Status for 780: Na2SO4-0.5m-step 1-npt2ns-nvt2ns

Status: finished



Results for directory Job780 /Stage_2

Available Output Files in ./Stage_2

2.1_Initialize.out78.1 kBas plain text
2.2_Minimization.out10.6 kBas plain text
2.3_Velocities.out301 Bas plain text
2.4_NPT.out11.1 kBas plain text
2.5_NVT.out10.9 kBas plain text
LAMMPS.out111.6 kBas plain text

Other Files in ./Stage_2 (caution: may be binary!)

2.2.sci652.7 kBas plain text
2.2.xyz594.2 kBas plain text
2.4.restart.20000001.2 MBas plain text
2.4.sci652.6 kBas plain text
2.4.xyz297.0 kBas plain text
2.4_averages.txt2.0 kBas plain text
2.4_instantaneous.txt1.8 MBas plain text
2.5.restart.20000001.2 MBas plain text
2.5.sci652.8 kBas plain text
2.5.xyz297.2 kBas plain text
2.5_averages.txt1.5 kBas plain text
2.5_instantaneous.txt1.3 MBas plain text
Job.xml349 Bas plain text
LAMMPS.log144 Bas plain text
input.dat57.3 kBas plain text
mpi546 Bas plain text
parameters.dat1.3 kBas plain text
script883 Bas plain text
stdout1.5 kBas plain text
structure.dat609.2 kBas plain text

Follow this link for direct access to the directory, which is useful for downloading files