3  *       0.0000      0.0    0.4500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   c_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   cp_   *       0.0000      0.0    2.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   ct_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   n3n_  *       0.0000      0.0    0.7000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   n=_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.9000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   n=_1  *       0.0000      0.0    0.9000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   n=_2  *       0.0000      0.0    0.9000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   n=_3  *       0.0000      0.0    0.9000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   n_    *       0.0000      0.0    3.2000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   n_    h_      0.0000      0.0    1.2000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.1 35   *     c'_   na_   *       0.0000      0.0    3.2000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   np_   *       0.0000      0.0    5.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   np_   h       0.0000      0.0    1.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   o_    *       0.0000      0.0    2.2500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   op_   *       0.0000      0.0    2.2500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   s_    *       0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c'_   sp_   *       0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c+_   n_    *       0.0000      0.0    3.4000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_   c=_   *       0.0000      0.0    4.0750      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_   c_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.2110      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_   cp_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_   ct_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_   n3n_  *       0.0000      0.0    0.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_   n=_   *       0.0000      0.0    8.1500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_   n_    *       0.0000      0.0    1.2500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_   na_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_   np_   *       0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_   np_   h_      0.0000      0.0    0.7500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_   o_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.9000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_   op_   *       0.0000      0.0    4.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_   p_    *       0.0000      0.0    1.2500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_   s_    *       0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_   si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.2110      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_   sp_   *       0.0000      0.0    6.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  c=_1  *       0.0000      0.0    0.6250      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  c=_2  *       0.0000      0.0    0.6250      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  c=_3  *       0.0000      0.0    4.0750      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  c_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.2110      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  cp_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  ct_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  n3n_  *       0.0000      0.0    0.7000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  n=_1  *       0.0000      0.0    0.6250      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  n=_2  *       0.0000      0.0    0.6250      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  n=_3  *       0.0000      0.0    8.1500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  n_    *       0.0000      0.0    1.2500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  na_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  np_   *       0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  np_   h_      0.0000      0.0    0.7500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  o_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.9000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  op_   *       0.0000      0.0    4.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  p_    *       0.0000      0.0    1.2500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  s_    *       0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.2110      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_1  sp_   *       0.0000      0.0    6.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  c=_2  *       0.0000      0.0    3.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  c=_3  *       0.0000      0.0    0.6250      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  c_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.2110      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  cp_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  ct_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  n3n_  *       0.0000      0.0    0.7000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  n=_1  *       0.0000      0.0    0.6250      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  n=_2  *       0.0000      0.0    2.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  n=_3  *       0.0000      0.0    0.6250      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  n_    *       0.0000      0.0    1.2500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  na_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  np_   *       0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  np_   h_      0.0000      0.0    0.7500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  o_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.9000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  op_   *       0.0000      0.0    4.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  p_    *       0.0000      0.0    1.2500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  s_    *       0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.2110      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_2  sp_   *       0.0000      0.0    6.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_3  c=_3  *       0.0000      0.0    4.0750      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_3  c_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.2110      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_3  cp_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_3  ct_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_3  n3n_  *       0.0000      0.0    0.7000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_3  n=_1  *       0.0000      0.0    8.1500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_3  n=_2  *       0.0000      0.0    0.6250      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_3  n=_3  *       0.0000      0.0    8.1500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_3  n_    *       0.0000      0.0    1.2500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_3  na_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_3  np_   *       0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_3  np_   h_      0.0000      0.0    0.7500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_3  o_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.9000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_3  op_   *       0.0000      0.0    4.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_3  p_    *       0.0000      0.0    1.2500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_3  s_    *       0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_3  si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.2110      0.0
2.0  8   *     c=_3  sp_   *       0.0000      0.0    6.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c_    c_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1580      0.0
2.0  8   *     c_    cp_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c_    ct_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c_    n3n_  *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0500      0.0
2.0  8   *     c_    n=_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c_    n=_1  *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c_    n=_2  *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c_    n=_3  *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c_    n_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c_    na_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0500      0.0
2.0  8   *     c_    np_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c_    o_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1300      0.0
2.0  8   *     c_    o'_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1300      0.0
2.0  8   *     c_    p_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     c_    s_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1367      0.0
2.0  8   *     c_    si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1111      0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   cp_   *       0.0000      0.0    3.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   ct_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   n3n_  *       0.0000      0.0    0.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   n=_   *       0.0000      0.0    1.2500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   n=_1  *       0.0000      0.0    1.2500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   n=_2  *       0.0000      0.0    1.2500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   n=_3  *       0.0000      0.0    1.2500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   n_    *       0.0000      0.0    2.2500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   na_   *       0.0000      0.0    2.2500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.1  36  *     cp_   nbo_  *       0.0000      0.0    1.1600      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   np_   *       0.0000      0.0    2.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   np_   h_      0.0000      0.0    1.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   o_    *       0.0000      0.0    1.8000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   o_    h_      0.0000      0.0    0.7500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   op_   *       0.0000      0.0    6.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   p_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.2500      0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   s_    *       0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1667      0.0
2.0  8   *     cp_   sp_   *       0.0000      0.0    6.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     ct_   ct_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     ct_   n3n_  *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.1  31  *     ct_   n=_1  *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     ct_   n_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     ct_   na_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     ct_   np_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     ct_   o_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     ct_   s_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     ct_   si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n3n_  n3n_  *       0.0000      0.0    0.0500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n3n_  n=_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n3n_  n=_1  *       0.0000      0.0    0.0500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n3n_  n=_2  *       0.0000      0.0    0.0500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n3n_  n=_3  *       0.0000      0.0    0.0500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n3n_  n_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n3n_  na_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n3n_  np_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n3n_  o_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.3000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n3n_  s_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.3000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n3n_  si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0500      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_   n=_   *       0.0000      0.0   15.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_   n_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.7500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_   na_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_   np_   *       0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_   np_   h_      0.0000      0.0    0.7500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_   o_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.7000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_   s_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.7000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_   si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.2333      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_1  n=_1  *       0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_1  n=_2  *       0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_1  n=_3  *       0.0000      0.0   15.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_1  n_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.7500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_1  na_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_1  np_   *       0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_1  np_   h_      0.0000      0.0    0.7500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_1  o_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.7000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_1  s_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.7000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_1  si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.2333      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_2  n=_2  *       0.0000      0.0    7.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_2  n=_3  *       0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_2  n_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.7500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_2  na_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_2  np_   *       0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_2  np_   h_      0.0000      0.0    0.7500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_2  o_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.7000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_2  s_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.7000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_2  si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.2333      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_3  n=_3  *       0.0000      0.0   15.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_3  n_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.7500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_3  na_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_3  np_   *       0.0000      0.0    1.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_3  np_   h_      0.0000      0.0    0.7500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_3  o_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.7000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_3  s_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.7000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n=_3  si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.2333      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n_    n_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.3750      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n_    na_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n_    np_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.7500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n_    np_   h_      0.0000      0.0    0.3750      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n_    o_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n_    s_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     n_    si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     na_   na_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.2500      0.0
2.0  8   *     na_   np_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     na_   o_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0975      0.0
2.0  8   *     na_   s_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0975      0.0
2.0  8   *     na_   si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0667      0.0
2.0  8   *     np_   np_   *       0.0000      0.0   11.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     np_   np_   h_      0.0000      0.0    5.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     np_   o_    *       0.0000      0.0    1.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   h_    np_   o_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     np_   op_   *       0.0000      0.0   11.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   h_    np_   op_   *       0.0000      0.0    5.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     np_   s_    *       0.0000      0.0    1.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   h_    np_   s_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     np_   si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.2500      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   h_    np_   si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.1250      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     np_   sp_   *       0.0000      0.0   10.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   h_    np_   sp_   *       0.0000      0.0    5.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     o_    o_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    1.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     o_    p_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.3750      0.0
2.0  8   *     o_    s_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    1.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     o_    si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.3333      0.0
2.0  8   *     p_    s_    *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.3750      0.0
2.0  8   *     p_    si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     s_    s_    *       0.0000      0.0    5.5000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
2.0  8   *     s_    si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.2333      0.0
2.0  8   *     si_   si_   *       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.1667      0.0

#torsion_3            pcff+	       200

> E = SUM(n=1,3) { V(n) * [ 1 + cos(n*Phi - Phi0(n)) ] }

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L       V(1)    Phi1(0)    V(2)    Phi2(0)    V(3)    Phi3(0)
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----   --------  -------  --------  -------  --------  -------
3.3  59  c     as    c     c         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -1.2504      0.0
3.3  59  c     as    c     h        -0.1281      0.0    1.2259      0.0   -0.1772      0.0
3.3  59  h     as    c     c        -0.1503      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2407      0.0
3.3  59  h     as    c     h         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1270      0.0
3.3  56  o     az    oah   hoa       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.2  50  n3b   b3n   n3b   b3n       4.0000      0.0    1.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0   3  c_1   c     n_2   c         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.2263      0.0
1.0   3  h     c     n_2   c         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0388      0.0
3.2  37  c     c     n_4c  c         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0402      0.0
3.2  37  h     c     n_4c  c         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0500      0.0
3.3  59  as    c     c     c         0.5260      0.0    1.1392      0.0    0.0295      0.0
3.3  59  as    c     c     h        -0.2328      0.0    0.7657      0.0   -0.0787      0.0
1.0   7  c     c     c     ct        0.0000      0.0    0.0514      0.0   -0.1430      0.0
3.2  48  c     c     c     f        -6.0312      0.0    1.4612      0.0   -0.5582      0.0
3.2  37  c     c     c     n_4c      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1608      0.0
1.0   7  ct    c     c     h         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.3660      0.0
1.0   7  c     c     ct    ct        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.2  47  f     c     c     f       -10.9669      0.0    2.6091      0.0    0.2882      0.0
3.2  37  h     c     c     n_4c      0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1608      0.0
1.0   7  h     c     ct    ct        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  10  c     c     ct    nt        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0  10  h     c     ct    nt        0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.3  61  c     c     o_2   p=       -0.5203      0.0   -0.3028      0.0   -0.3450      0.0
2.0  17  c=    c     o_2   c_2       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0882      0.0
3.3  61  h     c     o_2   p=        0.5302      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.3966      0.0
3.2  39  c     c     sio   osh      -1.3513      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0580      0.0
3.2  39  h     c     sio   osh      -1.3513      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.0580      0.0
1.0   7  c     ct    ct    c         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0   7  c     ct    ct    h         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
1.0   7  h     ct    ct    h         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.2  38  c3h   c3h   c3h   c3h       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.2  38  c3h   c3h   c3h   h         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.2  38  h     c3h   c3h   h         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.2  38  c4h   c4h   c4h   c4h       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.2  38  c4h   c4h   c4h   h         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.2  38  h     c4h   c4h   h         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.2  42  c5h   c5h   c5h   c5h       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.2  42  c5h   c5h   c5h   h         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.2  42  h     c5h   c5h   h         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.2  39  hos   osh   sio   c        -0.6741      0.0    0.3661      0.0   -0.1008      0.0
3.3  55  hos   osh   sio   o        -0.6741      0.0    0.3661      0.0   -0.1008      0.0
3.2  39  hos   osh   sio   osi      -0.6741      0.0    0.3661      0.0   -0.1008      0.0
3.3  55  hos   osh   sio   oss      -0.6741      0.0    0.3661      0.0   -0.1008      0.0
3.3  55  hos   osh   sio   osh      -0.6741      0.0    0.3661      0.0   -0.1008      0.0
3.3  55  hos   osh   sz    osi      -0.6741      0.0    0.3661      0.0   -0.1008      0.0
3.3  55  hos   osh   sz    oss      -0.6741      0.0    0.3661      0.0   -0.1008      0.0
3.2  39  sio   osi   sio   osh       0.3000      0.0    0.3658      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.3  55  sz    osi   sio   c         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1300      0.0
3.3  55  sz    osi   sio   h         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1300      0.0
3.3  55  sz    osi   sz    h         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1300      0.0
3.3  55  sz    osi   sio   o         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1300      0.0
3.3  55  hos   osi   sz    osi      -0.6741      0.0    0.3661      0.0   -0.1008      0.0
3.3  55  hos   osi   sz    oss      -0.6741      0.0    0.3661      0.0   -0.1008      0.0
3.3  55  sio   osi   sio   osh       0.3000      0.0    0.3658      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.3  55  sio   osi   sio   osi       0.3000      0.0    0.3658      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.3  55  sio   osi   sio   oss       0.3000      0.0    0.3658      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.3  55  sio   osi   sz    osh       0.3000      0.0    0.3658      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.3  55  sio   osi   sz    osi       0.3000      0.0    0.3658      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.3  55  sio   osi   sz    oss       0.3000      0.0    0.3658      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.3  55  sz    osi   sz    osi       0.3000      0.0    0.3658      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.3  55  sz    osi   sz    oss       0.3000      0.0    0.3658      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.3  55  sio   oss   sio   osi       0.3000      0.0    0.3658      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.3  55  sio   oss   sio   h         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1300      0.0
3.3  55  sio   oss   sio   osh       0.3000      0.0    0.3658      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.3  55  sio   oss   sio   oss      -0.18201     0.0   -0.32183     0.0   -0.17695     0.0
3.3  55  sio   oss   sz    oss      -0.18201     0.0   -0.32183     0.0   -0.17695     0.0
3.3  55  sz    oss   sio   hsi       0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1300      0.0
3.3  55  sz    oss   sz    h         0.0000      0.0    0.0000      0.0   -0.1300      0.0
3.3  55  sz    oss   sio   osi       0.3000      0.0    0.3658      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.3  55  sz    oss   sz    osi       0.3000      0.0    0.3658      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.3  55  sz    oss   sio   oss      -0.18201     0.0   -0.32183     0.0   -0.17695     0.0
3.3  55  sz    oss   sz    oss      -0.18201     0.0   -0.32183     0.0   -0.17695     0.0
3.3  61  c     o_2   p=    o_1       5.7083      0.0    2.1176      0.0    0.0000      0.0
3.3  61  c     o_2   p=    o_2       5.7083      0.0    2.1176      0.0    0.0000      0.0

#wilson_out_of_plane  pcff+	200

> E = K * (Chi - Chi0)^2

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L       KChi      Chi0
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----   --------  ---------
3.3  59  c     as    c     c         0.0000     0.0000
3.3  59  c     as    c     h         0.0000     0.0000
3.3  59  c     as    h     h         0.0000     0.0000
3.3  59  h     as    h     h         0.0000     0.0000
3.3  56  o     az    o     o         0.0000     0.0000
3.2  50  n3b   b3n   n3b   n3b       9.2708     0.0000
1.0  1   c     n_2   c     c_1       0.0000     0.0000
3.2  47  o1c-  c3o-  o1c-  o1c-     64.3149     0.0000
3.2  50  b3n   n3b   b3n   b3n       7.6718     0.0000
3.2  46  o1n-  n_3-  o1n-  o1n-     60.0000     0.0000

#wilson_out_of_plane  pcff+_auto    200

> E = K * (Chi - Chi0)^2

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L       KChi      Chi0
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----   --------  ---------
! 1.0  1   nr    c+    nr    nr       54.4060     0.0000
3.1  34  *     si_   *     *         0.0000     0.0000
3.1  36  *     nbo_  *     *         7.1794     0.0000

#nonbond(9-6)         pcff+	200

> E = eps(ij) [2(r(ij)*/r(ij))**9 - 3(r(ij)*/r(ij))**6]
> where    r(ij) = [(r(i)**6 + r(j)**6))/2]**(1/6)
>        eps(ij) = 2 sqrt(eps(i) * eps(j)) *
>                   r(i)^3 * r(j)^3/[r(i)^6 + r(j)^6]

@type r-eps
@combination sixth-power

!Ver Ref    I          r             eps
!--- ---  -----   -------------  -----------
1.0   1  ar         3.8800        0.2000
3.3  59  as         4.2814        0.4135
3.3   1  az         1.6770        0.2254
3.2  47  ba+        4.1510        0.3389
1.0  13  Br         5.4135        0.07993
3.2  50  b3n        3.5213        0.0990
1.0  14  br         4.0700        0.3590
3.2  53  brh        4.1793        0.4540
1.0   1  c          4.0140        0.0667
3.2  47  ca+        3.6915        0.1500
3.3  47  ca+        3.2990        0.3404
1.0   1  c0         3.8540        0.0150
2.0  19  c0         3.7500        0.0070
3.1  26  c0oe       3.6500        0.0100
3.2  48  c0x        3.7500        0.0400
1.0   1  c1         3.8540        0.0400
2.0  19  c1         3.7500        0.0350
1.0   6  c1o        4.0120        0.0530
3.1  26  c1oe       3.7700        0.0265
3.6  66  c1oz       3.7700        0.0265
1.0  12  c2         3.7584        0.0634
3.1  26  c2oe       3.6348        0.0674
3.3  61  c2op       3.6348        0.0674
3.3  56  c2oz       3.9150        0.0680
3.6  66  c2oz       3.9773        0.0454
1.0   6  c2=        3.9150        0.0680
3.1  25  c2=        3.3000        0.0600
1.0  12  c3         3.8840        0.0710
3.3  59  c3as       3.8114        0.0570
3.2  38  c3h        3.7563        0.0808
3.6  38  c3h1       3.7500        0.0576
3.1  26  c3oe       3.8727        0.0688
3.3  56  c3oz       3.7287        0.0853
3.6  66  c3oz       3.8224        0.0469
3.2  47  c3o-       3.7584        0.0634
3.2  51  c3si       3.8018        0.0665
3.2  38  c4h        3.7563        0.0808
3.2  38  c4h1       3.7500        0.0350
1.0   1  c4o        3.8700        0.0748
1.0   1  c4oe       3.8150        0.0680
3.3  56  c4oe       3.7287        0.0853
1.0   1  c41o       3.8700        0.1080
1.0   1  c43o       3.6700        0.0498
3.2  42  c5h        3.7492        0.0695
3.2  42  c5h1       3.7492        0.0405
1.1  12  cl         3.8800        0.3250
2.0  22  cl         3.8060        0.3490
1.0  13  Cl         5.1728        0.05899
2.0  16  cl4        4.5675        0.5018
3.2  52  clh        3.9250        0.3709
1.0   1  cp         3.9147        0.0668
1.0  14  cpc        3.9147        0.0568
1.0  13  Cs+        4.1214        0.1475
1.0   7  ct         3.8436        0.1153
1.0   4  c=         3.9100        0.0810
1.0   4  c_0        3.9100        0.0695
1.1  11  c_0        3.7662        0.0727
1.0   1  c_1        3.9000        0.0640
1.0   1  c_2        3.9000        0.0640
3.2  48  ff         3.4210        0.0488
3.1  33  ffp        3.3643        0.0417
1.0  13  F          4.1812        0.05099
3.3  63  H+         1.0980        0.0130
1.0   1  h          2.8780        0.0230
1.0   1  h*         1.0870        0.0080
3.1  35  hn2        1.4000        0.0120
3.2  39  hos        1.0870        0.0080
1.0   6  h1h        1.4210        0.0216
2.0  21  h1h        3.4624        0.00957
1.0   1  he         2.9000        0.0050
1.0  15  hw         1.0980        0.0130
3.5  62  hw         1.0980        0.0000
2.0  16  h_1p       1.1577        0.0090
1.0  13  I          5.8418        0.09764
3.2  53  ih         4.4633        0.5812
1.0  13  K+         3.2920        0.4691
1.0   1  kr         4.3000        0.2800
1.1   7  kr         4.1530        0.2790
1.0  13  Li+        1.6350        0.3727
3.3  47  mg+        2.3959        0.2951
3.2  44  n2-        3.8900        0.1643
1.0   6  n1o        3.4600        0.1280
1.0   6  n2o        3.5290        0.3330
3.2  50  n3b        3.2696        0.1470
3.2  54  n4o        3.3932        0.2245
2.0  20  n_2        3.7900        0.1028
1.0   3  n_3        3.7200        0.1500
3.2  46  n_3-       3.9200        0.1800
3.1  35  n_30       3.6125        0.1624
3.1  35  n_31       3.9200        0.2000
3.1  35  n_32       3.9742        0.2314
2.0  16  n_4        4.2741        0.0406
3.2  37  n_4c       4.2741        0.0406
1.0   9  na         3.9370        0.0946
3.1  29  na0        3.5400        0.0290
3.1  29  na1        4.0222        0.1170
1.0  13  Na+        2.4940        0.3828
3.1  36  nbo        3.7600        0.0480
1.0   1  ne         3.2000        0.0550
1.0   7  nn         3.8900        0.0920
3.2  44  np         3.5771        0.0460
1.0  10  nt         3.7300        0.2300
3.7  69  nt         3.7220        0.2691
1.0   6  nz         3.8008        0.0598
1.0   1  o          3.5800        0.0960
1.0  15  o*         3.8150        0.0700
3.5  62  o*         3.7824        0.1480
1.0   6  o1=        3.4300        0.1920
1.0   6  o1=*       3.3600        0.0670
3.1  25  o1=*       3.5258        0.1040
1.0   6  o1c        3.6020        0.0850
3.2  47  o1c-       3.6400        0.1960
3.2  54  o1n4       3.7847        0.1810
3.2  43  o3e        3.2242        0.2394
3.2  40  o=         3.5432        0.2029
3.1  36  o=n        3.3480        0.1575
1.0   6  o1n        3.3000        0.1560
3.2  46  o1n-       3.6400        0.1960
1.0   6  o1o        3.4758        0.0780
3.1  30  o1o        3.4486        0.0797
3.6  68  o1S-       3.6173        0.1436
3.1  28  o1s-       3.6400        0.1960
3.1  28  o2s-       3.4300        0.1580
1.0   1  o_1        3.4300        0.1920
2.0  16  o_1r       3.8635        0.0954
1.0   1  o_2        3.3000        0.0960
3.3  57  o_2        3.4500        0.0960
3.3  57  o_2c       3.6016        0.0900
3.3  61  o_2p       3.3500        0.1150
1.0   1  oc         3.3000        0.1200
3.2  49  oh-        4.2200        0.0340
2.0  17  oo         3.3000        0.0860
3.6  66  oo         3.1122        0.0911
3.2  39  osh        3.5800        0.0960
3.2  39  osi        3.3000        0.1200
3.3  55  oss        3.3000        0.0800
2.0  17  oz         3.3000        0.0860
3.3  61  p4o        4.0500        0.1900
3.2  44  p6-        4.2950        0.2150
3.1  31  ph3        4.2676        0.3104
1.0  13  Rb+        3.5893        0.4782
1.0   5  s          3.8980        0.3470
1.0   6  s1=        4.0070        0.3130
1.0   6  s2=        4.0470        0.1250
3.6  68  s4o-       4.0800        0.2400
3.5  65  s2=        4.1044        0.1212
3.2  41  sc         3.9184        0.3654
3.1  28  se-        4.0800        0.2400
3.1  28  sf-        4.0800        0.2400
1.0   5  sh         3.9400        0.3480
3.2  41  sh         3.9696        0.4103
3.5  64  sh2        4.0384        0.3744
3.2  39  sio        4.2900        0.0758
2.0  18  sp         4.0700        0.3020
3.3  47  sr+        3.6774        0.3363
3.3  55  sz         4.2900        0.1300
1.0   1  xe         4.2600        0.3900
3.3  60  xe         4.5171        0.3879

#bond-bond            pcff+	200

> E = K(b,b') * (R - R0) * (R' - R0')

!Ver Ref    I     J     K      K(b,b')
!--- ---  ----- ----- -----   --------
1.0   6   o1=   c2=   o1=     275.4350
1.0   6   s1=   c2=   s1=     100.7369
3.2  47   o1c-  c3o-  o1c-    230.9147
2.0  16   o_1r  cl4   o_1r     27.8482
1.0   6   o1=   n2o   o1=      20.0000
2.0  16   h_1p  n_4   h_1p     18.1431
2.1  16   h_1p  n_4   h_1p      8.2282
3.3  55   sz    oss   sz        0.0000
1.0   6   o1=   s2=   o1=      20.0000
3.3  55   oss   sz    oss       0.0000
3.6  68   o1S-  s4o-  o1S-    130.4500

#bond-bond_1_3        pcff+	200

> E = K(b,b') * (R - R0) * (R' - R0')

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L      K(b,b')
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----   --------
! 1.0  1   h     c     cp    cp       -3.4826

#bond-angle           pcff+	200

> E = K * (R - R0) * (Theta - Theta0)

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     K(b,theta)  K(b',theta)
!--- ---  ----- ----- -----   ----------  -----------
2.0  16   o_1r  cl4   o_1r     -2.7917
1.0   6   o1=   n2o   o1=     -50.0000
2.0  16   h_1p  n_4   h_1p     14.7128
2.1  16   h_1p  n_4   h_1p     13.6500
3.3  55   sz    oss   sz        0.0000
1.0   6   o1=   s2=   o1=      45.0585
3.3  55   oss   sz    oss       0.0000

#angle-angle          pcff+	200

> E = K * (Theta - Theta0) * (Theta' - Theta0')

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L     K(theta,theta')
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----   ---------------
! 3.0 10   oah   az    oah   oah         11.3873
3.2 42   c_1   cp     cp    cp          0.0000
3.3 55   oss   sz    oss   oss          0.0000

#end_bond-torsion_3   pcff+	200

> E = (R - R0) * SUM { V(n) * cos[n*phi] }

!                                                  LEFT                                RIGHT
!                                      -----------------------------       -----------------------------
!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L          F(1)       F(2)       F(3)          F(1)       F(2)       F(3)
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----      -------    -------    -------       -------    -------    -------
! 1.0  1   c     c     c     c          -0.0732     0.0000     0.0000

#middle_bond-torsion_3 pcff+	200

> E = (R - R0) *
>      { F(1) * cos(phi)  +  F(2) * cos(2 * phi)  +  F(3) * cos(3 * phi) }

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L          F(1)       F(2)       F(3)
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----      -------    -------    -------
! 1.0  1   c     c     c     c         -17.7870    -7.1877     0.0000

#angle-torsion_3      pcff+	200

> E = (Theta - Theta0) *
>      { F(1) * cos(phi)  +  F(2) * cos(2 * phi)  +  F(3) * cos(3 * phi) }

!                                                  LEFT                               RIGHT
!                                      -----------------------------       -----------------------------
!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L          F(1)       F(2)       F(3)          F(1)       F(2)       F(3)
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----      -------    -------    -------       -------    -------    -------
! 1.0  1   c     c     c     c           0.3886    -0.3139     0.1389

#angle-angle-torsion_1 pcff+	200

>  E = K * (Theta - Theta0) * (Theta' - Theta0') * (Phi - Phi1(0))

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L     K(Ang,Ang,Tor)
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- -----   --------------
! 3.0 10   oah   az    oah   hoa          5.5622
3.3  55   sz    oss   sz    oss          0.0000

#torsion-torsion_1    pcff+	200

> E = F * cos(phi) * cos(phi') }

!Ver Ref    I     J     K     L     M     K(Phi,Phi')
!--- ---  ----- ----- ----- ----- -----   -----------

#charge pcff+

! Formal charge on ions
!Ver Ref    I       q
!--- ---   ----  -----------
3.2  47    ba+     2.0001
3.2  45     Br    -1.0
3.2  47    ca+     2.0001
3.2  45     Cl    -1.0
3.2  45    Cs+     1.0
3.2  45      F    -1.0
3.3  63     H+     1.0
3.2  45      I    -1.0
3.2  45     K+     1.0
3.2  45    Li+     1.0
3.2  47    mg+     2.0001
3.2  45    Na+     1.0
3.2  45    Rb+     1.0
3.2  47    sr+     2.0001

#templates pcff+	200

! extended pcff templates

type: ?
! anything
template: (>*)

type: lp
!lone pair
template: (>L (-*))

type: ba+
! barium ion
template: [>Ba]

! sp2 boron in hexagonal boron nitride
template: [>B(~N)(~N)(~N)]

! generic SP3 carbon
template: (>C)

type: c1o
! Carbon in CO
template: [>C[~O]]

! Carbon in CO2
template: [>C[~O][~O]]

! Carbon in CS2
template: [>C[~S][~S]]

type: c3
! sp3 carbon with 3 h's 1 heavy
template: (>C(-H)(-H)(-H)(-*))

type: c3si
! sp3 carbon with 3 hydrogens and Si
template: (>C(-H)(-H)(-H)(-Si))

type: c2
! sp3 carbon with 2 H's, 2 Heavy's

type: co
! sp3 carbon in acetals

type: coh
! sp3 carbon in acetals with hydrogen

type: c0
! sp3 carbon with 0 H 4 heavies
template: (>C(-*)(-*)(-*)(-*))

type: c0x
! sp3 carbon with 0 H 4 fluorines
template: (>C(-F)(-F)(-F)(-F))

type: c0x
! sp3 carbon with 1 C 3 fluorines
template: (>C(-F)(-F)(-F))

type: c0x
! sp3 carbon with 2 C 2 fluorines
template: (>C(-F)(-F))

type: c0x
! sp3 carbon with 3 C 1 fluorines
template: (>C(-F))

type: c1
! sp3 carbon with 1 H 3 heavies
template: (>C(-H)(-*)(-*)(-*))

type: c3m
! sp3 carbon in 3-membered ring
template: (>C)

type: c4m
! sp3 carbon in 4-membered ring
template: (>C)

type: c4m
! sp3 carbon in 4-membered ring
template: (>C)

type: c41o
! Carbon, sp3, in methanol (and dimethyl ether?)
template: [>C(-O(-*))(-H)(-H)(-H)]

type: c43o
! Carbon, sp3, in secondary alcohols
template: [>C(-O(-H))(-H)(-C)(-C)]

type: c4o
! alpha carbon (e.g. alpha to oxygen in alcohols)
template: (>C(-O)(-*)(-*)(-*))

type: c0oe
! alpha carbon in ether containing tertiary alkyl group, e.g. -C-O-C-R3
template: (>C(-C)(-C)(-C)(-O(-C)))

type: c1oe
! alpha carbon in ether containing secondary alkyl group, e.g. -C-O-CH-R2
template: (>C(-C)(-C)(-H)(-O(-C)))

type: c1oz
! alpha carbon in carbonate containing secondary alkyl group, e.g. -C-O-CH-R2
template: (>C(-O(-C(=O)(-O(-C))))(-C))

type: c2oe
! alpha carbon in ether containing primary alkyl group, e.g. -C-O-CH2-R
template: (>C(-C)(-H)(-H)(-O(-C)))

type: c2op
! alpha carbon in phosphate ester containing primary alkyl group, e.g. -C-O-P-O
template: (>C(-O(-P(~O)))(-H)(-H))


type: c2oz
! alpha carbon in carbonates -O(O)C-O-CH2-R
template: (>C(-O(-C(-O)(=O)))(-*))
allowed_elements: C,N

type: c3as
! sp3 carbon in methyl arsines
template: (>C(-H)(-H)(-H)(-As))

type: c3oe
! alpha carbon in methyl containing ethers -C-O-CH3
template: (>C(-H)(-H)(-H)(-O(-C)))

type: c3oz
! alpha carbon in methyl-containing carbonates -O(O)C-O-CH3
template: (>C(-O(-C(-O)(=O))))

type: c4oe
! alpha carbon (e.g. alpha to oxygen in general ethers)
template: (>C(-O(-C))(-*)(-*)(-*))

type: c3h
! sp3 carbon in 3-membered ring with hydrogens
template: (>C(-H)(-H))

type: c3h1
! sp3 carbon in 3-membered ring with one hydrogen
template: (>C(-H)(-*)(-*)(-*))

type: c3o-
! carbon in carbonate anion
template: [>C[~O][~O][~O]]

type: c4h
! sp3 carbon in 4-membered ring with hydrogens
template: (>C(-H)(-H))

type: c4h
! sp3 carbon in 4-membered ring
template: (>C(-H))

type: c4h1
! sp3 carbon in 4-membered ring with one hydrogen
template: (>C(-H)(-*)(-*)(-*))

type: c4h1
! sp3 carbon in 4-membered ring
template: (>C(-H)(-*)(-*)(-*))

type: c5h
! sp3 carbon in 5-membered ring
template: (>C(-H))

type: c5h1
! sp3 carbon in 5-membered ring with one hydrogen
template: (>C(-H)(-*)(-*)(-*))

type: c5h1
! sp3 carbon in 5-membered ring with one hydrogen
template: (>C(-H)(-*)(-*)(-*))

type: c_a
!general amino acid alpha carbon (sp3)
template: (>C(-N(-*))(-C[~O])(~*)(~*))

type: cg
! sp3 alpha carbon in glycine
template: (>C(-H)(-H)(-C[~O])(-N(-H)))

type: c=2
! non aromatic doubly bonded carbon
template: (>C(=*))

type: c=
! non aromatic end doubly bonded carbon
template: (>C(=*)(-*)(-N(-*)(-*)))

type: c=
! non aromatic end doubly bonded carbon
template: (>C(=*)(-N(-*)(-*))(-N(-*)(-*)))

type: c=
! non aromatic end doubly bonded carbon
template: (>C(=*)(-N(-*)(-*))(-C(-*)(-*)(-*)))

type: c=
! non aromatic end doubly bonded carbon
template: (>C(=*)(-*)(-*))

type: c=
! non aromatic end doubly bonded carbon
template: (>C(=*)(-*)(-C))

type: c=
! non aromatic end doubly bonded carbon
template: (>C(=*)(-C)(-C))

type: c=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon
template: (>C(=C(-*)(-N(-*)(-*)))(-*))

type: c=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon

type: c=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon

type: c=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon

type: c=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon

type: c=1
! non aromatic, next to  end doubly bonded carbon

type: c=1
! non aromatic carbon doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>C[=N(-N(-*)(-*))](-*))

type: c=1
! non aromatic carbon doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>C[=N(-C(-*)(-*)(-*))](-*))

type: c=1
! non aromatic carbon doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>C[=N(-*)](-*))

type: c=1
! non aromatic carbon doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>C(=N(-N(-*)(-*))(-N(-*)(-*)))(-*))

type: c=1
! non aromatic carbon doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>C(=N(-C(-*)(-*)(-*))(-C(-*)(-*)(-*)))(-*))

type: c=1
! non aromatic carbon doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>C(=N(-C(-*)(-*)(-*))(-N(-*)(-*)))(-*))

type: c=1
! non aromatic carbon doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>C(=N(-*)(-*))(-*))

type: c=1
! non aromatic carbon doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>C(=N(-*)(-N(-*)(-*)))(-*))

type: c=1
! non aromatic carbon doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>C(=N(-*)(-C(-*)(-*)(-*)))(-*))

type: cp
! SP2 aromatic carbon with partial double bond
hybridization: SP2

type: cp
! SP2 aromatic carbon with partial double bond
! to accomodate fused aromatic ring systems)
template: [>C(:*)(:*)(:*)]

type: cp
! This is used for aromatic carbons that fail the aromaticity test because
! the current ring checker is to lame to figure on a ring with more than
! seven or eight sides. The NON_AROMATIC test is to eliminate the conflict
! with the above 'cp' definition. This can be removed when the ring checker
! is made more robust.
template: [>C(-*)(:*)(:*)]

type: cpc
! alpha/ipso carbon in aromatic ethers -C-O-C-
template: (>C(:C)(:C)(-O(-C(:C)(:C))))

type: cpc
! alpha/ipso carbon in aromatic ethers -C-O-C-
template: (>C(=C)(-C)(-O(-C(-C)(=C))))

type: cpc
! alpha/ipso carbon in aromatic ketones -C-C(=O)-C-
template: (>C(:C)(:C)(-C(=O)(-C(:C)(:C))))

type: cpc
! alpha/ipso carbon in aromatic ketones -C-C(=O)-C-
template: (>C(=C)(-C)(-C(=O)(-C(-C)(=C))))

type: c5
! Sp2 aromatic carbon in 5-membered ring
template: (>C(:C)(:C(:*)(:C))(:*))

type: ci
! sp2 aromatic carbon in charged imidazole ring (His+)
template: (>C(:N(-H)(:C))(:N(-H)(:C)))
hybridization: SP2
hybridization: SP2

hybridization: SP2

type: ci
! Carbon in charged imidazole ring

type: ci
! Carbon in charged imidazole ring

type: ci
! Carbon in charged imidazole ring

type: cs
! SP2 aromatic carbon in 5 membered ring next to S

type: cr
! c in neutral arginine
template: (>C (=N(-*)) (-N(-H)(-H)) (-N(-H)(-H)) )

type: c+
! c in guanidinium group
template: (>C (=N(-*)(-*)) (-N(-H)(-H)) (-N(-H)(-H)) )

type: c+
! c in guanidinium group
template: (>C (:N(-*)(-*)) (:N(-H)(-H)) (:N(-H)(-H)) )

type: c-
! c in charged carboxylate
template: [>C[:O][:O](-*)]

type: c-
! c in charged carboxylate
! How do we indicate that the second O has nothing bonded to it ?
! what makes it not match COOH ?
template: [>C[=O][-O](-*)]

type: ct
! sp carbon   involved in a triple bond
template: (>C(#*))

type: na
! sp3 nitrogen in amines
template: (>N (-*)(-*)(-*))

type: na0
! sp3 nitrogen in tertiary aliphatic amines
template: (>N (-*)(-*)(-*))

type: na1
! sp3 nitrogen in secondary aliphatic amines
template: (>N (-H)(-*)(-*))

type: na2
! sp3 nitrogen in primary aliphatic amines (same as na)
template: (>N (-H)(-H)(-*))

type: n+
! sp3 nitrogen in protonated amines
template: (>N(-H)(-*)(-*)(-*))

type: n4
! sp3 nitrogen with 4 substituents
template: (>N(-*)(-*)(-*)(-*))

type: nb
! sp2 nitrogen in aromatic amines
template: (>N(~C)(-*)(-*))
atom_test: 1
atom_test: 2
hybridization: SP2
Aromaticity: AROMATIC

type: nb
! sp2 nitrogen in aromatic amines
template: (>N(~C(:*)(:*))(-*)(-*))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
hybridization: SP2

type: nbo
! sp2 nitrogen in aromatic nitro compounds
template: (>N(-C)(=O)(=O))

type: n
! generic sp2 nitrogen (in amids))
template: (>N(-*))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
aromaticity: NON_AROMATIC

type: n3b
! sp2 nitrogen in hexagonal boron nitride
template: [>N(~B)(~B)(~B)]

type: n3m
! sp3 nitrogen in 3- membered ring
template: (>N(-*)(-*)(-*))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP3
aromaticity: NON_AROMATIC

type: n4m
! sp3 nitrogen in 4- membered ring
template: (>N(-*)(-*)(-*))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP3
aromaticity: NON_AROMATIC

type: n4m
! sp3 nitrogen in 4- membered ring
template: (>N(-*)(-*)(-*))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP3
aromaticity: NON_AROMATIC

type: n3n
! sp2 nitrogen in 3- membered ring
template: (>N(~*)(-*)(-*))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
aromaticity: NON_AROMATIC

type: n4n
! sp2 nitrogen in 3- membered ring
template: (>N(~*)(-*)(-*))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
aromaticity: NON_AROMATIC

type: n4n
! sp2 itrogen in 4- membered ring
template: (>N(~*)(-*)(-*))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
aromaticity: NON_AROMATIC

type: n4o
! nitrogen in amine oxide
template: (>N(~O)(-C)(-C)(-C))

type: np
! sp2 nitrogen in 5- or 6- membered ring
! not bonded to hydrogen
template: [>N(~*)(~*)]
disallowed_elements:P H
disallowed_elements:P H

type: np
! sp2 nitrogen in 5- or 6- membered ring
! not bonded to hydrogen
template: [>N(:*)(:*)]
hybridization: SP2
hybridization: SP2
disallowed_elements:P H
hybridization: SP2
disallowed_elements:P H

type: npc
! sp2 nitrogen in 5- or 6- membered ring
! bonded to a heavy atom
template: [>N(~*)(~*)(~*)]

type: npc
! sp2 nitrogen in 5- or 6- membered ring
! bonded to a heavy atom
template: [>N(:*)(:*)(~*)]
hybridization: SP2
hybridization: SP2
hybridization: SP2

type: nh
! sp2 nitrogen in 5-or 6-  membered ring
! with  hydrogen attached
template: (>N(-H))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
aromaticity: AROMATIC

type: nh+
! protonated  nitrogen in 6- membered ring
! with  hydrogen attached
template: (>N(-H))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
aromaticity: AROMATIC

type: nho
! sp2 nitrogen in 6-  membered ring
! next to a carbonyl group and with a hydrogen
! attached
template: (>N(~C[=O])(-H))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
aromaticity: AROMATIC

type: nho
! sp2 nitrogen in 6-  membered ring
! next to a carbonyl group and with a hydrogen
! attached
template: (>N(~C[:O])(-H))
atom_test: 1
hybridization: SP2
aromaticity: AROMATIC

type: n2
!sp2 nitrogen (NH2) in guanidinium group (HN=C(NH2)2)
template: (>N(-H)(-H)(-C(=N(-*))(-N(-H)(-H))))

type: n=2
! sp2 nitrogen in neutral arginine (double bond)
template: (>N(=*))
atom_test: 1

type: n=
! non aromatic end double bonded nitrogen
template: [>N(=*)(-N(-*)(-*))]

type: n=
! non aromatic end double bonded nitrogen
template: [>N(=*)(-C(-*)(-*)(-*))]

type: n=
! non aromatic end double bonded nitrogen
template: [>N(=*)(-*)]

type: n=
! non aromatic end double bonded nitrogen
template: (>N(=*)(-N(-*)(-*))(-N(-*)(-*)))

type: n=
! non aromatic end double bonded nitrogen
template: (>N(=*)(-C(-*)(-*)(-*))(-C(-*)(-*)(-*)))

type: n=
! non aromatic end double bonded nitrogen
template: (>N(=*)(-C(-*)(-*)(-*))(-N(-*)(-*)))

type: n=
! non aromatic end double bonded nitrogen
template: (>N(=*)(-*)(-*))

type: n=
! non aromatic end double bonded nitrogen
template: (>N(=*)(-*)(-N(-*)(-*)))

type: n=
! non aromatic end double bonded nitrogen
template: (>N(=*)(-*)(-C(-*)(-*)(-*)))

type: n=
! phosphazene nitrogen
template: [>N(:P)(:P)]

type: n2o
! Nitrogen in NO2
template: [>N[~O][~O]]

type: n=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon
template: (>N(=C(-*)(-N(-*)(-*))))

type: n=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon

type: n=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon

type: n=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon

type: n=1
! non aromatic, next to end doubly bonded carbon

type: n=1
! non aromatic, next to  end doubly bonded carbon

type: n=1
! non aromatic nitrogen doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>N(=N(-N(-*)(-*)))(-*))

type: n=1
! non aromatic nitrogen doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>N(=N(-C(-*)(-*)(-*)))(-*))

type: n=1
! non aromatic nitrogen doubly bonded to an end nitrogen
template: (>N(=N(-*))(-*))

type: n1
!sp2 nitrogen in charged arginine
template: (>N(-*)(-*)(=C(-N(-H)(-H))(-N(-H)(-H))))

type: ni
! Nitrogen in charged imidazole ring

type: ni
! Nitrogen in charged imidazole ring

type: ni
! Nitrogen in charged imidazole ring

type: nt
! sp nitrogen involved in a triple bond

type: n1o
! Nitrogen in NO
template: [>N[~O]]

type: nz
! sp nitrogen in N2

type: o
! generic SP3 oxygen  in alcohol, ether,or  acid group
template (>O)

type oh
! oxygen bonded to hydrogen
template: (>O(-H)(-*))

type: oc
!  SP3 oxygen  in ether or acetals
template (>O(-C)(-C))

type: oe
!  SP3 oxygen  in ester
template (>O(-C(=O))(-C))

type: oe
!  SP3 oxygen  in ester
template (>O(:C[:O])(-C))

type: oh-
! oxygen in hydroxide ion OH-
template: [>O[-H]]

type: o3e
!  SP3 oxygen  in three membered ring
template (>O(-C)(-C))

type: o4e
! SP3 oxygen  in non-planar four  membered ring
template (>O(-C)(-C))

type: o4e
! SP3 oxygen  in planar four memberedd ring
template (>O(-C)(-C))

type: o=
! oxygen double bonded to O, N,C,S,P
template: (>O(=*))
allowed_elements: O,N,C,S,P

type: o=n
! oxygen in aromatic nitro group
template: (>O(=N(-C)(=O)))

type: o-
! partial double oxygen bonded to something then bonded to
! another  partial double oxygen
template: [>O(:*[:O])]
allowed_elements: C,P

type: o-
! double bonded oxygen in charged carboxylate COO-
! or charged phosphate POO-
template: [>O(=*[-O])]
allowed_elements: C,P

type: o-
! single bonded oxygen in charged carboxylate COO-
! or charged phosphate POO-
template: [>O[-*[=O]]]
allowed_elements: C,P

type: o1c
! Oxygen in CO
template: [>O[~C]]

type: o1c-
! Oxygen in carbonate anion
template: [>O[~C[~O][~O]]]

type: o1n
! Oxygen in NO
template: [>O[~N]]

type: o1n4
! Oxygen in amine oxides
template: (>O(~N(-C)(-C)(-C)))

type: o1n-
! Oxygen in nitrate ion
template: [>O[~N[~O][~O]]]

type: o1o
! Oxygen in O2
template: [>O[~O]]

type: op
! SP2 aromatic in 5 membered ring
hybridization: SP2

type: op
! SP2 aromatic in 5 membered ring

type: o1=
! Oxygen in NO2, SO2
template: [>O[~*[~O]]]

type: o1=*
! Oxygen in CO2
template: [>O[~C[~O]]]

type: o1s-
! oxygen in sulfate  or sulfonate anion
template: (>O(:S(-*)(:O)(:O)))

type: o2s-
! bridging 'ether' oxygen in sulfate anion
template: (>O(-C)(-S(:O)(:O)(:O)))

type: o*
!oxygen in water
template (>O(-H)(-H))

type: h
! generic hydrogen
template: (>H (-*) )

type: hc
! hydrogen bonded to carbon
template: (>H (-C) )

type: hs
! hydrogen bonded to sulfur
template: (>H (-S) )

type: hsi
! hydrogen bonded to silicon
template: (>H (-Si) )

type: hp
! hydrogen bonded to phosphorus
template: (>H (-P) )

type: h1h
! Hydrogen in H2
template: [>H[-H]]

type: h*
! hydrogen bonded to fluorine, nitrogen, Oxygen
template: (>H(-*))

type: ho
! hydrogen bonded to oxygen
template: (>H(-O))

type: hi
! Hydrogen in charged imidazole ring

type: hi
! Hydrogen in charged imidazole ring

type: hi
! Hydrogen in charged imidazole ring

type: hw
! hydrogen in water
template: (>H(-O(-H)))

type: hn
! hydrogen bonded to nitrogen
template: (>H (-N) )

type: h+
! charged hydrogen in cations
template: (>H (-N(-*)(-*)(-*)) )

type: H+
! proton
template: [>H]

type: dw
! deuterium in heivy water
template: (>D(-O(-D)))

type: s
! sp3 sulfur
template: (>S)

type: sc
! sp3 sulfur in methionines (C-S-C) group
template: (>S(-C)(-C))

type: s1=
! Sulfur in CS2
template: [>S[~C[~S]]]

type: s3e
! sulfur  in three membered ring
template (>S(-C)(-C))

type: s4e
! sulfur  in four  membered ring
template (>S(-C)(-C))

type: s4e
! sulfur  in three membered ring
template (>S(-C)(-C))

type: s1
! sp3 sulfur involved in (S-S) group of disulfides
template: (>S(-S))

type: sh
! sp3 sulfur in sulfhydryl (-SH) group (e.g. cysteine)
template: (>S(-H)(-*))

type: sh2
! sulfur in hydrogen sulfide h2s
template: (>S(-H)(-H))

type: sp
! sulfur in an aromatic ring (e.g. thiophene)
template: (>S)
aromaticity: AROMATIC
ring: PLANAR(5)

type: sp
! sulfur in an aromatic ring (e.g. thiophene)
template: (>S(:*)(:*))
ring: PLANAR(5)

type: s'
! S in thioketone group
template: (>S(=*))
allowed_elements: C,P,N,O

type: s2=
! Sulfur in SO2
template: [>S[~O][~O]]

type: se-
! Sulfur in sulfate anion
template: (>S(:O)(-O(-C))(:O)(:O))

type: sf
! S in sulfonate group
template: (>S(=O)(=O)(-O)(-*))

type: sf-
! Sulfur in sulfonate anion
template: (>S(-*)(:O)(:O)(:O))
disallowed_elements: O

type: s-
! partial double sulfur bonded to something then bonded to
! another  partial double oxygen or sulfur
template: [>S(:*[:*])]
allowed_elements: C,P
allowed_elements: O,S

type: s-
! double bonded sulfur in charged phosphate PSS- or PSO-
template: [>S(=*[-*])]
allowed_elements: C,P
allowed_elements: O,S

type: s-
! single bonded sulfur in charged phosfur  PSS- or PSO-
template: [>S[-*[=*]]]
allowed_elements: C,P
allowed_elements: O,S

type: ca+
! calcium ion
template: [>Ca]

type: br
!bromine atom
template: (>Br (-*))

type: Br
!bromine ion
template: [>Br]

type: cl
!chlorine atom
template: (>Cl (-*))

type: Cl
!chlorine ion
template: [>Cl]

type: Cs+
!cesium ion
template: [>Cs]

type: f
!fluorine  atom
template: (>F (-*))

type: ff
!fluorine atom in perfluorinated aliphatics
template: (>F(-C(-*)(-*)(-*)))
disallowed_elements: H
disallowed_elements: H
disallowed_elements: H

type: ffp
!fluorine atom in perfluorinated aromatics
template: (>F(-C(:C(-F))(:C(-F))))

type: F
!fluorine ion
template: [>F]

type: i
!iodine atom
template: (>I (-*))

type: I
!iodine ion
template: [>I]

type: K+
!potassium ion
template: [>K]

type: Li+
!lithium ion
template: [>Li]

type: mg+
! magnesium ion
template: [>Mg]

type: Na+
!sodium ion
template: [>Na]

type: p
! General phosphorous atom
template: (>P)

type: p=
! phopsphorous with double bond
template: [>P (=*) (-*) (-*) (-*)]
atom_test: 2
allowed_elements: O,S,N

type: p=
! phopsphorous with double bond
template: [>P (:N) (:N) (-*) (-*)]

type: ph3
! phosphorous in phosphine
template: [>P[-H][-H][-H]]

type: p4o
! phosphorous in trialkyl phosphate
template: [>P(=O)(-O)(-O)(-O)]

type: p6-
! phosphorous in phosphate
template: [>P[-*][-*][-*][-*][-*][-*]]

type: Rb+
!rubidium ion
template: [>Rb]

type: si
!silicon atom
template: (>Si)

type: sr+
! strontium ion
template: [>Sr]

type: ge4
!4-coordinate Ge
template: (>Ge(-*)(-*)(-*)(-*))


type: o_1
! oxygen in phosphoric acid esters
template: (>O (=P(-O)(-O)(-O)) )

type: o_1
! carbonyl oxygen
template: (>O (=C(~*)(~*)) )
atom_test: 2
allowed_elements: C, H, P

type: o_1h
! carbonyl oxygen in aldehyde
template: (>O (=C(-H)(~*)) )
atom_test: 4
allowed_elements: C, H

type: oo
! carbonyl oxygen of carbonates
template: (>O (=C(-O)(-O)) )

type: o_2
! ester oxygen
template: (>O (-C (=O)) (-*))
atom_test: 4
allowed_elements: C, H

type: o_2c
! oxygen in carboxylic acids
template [>O (~C(=O)(~*))[-H]]
aromaticity: NON_AROMATIC

type: o_2p
! oxygen in trialkyl phosphates
template [>O (-P(=O))(-C)]
aromaticity: NON_AROMATIC

type: oz
! ester oxygen in carbonate
template: (>O (-C (=O)(-O)) (-*))
atom_test: 5
allowed_elements: C, H

type: c_0
! aldehydes and ketones carbonyl carbon
template: (>C (=O) (-*) (-*))
allowed_elements: O,S
allowed_elements: C, H
allowed_elements: C, H

type: c_1
! amide, acid and ester carbonyl carbon
template: (>C (=O) (~*) (~*))
allowed_elements: O,S
allowed_elements: C, H
allowed_elements: O, N

type: c_1
! dimethyl `urea carbonyl carbon
template: (>C (=O) (~N(-C)) (~N(-C)))

type: c_2
! carbamate, urea carbonyl carbon
template: (>C (=O) (~*) (~*))
allowed_elements: N
allowed_elements: O, N

type: cz
! carbonate carbonyl carbon
template: (>C (=O) (-O) (-O))

type: n_2
! nitrogen in carbamate
template: (>N(-*)(~C(=O)(-O(-C)))(-*))
allowed_elements: C,H
allowed_elements: C,H

type: n2-
! nitrogen in amide/imide anion
template: (>N(-*(=O))(-*(=O)))
allowed_elements: C,S
allowed_elements: C,S

type: n_3
! nitrogen in primary or secondary amide
template: (>N(-C(=O)(-*))(-H)(-*))
allowed_elements: C,H,N
allowed_elements: C,H

type: n_30
! nitrogen in tertiary amide
template: (>N(-C(=O)(-*))(-C)(-C))
allowed_elements: C,H,N

type: n_30
! nitrogen in tetraalkylurea
template: (>N(-C(=O)(-N(-C)(-C)))(-C)(-C))

type: n_31
! nitrogen in secondary amide
template: (>N(-C(=O)(-*))(-H)(-C))
allowed_elements: C,H,N

type: n_31
! nitrogen in alkyl urea
template: (>N(-C(=O)(-N(-C)(-H))))

type: n_32
! nitrogen in primary amide
template: (>N(-C(=O)(-*))(-H)(-H))
allowed_elements: C,H,N

type: n_32
! nitrogen in urea
template: (>N(-C(=O)(-N(-H)(-H))))

type: n_3-
! nitrogen in NO3- nitrate ion
template: [>N[~O][~O][~O]]

type: hn2
! hydrogen bonded to nitrogen
template: (>H (-N (~C(=O)(-*)) (~*)))
atom_test: 2
atom_test: 5
allowed_elements: O, N, C, H
atom_test: 6
allowed_elements: C, H

type: ho2
! hydroxyl hydrogen
template: (>H (-O (-C(=O)) ) )

type: osi
! oxygen in siloxane
template: (>O (-Si) (-*) )
atom_test: 3
allowed_elements: Si, H

type: sio
! siloxane silicon
template: (>Si (-O) (-*) (-*) (-*) )
atom_test: 3
allowed_elements: O, C, H, Si
atom_test: 4
allowed_elements: O, C, H, Si
atom_test: 5
allowed_elements: O, C, H, Si

type: he
! Helium
template: (>He)

type: ne
! Neon atom
template: (>Ne)

type: ar
! Argon atom
template: (>Ar)

type: kr
! Krypton atom
template: (>Kr)

type: xe
! Xenon atom
template: (>Xe)

type: sz
! silicon atom in zeolites (SiO4 tetrahedron)
template: (>Si(-O(-*))(-O(-*))(-O(-*))(-O(-*)))
atom_test: 3
allowed_elements: Al, Si
atom_test: 5
allowed_elements: Al, Si
atom_test: 7
allowed_elements: Al, Si
atom_test: 9
allowed_elements: Al, Si

type: az
! aluminium atom in zeolites (AlO4 tetrahedron)
template: (>Al(-O)(-O)(-O)(-O))

type: ob
! oxygen in a Al-(OH)-Si bridge
template: [>O(-Al)(-Si)(-H)]

type: oas
! oxygen in an Al-O-Si bridge
template: [>O(-Al)(-Si)]

type: oss
! oxygen in a Si-O-Si bridge
template: (>O (-Si(-O)(-O)(-O))(-Si(-O)(-O)(-O)))

type: osh
! oxygen in silanol groups
template: [>O(-Si(-*)(-*)(-*))(-H)]
atom_test: 3
allowed_elements: O, C, H, Si
atom_test: 4
allowed_elements: O, C, H, Si
atom_test: 5
allowed_elements: O, C, H, Si

type: oah
! oxygen in AlOH groups
template: [>O(-Al)(-H)]

type: hos
! hydrogen in silanol groups
template: (>H [-O(-Si(-*)(-*)(-*))] )
atom_test: 4
allowed_elements: O, C, H, Si
atom_test: 5
allowed_elements: O, C, H, Si
atom_test: 6
allowed_elements: O, C, H, Si

type: hoa
! hydrogen in AlOH groups
template: (>H [-O(-Al)] )

type: hb
! hydrogen in bridging OH groups
template: (>H [-O(-Al)(-Si)] )

type: Al
! Aluminium Metal
template: (>Al)

type: Na
! Sodium Metal
template: (>Na)

type: Pt
! Platinum Metal
template: (>Pt)

type: Pd
! Palladium Metal
template: (>Pd)

type: Au
! Gold Metal
template: (>Au)

type: Ag
! Silver Metal
template: (>Ag)

type: Sn
! Tin Metal
template: (>Sn)

type: K
! Potassium Metal
template: (>K)

type: Li
! Lithium Metal
template: (>Li)

type: Mo
! Molybdenum Metal
template: (>Mo)

type: Fe
! Iron Metal
template: (>Fe)

type: W
! Tungsten Metal
template: (>W)

type: Ni
! Nickel Metal
template: (>Ni)

type: Cr
! Chromium Metal
template: (>Cr)

type: Cu
! Copper Metal
template: (>Cu)

type: Pb
! Lead Metal
template: (>Pb)

! New types for pcff+

type: as
! Arsenic in AsR3
template: (>As(-*))

type: brh
! bromine in HBr molecule
template: [>Br[-H]]

type: cl4
! chlorine in ClO4- anion
template: (>Cl(~O)(~O)(~O)(~O))

type: clh
! chlorine in HCl molecule
template: [>Cl[-H]]

type: h_1p
! hydrogen in NH4+
template: (>H(-N(-H)(-H)(-H)))

type: hbr
! hydrogen in HBr molecule
template: [>H[-Br]]

type: hcl
! hydrogen in HCl molecule
template: [>H[-Cl]]

type: hhi
! hydrogen in HI molecule
template: [>H[-I]]

type: ho-
! hydrogen in hydroxide ion OH-
template: [>H[-O]]

type: ih
! iodine in HI molecule
template: [>I[-H]]

type: n_4
! nitrogen in NH4+
template: (>N(-H)(-H)(-H)(-H))

type: n_4c
! nitrogen in NR4+
template: (>N(-C)(-C)(-C)(-C))

type: o_1r
! oxygen in ClO4- anion
template: (>O(~Cl(~O)(~O)(~O)))

type: o1S-
! oxygen in SO4-- anion
template: [>O[~S[~O][~O][~O]]]

type: s4o-
! sulfur in SO4-- anion
template: [>S[~O][~O][~O][~O]]

(c=2(c2=)(ci(c_0)(c_1)(c_2)(cz))(c_0)(c_1)(c_2)(cz)(c-) (cr(c+))) (cr(c+)) (c+)
(na(n+)(na0(n_30)(n4o)(n_4c))(na1(n+)(n_31))(na2(n+)(n2)(n_32))(n_32)(n+(n_4))(n4(n_4c))(n3m)(n4m)) (n(n3n)(n4n)(nb(n2)(n_2)(n3n)(n_3-)(n_30)(n_31)(n_32)(n4n))) (nb(n2)(n_2)(n3n)(n4n))
(np) (nh(ni)(nh+(nho))) (ni) (nt(nz)) (na(npc)) (npc) (n(npc))

#reference 0
@Author Materials Design, Inc.
@Date 12-August-2010
Empty shell for pcff+ forcefield created

#reference 1
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 19-August-2010
Use compass nonbonds where possible, including use of unique ether nonbond type c4oe to restore
performance of original ether parameters - see Polym. Int. 44, 311-330 (1997) and
Fluid Phase Equilibria 217, 77-87 (2004).

#reference  2
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 19-August-2010
Quartic bond parameters from VASP energies for Ge-Ge and Si-Ge (as in compass-based md.frc)

#reference  3
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 19-August-2010
Refined nonbond parameters for -CONH nitrogen (new type n_3)

#reference  4
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 23-August-2010
Refined nonbond parameters for alkene carbon c=, and aldehyde/ketone carbon c_0. New atom type
o_1h for aldehyde; c_0 o_1h bond inc as previous c_0 o_1; c_0 0_1 increase by 0.25 (similar to oplsaa)

#reference  5
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 27-August-2010
Refined nonbond parameters for sulfides and thiols

#reference 6
@Author P. Saxe
@Date 28-August-2010
Bringing small molecules from COMPASS: SO2, NO2, O2, N2, NO, CO, CO2, CS2, H2, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe
Parameters from JPC B104, 4951-7 (2000). Note that for N2, the existing atom type nz is retained
from pcff.frc (i.e. new type n1n used in the JPC paper does not need to be introduced).

#reference  7
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 30-August-2010
Refined nonbond parameters and charges for aromatic amines and krypton; added new QM-based internals
for acetylenes, with nonbond refinement using 1-butyne and propyne

#reference 8
@Author P. Saxe
@Date 15-September-2010
Handling automatic parameters from pcff by making the quadratic bonds and angles into quartics,
and torsion_1 into torsion_3, so that they are simply compatible with LAMMPS

#reference  9
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 15-September-2010
Aliphatic amines. Use N, H charges from oplsaa for (close to ab initio), and refine amine nitrogen na nonbond parameters

#reference  10
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 16-September-2010
Nitriles.  Use oplsaa/QM to establish ct...* bond increments. Refine nt nonbond parameters

#reference  11
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 21-September-2010
Refine c_0 aldehyde nonbonds using acetaldehyde data at 293K

#reference  12
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 23-September-2010
Treat CH3 and CH2 carbon nonbonds separately per original c3 and c2 atom types (refine using C2H6, C5H12)

#reference  13
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 22-March-2011
Introduce monovalent ion params from Joung et al JPCB 112, 9020 (2008).  Fitted to 9-6 form for E < 4kcal/mol
(new params for Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+, F-, Cl-, Br-, I-)

#reference  14
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 20-April-2011
Refine Bromine nonbonds using bromo and m-dibromobenzene; also add unique ipso carbon params for diphenyl ether

#reference  15
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 27-April-2011
Optimize single set of LJ 9-6 params for flexible and rigid waters to fit ambient density, DHvap and g_oo(r).
(rmin=3.815, eps=.070, q_h=.403); N.B. Rigid water with experimental liquid angle _must_ change theta0 to 106.0
_and_ change charges to .421/-.842. Rigid water with theta0=103.7 (same as flex) must set charges to .418/-.836.
pppm used for all electrostatics. SHAKE bonds and angles used for rigid models.

#reference  16
@Author D. Rigby and M. Halls
@Date 7-July-2011
Add ammonium perchlorate pcff types cl4, h_1p, n_4 and o_1r and parameters as published by Zhu et al. - see
J. Haz. Mat. 167, 810 (2009). Note that the paper does not give all needed bond increments nor the total
charge on each ion.  Consequently missing increment data are deduced from results of additional NWChem
calculations, combined with the assumption that the original authors used the 'formal' values +/- 1.0 for
the total net charge on each ion.

#reference  17
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 15-July-2011
Refine carbonate oxygen nonbonds using diethyl carbonate data at 298.2K and NBP=399.95K (original pcff gives
298K density 7.1% too high, and DHvap 34.8% too high). Includes new OCO bond increments based on ESP fits.

#reference  18
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 18-May-2011
Optimize thiophene sulfur LJ parameters using IUPAC DHvap data at 298K and NBP=357.3K, with Yaws density data.

#reference  19
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 8-Oct-2011
Optimize c0 and c1 nonbonds for full consistency with c2, c3 refinement and improvement of quality for
branched alkanes (refined using neopentane and isopentane).

#reference  20
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 18-May-2012
Optimize n_2 urethane nitrogen nonbonds using 328.2K densities of ethylcarbamate and ethyl N-methylcarbamate
from J. Chem. Eng. Data vol 24, p 85 (1979). Add c_2 LJ params with same values as c_1

#reference  21
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 19-Dec-2012
Correct substantial errors in molecular hydrogen h1h nonbond values obtained originally from Yang et al.
(see ref 6 in this file). Perform fitting at NBP of 20.39K, with density=.070564 and DHvap=896.545J/mol
(DIPPR database values). Test using pressure and viscosity data from NIST database at (T=300K, rho=.075),
(T=300K, rho=.050), (T=273K, rho=.0017775). Note timestep=0.25fs used throughout.

#reference  22
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 24-Jul-2013
Refine chloroalkane cl nonbonds using DIPPR density and DHvap data at 373K for C2H5Cl and C2H4Cl2.

#reference  23
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 2-Aug-2013
Interim fix for LAMMPS discontinuity in torsion energy when Si-O-Si becomes collinear. Change
angle K2 from 9.0740 to 27.0740.

#reference 24
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 24-August-2013
Cleaning up the ge4 implementation and documenting it here. Note that it is currently a small modification
of silicon.

#reference 25
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 31-Dec-2013
Complete reparameterization of CO2 nonbonds (charge and LJ params) to correct large errors in prediction
of PVT behavior. LJ parameters reparameterized primarily using NIST experimental data at 150atm, 2000atm at 313K.

#reference 26
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 24-Mar-2014
New atom types c0oe, c1oe, c2oe, c3oe for alpha carbon in ethers with accompanying nonbond refinements using
dimethyl, diethyl, di-isopropyl, di-t-butyl, methyl isopropyl, methyl t-butyl data (IUPAC and DIPPR).

#reference 27
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 24-Mar-2014
Further refinement of c= LJ params using 1,5-hexadiene and 1,4-pentadiene DIPPR data.

#reference 28
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 07-May-2014
Parameters for sulfate and sulfonate anions (inc Nafion-like). New types se-, sf-, o1s-. Charges from standard ESP
fitting; nonbonds fitted to published LJ12-6 param (see Berkowitz et al JPCB 1997, 2000); Internals partially
optimized using automatic params with bond and angle r0, theta0 from QM optimized structures.

#reference 29
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 07-Aug-2014
Parameters re-optimized for nitrogen in tertiary and secondary aliphatic amines (required after changes to treat c0,c1,c2,c3
as distinguishable parameters). Introduces new atom types na0, na1. Used DIPPR Dhvap and density data 200-300K for optimization.

#reference 30
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 10-Sep-2014
Original published compass molecular oxygen parameters re-optimized to fit density and DHvap along entire saturation curve.

#reference 31
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 04-May-2015
Generalized template for guanidinium group n2, and fixed precedence tree to avoid unintended prec for amine N.
Adjusted bond stretching r0 using QM structure optimization on guanidine and cyanoguanidine.
Also changing auto_equivalence for 'o_2' (incorrectly equivalenced to carbonyl instead of 'ester' auto oxygen type in original pcff)

#reference 32
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 19-Aug-2015
Use phosphine QM charge of .08 for H and optimize nonbonds at NBP using DIPPR data (with auto params for bond stretching
and bending prior to full valence param optimization)

#reference 33
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 21-Aug-2015
Perfluorobenzene new fluorine type ffp and parameter optimization with F charge -0.11 (primarily at NBP and range 298-473K)

#reference 34
@Author Paul Saxe
@Date 17-Sep-2015
Added automatic oop for Si_ for C-Si-Si-Si systems

#reference 35
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 30-Sep-2015
Separately optimize nonbonds for primary, secondary and tertiary aliphatic amide nitrogen n_32, n_31, n_30 (n_3 is obsolete)

#reference 36
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 5-Oct-2015
Optimize nbo nonbonds for aromatic nitro compounds

#reference 37
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 15-Dec-2015
Added missing quaternary ammonium cation valence params based on fitting NEt4+ and NMe4+ VASP trajectories. New type n_4c

#reference 38
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 06-Jan-2016
Unique parameters for c3h, c4h interactions in cyclopropane and cyclobutane, with optimized nonbonds and no cross terms

#reference 39
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 23-Feb-2016
Refined charges and LJ nonbond parameters for silanols

#reference 40
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 08-Apr-2016
Reparameterization of bond increments and o= LJ parameters for sulfones (using DIPPR propyl and butyl R2SO2 data)

#reference 41
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 24-Apr-2016
Reparameterization of bond increments and sh,sc LJ parameters for thiols and sulfides (using DIPPR thioethanol and diethyl sulfide RSH,RSR' data)

#reference 42
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 27-Jun-2016
Introduce unique c5h, c5h1 atom types for cyclopentanes, and reparameterize without cross terms

#reference 43
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 02-Aug-2016
Modification of charges and refinement of LJ parameters for oxirane ring oxygen type o3e over range 173-373K

#reference 44
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 12-Aug-2016
Refinement of nonbonds for pyridine (bond increment and LJ params for N). Also new atom types p6- and n2- for phosphorous and nitrogen anions (currently using automatic params for associated N internals).

#reference 45
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 15-Aug-2016
Use separate charge section to enable automatic charge assignment for monatomic ions

#reference 46
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 26-Sep-2016
Add missing nitrate ion n_3- and o1n- parameters (with QM-based bond valence parameters and ESP charges).

#reference 47
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 26-Oct-2016
Update and refine parameters for carbonate anion and associated divalent cations (using FFO and crystal structures)

#reference 48
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 29-Jan-2017
Refined valence and LJ params for perfluorinated alkanes (new types ff,c0x)

#reference 49
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 27-Jun-2017
Hydroxide ion oh- and ho- types introduced, with initial parameters based on Bonthuis et al (2016) and refs cited therein, incl fitted nonbonds.

#reference 50
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 02-Aug-2017
Parameters for hexagonal boron nitride fitted to VASP MD trajectory data using Forcefield Optimizer

#reference 51
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 16-Aug-2017
Refined siloxane parameters using DIPPR hexamethyldisiloxane and decamethyltetrasiloxane data and introduced new c3si atom type for methyl bonded to silicon

#reference 52
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 17-Dec-2017
New molecular HCl types clh,hcl. Bond stretch from ab initio. Nonbonds fitted to Henderson J.Chem.Thermo (1986) and Brooks-Shapiro J.Phys.Chem (1996).

#reference 53
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 27-Dec-2017
New molecular HBr/HI types brh,hbr,ih,hi. Bond stretch from ab initio. Nonbonds fitted to DIPPR data at NBP.

#reference 54
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 14-Jun-2018
New atom types n4o o1n4, ESP-based charges and associated LJ and valence parameters for alkyl amine oxides. LJ param adapted freom Kast J.Phys.Chem. (2003). Charges and valence param from fitting energies to QM data (B3LYP).

#reference 55
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 07-Sep-2018
Parameters from FF fitting of alpha quartz VASP trajectories

#reference 56
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 04-Dec-2018
Parameters from FF fitting of alpha alumina VASP trajectories (ICSD 198101).

#reference 57
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 06-Jan-2019
Refined ester group parameters. New unique o_2c atom type and LJ parameters for carboxylic acid group oxygen.

#reference 58
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 30-Jan-2019
Unique nonbond types, c2oz, c3oz, and refined parameters for esters of carbonic acid (fitted at 298K and NBP).

#reference 59
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 19-Feb-2019
QM-derived valence parameters for arsine and methyl, ethyl, propyl arsines, with newly-added and optimized atom types as and c3as.

#reference 60
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 21-Jan-2020
Rectify error in Xe nonbond parameters reported by Yang et al (2000). Possibly intended 4.5260/.39 (not 4.26/.19), but using reoptimized 4.5171/.3879

#reference 61
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 09-Aug-2021
Unique atom types p4o, o_2p, for phosphorous, oxygen, in trialkyl phosphate esters, with added bond increments, and optimized nonbonds using Dippr data at NBP=488.15K

#reference 62
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 30-Sep-2021
New water model, with added emphasis on experimental 298K surface tension, further improved agreement between calculated and measured g_oo(r). LJ params for hw set to zero. Requires use of SHAKE for dynamics simulation (for MedeA 3.5 and higher).

#reference 63
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 26-Jan-2022
Unique atom type H+ for protons

#reference 64
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 01-Jun-2022
Unique atom type sh2 and nonbonds for hydrogen sulfide h2s

#reference 65
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 04-Jun-2022
Refitted liquid SO2 s2= nonbonds at nbp=263.13K

#reference 66
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 19-Sep-2022
Adjust carbonate bond increments and refine c1oz, c2oz, c3oz, oo nonbonds based on dimethyl, diethyl, ethylene, propylene carb DIPPR data.

#reference 67
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 03-Feb-2023
Minor increase in sulfone bond increment to improve quality of high temperature densities for sulfones, including sulfolane and diethyl/dipropyl/dibutyl sulfones (see also ref 40)

#reference 68
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 14-Feb-2023
Unique parameters for isolated SO4-- anion, using CaSO4 crystal data ICSD 16382 with FFO

#reference 69
@Author D. Rigby
@Date 31-May-2023
Re-parameterized nt nonbond parameters for nitrile nt after update to ct-nt bond increment, based on DIPPR aceto, butyro, succinonitrile data (see ref 10).